Author's Note: I am back! With a new chapter here for you all! I know, it took forever! But a new chapter is finally here! Please, leave me some more reviews! And share any ideas you might have for future chapters? I'd love any input you guys might have?

Disclaimer: I do not own Avengers: Age Of Ultron as it belongs rightfully to Marvel Studios. I only own my OCs.

"Mayday! Mayday!

The ship is slowly sinking

They think I'm crazy

but they don't know the feeling..."

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Looking at the body lying in the chamber, Wanda wasn't sure if she should feel unnerved or entranced at the possibilities.

Just a few months ago, she had been nothing more than another Sokovian orphan protesting against Tony Stark's new attempt to monopolise the weapons market, and now she was wielding powers beyond anything she could have imagined possible and witnessing the 'birth' of a completely new form of life.

Not only that, but she actually had felt fear for the first time in her life. She hated to admit it, but what Stark's son could do was terrifying. It was something she had never encountered before, not only that, she was powerless against him. When she tried to tap into his mind with her powers, she found herself literally repelled by an unearthly force that protected his mind. It was a sentient mental barrier of some sorts.

But, at the same time, it left her curious. He didn't finish her off and hesitated to do so. Despite the fact that he didn't, she was able to through those red orbs, that burned with such hatred and vengeance, to see deep down the person that was really underneath.

It was someone who could relate to her, someone who had endured just as much pain in their life as she and her brother did.

"Cellular cohesion will take a few hours, but we can initiate the consciousness stream," Helen said, as a series of cables linked Ulton's powerful form to the cradle; she might have needed a 'nudge' to get her to work for Ultron rather than her corporate masters, but Wanda was hopeful that she'd realise how she'd been duped once the Avengers were out of the picture. "We're uploading your cerebral"

"I can read him," Wanda said, half to herself as she held out a hand over the body; she was still learning everything that she was capable of, but sensing such a potent mind as Ultron's wasn't much of a challenge, even if it was a surprise to sense him after so long just talking to him. "He is dreaming."

"I wouldn't call it dreams," Dr. Cho clarified, as lights glowed within the chamber. "It's Ultron's base consciousness, informational noise. Soon …"

"How soon?" Ultron asked, glancing over from where he sat with a glowing cable in the back of his head. "I'm not being pushy."

"We're imprinting a physical brain," Doctor Cho noted. "There are no shortcuts. Even if your magic gem is…"

Wanda didn't hear the rest of the doctor's speech as she placed her hands on the chamber, reaching out to touch the mind of the new body, and suddenly found herself witnessing an explosion on such a scale that it far surpassed anything she'd ever imagined even Tony Stark's weapons could be capable of.

And this was all in Ultron's mind…

This was all in Ultron's plan!

Screaming in shock, she stepped back from the coffin, taking a moment to register that her brother was alongside her before she looked back at Ultron.

"How could you?" she asked, staring in horror at the machine she had believed was simply acting against the Avengers.

"How could I what?" Ultron asked, as though he honestly didn't know what she might be referring to.

"You said we would destroy the Avengers," Wanda said, wishing she could collect herself faster. "Make a better world-"

"It will be better," Ultron said dismissively.

"When everyone else is dead?"

"That is not-!" Ultron began, before apparently calming himself. "The human race will have every opportunity to improve."

"And if they don't?" Pietro asked; Wanda was grateful that he was trusting her judgement even without knowing what she'd just seen.

"Ask Noah," Ultron said dismissively.

"You're a madman," Wanda said, wishing that she could hide the pain she felt at that discovery; she had thought that she and Pietro had someone they could trust once again, and all the time, they had been nothing more than new weapons in his arsenal against the Avengers…

"There were more than a dozen extinction level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs," Ultron noted, leaning over to examine the chamber more closely. "When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it, and believe me, he's winding up. We have to evolve. There's no room for the weak."

"And who decides who's weak?" Pietro asked, as Wanda reached out with her powers to disrupt Ultron's influence over the doctor; it was a move of desperation, but if the older woman had still been aware, she was in a better position to take action than Wanda or her brother right now…

"Life," Ultron said, clearly unaware of what Wanda had just done.

"Life always decides…"

He paused, raising his head as though hearing something. "There's incoming. The Quinjet. And Stark. We have to move."

"That's not a problem," the doctor said, before she tapped a few keys and paused the program uploading Ultron into the new body. Shaking his head in frustration, Ultron fired at the doctor, giving Pietro the chance to grab Wanda and run from the room.

[ In The Quinjet ]

"I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him." Natasha spoke from within the Quinjet, Clint was piloting while Brendan was in the back, working on something that was hidden in the shadows.

That's when Clint spotted a truck that had Cho's brand on the side of it. It was running at a good clip too.

"There. It's the truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver." Clint asked, ready to take action if told to.

"Negative! If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron." Steve replied from the comm as he was on the ground, trying to chase after the truck himself.

Natasha turned back towards Brendan, a smirk on her lips. One that clearly showed her knowing of the sheer excitement he had for testing out his newest 'toy' that he and Tony worked together on.

"You ready to take it out for a spin, kid?" She asked, as Brendan had the biggest grin on his face.

"...let's see how she handles." He said, stepping away to reveal what he was working on. While it was still too hidden, three lights came on that glowed in a fiery whitish color, two represented eyes and the one in the middle was shaped in the insignia of the rider logo on Brendan's jacket.

Natasha kept up that smirk as she radioed Steve again.

"Steve, we're gonna send Brendan down there to assist you."

"Get him down here, ASAP. He's definitely unhappy! I'm gonna try and keep him that way." Steve replied, as Natasha opened the rear door to the Quinjet before looking back at Brendan with a smile and a nod.

"This is your stop." She simply said as Brendan cracked his neck.

"Well, this is what I live for..." Brendan said, as he ran full speed towards the open exit ramp before jumping out of the Quinjet, now in a free fall. "...And I'm absolutely crazy about it!"

With those words said, the item that Brendan was working on came to life, flying out of the back of the Quinjet with excessive speed. It was a pod identical to the Mark VII's Rapid Deployment Suit. Except that it was a metallic black with bits of grey as it shot down towards Brendan, the ground coming fast as the pod broke apart and began to wrap around the younger Stark's body.

[ With Ultron ]

Ultron had managed to blast Steve back onto the roof of the truck's trailer, and was now hovering onto the roof before landing before him.

"You know what's in that Cradle? The power to make real change, and that terrifies you." He said, as Steve heard the sound of thrusters approaching as he stepped to the side quickly, only for a blazing red repulsor blast knocked Ultron back as he looked up to see what had just shot him...or better yet, who.

At first, he thought it was Stark. But this didn't look like Stark's design, the suit was similar to that of the Mark 39, but it had major design changes. The primary colors of the suit were a metallic black, with steel gray covering the arms and legs. The helmet had been painted to look like that of a skull with scarring decals on the forehead, and sharp jagged teeth near the bottom part of the mask, the eyes glowed a fiery white color. But the dead giveaway was the arc reactor on the chest, it appeared to have a fiery orb swirling within it as the reactor window was shaped in the form of the Ghost Rider symbol.

"I wouldn't call that much of a comfort, buddy..." Brendan's voice emitted from the suit, and Ultron found himself scowling at the sight of him.

"So, you decided to become like your father? What should I call you? Iron Jr?" He quipped, trying to get a rise out of the younger Stark.

"Actually, you can call me..." Brendan raised his arm up, and a ball of Hellfire manifested out from the repulsor. "...Hellstorm."

He then threw the ball of Hellfire at Ultron, who had to dodge at the last second in order to keep himself from getting knocked off the truck. He quickly advanced towards the younger Stark, but Steve throws his shield and it jams into Ultron's side as he yanked it out from him.

"Stop it!" He then threw the shield off the truck, then blasted Brendan with enough force to knock him off the truck and send him flying into the freeway. He crashed into the pavement hard, creating a large crater in the ground as he pulled himself free.

"Ow..." He said simply as he brushed the rubble off the suit, as if it was like an expensive piece of clothing he was trying to keep clean.

"You having issues with the suit already?" Eligos replied, his voice now able to be heard out loud as the chest reactor flashed in sync with his speech.

"Bite me! I've never used one of these things before..." Brendan grumbled as he took back to the skies, chasing after Ultron.

By the time that he had gotten back to them, he found that Ultron had taken the fight to a train, which now had a dead driver as it broke through the buffers and was now running towards a civilian population.

"Brendan, I see you. Can you try and help slow this thing down?" Steve asked Brendan over the comms.

"Sure, I can try? What the hell, that spider dude in New York did it..." Brendan mused as he flew off towards the front of the train, he noticed a blue blur pushing the civilians out of the way, and it was moving rapidly. He also saw the undercarriage of the train glowing a brilliant scarlet color.

"The wonder twins are helping us?" Brendan mused softly, before getting to the front of the train. Knowing what he had to do, he embraced the front of the train as tightly as he could before cutting off the powers to his thrusters, using his feet to try and bring the train to a stop.

His legs were literally making divots into the ground as the train slowly came to a stop. Finally stopping in the center of a market center as he hovered out of the divot, making his way over where Steve, Pietro and Wanda were before landing with them.

"Man, that just beats the hell out of leg day at the gym..." Brendan mused as the helmet retracted back, revealing his face underneath. He did manage to get a little cut on the side of his face that was still bleeding, probably from when Ultron sucker punched him off the truck.

"That was fun! We need to do that again!" Eligos said rather excitedly as Brendan rolled his eyes from that comment.

Pietro and Wanda were sitting there, a bit surprised to see the younger Stark had now donned a suit of his own, but weren't /that/ surprised. He was a Stark, it was no coincidence that he'd make his own.

"Did you get the Cradle?" Wanda asked Steve.

"Stark will take care of it." Steve replied, as Wanda looked unsure of that.

"No, he won't." She responded back, rather bluntly.

"Look, you don't know what you're talking about. My dad is many things, but crazy isn't one of them." Brendan stepped in, trying to defend his father.

"He will do anything to make things right..." Wanda said to Brendan, who was ready to respond back but paused. She really did have a point there, he /did/ have that habit.

"Stark, come in. Stark. Anyone on comms?" He tried to get ahold of Tony, but there was nothing but silence. Which worried Brendan.

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?" Wanda spoke, as her words really did leave Brendan wondering if his father would really try to destroy what was in the cradle...

...or attempt to finish what Ultron had started?