Disclaimer: This is a non profit fanfiction theory of the main canon character, Infinite's' full backstory. Sonic, infinite, eggman, orbot, cubot, and avatar. Are all owned by sonic team and Sega of America. I hope you guys enjoy the story and if you can, tell me your thoughts on it in the reviews.

Date of rewrite: October 31, 2018

Rating: PG

Description: Fantasy Violence

[Empire Fortress, night]

During the battle with the Eggman empire, Sonic, Rookie, and Infinite's showdown has finally reached it's conclusion. With the help of the Rookie, Sonic has finally defeated Infinite. While he is on the ground, Infinite is in a glitch-like state.

"Impossible, I cannot be defeated." said Infinite.

"Wrong loser! The things that can't be defeated are heart, soul, and the bonds of friendship. Three things you and your counterfeit cronies lack!" said Sonic.

After Infinite punched the ground, he slowly starts to fade away. The Phantom Ruby is trying to erase him from existence, and he is trying to stop it from doing so.

"No, wait! I can still fight!" said Infinite.

Infinite is struggling to keep the Phantom Ruby under control. After realizing his efforts are futile, the jackal flies away. Infinite is flying back to Eggman's laboratory, faster than light speed. When he finally made it to the laboratory, Infinite is trying to remove the Phantom Ruby from his body.

"No… stop! I… can't…. I can't…. die!" said Infinite.

Infinite finally removes the Phantom Ruby, then he collapsed on the floor. The Phantom Ruby shatters into pieces after Infinite's fall. Now that the ruby has been removed, Infinite's body returns normal. He stands back up, removes his mask, then decides to sit and rest up against a Phantom Ruby lab capsule.

Panting. "...How? How could friendship make you stronger?" Infinite asks himself.

After questioning himself, Infinite closes his eyes and falls asleep.


While Infinite is still fast asleep, Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot enters the lab. Eggman is furious after he lost to Sonic again.

"Darn it! I failed again! And I was so close to eradicating that blasted hedgehog and his friends once and for all!" said Eggman. After he heard Dr. Eggman's voice, Infinite starts waking up.

"Well, boss, at least you were able to find a way out of null space." said Cubot.

"I told you we should have eliminated Sonic when he was unconscious, but you said, 'No! After all those years of humiliation I've endured, I want to make Sonic suffer. Killing him now would be to easy.'" said Orbot.

Dr. Eggman stops walking then he growls at Orbot. "SHUT UP!" Eggman slaps Orbot. Cubot laughs at Orbot for getting slapped, which results to him getting slapped by Eggman as well. "THAT GOES FOR YOU, TOO!" Eggman continues to walk up to the main computer of the laboratory. "Just when I thought I've finally defeated Sonic with the power of the Phantom Ruby, I ended up getting bested by him again! But rest assured, I will never give up, I will finally win, and THIS time, I will destroy Sonic without hesitation!" Eggman vows.

Infinite stands up and holds his wounded chest. As he stands behind the capsule, he sees Eggman and the two robots up at the computer then walks up to them.

"Speaking of the Phantom Ruby, boss, what do you think happened to that Infinite fellow?" Orbot asks.

"Oh him? He probably got erased by the Phantom Ruby." Eggman assumes.

Disappointed. "Aw man! Just when I was starting to like him!" said Cubot.

Disappointed. "It truly is a shame." said Orbot.

"Hey!" Infinite shouts.

After Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot turned around, they're surprised to see that Infinite is still alive.

"What!?" Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot said at the same time.

"Infinite? How are you still alive?" Eggman asks.

"...By pure luck. I was fast enough to flee from the battlefield to get back to the lab. I had to remove the Phantom Ruby from my chest, because I was unable to control it's power anymore." said Infinite.

"Oh…" Straightens up his glasses. "Well then... Now that you're still alive," Eggman turns his back on Infinite. "you may leave."

Confused. "What? Leave?" said Infinite.

"You failed to destroy, Sonic, so I have no use for you anymore." said Eggman.

"No use? Who made you the boss of me?" said Infinite.

Turns around and points at Infinite. "You did, my jackal friend! After you agreed to join me to conquer the world!" said Eggman.

Angry. "As a partnership! I never agreed to be your slave in order to help take over the world!" said Infinite.

Dr. Eggman laughs.

"You are such a fool! The last time I had "partners", they ended up betraying me. I learned from those mistakes a long time ago."

"So what you're saying…is that you used me!?" Infinite asks.

"Bingo! You and your pathetic squad were no different from how I treat my robots! When I placed the Phantom Ruby prototype on your body, you've just been making my job easier to finish. How did you not figure that out before? I have no idea." said Eggman.

Infinite is starting to lose his temper after Eggman called his deceased squad, 'pathetic'. He closes his right fist and is preparing to attack Eggman.

"Pathetic? You dare call my squad, pathetic!?" said Infinite.

Mocking Infinite. "Why yes, yes I did." said Eggman.

"W-WHY YOU!" Infinite charges at Eggman. The evil scientist grins then presses a red button on his computer keyboard, which activates a robotic arm from the floor. The arm grabs Infinite before he could hit Eggman. "WHAT!?" Infinite is trying to get free from the arm, but to no avail. "HEY, LET GO OF ME!"

Orbot and Cubot runs away from the situation.

"MWAH-HA-HA-HA! Infinite. That was rather foolish of you to do that!" said Eggman.

"LET ME GO, YOU FREAK!" said Infinite.

"Freak? Hah! You're one to talk! Now then, I tried to tell you to leave, but I guess I'll have to "escort" you out myself." Eggman presses another button. A group of Egg pawns came out of the laboratory floor then they slowly walks toward Infinite as the latter is trying harder to get free from the robotic arm. "Now, I believe it's time we part our ways." Eggman turns around and walks away. "So long... ZERO."

Eggman laughs while he is walking away. The robots are closing in on the helpless Infinite.

[City, sunset]

Sonic is overlooking the City while the Avatar approaches him and stands by his side, looking out at the sunset together.

"Hey, you're taking off, too? I was thinking the same thing. You gonna keep moving forward? No matter what, yeah? Heh, you and I aren't so different." The Avatar nods in agreement. "See ya later, buddy!"

The two friends grin before fist bumping. Sonic then runs off while giving the Avatar a thumbs up. The Avatar waves back and sets off in the other direction with their grappling hook, in search of another adventure.

[City, sunset]

While the Avatar is swinging through the city with their grappling hook, they look down and sees Infinite laying down on a pile of garbage bags. Not knowing who it is, the Avatar decided to go down and see about him.

Trying to get up. "UGH...! GYYAAGH! Why that….old….!" Infinite is in so much pain that he can't even stand up. He lies down on his back, looking up at the sky, thinking about what he has done. He is thinking about the chaos he's caused upon many innocent civilians. The voices of the people's screams and Infinite's laughter can be heard. The voices ends for about eight seconds. Then tears is coming down Infinite's eyes, showing that he is starting to feel remorse for what he's done.

"All… I wanted… was to get stronger… f-for them." Infinite is thinking about his squad. "But…. But… it wasn't worth it. Why? Why didn't I listen to them." The Avatar lands in front of Infinite. They look down at him and is shocked, because they recognized Infinite even without his mask. Infinite turns toward the Avatar and he recognizes them as well. "You! So…. So you've come to finish me off, huh? Fine..." Infinite turns his head back towards the sky. "Make it quick." The Avatar takes out their Wispon then points it at Infinite. The Avatar wanted to shoot Infinite for what he's done, but they are hesitating to do so. "What are you waiting for? I'm no good for anyone… Not even for myself. So hurry up and do it!" The Avatar is still hesitating to kill Infinite. They close their eyes and drops the Wispon, showing that they don't have the guts to kill Infinite, even after everything he put them through. "If you're not going to destroy me…then get away from me!"

The Avatar puts away their wispon, then walks away from Infinite. Before grappling away, they recite what Infinite said during the battle.

"Friends are nothing but a fleeting illusion, you can count on nobody but yourself!" said Infinite.

"Your mask can't hide how sad and lonely you are." said Sonic.

What Infinite and Sonic is starting to effect them somehow. They turn around and look at him again, and they see Infinite crying. They're starting to feel sorry for Infinite and they don't understand why. Against their judgement, they decided to help Infinite rather than leaving him to die. They picked the jackal up by wrapping his arm around their neck. Infinite is shocked that the Avatar is helping him.

Confused. "W-What? What are you doing?" The Avatar gives Infinite no reply then they grapple away while carrying him. "W-Why? Why are you helping me?" Infinite's eyes were closing, implying that he is about to pass out. "But... Why?" Infinite passed out.

"Weak… Pathetic… Worthless. Those are the three words I have always hated. Ever since those days."

[Desert, Day]

There is a small house that is standing out in the middle of a desert. Outside the house, an adult anthropomorphic male jackal is walking back and forward in a straight line, waiting on something. A male jackal doctor comes out of the house, and approaches the jackal.

"Mr. Jackal?" said the Doctor.

"Doctor. How is my wife? Has the baby arrived?" said The Jackal.

"The good news is, the baby is here. It is a male jackal and he is very healthy." The doctor gets depressed. "But the bad news is…"

The Jackal begins to worry. "The bad news?" The jackal grabs the doctor by his arms in fear. "WHAT'S THE BAD NEWS?"

"Your wife… she..."

The man is starting to understand what the doctor is trying to tell him about his wife. He looks at the house in pure horror. "No! NOOO!" The man runs inside the house and he started screaming inside of it.

[Grey City, Day]

12 years later, there is a medium sized town full of anthropomorphic jackals, wolves, coyotes, and many other types of animals that lives in the desert. Suddenly, a small figure ran past them. The figure is wearing a torn up brown hoodie, carrying a large brown bag, and he is running away from the police, who is chasing him through the town.

"Halt! Stop right now, or we will shoot!" said The Police.

The figure did not head the officer's warning, and keeps running away. The police are now shooting at the figure, only to constantly miss their target. The figure enters an alleyway then jumps up to the roof of the building. The individual jumps from building to building, and escapes the police.

[Desert, day]

The figure escapes the town and is running out in the desert. He stops running, drops the bag, then takes off his hood, revealing that he is a young male jackal with white dreadlocks and two mismatched eye colors. His right eye is blue and his left eye is yellow. This young boy is Infinite when he was a child.

Panting. "Phew… That was close." said Young Infinite.

After young Infinite finish resting, he picks the bag back up then proceeds to walk off with it. While young Infinite is walking, future Infinite begins narrating.

"When I was a child, I spent my whole life living as an outsider in the desert. My name is Zero the jackal. I was a young thief, who normally wears a hood over my head to hide my face while I commit my crimes. My actions maybe considered wrong, but I was doing it in order to impress… him." Said Zero.

Young Zero enters his home. The house is the exact same house that took place 12 years ago with the doctor and Axel. Inside the house, there are many pictures and portraits of random people, there are items planted on the walls and some are sitting on the cabinets, and there is a light brown rug planted in front of the door.

"Father." Young Zero is searching for Axel. He eventually finds him sitting on a chair, starring at the fireplace. "Father."

Angrily looks at Young Zero. "What!?" said Axel.

Opens a bag full of items he stole from Grey City. "I took some things from a shop in Grey City. I also made it back here without getting caught." Axel picks up the brown bag, and takes out one of the items. It is a small statue that looks like a jackal, holding a book with his right hand while raising his left hand in the air. "Did I do good?"

Unimpressed. "Worthless." said Axel.

"Huh?" said Young Zero.

"These items. They look like they aren't even worth three pence. If you're going to show me what you got, let it be something that are ACTUALLY worth stealing!" said Axel.

"But father, every item I bring to you, you always say that they're worthless." said Young Zero.

Angry. "BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE!" Zero's father throws the statue to the wall, breaking it into pieces. "JUST LIKE YOU!" He aggressively tossed the bag back at Young Zero. "Now get out of my sight! And take that garbage out with you!"

Sad. "Yes, father." said Young Zero.

Young Zero walks out of the house with the bag.

[Desert, day]

Outside, Zero drops the bag then he collapsed on the sand trying to hold back tears. Present Zero starts narrating again…

"I have been stealing items from many stores in order to get respect, love, and affection from the man I once called father. That man's name was Axel the jackal. A retired bandit, who have successfully stolen many items, and has never been caught or arrested once. Ever since I was a baby, Axel always had something against me. At this time, I didn't know why. I continued to try and be a good thief for him, but he never once smiled at me, or gave me any sort of love and compassion."

Young Zero is crying. "W-What am I doing wrong?" Then the boy recites what his father said to him.

"Worthless. They look like they aren't even worth three pence." The words that really got to Young Zero was... "JUST LIKE YOU!"

"Me? He thinks…. I'm…. worthless?" Young Zero looks at his right hand, then closes it in irritation. "No… I'm not! I'm… I'm not!" He stands back up. "I will not give up! I… I won't! I will make him respect me...if it's the last thing I do!"

Zero narrating. "The poor little fool refuse to accept that no matter what he does, his father will never love him. But he just kept on trying to impress him by committing crimes in that city."

As time is going by, Zero has been stealing and going back to Axel to show him the items he stole, but Axel is still being angry and hateful towards Zero. "Despite my effort's, Axel still doesn't give me any respect. I kept trying my best to succeed…. Until that day." young Zero is tied up and arrested by the police. "My escaping days came to an end. I was arrested, and charged for burglary."

[Grey city county jail, night]

Later, Young Zero is wearing an orange prison jumpsuit, and he was thrown into his prison cell, by the prison guard.

"Now this will teach you, you little thief!" said Prison Guard.

The prison guard closed the door and walks away. Young Zero gets up and runs to the jail barred window. He shouts for Axel to come get him out of jail.

Scared and Confused. "FATHER! FATHER! FAAAATHER!" Young Zero stops calling for Axel, then he sits down and curls up into a ball in emotional agony. "Father, please! Please, get me out of here!"

[Cafeteria, evening]

Young Zero is now in the cafeteria. He is depressed as he is sitting down eating alone and keeping his distance from the other inmates. Until, a group of other juvenile kids appear, and started bullying him.

"Hey look, it's the new guy!" said Inmate #1. Then for no reason, the inmate knocks zero's food off of the table.

"Hey! That was my food!" said Young Zero.

Then the group of inmates push Zero down on the floor, and he lands on his food. He now has food stains all over his jumpsuit. The inmates started laughing at Zero while he is on the ground.

"So? What are you going to do about it, shrimp?" said Inmate #1.

Zero is starting to get emotional, because he has never once been in a fight nor was he taught how to defend himself.

"Oh look, he's crying!" said Inmate #2.

"Oh, boo hoo! Are you going to call for your daddy to come save you again?" said Inmate #3.

Every inmate in the cafeteria are laughing at Zero and some of them are talking bad about him as he is crying on the floor.

"Man, what a weakling!" said Background Inmate #1

"Yeah, talk about pathetic!" said Background Inmate #2

"No wonder why his old man ditched him, he's worthless!" said Background Inmate #3

Zero Narrating. "I was sentenced to three years behind bars. Every night I've been hoping and praying that Axel will come and break me out of jail. But after I maxed out my sentence, I haven't heard from him. I have served those years of misery, and he never came to get me out."

[Grey City County Jail Front Desk]

Three years later, Zero (now 15 years old) is signing his papers in order to leave the county jailhouse. He signed the papers, and the front end officer takes it.

"Good. Now I hope you've learned your lesson, Kid." said Officer.

Upset. "Whatever." Zero removes his prison jumpsuit and leaves the jail.

[Axel's house]

After Zero left the jailhouse, he returns to his home, only to find his father sleeping on his chair. Zero angrily yells at Axel.

Shouts. "HEY, FATHER!"

Axel wakes up. "Huh? W-what?" Axel looks at Zero and noticed that he's gotten older since the last time he saw him. "Oh...Zero? Have you gotten taller? And your voice gotten deeper?"

"Yes, I've grown up!" said Zero.

"Oh, how did you grow up so fast?" said Axel.

Zero is shocked that Axel would even ask such an idiotic question. "How did I- Did you even noticed that I've been away for three years!?"

"You were? Oh… I never noticed. Where've you been?" said Axel.

"The cops finally caught me. I've been in jail for three years!" said Zero.

"You got caught?" Axel bursts out laughing. "How pa-ha-thetic! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You got ca-ha-ha-aught!"

Thinking. "Pathetic... Worthless?" Zero gets really mad. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH ME!?"

Axel stops laughing at Zero, and he is surprised at his tone of voice. "Huh?" said Axel.

Angry. "I've been trying to become a good bandit, just like you was. I thought that if I'd follow your footsteps and become an excellent thief, you'd be proud of me. I tried my best to impress you so that you'd finally start loving me. I have spent years of stealing, being shot at, and putting my own life at risk for you, yet you still don't even acknowledge me in the slightest. So i'll ask you this, Father, what have I done to you for you to treat me this way? Why do you hate me so much?"

Axel is starting to get angry. "Why? WHY!?" Gets up out of his chair and looks at Zero. "What do YOU think happened to your mother!?"

"How the heck should I know!?" Zero asks.

"Your mother is dead. She's dead, because of YOU!" Zero gasps. "I hated you ever since you were born for what you did! Your entire birth caused my one true love to die! The only reason why I chose to keep your pathetic self rather than selling you away, because if i did, you could be with a family that will treat you like a prince while I'm sitting here suffering alone. So if I was going to suffer, you're going to suffer with me!" Axel knocks a small lamp off his small table out of anger. "And you want to know something else? That name of yours, the name I gave you. "Zero", describes everything about you. I called you that, because I predict that when you grow older, you will be nothing. A weak, pathetic, and a worthless man, who'll never amount to anything but be a failure. That's why I called you that! And the fact that you even tried to follow my footsteps, because you thought that I will suddenly start to care about you, just proves my point how pitiful you really are. Face the facts, brat! You don't deserve love from me, and you never will!"

Zero becomes upset after what Axel told him. He looks down at the floor in shame. "I see." Zero turns around and walks up to the front door.

"Where do you think you're going?" said Axel.

Zero opens the front door. "It wasn't even worth coming back here. I'm leaving you."

"You're leaving me? Hah! You wouldn't last a minute out there on your own!" said Axel.

"My fate is not for you to decide. If I die out there, it would be better than spending the rest of my life putting up with a miserable fool like you. But If I manage to survive, I hope that someday I will forget that you even exist." Zero looks at Axel for one last time before he leaves him forever. "Goodbye, Axel."

And without a second thought, Zero walks out of the place he once called home. Axel yells at him while his son walks away from him.

Shouts. "Fine! Go! Who needs you!? Don't show your pathetic face around me ever again!" said Axel.

Axel slam the door, and Zero didn't look back. He kept walking to wherever place he can hopefully find to stay in the desert.

[Desert, day]

Zero is walking in the middle of nowhere in the desert. While he is walking, he thinks about what Axel said to him, and his experience in jail with the other inmates.

Axel's voice. "I called you that, because I predict that when you grow older, you will be nothing. A weak, pathetic, and a worthless man, who'll never amount to anything but be a failure. That's why I called you that!"

Background Inmate #3's voice. "No wonder why his old man ditched him, he's worthless!"

Background Inmate #2's voice. "Yeah, talk about pathetic!"

Zero stops walking, and he starts getting emotional with tears coming down his eyes. "Me? Weak...?Pathetic? Worthless...? No…. I'm not…. I'm not! I am not weak!" Zero collapsed on the ground. "I *sniffs* am not *sniffs* weak! I AM NOT WEEAAAAK!" Zero screams with pain and sadness in his voice, then he buries his face in the sand.