Chapter 20: The Come and Go Room


Most guests had already left when Medea suddenly appeared next to me. Once again I was left speechless by her presence. Her tone was urgent when she asked me to leave immediately.

"Where should we go?"

"Oh, please, you know the castle and grounds very well. I'm sure you can come up with a place where we won't be disturbed."

Sighing deeply, I drained my glass of Butterbeer and took her hand to lead her out of Slughorn's chambers.

"Fine, if it really is that important to you."

We made our way to the Room of Requirement, while curiosity ate me up from within. She waited patiently as I was pacing three times up and down the corridor. The door appeared and I opened it, motioning her to enter first. This time the Room was more comfortable and cozier, than during the meetings of my Knights. I sat down on a sofa and Medea started to walk around nervously, like a tiger in a cage.

"What is it then?" I asked impatiently.

"There are two things. Well, actually three, I think. Really depends on the way you look at it."

Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm her down and get her to start.

"Just begin with the story, alright?"


After I had finished my first story, Tom was staring at the floor with knitted eyebrows. A dark look on his face.

"Grindelwald's Army really wanted you that badly?"

"Why do you sound so surprised? Besides that, I think it was more of an 'unfinished business' kind of thing."

He grunted a response.

"And considering that her disappearance would have made people suspicious, especially her brother, I thought to obliviate Druella thoroughly would make the most sense."

"Have you been thorough enough?" He asked with a tense voice.

"I did the most I could do without making her forget to breath. So, yes, I was. She definetly won't be an issue anymore, trust me."

"Fine. What about the rest? You said there was something else."

He stared at me with a frustrated expression.

"Yes, there is. It is something I found out only an hour ago. It has to do with your parents." I spoke calmly, not wanting to fuel his temper.

"Go on," he said icily.

"Your Mother went to school here. In the same time Slughorn did. I think...that I found out what happened between your Father and her."

"What exactly do you mean and what has Slughorn to do with it?" He raised his voice and crossed his arms, looking furious.

"After she attended Hogwarts, your mother sent a letter asking Slughorn for help...on a love potion. He really did help her. It seems that it was around the time of your conception. Your Mother used a potion to get your Father to marry Her," I let this sink in for a moment before I continued.

"And when she stopped, or ran out of it...Well, that must have been the reason why he left."

At this point, I wasn't sure how to reach Tom. He continued to stare at the floor, grinding his teeth. His handsome features were now a grimace of cold anger.

"What about me then? Why didn't he take me with him?" His voice was drained of all emotion and despite the warm fireplace I was freezing.

"He might not have known. We could, only if you want to, try to find him." I proposed this in the softest voice I could manage.

"Why would I care for a Muggle?" He spat.

"Think about it. He might be like you. From what I heard from Slughorn, your Mother was nothing like you." He now looked up into my eyes and stood up.

While walking a few steps towards me he spoke in a steely voice:

"Do you really think that I want to know more about that side of my family? Do you think anyone would respect me if they found out that I had anything to do with them?"

"I know that you make everyone believe what you want. Even if you are ashamed of it, he is still your Father. You have a family out there who would care about You, if they knew you'd exist." Without taking much notice I had raised my voice.

"They are filth!" He answered through gritted teeth.

"If that really was true, you would not be any better. Do you really think an inbred bunch of fanatics is better than Muggles? Is your mind really that clouded that you can't see the truth if it is staring straight into your eyes?"

My voice echoed from the walls and Tom's face was white as a sheet.

This was not the time for me to take a step back.

"I am the heir of Slytherin!" He hissed, every word dripping with fury.

"And you are a fool, if you think your superiority has anything to do with the blood running through your veins." His eyes widened at my words and I turned around walking to the exit. Tom grabbed my wrist tightly, but I shook it off. Turning around for one last time.

"I have enough of pureblood-supremacy. You are just a bunch of imperfect people, elevating yourself through your ancestry. I am tired of it." I shouted at him and his face was a mask of shock before it quickly went back to show his fury to be talked to like this.

"How dare You?" His voice dangerously calm now.

"We are equals, Tom. It is about time that you leave these outrages beliefs behind. Or you are just the same as your cronies? Not able to think for yourself, are You?"

Turning around once again I opened the door. Glad and disappointed at the same time, that I didn't hear footsteps behind me.

After leaving Tom alone in the Room of Requirement, I decided that I couldn't go back to the dormitories. Nobody should see me like this, I thought. So I left the castle, the moonlight illuminating my way to the forest.

I needed time alone, to think and to comprehend everything that had happened .

Tears ran down my cheeks, as the recent events caught me like a wave. Pushing me deeper and further away from safety.

I walked into the forest without a second thought. Every step helped to get the weight slowly off my chest.

I had forbidden myself to show real emotion for a long time. Only rarely managing to let them out. This feeling of being crushed.

The tears stopped after a little while and I leaned against one the old trees. Gliding at it to the ground and looking up, trying to see the stars.

With every passing minute I could feel strength building up in me.

I waited for fear to come and grab hold of me, but it didn't. Sitting in peace in the forbidden forest, I closed my eyes. With my thick black cloak tightly around me I fell asleep on the frozen ground.

A crack woke me up. After a moment I realised that it had been the breaking of branches. Someone was walking in my direction. Fear and excitement rose in me, as I listened to the slow steps, advancing further into the forest. I saw the light of a wand in midair, before I caught sight of the man holding it.

"Tom?" I asked, slowly drawing my wand.

The steps stopped abruptly.

"Miss Crane?" A surprised sounding but gentle voice answered me.

Within seconds Professor Dumbledore had rushed to the tree where I was sitting, almost frozen stiff.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night? The forest is taboo for students, especially after curfew and in the middle of a Scottish winter." He sounded seriously concerned. Sitting down next to me he removed his own cloak and laid it over me like a blanket. With a flick of his wand a little blue flame appeared that sent out a considerable heat. To feel the heat really helped me to feel better.

"You don't seem to be injured," he figured.

"No, no. I am quite alright, Sir." I answered quickly.

"I am not so sure about that. You don't have to tell me, you know." With another flick he made two steaming mugs appear and handed one to me.

"But I am here, if you want to."

"Why are you so nice to me. You don't even know me. I'm not even in..." He ended my sentence for me.

"Gryffindor. No, you are not. And yet it is my responsibility to take care of you."

After a moment of considering my options I decided that I needed to talk to someone. I had the feeling that he would understand.

"Pureblood-supremacy," I spat, "that has brought me here."

"You seem to condemn it, correct?"

"Anyone in their right mind would."

"I wholeheartedly agree. However... I have the feeling Mr Riddle does not."

A sad smile spread on my lips as I answered.

"No, he does not."

Dumbledore sighed deeply and started to stroke his beard, while I took a sip from my mug. The hot chocolate made me feel warm instantly.

"What you have to understand, I Think, is that Tom has found a home in Slytherin. He didn't seem to be happy in his orphanage, as a matter of fact quite the opposite. He was new to the wizarding world, only a poor orphan. You have very different views, because you have seen the world and you are not afraid to lose your position in it. You seem to know that knowledge and cunning will always lead you to success, no matter your blood-status. Tom, does not. For he was surrounded by people who made him believe it."

"What do you reckon I should Do?"

He smiled kindly and his eyes twinkled, only illuminated by the blue flame in mid air.

"Don't step back. Don't accept anything you disagree with in this matter. Oppose whoever you have to oppose. In simpler terms, do what you are doing now."

"Yes, I have to."

"Keep in mind that Tom has never been loved. Don't let him feel let down or abandoned. Or you might not be able to reach him anymore."

"You really do care about him." It was no question, I was stating a fact.

His smile turned sad as he stared into the darkness behind me.

"Well, we have discussed why I am here, what about you?"

"Simply to enjoy the fresh air." The twinkling had returned to his eyes and I knew he would not tell me anything. Today, at least.


It felt like my heart stopped the minute she had closed the door. A pain started to expand in my chest and I took out my wand.

The Room immediately changed into what I wanted now.

A life-sized puppet came fast at me and I used a strong blasting curse to stop it. I didn't feel like playing tonight.

When I left the Room of Requirement the next morning, Mulciber already waited for me in the common room.

He took in my appearance with a surprised look on his face.

I had my sleeves rolled up, shirt untucked and my mood must have been plain enough for him to notice.

"What is it?" I hissed without slowing down.

"I ...nothing." I met his terrified gaze coldly.

"Obviously not."

Finally reaching my dormitory I slammed the door forcefully.

"Out, all of you." I commanded.

"But it's Saturday," Dolohov answered sleepily.

His eyes widened when they met mine and without another word he left behind Lestrange and Avery.

There I stood still for a moment, before my temper flared once again and I grabbed one of the books on my desk and threw it against the stone wall.

How could this have happened? Why did I have to fall for her? Her, of all people. But I knew the answer. Because I wouldn't have if she was any different.

She had turned everything upside down from the beginning. Gravity didn't exist for me anymore like it used to. I was bound to her. And I had not even known to which degree 'til now. Not knowing where she was seemed to burn a hole into my chest.

I sat down on my bed, burrying my face in my hands and praying that she was fine.

At the same time I didn't want to see her. One part of me was ready to kneel before her and ask her forgiveness. Another part wanted to scream. She had done this to me.