After that day Sora made it his top priority to stay as far away as humanely possible from the setter. As much as he'd hate to say it, Sora was intimidated by Oikawa more than he'd care to admit. And yet there was a bigger issue at hand. A much bigger issue.

Oikawa wrapped his muscular arms around Sora's slender torso before hungrily planting his glossy lips onto the male before him, not allowing a second to go to waste. It wasn't long before the two of them were lathered in sweat from head to toe, their lust filled gazes were fixated onto each other, equally enticing the other to continue.

"Oikawa, be gentle."

"Only for you Sora."

"Mr Morow please pay attention." And just like that another one of Sora's vivid fantasies had diminished. And Sora concluded that this obsession for Oikawa was definitely a problem.

It all started the day Oikawa had "threatened" him, despite his entire body being raked with fear there was a little something else that had managed to worm it's way out of Sora; lust.

"Sorry sensei." Sora apologized profusely whilst looking down at his wooden oak desk in shame. It was a continuous part of his week, he'd go to his lesson and try his hardest to pay attention yet every time he did his mind would find a way to allow these inappropriate thoughts to penetrate his mind. They had plagued him ever since that fatal encounter with the famous setter.

"What's wrong with me?" Sora whispered to himself as he gazed down at the worn out desk.

Sora helplessly fumbled his way through the dinner cue hoping to find a secluded spot in which he could indulge himself in a bowl of steamy ramen. But just like all of his hopes and dreams, this one was shattered faster than he could've anticipated.

"Sora-kun, come sit with us!" Exclaimed an overly cheery voice, a voice he could recognize from miles away.

"Kun?" Sora repeated to himself in his head whilst trying to comprehend the sudden invitation he had just received.

And of course the voice belonged to no one other than Tooru Oikawa, it seems as though he was constantly being bombarded by the handsome setter no matter where he was. He couldn't even escape to his own thoughts for reassurance since he was occupying them also.

"Next time don't deny me when I offer you something, an impudent brat like you should be grateful that I even bothered to look at your filthy face." Remembering the words Oikawa had spat at him the other day Sora couldn't help but comply in order to not anger the setter again. And so like any good pet he listened to his masters command and obliged to his wants.

But why would he want me to sit with him? Is he perhaps taunting me, making a mockery of him in front of his crazed fans?

"T-Thank you Oikawa-san." And with a great haste Sora allowed himself to sit next to the volleyball genius and his comrade.

Sora recognized the male sat next to Oikawa, if he remembered correctly his name was Iwaizumi, also a member of the volleyball club.

"Oi, Trashykawa. Who's this?" Iwaizumi questioned with a look of curiosity printed onto his face.

"Just a friend of mine." Oikawa was known to be smart despite his outward childish attitude, thus making him a threat to be reckoned with.

"Since when were we friends?" Sora's mind was now littered with anxiety inducing thoughts.

"Isn't that right, Sora?" Oh God, the way he spoke his name sent a barrage of shivers down Sora's spine, Oikawa truly was a captivating being. And as of now Sora was under his spell.

"Y-yeah, t-that's right." Sora cussed under his breath for looking so weak in front of him, it was as though Sora was the prey and Oikawa the hunter.

"Now tell me Sora, do you have a girlfriend?" Oikawa questioned with his signature smirk dancing on his thin lips.

'A g-girlfriend?!'

"No." Sora answered briefly, not allowing the topic to go on any longer.

"Do you want a girlfriend?" But of course Sora wasn't the one in charge of this conversation.

"I-I don't know." Sora hesitantly brought his gaze upwards until his eyes met with his.

"Well since we're friends I'll help you find one~" Oikawa licked his lips before sending a dazzling wink towards the awkward blonde, this caused his crazed fan girls to enter a state of manic and lust.

"What the hell are you playing at trashykawa?" The fellow volleyball member questioned before gulping down some milk.

"Just helping a friend in need out Iwa-chan" Oikawa ruffled Sora's golden locks in an almost patronizing manner, and just as Oikawa had expected the awkward male was covered in a crimson blush.

"That's really not necessary Oikawa-san." Sora's eyes betrayed him with a look of desperation and fear gleaming through his crystal orbs.

"I need to use the bathroom, come with me Sora-kun. I hate walking all alone."

How was Sora meant to deny that offer when Oikawa had sent him such a daring look, he truly was his pet it seemed.

"Of course Oikawa-san." And like all good pets they follow their masters commands without question.

A/N I want to say sorry for not updating in such a long time, I'm all done with my exams so expect a lot more updates from now on. Thank you all for reading and please comment if you can :)