"I feel so weak..." You mutter letting out a light laugh.

Natsuki fiddled her fingers together moving over to you.

"N-Natsuki... that was really nice of you to bring me cupcakes" You say trying to light the tension.

"N-no it wasn't... I almost killed you!" Natsuki uttered with a raised voice, obviously trying not to get emotional.

"No Natsuki... you didn't do anything wrong. Trust me, I love you. I love each and everyone of you" You say watching each girl's face heat up and smile at the same time.

All three girls had eventually left the room after having a much needed talk and relaxing reassurance for all of them. You wondered though... where was Monika?

Hours had past of you watching the TV above you.

You looked at the door noticing a figure slowly make her way into the room.

Monika pressed hands together softly making her way to your bed.

"Monika..." you utter quietly

She comes over to you, hands clasped together. She visibly swallows as if keeping her emotions in check.

This whole situation had terrified her.

As Monika allowed herself to get close to you, you saw her begin to tremble.

Her eyes began glossy and her lips began to quiver.

Finally, she couldn't hold it in anymore. The brunette held her hands in her face bursting into tears, her voice audibly hoarse.

"Y-you... can't... you can't d-do this to me..."

You heard her quiet sobs.

"Monika?..." you asked nearly heartbroken that this calm and collected president of the Literature club was breaking down right in front of you.

"You can't die... we need to find our reality... please... don't let the game win!" She said looking at you in desperation.

You were extremely confused now.

"Don't you remember who you are? You come from a different world! This isn't your home! This isn't my home! We can't have a home here! We need to get back into your reality!" She sobbed gripping onto the bedsheets tightly.

"Monika... I don't understand..." You said starting to lose consciousness from the mental effort of trying to figure out what she means by "your reality"...

"Please... please... stay with me..." she utterled looking deep into your eyes.

"Please... I love you. I really love you" Your eyes widen in shock.

'Monika... loves me? But... we hardly known eachother for the time we spent at the literature club...' you think.

"Monika... is this true?" You asked in shock.

She glances at you in what appears to be an expression of disapointment mixed with sadness and shock.

"You don't know... who you are..." She replied quietly while getting up and leaving the room without another word.

Monika couldn't believe that the person in MC's place thought he was the MC, and as if the rest of the girls were programmed to think he was.

But the MC was no longer a useless husk... he was a real person... the person she fell in love with behind the screen. That was him lying in that bed.

That was him put on life support.

That was him who didn't love her back.

She felt like she was just going to end up killing herself.

There was no way she was going to try and continue in the world if all she was, was a pawn of a game's productive story.

He had to realize he was real.

He just had to.

Something really strange started to seep into her mind. She couldn't remember how far away the club was from the hospital... or if there was even a hospital in this world.

Perhaps there was... but maybe her world wasn't as enclosed as she thought it was.