A/N... Alright, here we go. Cross posting on here and AO3. Real world Insert into Star Wars! Enjoy!!

As the credits for Star Wars: The Last Jedi begin rolling, the crowd files out of the theater, excitedly chatting amongst themselves. Stella Tompkins, along with two of her sisters and her father shove their way out of the group; each one grinning ear to ear.

"Just as good as the first time." She tosses a piece of popcorn into the air, effortlessly catching it in her mouth.

"I still can't believe you went without us." Her sister Brittany nudges her shoulder, knocking her off her balance and into their third sibling, Natalie. "Way to break tradition!"

"Watch it!" Nat scolds, barely looking up from her cell phone. Not even 5 minutes after the end of the movie and she's already texting the new boyfriend. Her obsession with her phone drives Stella up a wall.

"Girls." Their dad chimes in, laughing to himself as he follows close behind his three adult children.

"What'd you think, Dad?" Stella turns to her father with eagerly. Star Wars has always been something the pair bonded over, so his opinion means the world to her. "Did you love it?"

"I mean.." He begins, shrugging as he digs into his pocket for the keys to his car. "I wasn't a huge fan of what they did with Luke. And I wanted more from Snoke. But, I liked baby Vader more in this one, that's for sure."

"You just broke Stellas heart, dad." Natalie laughs, sliding into the backseat of the silver SUV. Brittany snorts, following her sister. Stella, who has always (as oldest) retained the right to ride shotgun, rolls her eyes and slams her door shut tightly.

The short drive from the theater to the Tompkins family's small home is filled with laughter, inevitable arguing between the girls, and debate between Stella and her Dad about the movie. As the SUV pulls into the driveway, the cold chill of being watched rushes down Stella's spine. She whips around, staring out the back windshield for any sign of something out of the ordinary. The cloaked figure of an almost familiar woman stands in the falling snow near her own car, but disappears just as quickly. Her sisters follow her gaze, both raising their brows at her reaction and paling complexion.

"Everything ok, Stel?" Brittany waves a hand in front of her eyes, trying to knock her older sister out of her trance.

Blinking rapidly, Stella shakes her head. "Yeah, sorry." She begins, facing forward again and crawling out of the now parked vehicle. "It was nothing."

"Sisters!" The shrill cry of a young girl rings out, echoing through the garage. "Daddy!"

"Hey looney!" With a big smile, Stella scoops their 4 year old sister off the ground and into her arms. "How's my favorite preschooler?"

"It's LUNA! Not Looney!" The young girl giggles wildly, wrapping her arms around the woman 20 years her senior. Natalie manages to look up from her phone for a moment, just long enough to plant a big kiss on the toddlers cheek. Brittany does the same, snatching her out of Stella's arms. Marshall Tompkins watches proudly, slipping an arm around his wife's waist, as his three oldest girls snuggle up to their half sister. Katherine looks up at her husband with a soft smile, resting into his arms.

"How was the movie?" The girls' stepmother cocks her head to the side inquisitively.

"Amazing." "Decent." "Dad didn't like it." They answer simultaneously, earning a loud laugh from the blonde hooked on their fathers arm.

The short hairs on the back of Stella's neck stand on end as the all too familiar feeling of being watched hits her yet again. She sets the youngest Tompkins girl down, ruffling her hair as she tries to slow her now speeding pulse. "I think I'm going to head home. I'm exhausted all of a sudden."

After a long round of goodbyes, hugs and kisses all around, Stella makes her way out to her small, very old car. Her brows knit together as she notices something glimmering on top of the hood, just peeking out of the fresh snow. She dusts the snow away, revealing a small lavender crystal. "What..?" She questions, lifting the object into her hands and examining it under the streetlights yellow glow. The crystal pulses against her palms, humming with electricity as the once bright street falls into total darkness. The ground beneath her feet spirals out and she loses her balance, falling backwards into the icy snow. The crystal seems to explode in front of her, a burst of violet shooting out in all directions.

"Fuck." She mumbles, certain she's started hallucinating. Rubbing her now soaking wet palms against her eyes, she inhales deeply. "I really need sleep." Her eyes begin to adjust to the inky black of night, and a realization washes over her shivering form. This is no longer her fathers neighborhood. These are no longer the streets of her small town in Iowa. Massive trees loom over her head, only illuminated by a pinpoint of light across the heavy forest now surrounding her. Stella drags herself to her feet, dusting the snow away from her arms and legs. Her head peeks around the thick trunk, in the direction of the light and she twists a strand of hair in her fingertips nervously. With a deep breath, she squares her shoulders, forcing an air of confidence and begins running at full speed toward the small flicker of light.

Everything inside of her begs her to stop. Do not go into the light. This can't be right. Her legs seem to work on autopilot, rushing her closer to the now visible and ever growing cement building. Her thoughts are interrupted by the crunching of ice under heavy boots behind her. She stops dead, freezing in her tracks. Something hard slams against the back of her head and Stella falls against the ground, completely unconscious.

"Bring the trespasser to a holding cell and alert the General immediately."