Disclaimer: I own nothing. Harry Potter, Professor Snape, and anyone else you recognize belong to JK Rowling.

Harry Potter was an ordinary boy. He had green eyes and black hair that stood up in the back. He lived with his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon. At least he did until that evening. That evening he had run away. He had snuck out of his cupboard under the stairs, grabbed his far to big coat( a hand me down from his cousin, Dudley), and slipped out the front door. His Aunt and Uncle would never find him now. Harry had walked for hours. Until the sun started to rise. At that point he found a small forest and lay down to sleep. He doubted anyone would find him there.


Harry woke wit a start. A big purple bus stood right in front of him.

"Elow," said the boy at the back of the bus," Are you goin' t' git on?"

Harry starred at the boy for a moment before getting on the bus. It was a triple decker and full of beds. Some of the beds had people in them. Harry looked around in aw. How was this possible?

"Ey, Earn, we got one fer Hogsmead!" The boy shouted to the driver before turning back to Harry," I'm Stan Shunpike and this, is The Night Bus."

"What's 'Hogsmead'?" Was all Harry could manage to say.

"'S a village by Hogwarts obviously," Stan explained, as if it was something everybody knew.

Harry still had no idea what he was talking about but decided to leave the topic alone. He sat on one of the beds but promptly fell off as the bus took off with another *BANG!* After several more stops and bangs the Night Bus stopped in the center of a small village. As Harry jumped off the bus he suddenly felt very, very afraid. He had no idea where he was or what he was going to do next.


The bus was gone again. Harry stood alone in the street of the little village. After a moment he made up his mind and started walking towards a nearby forest. At least in there Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia couldn't find him. He would be safe.

AN: Thanks everyone who told me about the formatting problem. I had no idea that was happening.