Well, I've been inactive for a while, and I tried to get back into writing the next chapter, but im at a loss. I know where I want this story to go, and how im going to end it, but im at a standstill right now. Ive wrote and rewritten this chapter 4-5 times now, and I just don't know how to continue this story right now. By no means do I plan on completely abandoning this story, I will be back for it once I figure out how to write this chapter. Ive had a lot of trouble with this, and its made my depression worse because im just completley stuck. Anyways, I will be starting a new projects however, so if you like RWBY and enjoyed my writing, the story is up on my profile, but as of this upload it only has character Bios. So, if you've followed this fic or whatever, I will be trying to make the next chapter for this, but I just havent been satisfied with how I was doing it, so apologies for that. I will also be posting updates on my twitter, which is TheExoticCake Anyways, This has been TheExoticCake, Signing off.