I woke up to another day of waking up as Kelsea. It shouldn't have surprised me, but it still did. I knew that Kelsea had told that she was basically going from body to body like I was. I knew I would be her but everything was so surreal. I almost didn't want to believe it. This was my fourth day in her body. I should have been more used to it by now. It was essentially my body, whether I wanted it or not. The choices that I made I would have to deal with tomorrow. I hoped that from actually talking to her, that I was able to give her some perspective, that there's more to life.

There was also the magnitude of what I had said and what my relationship with Rhiannon would come. It would actually be a relationship. People were going to know about it. It wouldn't just affect us, but also Kelsea's dad, her parents, her classmates. How would perfect react when two girls who had previously never shown attraction to girls before say that they're in a relationship. Okay, so Kelsea did watch Faking It and it seemed to be something that always improved her mood. As far as I knew from my experience with them, Rhiannon's family seemed like the type of people who would be okay with her having a girlfriend and I would think that Kelsea's dad would be happy that she was…I was happy.

I wished that I knew more about depression. I knew why there weren't books about it in the library and why there wasn't a computer, they didn't want to fuel hypochondriasis, but I wanted to find out more. I did know that since I had checked in, the chance of me getting out without some kind of antidepressant was unlikely. At that time, I noticed Alexa had woken up.

"Hey, Alexa." I greeted her.

"Do you actually want to talk to me today?" She asked bitterly. Well that was one result of an action that I made.

"I'm sorry if I came off that way the other day." I replied. "I said I was sorry yesterday."

"I don't really remember much of yesterday, must have something to do with this medicine they put me on." She declared.

"Well here is me saying sorry again." I replied. "Let's talk about something? What school do you go to?"

"I go to Kenwood, what about you?" She questioned.

"I go to Chesapeake, but I might be changing schools." I answered. Chesapeake and Kenwood were rivals.

"Well school sucked for me. Ever since that fucking Amazon Echo became popular having the name Alexa is hell." She explained. I wondered if Amazon considered that when creating the product. That was probably was why Apple went with Siri because it's not a very common name.

"My girlfriend cannot relate. Her name is Rhiannon, but everyone calls her Rihanna." I explained. "But that stuff will be gone by the time you're out of high school except for maybe the immature douchebags that peaked in high school."

"Well I don't even think I got to find out why you're here." She remarked.

"I'm basically here voluntarily." I explained. "I've been having suicidal thoughts for a while. I kept thinking of all these different ways to kill myself. With a little help from my girlfriend, I decided to tell my dad and he thought it would be best for me to come here."

"I'm confused. You say you have a girlfriend, so why did you want to kill yourself?" She asked. I supposed it was a fair question. I did know enough about depression to answer.

"Depression can affect people who are in happy relationships, but our relationship hasn't been that serious until we actually got into this stuff." I replied. "I know it's cheesy to say that she saved my life, but I think she really did save my life. So that's my story? Do you want to talk about yours?"

"Mine's not nearly as good as yours." She replied. "I went to cheerleading practice. I don't even know why I started throwing up. I guess I thought I would be fat. I mean I'm already short. I do remember. The head cheerleader told me that I would never make varsity unless I lost weight. Then one day, I passed out due to dehydration. It's hard for me to keep meals down."

"Well I know that we're both going to get through this." I declared. That also sounded really cheesy. Why was I saying such cheesy things today? Maybe it was who I was because I did notice that I was a bit of goofball, but that was something that Rhiannon liked about me. It probably wasn't what Kelsea was normally like, but it could improve her quality of life.

I really hoped that I would be able to get out soon. I wasn't sure how long I needed to stay. There would probably be additional therapy. I hoped it was something that her dad could afford. Of course, he probably felt that I needed to focus on getting better and they could worry about the cost later. They did have insurance through his job.

I went to see Dr. Drake. I wondered if I would still see her in the future or if they would send me to someone else. I didn't know how they handled that stuff but I would think that sticking with one therapist was usually better for people.

"So, let's talk about some of the ways that you wanted to kill yourself." She told me.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm just curious. You made it seemed like you had it extensively planned out." She stated. She probably wanted me to talk about the tough stuff because it would get more of a reaction.

"Well my first plan was to overdose on some of my dad's pain pills. If he found the pills, I would drive into the overpass. If he also took my keys, I would just slit my throat." I answered. It was some pretty gruesome stuff. I really hoped that my conversations with Kelsea at least made her consider changing her mind, but maybe she would also reconsider from being different people. She couldn't kill herself because I didn't know if she would die and she would also be essentially committing murder. There are some people that okay with killing others if they can kill themselves but I don't think most suicidal people are like that.

"Do you think that those thoughts might return in the future?" She asked.

"I don't know." I answered. I mean I would probably never feel suicidal myself, but I couldn't just say that I was magically cured. I had to look at things from a realistic standpoint. "Do you have any idea when I can get out of here?"

"Well we want to keep you here at least a few more nights. If everything is going well, we could release you by Sunday." She answered. "I know you're anxious to leave, but we have to make sure that you're not a danger to yourself before we can let you back out into the world."

I sighed. She was right. I was anxious. She didn't know that I wasn't a danger to myself. No one knew other than Rhiannon…and Kelsea, but I didn't even know who or where she was. It was the right thing to do even though I hated it. I supposed it could have been worse. I didn't have to worry about being someone else every day, even though I wasn't sure how good I was at being Kelsea. Of course there was another reason why I didn't want to go back to her school and it actually was about her.

I decided to bring up the idea when her dad came to visit. It was the first time that he did. I wasn't entirely comfortable talking to him even though for all intents and purposes, he was my dad.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm feeling better." I replied. "They said that I might be able to get out by Sunday."

"That's great." He remarked with a smile. I hadn't really said much about him. He was a doctor, but not the kind that worked with mental patients. He was a surgeon to be more clear. He loved her very much, but their relationship hadn't been great ever since her mother died.

"Dad, I want to change schools." I told him. I knew I probably needed to be blunt about it, but I probably came off as more blunt than I would have liked.

"Kels, you can't just run away from your problems." He told me. "I know it won't be fun going back there, but you have to tough it out."

"That's not the only reason." I stammered. Why was it so hard to tell a parent that you loved someone? "You see there's this girl. We met online and started talking and we met a few times in person. Before I decided to tell you about all of this, it was her that convinced me to. I think I'm in love with her."

He was silent for a moment. It looked like he was surprised. I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked. I probably should have said something else. He stood up and hugged me. It felt good to be hugged. I probably needed to be hugged more, by more people than just Rhiannon, even though I loved it when she hugged me.

"I'm not mad at you." He declared. "I'll never be mad at you for loving someone. Obviously it's not a person that I would expect to be in love with, but considering all you're going through, I'm glad that you're being honest with me. So, what is her name?"

"Rhiannon." I answered.

"You know your mother loved that song." He stated. There was a song called "Rhiannon"? How did I not know about it? I wondered if I could sing it to her. I didn't even know if Kelsea could sing if it was a song that you should sing to somebody, but I knew I wanted to hear it. "It was by Fleetwood Mac. Anyway, I would like to meet her sometime."

"Well I said that I would go on a date with her after I got out of here." I explained. "The only problem is she doesn't have a car. I still don't know if she's told her family yet."

It was then that I looked across the room and noticed that she was there.

"Rhiannon!" I called to her. I needed to get her attention. I just hoped that I wasn't too loud. She looked over and walked over to me. She looked nervous. "This is my dad."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He replied.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Cook." She responded with a blush.

"It's actually Dr. Cook." He declared. "So, Kelsea was telling me that you helped her come clean about her problems. I guess that means that I owe you a thank you."

"I just did what anyone would do, Dr. Cook." She replied.

"I told him about us." I stated. "I'm not pressuring you to tell your parents, but I might even be able to get out on Sunday."

I hoped that this Sunday would go better than the last one. We hadn't actually ever spent a Sunday together. It was crazy that we had only known each other for a little over two weeks, but we had done so much. It was possible to fall in love in a short amount of time.

"So, Dad, can I please transfer to Rhiannon's school?" I asked.

"I'll have to try to get the paperwork." He remarked.

So, A came out to her dad. Her dad is played by Zach Braff in this. She also learned that she may be getting out soon. Please don't forget to review.