How did this silly story develop a plot?! I'm keeping it light, y'all!


Rey jolted awake at the sound of an angry voice. She was tangled in the limbs of Kylo Ren, or Ben as she called him. Thankfully, she had stolen his black t-shirt but had on nothing else.


"Oh! Leave them alone! They're no different than us!" another voice scolded.

Rey squinted to make out the forms of Poe and Conni through the bars of the cell. Ben was either sleeping through the raucous or doing a great job pretending!

"How did she get IN THERE?" Poe asked Conni, not realizing Rey was awake.

Conni shrugged, but Rey remembered her promise... "I used the force," she spoke up, easily lying.

"I didn't know the force was into matchmaking..." Poe muttered.

"It's very into matchmaking," Ben spoke up with his eyes still closed and not moving an inch. Rey looked down at him surprised he was awake. "It's into lovemaking as well," he added with a smirk. Rey slapped his chest and pushed up off of him.

"Rey... really?! You couldn't resist this big lord of darkness?"


"No. No, she couldn't," Ben replied, cutting Rey off and finally propping himself up on his elbows to stare Poe down. "We have a bond no one can understand. Leave it at that."

"No matter. It's time for you two to face Leia, anyway. I can't wait to hear your explanation!" Poe said with joy apparent in his eyes.

"Maybe we can give them better clothes?" Conni tried.

"Nope. They go like this," Poe said, unlocking the cell.

Rey scrambled up and grabbed her shorts, quickly pulling them on in defiance. Ben just stretched his muscles and smirked at Poe.

They were led from one building to another. Rey knew the layout of their camp, but Ben was absorbing all of the new pathways. Mapping every course he took. They were finally brought to a room with a sofa and a few chairs. Rey sat on the sofa, taking Ben's hand and pulling him down to sit with her. He could feel her fear. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and kissed her forehead.

"We'll be okay," Ben whispered, slipping his arm around Rey.

They didn't have to wait long for Leia to join them. Poe and Conni had remained standing until Leia took a seat in the chair closest to the sofa end where Ben was sitting.

"So. You're here," Leia stated, carefully guarding her emotions.

"I am," Ben replied simply, also showing no emotion.

"How did you find us and how long do we have until your forces arrive?"

Ben glanced down at Rey, and he took a moment to decide how much truth he wanted to speak. "I figured out your location through Rey. Do not blame her, she didn't know how much I could see," he explained. "As for my forces... they do not know I'm here. I meant to come only for Rey." He decided to tell his mother the full truth. "I love her. I need her with me."

Poe snorted in disbelief. Everyone in the room gave him a reproachful look. He rolled his eyes but silently agreed to contain his outbursts.

"I can't go with you. I belong here and have no desire to be among the First Order," Rey spoke up.

"I didn't say I was going to take you with me..." Ben looked at her steadily. "Who said I'm going back to the First Order?"

"But you're their leader. It's everything you wanted," Rey stated.

"Is it?" He asked, tilting his head. Ben turned his attention back to his mother, "I'm prepared to help take the First Order down."

"Rey can't be the only reason for this change of heart... What happened? What do you really want?" Poe questioned, behaving more reasonably. He had to admit to himself that having Kylo Ren's help would basically guarantee the Resistance a victory.

"You're right," Ben admitted, "she's not. I've come to realize that there is no loyalty among the First Order. I have fought and sacrificed most of my life for them. I am now their leader, treating them fairly well. However, they all want me dead. All. Of. Them. I do not have a single ally. Hux is planning my murder as we speak."

"How do you know this?" Leia asked, worry written on her face.

"You know I can look into people's minds, mother."

"Why shouldn't we turn you in and make a deal with Hugs?" Poe thinly threatened.

"Because Hux would be overjoyed to kill you all. He will never make a deal because he knows he will beat you," Ben explained. "No one knows I'm here. No one knows I know they want to overthrow me. My plan is to take Rey back with me under the ruse of capturing her. We can then work from the inside, disrupt their ships. Take them down."

"So you do want to take me with you..." Rey pointed out.

"Well, yes, but no. Not like that. I need an ally."

"What about your supposed Knights of Ren?" Poe asked.

"I don't know where they are. Snoke had sent them to various locations in the galaxy to help control any potential uprisings. They all must know that Snoke is dead- they will have felt it, but none of them have come back."

"Perhaps they're hiding from whoever killed Snoke..." Rey thought out loud. "Maybe they think anyone powerful enough to kill Snoke could easily kill them!" She looked to Ben.

"They have nothing to fear from me. They were always more loyal to me than Snoke."

"There's your loyalty then!" Rey said cheerfully. "Our plan should be to find the Knights. All of us- you, me, the Resistance, the Knights- together?! Hux and the First Order won't stand a chance!"

"Hold on there, kid sister!" Poe interrupted her train of thought. "Who said we'd agree to this?"

"I'm agreeing to this," Leia spoke up. "I will take the chance. It's the best one we have."

"Please excuse me, General, but you're not exactly unbiased... he's your son and we all know you want him back!"

"I am back," Ben argued. "Besides, I think that everyone who actually matters has made their decision!" He glared at Poe.

"We're not letting her go alone with him, are we?!" Poe added his other fears to the conversation.

"Yes!" "No!" Ben and Conni said at the same time. He sounded aggrevated, she sounded excited- longing to join in on an adventure.

Poe gave Ben a smug look. "So when do we leave?"

We've seen Rey catching hell from her friends. Shall we find out how Kylo Ben is going to deal with his...?