Guys, it's been real! I have so enjoyed working on this story for the past two years. This is my last chapter, but if all goes according to plan, I will most likely do another Mileven story after season 3 comes out. It's so close, guys! Also, I might do other ships and stories about other shows, so stay tuned.

This chapter goes out to all my fellow Whovians! I discovered Doctor Who when I was in 6th grade and it totally changed my life. It was the first show I ever really loved besides ones I had seen during my Disney and Nickelodeon days and now, at this point in my life, Stranger Things is for me now what Doctor Who was for me in 6th grade. My best friend and I got even closer because of it and I wouldn't be the fangirl I am today without it. I had anticipated making a whole 'nother story that was a Stranger Things/Doctor Who crossover, but I decided to just use that for one chapter in which The Doctor makes a cameo, since it's already related to time travel. My hope is that even if you've never seen Doctor Who, that you will enjoy the concept of The Doctor's character in relation to the Stranger Things bunch. Also, even if you hate Doctor Who, you won't want to miss this chapter, trust me! Well, without further ado, I present you Stranger Who!

(P.S. As always, feel free to leave a comment. Also, I agree with the fact that lately, my extension of Mike as a character has made him look like the bad guy. This was not my original intention, but I figured that his parents' separation and growing pains might explain some of this. I feel like this chapter shows his more redeeming qualities. Mike is actually my favorite character, I see him as anything but the bad guy. If anything, he's one of the sweetest characters there is, but every character has flaws. I am merely just trying to show that he's going through a rough patch. This chapter in particular shows his reliability and loving nature that we all adore. This may come across like this chapter's more about Doctor Who than Stranger Things based on how much I wrote about it above, but honestly, it's still mainly about post-breakup Mileven, so even if you hate Doctor Who, I think you'll still like this chapter. That being said, here's some brief context for those of you who are unfamiliar with what Doctor Who is about, however, it will be explained more throughout the story: The Doctor is an alien from a planet known as Gallifrey. His species is known as the time lords and he has two hearts, which allows him to regenerate. He is a time traveler, hence the name of his species, who travels in a time machine which is known as the tardis. He often doesn't travel alone, as he prefers to explore time and space with a companion or two. He has been through many hardships, many wars, etc. He is very quirky and witty, but also incredibly intelligent. There are many references laced in here, but everything else is pretty much self-explanatory or directly explained.)

"Mike, this, you & me, I need this to work."

"El, we broke up for a reason…"

"You and I both know that, but Iʼm not ready to let go yet. Iʼm not someone who gives up. You know that better than anyone."

"Thatʼs true, youʼre not."

"So, thatʼs why Iʼm asking you to give this another chance."

"Do you think I like seeing you like this? Donʼt you think it hurts me to see you here all because of something I did? Believe me, I hate this just as much as you do, but itʼs for the best."

"Please, Mike! Letʼs just get back togeth-"

*door opens*

*Doctor comes in*

El's eyelids opened instantly. She found that she was still in a bed, but it was her own rather than a hospital bed. Still a little groggy, she suddenly realized that it was all a dream. But how could that be? she asked herself. It felt so real, but she knew it was just her mind's way of telling her that she missed Mike, though not for much longer, as it was finally here! The day Mike and the boys had been waiting to come for weeks...July 3! Not only was this the week that the new and improved Starcourt Mall was opened to the public, but this day in particular was the day that the new movie Back to the Future would come out. Even before their break-up, Mike had already made sure that El reserve this day to hang out with him, Max, and the boys. He called her at noon to make sure she was still on.


*picks up*

"Hey, El, it's Mike."


"How've you been?"

"Oh, you know…"

"Yeah, *sighs* well, I was calling because I wanted to see if you were still on to see Back to the Future with us today."

"Oh, I had totally forgotten about that...Um, I mean, yeah, I want to see it, it's just...Won't that be kind of weird, you know, with us hanging out around the others after we just broke up? I mean, some of them don't even know about it yet."

"I mean, yeah, it'll be a little weird, but it's better that we get used to it sooner than later. Besides, it'll give us an opportunity to tell the rest of them if we wanted to."

"That's a good point...Okay, I'm in!"

"Great! Well, I'll see you then, I guess...unless you need a ride."

Though tempted by his offer, she politely declined, knowing that it's what was best for the both of them.

"Oh no, I got a bike, but thanks anyway."

"Oh...Cool. Well, see you in a bit. Bye, El."

"Bye, Mike."
*hangs up*

Later that day, before seeing the movie, Max called El to check in on her and also see if she was going. Once she found out that she was, she advised her to dress her best.

"El listen to me very carefully! This moment is crucial. You already met once alone to establish a friendship, but this is his first time seeing you after making that agreement. This is our first time all meeting together as a party again. You have to knock his socks off! You have to dazzle him. You have to act like nothing's happened, like you're over it. You have to show him that you're better than ever. You have to make him see that he's better when he's with you."

"There's no use...He was very clear about the rules of friendship."

"El, don't give up just yet. There's still a chance, just trust me."

"*sighs* Fine…" she groaned.

"That's my girl! See you in a few."

"'Kay, bye."

*hangs up*

Just as each of them paid for their tickets, El showed up in a cute, sweetheart, spaghetti strap dress with a white fabric that looked like it had been painted with actual water colors. Mike wasn't the only boy who took notice. Dustin and Will did too.

"Wow...You look...great," said Mike, shyly.

"Thanks, I feel great," she said as Max winked in her direction.

"Glad to hear it."

After paying for her own ticket, Lucas said:

"Well, shall we?"

"We shall," said Max.

Lucas, Dustin, and Will decided to go get snacks, while everyone else headed towards the theater. Lucas, however, was faster than the others. First, he sat down, then Mike, then Max, then El. Nearly two minutes after they did, Lucas whispered to Mike that he forgot the napkins and asked him if he would go back and get them for him.

"Are you serious right now?"


"*sighs* Fine, but next time I'm not saving you a seat."

"Fine by me."


Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Max's head and she leaned over to El and whispered:

"Hey, now that I think about it, I'm craving some Hot Tamales. Would you mind going back and getting me some?"

"I thought tamales were a Mexican dish…" said El.

"*chuckles* No, you're right, they are, but there's also a spicy candy brand with the same name that comes in a red box."

"Oh, I think I have seen those before, I just didn't know the name. Sure, I'll get you some."

"You're the best! Here, *hands cash* this oughta cover it."

"Be right back!" she said.

As Mike and El left the theater, Dustin and Will entered and Max and Lucas scooted next to each other, leaving Mike and El with no other choice but to sit next to each other during the movie when they came back. Sure, they were civil, they were friends, but things were still awkward as hell.

Mike had already gotten the napkins but noticed El was still standing in line, waiting to pay for Max's Hot Tamales.

"Long line?" he asked.


"That's too bad. Well, I have no desire to see the previews, so I'll just hang out here with you until then, if you don't mind."

"Oh, o-okay. *clears throat* I mean, yeah, sure! I don't mind."


As they waited, they chatted amongst themselves like two high school sweethearts seeing each other for the first time in years at their class' reunion, or in their case, middle school sweethearts. That was until it came El's turn in line.

"Oh, hi. Um, I'll have one box of Hot Tamales please," she said shyly.

"Alright, *clicks cash register keys* that'll be $4.36," said the cashier.

El looked down at her hands and suddenly realized that she had lost the cash that Max had given her.

"Just a moment, please," she said politely.

"Make it quick," the lady said rudely.

"Shit!" El said under her breath.

"What? What is it?" asked Mike.

"I must've dropped the $5 bill that Max gave me...I don't see it anywhere and I don't have enough money left to pay for it myself."

"Honey, I'm going to need you to pay for this, you're holding up the line," said the cashier.

"I'm sorry...You can just put it back, I guess."

"Nonsense! It's all on me. My treat," said Mike, pulling out his wallet.

"Mike, that's awfully sweet of you, but you don't have to do this, really!"

"It's nothing."

Shortly after, they returned to the theater only to find that their original seats had been taken and now there were only two left beside each other.

"What the hell is this?" asked Mike.

"Sorry, Mike. We wanted to sit together. You know how it is, with couples and all…" said Lucas.

*Mike grumbles*

*El passes Hot Tamales to Max*

"Thanks, El!" said Max.

El smiled at Max. Then, she slowly started to sit down at the same time as Mike, as they exchanged weird and awkward glances. It was almost like if two exes got paired together as lab partners for a chemistry experiment, and sitting together in dim lighting, watching a movie in the theater, a place notorious for being the home to handholding, kissing teens, well, let's just say this gave "chemistry experiment" a whole 'nother meaning.

As the movie opened, the kids sat with utter excitement in their eyes. In the scene where Marty McFly was late to school, Mike turned to El and moved a piece of hair behind her ear before whispering in it. This startled her and she gasped, turning in his direction. He then said:

"*whispers* Sorry, I was just gonna say that this is like Dustin being late to school on a daily basis."

"*giggles* Oh," she replied, then repeating his comment to Max until it finally reached the end of the row where Dustin was sitting.

Dustin then leaned forward in his seat and said:

"Psst, Mike!"

"Yeah?" he whispered.

*shoots the bird*

Max, however, was far more amused by how Marty held onto the edge of cars while skateboarding, thinking that it would get him to school faster.

Throughout the movie, Mike would say things to El. When Marty and Jennifer made plans to meet at the lake, he said:

"God, I miss going to Lovers' Lake with you."

He could tell by the way she looked at him that she did too. When the audience first saw the Dolorian, he said "That car is totally bitchin', amirite?" And in that moment he began to look at her longingly, slowly realizing that he had just used one of her catchphrases.

"November 5th. That's only two days before we met," he said as Marty and Doc set the time to that day.

"Yeah, I guess you're right and what a long time ago that was."

At first, their hands were in their laps and they fidgeted a lot, like they didn't know what to do with them. It was weird not having their hands all over each other all the time. It felt unnatural, like they only knew what it was like to be a couple and nothing but that. It was almost like they couldn't get used to the feeling of being alone together, and not in the sense of having alone time in a relationship, but the feeling of being alone itself because they were no longer in a relationship but were still around one another. They had never felt so alone while being together.

Both of them scrunched up their faces as if they were in physical discomfort. It was almost like they couldn't get used to the feeling of keeping their hands to themselves, though it wasn't for long, as Mike "accidentally" threw his arm around El.

"*peels arm off shoulder* Sorry! Old habits die hard, ya know?" said Mike.

"Yeah, I think I do...It's okay though," she said.

Both of their minds wandered to another place and their fingers slowly crawled towards one another with an undeniable urge to connect. It was like their bodies had suddenly taken over their actions and all of their judgment. They were no longer in control, but rather their feelings were guiding their every move for them. This dreadful tease was almost too much to bare. They could feel the tension rising and building with every inch they neared and when one of them stopped, the other stared.

During the radiation scene, El suddenly moved her hand to the arm of her chair, hoping that Mike would now know how she felt. Without one more agonizing thought, he flipped her hand over and slid his fingers between hers as their palms clasped together, holding her hand at the sight of hazmat suits on the screen. And in that moment, they locked gazes and Mike whispered: "Everything's going to be okay." El replied, saying, "I know because you're here with me." He smiled. Then, they both paused to take it in and thought about it constantly after it happened. It was quick, like ripping off a bandaid, but in some ways, it felt like it relieved the pain they both felt more so than it did cause it. It was intimate in its own way. Sometimes, she could feel his fingers twitching against her skin nervously, but she put him at ease, rubbing her thumb against his index finger with such endearment and familiarity. Other times, he would squeeze her hand tighter like he was afraid he would lose it and she did the same in response. They would readjust their hands together when they got tired and in doing that, their wrists rested against each other and their faces slowly drew nearer, leaning closer and closer without realizing.

Before Mike even had the chance to say it, El turned to him during the dance scene and said:

"Kinda like the Snow Ball, huh?"

"Uh huh," he said, as he grew sadder, his eyes tearing up.

During that same moment he said:

"Blues, your favorite."

"Can't believe you remembered!" she said.

"Of course I did! It hasn't been that long and besides, I could never forget something as important as that."

*El smiles*

After the movie, the gang headed to the one and only Starcourt Mall for some group fun. The others discussed the movie, while Lucas had something else in mind.

"*pulls Mike aside* So, you guys are looking especially friendly today…" Lucas said.

"Shut up…"

"Well?" he asked.

"Well, what?"

"Did you seal the deal?"

"Not exactly..." said Mike.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, it's complicated…"

"Oh, don't give me that bullshit again! Mike, what'd you do?"

"I may have friend zoned her."

"You dumbass! What happened to still being in love with her?"

"Nothing. Nothing's changed, I just figured this would be a good foundation to build up from and if not, then at least we're still in each other's lives."

"Alright, I guess that's fair, just don't screw this up!"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to. Just chill!"

While Lucas saw this as progress for the two, Dustin saw it differently. He was so used to seeing them all coupley that seeing them like this made him sense that something weird was going on.

"*pulls Lucas aside* Something doesn't smell right…" Dustin said to Lucas.

"What do you mean? I don't smell anything."

"I mean, something smells fishy...What's up with Mike and El? They're so different today."

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

"That's 'cause you're you! But no, I can tell, something's different..."

"You're probably just imagining things again," Lucas said, denying what he already knew was true.

"Fine, don't believe me then! See if I care," Dustin said angrily.

On the other hand, Max was busy checking in with El, which turned into them having a chat of their own.

"So, I couldn't help but notice who was holding your hand during the movie…" said Max.

"I was afraid you were gonna bring this up…" El admitted.

"You bet your ass I was! So…"

"So what?"

"What's going on with you two? What do you think it means?"

"I don't know, I think...I think he wants me back."

"And what about you?"

"I think...I think I might want him back too."

"I was hoping you'd say that! C'mon, let's do a check."

"A check?"

"Yeah, to see if you have any kernels in your teeth or if your hair's sticking up or something like that. We have to make sure you look really good. Open wide!"

*flashes teeth*

"*pats hair down* You're all good to go! Now go get him!"

"Thanks, Max!"

"Anytime, El."

Then, she ran up to him and said:

"Hey, Mike! Wait up…"

"What's up?" he asked.

"Nothing much, I was just…*stops to think* thinking of getting some ice cream. You in?"

"With you? I mean, yeah, totally!"

"Great! Follow me…"

As the two of them each got a delicious frozen treat, Max caught up with Lucas, reminiscing over their two best friends getting back together and how they might go about making that happen.

"Hey, you! *kisses* Did you talk to Mike?" asked Max.

"Yeah. It sounds like he and El are just friends right now, but he's hoping it'll turn into something."

"Well, according to El, it sounds like it already is...He held hands with her during the movie."

"Shit, you serious? Wow...Well, he managed to leave out that major detail!"

"Yeah, well, that's Mike for you!"

"True. *shakes head* I just can't believe that they actually broke up though...I mean they're Mike and El!"

"What? Mike and El broke up?!" asked Dustin, eavesdropping from the distance.

"Uh oh…" said Max.

"Busted!" said Lucas.

"Will one of you pinheads answer my question?"

"Alright, fine. You caught us! They broke up. You happy now?" said Lucas.

"No, no, quite the opposite actually...What-what happened?"


"Shit...I knew that all of this ditching us was gonna come back to bite them in the ass...*sniffles* I just never thought it would end like this," said Dustin.

"Dustin, are you crying?"

"No, what the hell are you talking about? It's just bead of sweat, it's summer for god's sakes."

"Uh huh, sure!"

"Well, what the hell are we all standing around for? Let's get crackin'!" said Dustin.

"Crackin' on what exactly?" asked Max.

"Operation Mileven of course!"

"Oh no, no, no! This is not happening…" said Lucas.

"Why not?"

"No offense, Dustin, but I think Max and I know a little bit more about this than you do...I mean, you haven't even gone on a date with a girl."

"Narrow, man...Little harsh, don't ya think?" asked Dustin.

"Sorry, man, it's just...I don't think there's much more you could do."

"Ye of little faith! Well, we'll just see about that...Let's make this into a little competition shall we? You and Max vs. me and Will."

"Bring it on, shitbird!" said Max.

"You're going to have to tell Will first though," said Lucas.

"Easy peasy!" said Dustin.

Once Dustin found a moment alone with Will, he told him everything about Mike and Eleven.

"Hey, Will, I gotta tell you something, man."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Mike and El broke up," he said. "Crazy, huh?"

"Yeah, it is, but *sighs* how do I say this…? Um...I already knew about it," said Will.

"What? Who told you?"


"I should've known...Wait, so you're telling me I was the last to find out?"

"Sounds like it...I'm sorry, I would've told you, but I thought you already knew."

"Eh, it's whatever. Well, anyway, I figured that we could team up and try to get them back together. I kind of made a bet with Max and Lucas out of it."

"That's sick!" said Will.

"What? No it's not. It's all to help them!"

"Still seems a little selfish to me..."

"Oh c'mon, please, Will…? You and Mike are so close, hell, you're ever closer with him than the three of us combined! That gives us an advantage! Besides, I think you could really get through to him. And El, well, she's practically already your sister."

"Yeah, but-"

"But nothing!*sighs* Tell you what, I'll let you have any one of my comic books if you win."



"You have yourself a deal," he said, shaking his hand like a spit swear.

"Yes! Operation Mileven is a go!" said Dustin.

Meanwhile, back at Scoops Ahoy, after catching up with Steve, the two sat down at a table.

"Mike, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Are you sure you still want to be friends?"

"Absolutely! Not being friends isnʼt an option, it just canʼt be."

"But why? Why would you want to spend time with me? Weʼre only tempting ourselves! No good could come from that..."

"Oh, but youʼre so wrong, El. Itʼs the closest I can get to still being with you, and Iʼll take whatever I can get."

"*smiles* Youʼre still my Mike."

"Youʼre still my El."

*El smiles*

"This is the part where I would kiss you now if we werenʼt broken up," he said.

*El blushes, bites lip*

Funnily enough, the four friends were so busy planning out how to get them back together, that they didn't even realize that they were already alone together in the first place!

"*chuckles* I've missed this," said El.

"What?" asked Mike.

"This…us *nudges shoulder*," said El.

"Me too."

"How did things get so screwed up?" she asked.

"I don't know…I ask myself that same question every day since we ya know…broke up."


*furrows brows in confusion*

"Hey, Mike, what's that? *points*" El asked curiously.

"What's what?"

"I don't know...There's this blue box over there, it kind of looks like a photo booth."

"Let's go check it out."


"OH. MY. GOD..." he said.

"Hmm...I've never heard of a Police Public Call Box before, have you?" she asked, the chief's daughter in her wanting to know more.

"It can't be! This can't be real..." he said, walking around it and rubbing the sides of the familiar blue box.

"So you have heard of it! What does it mean?"

"El, th-th-that's the tardis!"

"What's a tardis?"

"It stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"It's a...*whispers* time machine."

"Mike, don't be stupid. Time machines don't exist! This isn't Back to the Future!"

"They do in television..."

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?"

He turned to her and grabbed her by the shoulders, looking her straight in the eyes and saying:

"El, listen, everything I'm about to tell you, it stays a secret, got it?"

"Mike, you're scaring me! Will you please just tell me what's going on?"

"You know that show that the guys and I like, Doctor Who?"

"Yeah, I've heard you mention it a couple of times."

"Well, in the show, there's this alien from the species of time lords and he calls himself the Doctor. This is his time machine. It can go back and forward in time and take you anywhere in the universe. You could travel somewhere for a lifetime and it would only last five minutes here!"

"Why is it here? I thought it was a British show...Shouldn't it be in some British tv studio somewhere?"

"I don't know, but we're gonna find out!"

"What? Are you crazy?"

"C'mon, El...Don't you wanna have a little fun? It could be a prank or it could be real! We'll never know until we find out."

"What about the others?"

"Oh, I'm one step ahead of you!" he said, pulling out his supercomm.

"*presses button* Listen, guys, this is not a joke, I repeat, this is not a joke. Code blue! Code blue! Over."

[Several seconds later]

"Code Blue? What the hell is code blue? Over." asked Dustin.

"The tardis. It's here! Over."

"You've gotta be shitting me...Mike, snap out of it! Back to the Future's not real and neither is Doctor Who, no matter how much we want them to be. Over." said Lucas.

"You don't believe me? Fine! Come see it for yourselves. Meet us by the water fountain. Over."

"Copy that. Over and out," said Will.

Within moments, they were all gathered around the tardis, their mouths ajar in awe of how lifelike it was.

"Nah, I don't buy it," said Max.

"Aww, c'mon, you seriously can't tell me this doesn't look real," said Mike.

"It's probably just a practical joke or something. Besides, why would the tardis land here?" asked Lucas.

"Guys, this is Hawkins we're talking about! Stranger things have happened..."

"He's not wrong..." said Will.

"If anything, this town is practically crying for the Doctor!" said Dustin.


"Oh my god, none of this is real...It's a tv show for christ's sake!" Max groaned.

"With everything that's happened to us in these past two years, our whole life's practically a tv show waiting to be written! We can either walk away and pretend like we never saw it or-"

"We can step inside and see what happens," El finished.

"Now, who's with me?" asked Mike.

El put her hand in, then Dustin, then Will. Lucas and Max stood there like two stubborn mules, with arms crossed and furrowed brows.

"Your loss..." said Mike, stepping in after El.

They walked in and looked around, astonished and a little bewildered. It was extravagant, but something was off.

"It's bigger on the inside!" Dustin teased with his now not toothless smile.

"Why doesn't it look like the one in the show?" asked Will.

"I don't know, but I think we have bigger problems..." said Mike, locking eyes with the Doctor.

"Ain't she a beaut? Is that how they say it?" asked the Doctor.

"Maybe in the South, not in Indiana."

"Oh, is that where we are? This damn monitor's always screwing things up. Anyway, if you don't mind my asking, how did you kids get in here? The doors were locked," said the Doctor.

"Her. She let us in," said Mike, pointing to El.

"Mike!" she said, worried about revealing her powers to a stranger.

"Yeah, she's kind of like our very own sonic screwdriver!" Dustin joked.

"She's not an object!" Mike snapped.

*El smiles*

"He's a keeper, this one!" said the Doctor. "How long have you two been together?"

"Uh...Well, we're not, I mean we were, but we're not anymore," said El.

"Ah, I see...Never mind that then! How can I help you kids?"

"We were just looking for *clears throat* the Doctor. Have you seen him?" asked Mike.

"That depends...Doctor who?" he questioned playfully.

"*laughs* Well, that's kind of the point actually! We don't know either. He's just called the Doctor. You wouldn't happen to know him, would you?"

"Sure would. You're looking at him!"

"No, I think you're mixed up, we're not looking for just any doctor."

"I am the Doctor."

"The Doctor has blond hair...yours is brown."

"Friends don't lie! Tell us the truth!" said El.

"Guys, let's give him the benefit of the doubt...There's still the possibility of regeneration," said Will.

"If you're really the Doctor, then prove it," said Mike.

The Doctor then walked over to El and put his hands on her cheeks and temples, reading her mind.

"Oh dear...You've been through quite a lot now, haven't you?"

"You have no idea..." she said.

"Oh, but I think I do...Eleven."

"H-H-How do you know my name?" she asked nervously, amazed, with slight fear in her eyes.

"You're not the only one who's named after a number, El."

"In our time, you're in your *counts on fingers* 6th regeneration stage, so which one are you in now?" asked Mike.


"Oh my god, there's two of them!" Dustin said, putting his hands on the side of his multicolored trucker cap.

"I can't believe this is happening...What are the chances!" said Mike.

Once the Doctor offered to take them somewhere, anywhere they wanted, they decided that the future was where their hearts most desired to go.

Meanwhile, Lucas and Max were struggling to find something in the mall that was better than the tardis they had come upon.

"*bounces leg anxiously* What's taking them so long?" asked Max.

"I don't know, but this is a bunch of bullshit. *sighs* That's it, I'm calling them."

Lucas tried to listen in on their conversation from outside the door and asked what's going on over the supercomm. Dustin and Will replied, saying that they were about to take the tardis for a spin. Once they heard the shrill, rusty sound of the beloved blue box taking off coming through their supercomms, they knew it wasn't just too good to be true, and with that, they bolted towards the doors, as their friends pulled them inside the disappearing time machine. Once inside, Mike asked:

"Okay, who told?"

"Who told what?" asked Dustin.

"Well, by the looks of you and Will, I'm getting the impression that that wasn't the first time you heard about me and El."

"Well, Lucas already knew, and then El told Max, and Dustin overhead Lucas and Max and told me, though you know I already knew," said Will.

"Really, Max?" asked Mike.

"Well, what did you think was going to happen, Mike? You're the reason we're all friends in the first place, we were gonna find out about it eventually," said Lucas.

"*puts hand on shoulder* Mike, it's okay. Really!" said El.

*Mike nods*

This started a side conversation between Mike and Lucas.

"What? It's nothing but a little innocent flirting…" said Mike.

"You and I both know that flirting is never innocent," said Lucas.

"So, where to?" asked the Doctor.

"What do you mean 'Where to'? I thought we were already headed somewhere," said Lucas.

"No, I stopped when you all started bickering, in case it changed your decision somehow, you just didn't notice."

"Oh. Well, what do you guys think? The past or the future? America or another country? Or planet even!" asked Mike.

Max looked at the other boys, as they had just talked about the possibility of traveling to Hawkins in the future and seeing what Mike and Eleven's future looked like with the way things were going now. They all nodded and said:

"Take us to 1999 in Hawkins. *runs over to the Doctor, whispers in ear* High School Reunion specifically."

"You got it," he said.

"What'd you say to him?" asked El.

"That's for me to know and you to find out…" said Max.

*El rolls eyes and smiles*

"Well, here we are! Now, if anyone asks, say you are your own children. For example, Will, if anyone asks who you are, say that you are Will Byers' son and either give yourself the same name or a different one. That being said, try to avoid running into yourselves at all costs because if you get too close, you could undo your own existence. Do we understand each other?" said the Doctor.

"Yes," said Will.

"Splendid! Well, I better get my special bowtie."

"*laughs* How can a bowtie be special?" Max critically asked.

"Oh, Max! All bowties are special. You see, bowties are cool."

"More like stupid."

"Suit yourself...Ah, you see what I did there?" he said, earning many laughs.

Once they got there, they looked around in awe at all of the people that they would one day go to high school with, many of whom they already knew and recognized from Hawkins Middle. They got some snacks and traveled around to different people, marveling at the phones in people's purses and pockets, the music playing in the background, and the clothes and hairstyles among the people there.

"So, tell me, Stacey, who sings this?" asked Dustin.

"Are you serious?" she asked, without even realizing that he already knew her name.

"Yeah, seriously!"

"It's Baby One More Time by Britney Spears."

"Britney who?"

"Man, your parents sure have sheltered you from the world, huh?"

"You have no idea…" he said.

"Well, your dad was a sweet guy. You look just like him, my gosh! Anyway, but I've always felt bad, I used to be a real bitch to him, ya know. Oh, sorry, 'scuse my language!"

"Eh, don't worry about it. I don't just get my looks from him, but my potty mouth too!"

"*laughs* And humor apparently! Well, anyway, you tell him I said hi and that I'm awfully sorry about what happened at the Snow Ball all those years ago."

"Roger that," he said with a smile.

"You're a good kid, Dustin Jr."

"Thanks, Stace. It was nice talking to you."

"You too. Maybe I'll see you again someday."

"I'm sure you will," he said.

Then, after hearing about Dustin's encounter with Stacey, the others began asking about what their "parents" were like in high school, though really they meant their older selves.

"Well, hello there! You must be Mike's kid," said a classmate.

"Yep, and El- I mean, Jane's son."

"Jane, as in Jane Hopper?"


"Wow! That's so strange because you sure do look like your father, but they haven't been together in ages, or at least that's what I heard. Did she have you in high school?"

"Nope, just afterward. Years later."

"Huh, well, I must be mistaken then."

"When did they break up?" he asked.

"I don't think they were ever together really, but everyone always thought they should've been."

"Oh. Well, tell me, what were they like?"

"Well, Mike was one of the smartest guys I knew. He was always a great leader and a good friend. We had some good times together. Oh and I just adored El! She was so sweet and shy, and one of my dearest friends," said a classmate.

"Yeah, she's beautifu-I mean, a great mom."


Mike walked away, saddened by the fact that this person couldn't even remember when he and El were last together. It was in that moment that Dustin approached him and asked:

"Mike, can I have a word with you, in private?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Now that it's all on the table, what is this thing with you and El? What are you guys?"

"What are we?"

"Yeah, you heard me."
"We're just friends, that's all."

"Oh, like Nancy and Jonathan were 'friends'?"

"*sighs* I don't know. There, I said it. I don't know…"

"Well, you better figure it out soon because the clock is ticking...quite literally."

"Gee, thanks for the tough love, Lucas!"

"Hey, I am NOT Lucas!"

"No, you're right, you're not...You're just twice the pest he is."

"Am not!"

*raises eyebrows*

"So that's what you think of me, huh?" asked Dustin.

"I'm just messing with you. I love you, man. *nudges shoulder*" said Mike.

*Dustin smiles*

Meanwhile, El herself sat in a chair by the wall and watched as her future self and Mike saw each other for the first time in 10 years. At first, Future Mike was circling around the room, clearly scanning for her among the crowd in the gym. Then, he turned his shoulder and there she was. She came through the door, looking better than he had ever seen her. She was wearing a brown, bodycon, spaghetti strap dress that ended just a few inches above her knees. The dress was plaid and nostalgic, as it reminded Mike of her dad's plaid shirts that she used to wear when they first dated, that was before Starcourt Mall opened, of course. Her hair was twisted up into a clip, much like Rachel Green. Walking through the gym, she stopped suddenly and looked him in the eye, mouth ajar but slowly turning into a big smile. Approaching each other, they met in the middle of the gym floor.

"Jane Hopper? I'll be damned!" he said.

"*giggles* Well, if it isn't Mike Wheeler!" she said.

"I can't believe this! How long has it been? 10 years?"

"No, 11."

"*laughs* Good one!"


"Well, you look pretty...good. I mean, amazing, really."

"*giggles* Thanks, that's sweet of you. You look good too, really good. *looks up & down* Handsome even!"

"'Preciate it. *pauses* Well, can I get you anything? Punch maybe?"

"Sure, that would be great, thank you."

"My pleasure. Wait right here, I'll be back in just a sec."

"*smiles* Okay."

As this happened, Present Max and Lucas watched as their future married selves watched Mike and El talk again for the first time in 10 years. Nothing had changed. They were still the same loveable, meddling couple that they were currently.

Meanwhile, Future El stood there and caught herself smiling like she hadn't smiled in years. It was fated that they would meet again like this, but how would she tell him that she had moved on?

"Here you go," he said. "So, tell me El, what are you up to these days?"

"Well, I actually write. Books, that is. I guess you could say I'm an author. I just started though, so haven't published anything yet, but I'm working on my first novel. It's about my life."

"Get out! That's so exciting...Wow!"

"What about you? What do you do? *sips drink*"

"Well, I'm actually starting this organization that works closely with the scientific community to advocate for human rights and prevent abuse."

"Oh, Mike, that's incredible! I'm so proud of you! *lightly punches shoulder*"

"Well, I never would've been able to do it if it wasn't for you, so thank you, El."

"*blushes* You called me El."

"You'll always be El to me."

"Mommy!" said the little girl, running towards Future El with open arms.

"Hey, sweetheart!" she said, picking her up and kissing her cheek.

"Y-You have a kid?" he asked.

"I have a kid!" she said with a smile. "Mike, this is my daughter, Rory."

"*eyes light up* Rory! What a great name!" he said with a wink.

In that moment, Present Mike walked up behind a sitting Present El and said:

"*laughs* I can't believe you're actually going to name your daughter Rory!"

"Oh geez, you scared me! *chuckles* Yeah, I'm actually not surprised though. I mean, you were a big part of my life. You still are, and you always will be."

"Well, apparently not always," he said.

Present El looked down in her lap with guilt and then looked back with Present Mike at their future selves.

"What do you say?" Future El asked Rory.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Mike," she said, shaking his hand.

"Likewise!" he said.

Mike was interacting with Rory, letting her climb on his back and telling her jokes, when all of a sudden a man walked up beside El and put his hand around her waist, kissing her head and saying:

"Hey, honey."

"Hey! Oh, Mike, this is my husband, Thomas."

There was a pause. Future Mike could feel those 6 words crawling down his throat and moving down his chest until they reached his heart and gripped it so tightly that it broke into pieces.

"I can't believe I moved on…" said Present El.

"I can't believe I waited...Well, actually I can. 353 days is nothing," said Present Mike.

"*giggles* You're so full of it!" she replied.

"I've heard so much about you. Don't worry, all good things!" Thomas said, shaking his hand.

"*fake laughs* I'm sure," said Future Mike.

It was quite awkward, the whole thing, but they continued to talk amongst themselves...that was until an oldie came on, a song that Mike and El each held close to their heart: Every Breath You Take. They both looked at each other almost immediately. El said:

"Ohhuhho! Mike, do you remember this?"

"How could I forget!"


"What? What's so special about this song?" asked Thomas.

"You mean he actually doesn't know?" asked Mike.

"This is the song that Mike and I had our first dance to at the middle school formal," said El.

"Aww, that's sweet..." said Thomas.

"Not only our first dance, but our second ki-"

"SHHH!" said El.

"Thomas, may I steal your wife for a minute?"

"By all means," he said.

"C'mon, El. Let's show 'em how it's done."

"Mike, I don't know if this is such a good ide-Whoa!" she said, as he practically pulled her onto the dance floor.

He put each of her individual hands on his shoulders, one after the other, just like the first time. She smiled and swayed along with him. She had never slow danced with anyone other than Thomas ever since she got married, but that all would change soon enough. When the lyrics reached the part where he stole a kiss from her all those years ago, they each looked at each other and almost started leaning in, but stopped themselves, knowing it was wrong despite how right it felt. Afterwards, they headed back to their table.

"Well, I hate to cut it short, but I better be heading out soon," said Mike.

"So soon?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, well, Will and I were going to get dinner, but you three are welcome to join us later if you want!" said Mike.

"Eh, that's okay. I think we're planning on staying for the dinner here actually, right babe?" asked Thomas.

"Yeah, r-r-right," she said, feeling guilty.

"Oh okay then. Well, it was really nice to meet you Rory...and Thomas. El, it's always a pleasure," he said, walking away.

"Mike, wait!" she said.

He stopped and she ran towards him and gave him a big, long hug, saying:

"Take care of yourself! I lo-I'll miss you."

"Only if you do the same," he said.

"Promise?" she asked playfully.

"Promise," he answered with a smile.

Present El could feel what her future self was feeling, see what she was seeing. She found herself in tears at the end of it all and when she turned her shoulder, she found that Mike was the same way. So, she ran to the girl's bathroom to freshen up and he followed her, afraid of leaving her by herself like this.

"*knocks on stall* El?" asked Mike.

"Mike, this is the girl's room. What are you doing in here?"

"I came to check on you."

"Well, I'm fine. I don't need a babysitter."

"Well, you're clearly not fine and I wasn't saying that, I just *sighs* I wanted to make sure you were okay. A lot just happened and I'm still processing it myself."

*unlatches door, walks out*

She looked at him with sincerity and wiped the tears away from her eyes with both hands. Then, she threw her arms around him and hugged him tight and long, just like Future El had done to Future Mike.

"I can't live 10 years without you. Things might not be in the cards for us now, but they will be someday," said Mike.

"We've known what it's like to be apart when we should've been together and now we know what it's like to be apart after we've already been together. Neither way works. God, how I wish we could do it all over. I never would've gotten married or had a kid with someone if that someone wasn't you."

"El, you can't beat yourself up over something that hasn't happened yet! You're forgetting, there's still time now. We'll have all the time in the world when we get back. The world is our oyster!"

"Mike, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, shoot!"

"Have you noticed that weʼve started flirting more than we used to now that weʼre broken up?"

"Yeah, I mean thatʼs certainly true."

"You seem to know why that is..."

"I mean, yeah, or at least I know why I am."

"Why are you?

"It's simple. Because I donʼt know how to go back to the way things were before we kissed, and frankly I donʼt want to...because I still love you, El."

"Mike, I'm tired of pretending. I'm not over you, I never was. And that's why...that's why I still love you too."

"*smiles* Really? You-You mean that?"

"Yeah, I really do. And don't you ever, ever, leave me. You got that, Mike Wheeler?"

"I promise," said Mike.

"Good. Then, let's get out of here."

"I second that!" he said.

"Well, then. Shall we?" she asked, holding out her hand.

"We shall!" he said, taking it in his.

They ran out of the gym together and then Mike turned to El and said:

"Wait, wait, I never even asked, what did you learn about your future self today?"

"Nothing," she said.


"Yeah, nothing. I didn't want to spoil anything for myself because I'm still figuring out who I am and I don't want someone else to determine that for me. I want to make my own destiny."

"That's beautiful."

"Who knew I had such deep wisdom, right?"

"I always did," he said.

"*smiles* Thanks."


Once they reached the tardis, much to their surprise, they were the last ones there.

"Well, it took ya long enough!" said Dustin.

"Oh, well, I'm glad to have such a warm welcome!" said Mike.

"Boys, boys…" said Max. "Let's get the fuck out of here so we can fix the future, eh?"

"I'm down," said Lucas.

"Yes, come along, Wheeler," said the Doctor.

"Are you kids sure you just wanna go back home? There's a whole world out there waiting for you to explore!" he continued.

"That's awfully kind of you, Doctor, but I think we have more important things to settle at home. Right, guys?" said Will.

"Right," said El.

"Whatever tickles your peach!" he said, pulling the lever on the tardis. "Hold on tight, kids. GERONIMO!"

Though their journey was over, their curiosity doors were still unlocked, especially Eleven's. So, she stayed back in the tardis with him while the others explored the mall, all except for Mike, who waited outside the beloved time machine for her.

"So, El, tell me, do you like yourself?"

"I guess...I don't know. Other people like me, but how can I like myself when I don't fully know myself."

"If you know that you're a good person deep down, which I think you do, then that's all it takes. If you like your personality, if you like the way you look, if you take pride in the things that you love, then that's all you need really. Don't be afraid to try new things, El. You might even surprise yourself! Who knows?"

"*nudges shoulder* Thanks, Doctor."

"*pats back* Anytime, my friend."

"Doctor?" she asked.

"Yes, El?"

"You're a hero right?"

"I suppose so...Why, dear?"

"How do you do it?"

"How do I do what?"

"How do you do it? All the time, you protect the human race and you stand up to others that threaten them. I've seen it with my own eyes when I read your mind, and a complex one at that. I just want to know how you do it."

"The same way you do. I do it out of love for the people I'm closest to and that love extends out to those that I don't know, even those that are a stranger to me."

"Who knew that the mad man with a box had a soft side after all!" she joked.

"*chuckles* Now let me ask you a question."

"Ask away!" she said.

"Why are you sitting here with an old fart like me when you could be telling the boy who loves you that you still love him too?"

"You just know everything there is to know about everyone, don't you?"

"No, but I know love when I see it and you guys are most certainly in love."

"Well, I got nothing, but I already told him and nothing happened."

"So show him then!"

"I guess you're right...I can't argue with that."

"Of course I'm right! I'm the Doctor."

"And how do I know that this won't be the last time I see you."

"You don't, but trust me, I'm the Doctor."

"Whatever that's supposed to mean..."

"Well, how 'bout friends don't lie, huh? That means something to you."

"Yeah, it does. *chortles, smiles* Well, I'll see you later then, my friend."

"Goodbye, El, but not forever! Now, go! Go find your Wheeler boy before it's too late!"

"I will. Goodbye, Doctor."

"Oh, and El!"

"Yes, Doctor?"

"Keep an eye on the lights because in this town, in this life, there's evil at every turn and you never know what's going to wreak havoc or when really, but I know you can handle it."

"Thanks, Doctor."

*straightens bowtie*

*El opens doors, closes them*

"Hey, you," said Mike.

"Hey!" she said.

"Do I love you or is Kali just messing with me because I can't seem to get you out of my head!"

*El smiles, blushes*

"So, do you think he'll ever come back?" he asked.

"I have a pretty good feeling that he will."

"What makes you think that?"

"It's an Eleven thing, you wouldn't understand."

"Oh, well, I guess I'll just have to take your word for it. That's all I can do really!"

"*chortles* Guess so."

"*gasps* You know what I just realized?" she continued.

"What?" he asked.

"Well, I had this dream this morning that I was so stressed out about our break up that it gave me a stomach ulcer that put me in the hospital and I was begging for you to take me back, until we were interrupted by a doctor walking in. I think maybe my dream was foreshadowing all of this. How the Doctor took us on a journey to learn what life would look like if we weren't together and that that would prompt us to get back together."

"Well, slow down, we're not back together yet, but maybe you're onto something…"

He threw his arm around her and she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"How many of our rules do you think weʼve broken today?" she asked.

"*chuckles* I donʼt know, practically all of them. *pauses* Well, thereʼs still one we havenʼt broken yet…"

"Which one?" she asked.

*gives her look*

"Oh, that one," she said.


"Are you saying you want to?"

"I mean, I donʼt not want to," he said.

"Me neither."

"So, what does this mean? Are we doing this, right now?" he asked.

"I donʼt know, what do you think?"

His eyes darted up and down until finally landing on her lips without question this time.

"Screw it!" he said.

He placed his hands on both of her cheeks and began to lean in, but El was impatient and pulled him towards her by the collar of his shirt. She could feel his breath against her cheek as his lips met hers. But for Mike, just the feeling of her hand sliding down his chest alone was enough for him to want more than a friendship from her. Though only momentarily, they each held the back of one another's neck in unison with the same desire. At first, it was just a kiss, a trial, a test to see how much they missed each other and how compatible they were now, but then it became more. At first, it was like everything was happening in slow motion and then it suddenly sped up and they could feel their friendship starting to fade away and sprout into something new yet familiar. Yes, at some point they let go, and not of each other, but of all of the things that were holding them back and they let loose. And within seconds, his hands brushed past her neck and met the small of her back, just as the tardis was starting to disappear behind them. And with that, he grazed the sides of her thighs and pulled her into his lap, the wind of the tardis' departure blowing in their faces.

"Well, so much for friendship!" said El.

"You could say that again!" he said.

*continues kissing*

*lights flicker*

"Is that you?" asked Mike.

"What do you mean 'is that me'?"

"Well, sometimes when you use your powers, the lights flicker, so I didn't know if you were just so turned on right now that it triggered your powers or something."

"Wow, someone's cocky!" she said.

"Oh, shut up!" he said.

"Make me!" she said.


"Nothing's wrong, right? It's probably just a problem with the wiring, you know new buildings can do that sometimes," he said.

"Yeah, totally," she said.


*lights continue*


"Can't we ever catch a break?"

"Guess not. The Doctor actually warned me about the lights...Maybe this is what he meant."

"Great! This is just great! *sighs* Guess we have to go save the town again for the millionth time! *stands up*"

"Yeah, but you know what?"

"What?" he asked, reaching his hands out for her to grab onto.

"*grabs hands, pulls self up* There's no one I'd rather save it with."

*smiles, kisses*

And so, the two met with the others in the middle of the mall, including Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, Erica, Joyce, Hopper, and Murray, all of whom were ready to take on the next challenge that was coming their way. Who knew that the place that prompted their breakup in some ways, would also be what brought them back together...