"So you're telling me there's no other way?" He was frustrated, even more annoyed with his parents now. He rubbed his forehead and looked down at the floor in disappointment.

"I'm sorry to tell you this." The financial advisor closed her eyes and hoped for a better reaction to her next suggestion. "There might be a way, however you have to be opened minded. It just might work."

"At this point, I'm open to anything. My parents are adamant about not allowing me access to the trust fund, and I can't stand sitting in these boring as fuck classes at Harvard anymore." He lets out a deep sigh.

"With the amount of money you need, you need something that has to do something with fame -"

He immediately cuts her off, "If it involves porn I'm not doing it. I'm not exactly keen on showing my dick to the whole world when I'm trying to be serious about my business." He goes to stand up and leave but she waves him off.

"Stop. Being. So. Arrogant. Now listen, have you heard of Youtubers?" She stands up and starts to pace around the office.

"The app right? With funny videos of animals and all of that?" He stares at her in confusion.

"Yes, but not exactly. How are you at acting?" She leans on her desk and looks down at him.

"I can lie." He suggests with a frown appearing on his face. He hadn't exactly done any acting but he still wanted to hear what she had to say.

"Well, this YouTube community has, as of late, been making a lot of money. I've been in contact with other financial advisors who work with well known youtubers. Top notch youtubers make on average a million a year - beauty gurus, vloggers, pranksters, people who stay overnight at places they shouldn't be." His eyes widened in surprise. "They make money off of the ads that YouTube puts beside their videos and such."

"And how would that work for me? I don't know about how to do any of that."

"Become a vlogger. Record yourself doing the things you do at Harvard. Such as how you got into the school, your daily routine as a student at the best college in the nation, show off your girlfriend, how you work-"

He cuts her off in slight confusion, a deep v now cut into the middle of his eyebrows, "I don't have a girlfriend, and this seems like a lot of work. If I stay in school, I need to keep up my grades or my parents are going get on my ass again."

She smirks at him. "I know you don't have a girlfriend. But, romance sparks interest. How would you feel about working on this project with another fellow Harvard student?" She ignores his second comment, this whole project is to make money so that he can do whatever he wants to do.

"So, we would split the money?" She nods with a large smile on her face.

"Exactly, you would be getting more money in the long run anyways because more people will be interested in the both of you rather than either of you on your own."

"I'm interested. Why does she need the money?"

"That's something you need to talk to her about. I will set up a meeting time for you guys in the upcoming week. Just send me your schedule for the next week, and I'll let you know." She's now giddy on the inside, not only was she helping two people make money, she would make a large profit from helping them. And the best part was that she wasn't doing the work.

"Alright. I like the idea; I'll just have to talk to her more to see how it works out. What's her name? What is she like?"

"Christian, you don't have to worry. Anastasia is a beauty and she's very sweet. She's soft spoken and she'll have your back. She's close friends with my daughter, Kate, since high school. Just you wait, this will be a great turnout. I'm going to get everything set, and hopefully you both will start next week."

A/N Just a pitch. Later chapters will be longer but this is just the prologue. Please review or let me know what I could do better. More reviews = More updates.