Chapter 1: Trio of Dogs

[Location: Singularity F: Fuyuki, Japan]

"You're doing a summon now, of all times?" asked the Caster Cu Chulainn, a famous Irish hero.

"I don't see why not. It shouldn't take too long." Ritsuka Emiya, The young master of the Chaldea Organization, replied. "FATE System: Activate! Saint Graph, Execute!" Many orbs of blue light circled around Ritsuka and Caster before exploding in a Pillar of light. In the middle of the summoning circle now stood a blue haired lancer with blue and silver armour and a Crimson spear.

"Yo, Servant Lancer has answered your summon. Well, let's try to have-." Lancer began before noticing caster. "… Fun." Caster and Lancer stared at each other in silence. "Me without a Spear." Lancer noted, raising an eyebrow at Caster.

"Hello, Me with a Spear." Caster responded, raising an eyebrow back.

"How did that even happen?" Lancer asked.

"Teacher did teach us Rune magic too, remember?" Caster reminded.

"Oh… Oh. Well isn't that boring. I do not envy you." Lancer commented smugly.

"I completely agree." Caster nodded.

"… Are we missing something here?" Asked Shielder Mash Kyrielight, a Demi-Servant of Chaldea.

"He's me! ...Kind of." Lancer and Caster replied in unison.

"This handsome man is me as a Lancer." Caster noted.

"And this dashing fellow is me as a Caster." Lancer added.

"…Oh, great." Ritsuka commented.

[A couple days later]

[Location: Chaldea Gate, Chaldea Security Organization]

"Ah, Caster! You're here to see me summon!" Ritsuka greeted.

"Someone has to watch you." Caster commented. "After all, you're only what, 12?"

"Hey! I'm 13, thank you!" He snapped back. Now, let's begin. FATE System: Activate! Saint Graph, Execute!" The Blue orbs spun around the room before exploding in a pillar of light. In the middle of the circle now stood a blue-haired Lancer clad in blue and silver with light brown highlights and a green spear.

"I am Cú Chulainn from Ulster, a Lancer-class servant. Nice to meet-" But then he noticed Caster. "… You."

"You have GOT to be kidding me." Caster commented, his eyebrow twitching.

"But, we already have a Cu Chulainn Lancer!" Ritsuka interjects. "Was there another one?"

"Apparently so." Caster commented.

"… Here we go again..." Ritsuka sighed.