Shimmies sideways into a wall

So you know how you make an unimportant side OC to fill in continuity gaps, and then they actually turn into… a problem. And then you develop an appearance, backstory, goal, and all that nonsense. But then literally just start in the middle in terms of writing because you want everyone to interact. So… TaaA-daAA. Introducing fragment writing where I jump around everywhere—potential series of oneshots…. Or just this hilariously by itself.

The sharp, Razorwhip scales strategically layered on her handcrafted axe almost glimmered in the sunlight creeping past the high forest canopy. Heather felt a twinge of pride intermingle with her battle ferocity as she deftly twirled the handle of her weapon to adjust her grip. Such an action would make her swing powerful enough to separate the Leader of the Dragon Hunter's body from his head.

Viggo stood rooted to the ground, stance mildly defensive towards the blade edge held so precariously close to the flesh of his neck. Tilting his chin up as an extra measure had already spared him a nasty pre-emptive cut. "Were you waiting for an invitation?" Arching a brow, unable to hold back a smirk dripping with malicious intent, the older male quickly re-established his renowned composure.

"Heather wait! We have to think this through." Internal cogs and gears were winding furiously in the young Viking's head as he held out his hand, imploring her to pause. Hiccup should have relished in the situation presented before him, but if he knew Viggo—and unfortunately he did—he wouldn't easily allow any sense of triumph to distract him. It was under suspicious enough circumstances that they had been separated from the rest of the Riders. His green eyes darted to the unconscious handful of hunters nearby, returning quickly to his companion. "Just hold—"

"There's nothing to think through!" Utter disbelief twisted deeply into her words, summoning forth the fury that remained so securely buried beneath a volatile surface. Windshear emitted a low, rumbling noise, angling her silver muzzle protectively towards her Rider in hesitant support of her actions. "We have him, Hiccup. And we're going to end him." Her mind was set.

Toothless was the first to hear it, his emerald eyes narrowing to slits whilst his body tensed and rose with a feline-like grace. "What is it, bud?" It had been a sudden snap, closer in proximity than the night fury preferred. "Something's up." Waves of caution rising to a boiling point, Hiccup made to grab the dark-haired girl and fly to safety with haste.

The dragon hunter deigned to fix them both with a contemptuous glare that burned with the intensity of hot sulfur, "That is correct. A bit late on the epiphany though, as usual." His accent smoothly lilted, like a knife wrapped in velvet, expressing apparent disappointment.

Without warning, the two dragons simultaneously yelped in surprise, their large frames wrapped entirely by a reinforced net of unidentifiable material. They thrashed against their binds; attempting whatever method they were capable of to escape.



The two Riders cried out simultaneously, their dreaded fears confirmed.

Knuckles white from her vice grip on the double-axe, Heather spun from the dragons to face Viggo once more, determined to accomplish her interrupted objective. However, unless the Hunter had miraculously shrunk in height, and turned into a girl, this was not her initial target.

The strangers' eyes, two polished glaciers of ice, glowered defiantly at her taller opponent from beneath a black cowl. Another moment of hesitation passed following the sudden appearance. Hiccup's brows knit, knowing he had little time to devise a viable plan.

Unhinging her weapon, Heather advanced purposefully, her braided hair swaying with a life of its own. "Look, I don't know who you are, but if you hurt our dragons, I'll behead you myself!" Before she could inflict any manner of damage, the newcomer lithely stepped to the side, and jammed her heel forcefully against the axe grip, just above the hinge. A surprised yell burst from the Rider's mouth as she watched her double axe snap back into a harmless, folded position. "Gah!" Sky and black spots filled her vision as the wind entirely left her lungs. It took a moment for her to register being disarmed and flat on her back.

"Or… you can lie down there and gag for a bit." The venomous response elicited a wry laugh from Viggo who approached to stand at the girl's side while more hunters appeared from the depths of the dense forest to surround the riders and their dragons. Their formation was practiced—precise, meaning they'd wandered carelessly into a trap, succeeding a series of events that led them to this very spot.

"You're early." His tone feigned civility, sparing her a glance over his spiked pauldrons.

"Which by your terms means I'm late." One swift flourish pushed back the hood to reveal shoulder length, near colorless, flaxen hair, and a young face that allowed Hiccup to deduce that she was no older than he. Her petite stature, snowy hair, and facial features also made him suspect that she was from somewhere beyond the archipelago. Nevertheless, he found himself deeply frowning at the familiarity exchanged between two, and made a move.

Alas, she saw his hand twitch towards his blade hilt and she peeled her lips back from her teeth with an exasperated sigh. "Don't." Hiccup's hand had nearly grasped his weapon before flinching away from the act. The woman's heel was poised atop Heather's neck. Being pinned down by two bulky hunters left her completely at the mercy of the heavy boot.

"O-Okay! Okay!" Holding his hands up in compliancy, the rider heard his dragon snarl and paw more aggressively at the restraints with his forelimbs. "Whoah, easy Toothless." He murmured soothingly, "There's no need for anyone to get hurt." A pause. "You win!" They'd get out of this… somehow. Astrid and the others would find them, with their tracking ability combined, as well as persistence; their captivity wouldn't last long. "… For now." Concluded the Viking quietly behind clenched teeth,

A chastising click of his tongue inclined his subordinate's head, prompting her to step away from the captured rider. Viggo neatly folded his hands behind his back, "Oh. Forgive my rudeness." As he spoke, his underlings began to bind Hiccups' hands and transfer the other prisoners into the dragon-proof cages, propped up by functional wheels. "Hiccup, I'd like to introduce you to Aquaria—my star pupil. Coordinator of your capture." The cadence in his speech always reminded the russet-haired rider to take his enemy's information with a grain of salt.

"This is far from over." Hiccup glanced knowingly at Heather, who was now recovering in her cell, blinking blearily and rubbing absentmindedly her sore collarbone. New player aside, they would persevere.

"To the ships!" His voice only minutely rose in volume, but assumed an authoritative quality nonetheless. Viggo's men complied swiftly with his orders, ready to load the bait onboard for the predicted rescuers to come flapping along. "Aqua." Summoning the woman who glided over to stand at a respectful distance behind him, the dark-haired hunter felt his neutral expression tick upwards at the edges in a sort of smile.

"If you're going to give me another lecture about tact—" He silenced her with a simple raise of his hand, indicating for her to attend to the captives.


"Hey! It's uh, Aqua, right?" Aqua stood three paces in front of the cage that held one Hiccup Haddock. Despite the silence, he knew he had her passive attention. "Look… I don't know what Viggo has on you," Considering the manipulative nature he controlled, "but you don't have to do this." He partially extended his hand through the sturdily constructed cell bars, as a gesture of camaraderie.

"Ugh." Heather rolled her eyes, chiming in on the conversation—albeit with a less amiable approach. "Listen, he's using you, and will feed you to a Skrill the second you outlive your usefulness!" She gripped the bars firmly, putting her face close to the opening in hopes of getting her point across. This girl could have proved to be a strong ally, if this went remotely the way she wished.

"I'm aware." Visibly taken aback by the response, Hiccup reevaluated his rushed approach. Perhaps, unlike the other hunters, she wasn't purely driven by monetary gain. Maybe it was a crippling debt or blackmail, where another cherished life hung in the balance.

"We can help you." He'd only have her attentiveness for so long, it was now or never. "You won't have to owe him anything." That struck the cord he was aiming for, enticing her to halt and slightly turn her head.

"Oh, but Hiccup…" The tight knot in his throat dropped heavily into his stomach, "I owe him… everything."

Indeed Aqua possessed something of monumental value to Viggo—unwavering loyalty.

Thank you for attempting to read this ass disaster! I really do appreciate.