God given Solace

There was no need for words, she opened her arms and he walked into them. Stooping slightly to turn his face into her neck. He smelt of smoke and sweat, and the metallic tang of blood from several grazes she noted.

For long minutes they didn't move,

'You did it baby girl' he whispered against her skin. She fought to regulate her breathing, the insane urge to laugh bubbled up then vanished just as quickly. She wanted to rage and makes him promise never to scare her like that again, but it would be a promise they both knew he couldn't keep.

'I'm still mad at you' she settled for instead.

'I know'

suddenly he was exhausted, the adrenaline wearing off his bones felt like jelly.

Penelope swayed as he leaned into her.

'Cmon gorgeous, lets get you home'

'Hotch?' He asked

'In hospital resting Drs said something about his ears but he's gonna be fine' he lifted his head at last and a huge wave of tenderness swept through her as she brushed the dirt from his forehead, tracing his jaw, he leaned into her palm, his eyes closing briefly. A slip, he would not have given himself away usually. Penelope sighed

'You on the other hand hot stuff need a shower and sleep' Morgan tried to smile at her blatant attempt to get them back on an even footing. Hell he wished the ground would stop spinning himself.

'Absolutely mama' he whispered.