Hello there! I'm back with a new Morcia story and I hope you like it (let me know pleaase :) )


It had been almost a year now since Derek had left.
One long year and Penelope missed her best friend and the love of her life so badly. At the first time, after he'd left the BAU, they'd talked almost every day via video message.
Since the day, Savannah had answered her call and had told her, Derek didn't want to talk to her every day. Penelope couldn't really believe that, but from that day on, she'd texted him before calling to ask if it was okay. He'd never told her not to call, and Penelope refused to ask. She never asked if it was true what Savannah had said to her. To be honest, Penelope was just glad to be able to talk to Derek from time to time.
But in the last two months, something had changed, and she wasn't happy about it.
Penelope looked at her cell phone for the hundredth time and sighed. She'd texted Derek several times and had tried to call him, but he wouldn't answer. Two months without a text or a call. Not even a picture of her beautiful godson Hank the Tank. Not even Spencer had heard from his big brother. They all were concerned about Derek. Penelope had tried to ask Savannah, but Drek's wife refused to talk to her and Penelope was wondering what she'd done to her. Penelope always thought that she and Savannah were some kind of friends. When Spencer had spoken to Savannah after Penelope had told him about it, Savannah had told him, everything was just fine, that they didn't need to worry about Derek, that he just needed some time off his team. That wasn't the Derek Morgan, all of them knew, and no one from his BAU team believed just a single word.
But Derek was nowhere to be found. JJ tried to visit him, unsuccessfully. Penelope had called Fran, Derek had called her several times, at least he was alive.
With another sigh, Penelope put her phone into her purse and closed it. She shut down her babies, grabbed the things she would need at home and left her bat hole, hoping for a weekend off from work. Waving goodbye to the rest of the team, Penelope headed off the BAU. She reached her home almost an hour later because she went to the store and bought some stuff for dinner. With two big paper bags in her arms, Penelope headed to her apartment not spending too much attention to the things around her. She just wanted to be left alone this weekend, watch some of her favorite movies, nothing more. Penelope placed her paper bags in front of the door and opened it when she inhaled a familiar scent...his scent.
She opened the door very fast, realizing how much her heart was racing. Forgotten was her food, she just wanted to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Derek still had the keys to her apartment, there was a possibility that he was at her home.
And there he was.
Sitting on Penelope's couch, leaning forward, covering his face with his big palms just like he had been there all day long. Derek didn't recognize her, he seemed to be lost in his thoughts.
Penelope observed him carefully for a moment, trying to calm herself down. Even if she couldn't see his face, she sensed something was severely wrong with the man she loved so much. And she wanted to find out what was bothering him, so she walked a few steps closer to him.
"Derek," it wasn't more than a whisper when Penelope was finally able to say something. He looked up, to face her and Penelope's heart broke. Never, not one time since the day they'd met, she'd seen him in such a distressed state. Derek had red-rimmed eyes and seemed so exhausted like he hadn't slept for days. His whole appearance was so hopeless.
"Baby Girl," he slurred and tried to rose to his feet, but he stumbled and fell back to the couch. It wasn't until then that she realized the almost empty bottle of whiskey in front of him.
Penelope hurried over to him and placed her hands on his chest.
"Sit, I'm here," she whispered, sitting down beside him.
Derek barely nodded and looked at her with so much sadness in his eyes, it broke Penelope's heart all over again.
"...so sorry...," he tried to talk but it didn't work out as well as he wanted, so Penelope smiled sadly at him.
"It's alright Hot Stuff. We're gonna talk tomorrow, but for now, I'll tuck you in, and you take some rest, alright?"
Derek barely nodded, tears forming in his eyes.
"It's going to be okay, whatever it is, we'll figure it out," she said, trying to stay as affirmative as possible. Whatever it was, Derek was suffering and couldn't handle it on his own.
"Can you stand?"
"Dunno," he mumbled. So she threw away her high heels and stood up again, grabbing both of his hands, to help him to his feet. Penelope wouldn't let him sleep on her couch tonight. Derek needed a comfortable bed to sleep in right now. Swayingly he stood in front of her, the way to her bed wouldn't be easy, but Penelope refused to let him sleep on her couch. Derek looked at her when she wrapped one of his arms around her shoulder.
"I got you, Handsome," Penelope whispered, and when she was sure, he was steady enough on his feet, she lifted her hand to his cheek to caress him for a moment. Derek closed his eyes at her touch and Penelope watched him with concern.
"Let's tuck you in, Sweetcheeks, you need some rest."
Derek only nodded and opened his eyes again. He clung to her and Penelope wrapped both of her arms around his waist to steady him. Very slowly, they stumbled towards her bed, luckily it wasn't that far away.
Penelope helped Derek to sit down on the mattress and pulled him out of his uncomfortable clothes. He'd always left some sleeping pants at hers, and she helped him to dress. Derek wasn't able to help a lot. She had to hold him many times, to stop him from falling, but somehow, she managed it to lay him down and covered him with her blanket.
"Sleep Handsome, I'll be here when you wake up," she whispered as he closed his red-rimmed eyes, but he grabbed her hand before she could even try to walk away.
"Stay," he mumbled. "Please stay."
"I'm not leaving, but I have the front door wide open and some stuff on the floor. I'll be right back."
"Promise?" He didn't open his eyes, and she almost couldn't understand him, but she squeezed his hand and nodded.
"I'll be here when you wake up, I promise," she whispered when she finally saw him falling into much-needed sleep. Slowly she pulled her hand out of his and kissed his forehead.
She watched him for another moment until she headed to her front door. Penelope grabbed the stuff she bought and closed her door carefully, she didn't want to wake up Derek.
After she'd brought the paper bags to the kitchen and had placed them in the cupboards of her kitchen, she decided to call Emily. Penelope eventually would need a few days off, to work things out with Derek. She couldn't leave him.
She pulled her cell phone out of her purse and called her boss then.
"Hey Emily, it's Penelope. I hope it's not a big deal to ask you for a few days off?"
"Lynch can jump in while you're away. Did something happen?"
"Indeed. Derek was sitting in my apartment this evening...," Penelope began, but Emily interrupted her.
"Morgan? Is he alright?"
"Unfortunately no. Derek was drunk like I haven't seen him before, I couldn't get a lot of words out of him. He's sleeping now, but he asked me to stay, and I can't leave him alone now. Derek seemed so sad. I don't know what happened, but it must be bad, what if something's happened to Hank? I mean, he's so little, or...I don't know, I just know it's terrible for him," tears stung in Penelope's eyes just when she thought about Derek's hopeless appearance.
"Hey, it's alright, PG. Don't worry too much before you don't know what exactly happened, alright? You take your time off, but keep us in line. Oh and tell Reid, he's so concerned about Morgan, just let him know that he's with you and that you take care of him, alright?"
"I really shouldn't do that, but I just can't stop myself. Sure thing, I'll call my Boy Wonder right after our chat," Penelope promised, and so she did after she'd ended the call with Emily.
"Hey, Garcia!" Spencer greeted her. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, but I just wanted to tell you, that Derek is here at my apartment. I think you need to know. I don't know what's wrong until now, but I will tell you as soon as we talked."
"Can you tell me what you know, please?" Spencer begged, and Penelope could hear the concern in his voice. Derek was like a bigger brother to him, both, Spencer and Reid had been very close.
"He was drunk, very drunk to be honest. He just said 'so sorry,' and I tucked him in. He's sleeping now, but I know something bad has happened. We'll talk later when he's awake. I promise to keep you in line Boy Wonder."
"Please, and hey, tell him I'm here if he needs me alright?"
"I will, and I'm sure he will call you in the next few days."
They ended the call, and Penelope laid her cell phone on the kitchen table. She took a look at the clock and decided to get some rest too. It was getting late, and she didn't know when Derek would wake up.
Penelope took a quick shower and put her sleeping dress on. Standing in front of her bed with Derek laying inside, she decided not to sleep on her couch but to join him. Derek was very restless, maybe Penelope could soothe him down a bit. She eventually laid down beside him and took his hand after covering herself with a blanket. Derek stirred for a moment and tried to open his eyes, but she squeezed his hand and whispered.
"It's just me Hot Stuff like I promised. Get your rest, I'm here."
A smile appeared on his sad face just for a second, but Penelope saw it anyway. It gave her some hope that, whatever it was, that had happened to Derek would be able to work out. She turned on her side, to watch him sleep while she held his hand. Eventually, she drifted off to sleep too.