It was early Sunday morning when the agents of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit got called in for a case. A mass grave mass had been found unearthed in Bellow a small town in Montana. Law Enforcement were Overwhelmed by the sheer number of bodies discovered; Coupled with the age of the bodies the oldest being ten years old to the newest being only a few days old. By Five AM all members of the Unit were on the plane ready to fly out. Except for one noticeable exception Dr. Spencer Reid had yet to arrive.

"Emily, Reid did he say he was going to meet us on the plane right?" Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner asked.

"Yes he did, he sounded a bit sick on the phone though, it probably took him a while to get ready." Agent Prentiss answered.

Shortly after that exchange Reid stumbled onto the plane. He was slightly unsteady on his feet, his clothes his clean but his hair was slightly greasy. He took a seat without a word of explanation or even apology. JJ told the pilot they were ready and they took off. Once safely in the air the agents rearranged themselves to go over the case. Reid who had not been present for the briefing simply grabbed a case file and started reading it through. The other agents went through the case Reid was uncommonly quiet. He was able to offer some useful statistics and facts when asked though.

After the meeting Reid went to the galley where JJ observed him downing a salt packet, and a sugar packet, washing them both down with a glass of water. He then walked over to the couch and fell asleep. Two hours after he fell asleep Morgan who was going to get some coffee noticed something odd on the floor in front of the sofa. He knelt down and saw it was drops of something wet, he touched one of the spots with his fingertip, it was blood. He stood and tried to wake Reid up. Reid was passed out cold; however he did flop onto his back when Morgan shook him. Morgan noticed the blood stain on his right sleeve and pushed up his sleeve. This revealed a crude bandage saturated with blood a few inches up his wrist. Carefully unwrapping the bandage Morgan saw a long jagged knife cut clearly self inflicted. Morgan paled and said quietly and sadly

"Pretty boy what happened to you?"

Morgan then rewrapped the bandage and stood up. He went over to Hotch who was sound asleep and shook him awake

"Morgan what's going on?" Hotch asked

"It's Reid, something's wrong with him."

Morgan led Hotch over to where Reid was sleeping. He showed Hotch the wound. Hotch knelt down and pushed the sleeve up further checking for needle marks. He did not find any but he did find concerned him even more; three more jagged cuts the oldest fully healed the other two in various stages of healing. Hotch gently pulled Reid's other arm out from where it was resting against the sofa and checked it. He found four knife wounds fully healed on his forearm. Hotch bowed his head for a second then had Morgan get the first aid kit. Hotch cleaned Reid's cut and bandaged it tightly limiting the bleeding. He then pulled down the shirt sleeves and positioned Reid's arms on his chest. The two men than sat down at one of the small tables unsure what to say to each other both heart sick over the man they considered family.

"I don't think it's drugs, I think its alcohol." Morgan said

"Why do you think that?" Hotch asked

"When I was trying to wake him he snored. His breath smelled like whiskey."

"That would explain why he's passed out. But what happened to him, do you have any ideas?"

Morgan shook his head, both men fell silent. They knew they had to tell the rest of the team. They needed answers and Reid needed help desperately. Hotch and Morgan woke the rest of the team signaling them to keep quiet. JJ, Emily, and Rossi got coffee and they all sat in the same place they had gathered to discuss the case two and a half hours ago. Hotch reported what they had just learned. JJ was almost in tears, Emily was shocked, and Rossi looked like an old man. The team discussed Reid but no one had answers. He had been quieter than usual, looking more exhausted and stressed. However his work was done on time, he performed well in the field, and despite a lack of interest in socializing with the team seemed normal. JJ mentioned Reid's downing of the salt, sugar, and water before he slept. Rossi theorized that it could be an attempt at a hangover remedy. With no answers the team knew they had to get Reid to open up.

A/N Just a quick something I wrote up. This was originally going to be a one-shot but as usual it turned into more. If people are interested let me know, I welcome and may use any theory or comment. Every review makes me a better writer and makes me happy, so please click the button.