We did it! We made it to the end!

Stevie Barnes checked her mail box while fishing her key out of her purse. Retrieving her stack of mail, she let herself into her studio apartment and shuffled through her letters. A few bills, her pay check, a post card from her brother and Tony, the usual haul. Leaving the mostly unopened letters on the kitchen table, Stevie went to change out of her S.H.I.E.L.D. issued uniform.

Tossing her curly brown hair into a messy bun, she headed over to the couch to enjoy a quiet night in with a good book. The book was her father's, but she'd read it so many times he eventually gave in and let her keep it. Stevie smiled as her hands closed around the familiar pages and settled into the cushions.

Not five minutes later, her cell phone went off. Groaning, Stevie leaned over and answered it. "This is Agent Barnes."

"Stevie." Coulson answered. "I need you to come in." So much for a quiet night in.


Stevie looked form the monitor to Coulson and back to the monitor. The screen displayed a man in a staged room, sleeping soundly and very much not dead.

"So, you're telling me that he's really…" She trailed off.

Coulson nodded. "DNA samples confirmed it. That is really Captain Rogers and he really is alive."

"Have you notified my father?" Stevie asked.

"Not yet, your father is technically retired so we called you. Medical reports that he'll most likely wake up soon and we wanted you to be here for that." Coulson explained. "We figured you could break the news to him."

"He died seven years before I was born, Coulson. He won't recognize me." Stevie deadpanned.

"You look enough like your father that it would convince him."

Stevie raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying I look like a guy, Coulson?"

"No, of course not." Coulson stumbled. "It's just the family resemblance and…" he trailed off as Stevie tilted her head back and laughed.

"I'm messing with you, Phil." Stevie shook her head at him. "I'll call my dad. You make arrangements to transport him here from Brooklyn." With that, Stevie turned down the hall, dialing her father's phone number by heart.

"Hi Dad. You'll never believe this…"


Steve awoke to stiff muscles and a warm bed. Wait. That wasn't right. He shouldn't have woken up at all. Furrowing his brow, Steve took a good look around the room until his gaze fell on a woman who looked way too much like Becca Barnes for his liking.

"Good afternoon, Captain." She said, setting down an old book. A quick glance at it told him it was the book he'd given Bucky before he shipped out. What were these people playing at?

"Where am I?" Steve demanded, standing up to make himself bigger.

The woman barely reacted. "You're in New York. I know this must be strange and confusing, but I promise you're safe, Captain."

That answer didn't add up. Steve asked again. "Where. Am. I."

This time the woman stood up and Steve was taken aback by the familiarity of her eyes. "I told you. You're in New York. You are safe and you need to calm down."

She spoke with such authority that Steve stood down slightly. "Who are you?"

She smiled genuinely. "You're a close friend of my father's. He even went and named me after you." She stuck her hand out. "I'm Stevie Barnes and it's a pleasure to meet you, Captain."

Steve sank down on to the bed. Just looking at her features gave him no doubt that she was telling the truth. Which could only mean one thing. "How long was I gone?"

"Almost seventy years." The woman- Bucky's daughter- said kindly. A knock on the door broke the moment and she got up to answer it. While she spoke to whoever it was, Steve caved in on himself. Seventy years. Everyone he knew was probably dead. A tap on his shoulder broke him out of his musings.

"There's someone who really wants to see you." Stevie smiled. "Are you up for a visitor?"

Steve nodded passively, not wanting to think about who it could be. His namesake (and why did Bucky have to go and name a kid after him) left him alone with his thoughts.

"Steven Grant. I outta smack you." A familiar voice announced, rousing Steve. He looked up to see an old, withered face.


Bucky smiled and spread both (both!) arms wide. "Come 'ere ya punk."

Steve stumbled over and fell into his friend's embrace. Bucky held him tightly as if he was afraid to let go. "Welcome home. I missed you."


So, thanks to the fancy serum, Bucky is only physically in his seventies rather than close to a hundred. Likewise, Stevie is about forty five instead of in her sixties.

Let me know what you guys thought of this story! If it is popular enough, I may write a sequel featuring J.J. and Stevie growing up along with Tony. Thank you so much for reading!