A/N: Hey Everyone. Sorry to disappoint but this is not a new chapter. As some of you might know I adopted a RWBY/Avengers crossover which I promised myself I would get the uploading of all of the per-existing chapters for out of the way before I resume this story. Now, unfortunately somehow, someway, between then and now I somehow managed to loose all the files for this story including my outline and notes and so I no longer have any idea where I was going to take this story. As such I have decided that as much as I don't want to abandon this story, I will be cancelling this story and putting it up for adoption. If you want to adopt then just shoot me a PM so as to negotiate the adoption.

On the plus side this means I will have time to work on a Life is Strange fic I have been planning that is based off of the teaser trailers for Life is Strange 2.

See you all around,
