Two floors. Two floors in the house that keeps my brothers and I sane. I wake up every day and thank the sun and moon that there is two floors for us to live. I also thank them that my cheer practice is at 6:30 am, call me an early bird but waking up at 5:30 is alright with me especially if no one is bothering me while in the restroom. Having four brothers isn't exactly fun in the morning when getting ready.

"Luna!", I heard my twin knock on the door, I groaned, "I need to use the restroom"

"Oh Mikey", I groaned and opened the door for him to get in. I waited 3 minutes for him to finish, once the door opened I went in again to finish my makeup.


I nodded excitedly, "They pick cheer captains and co-captains"

He yawned and looked at his watch, "How long have you been up?"

I shrugged, "5:30, also I might be late so don't forget to tell Leo"

"I won't", he said I glared at him, "I won't sheesh!"

"You said that last time and next thing I know Leo and Ralph came looking for me"

"Hey I forgot!"

"I was at April's!"

"You didn't tell anyone!"

"I texted you", I deadpanned.

"Well I won't forget this that was a year ago"

"That was 3 months ago"

He laughed then yawned again, "This time I won't...okay I still have an hour so goodnight L", he was about to leave when he came back, "Also your gonna do great today"

I smiled at him, "Thanks Mike"

I glaced at my phone to see a text from Gabe.

I'm outside mija!

I smiled at it, Coming mijo!

I went to my room to grab my gym and school bag and I walked out the front door, it was still night but you could see the sun already coming up creating a beautiful dawn. I saw Gabe in his car checking his mirror, I opened the door, "Your beautiful hunny, you don't need to worry", before sitting down and closing the door.

He slammed the mirror shut, "They are getting cheer captain and co-caps today! And you don't look nervous! I'm nervous for you", he started the car and we drove to the school.

Although I trusted Gabe with everything and we were close like a turtle to a shell, that doesn't mean he could read me. I wasn't open to my friends or family, although my family can read me as if I was an open book. I wasn't going to tell Gabe I was nervous, so nervous my heart could pop out my chest, but if I did not get the Captain or even the Co-captain I was not going to get his pity from him. I hated that.

"We're still juniors Gabe, name a junior who has gotten one of those positions?", I said trying to make a point.

"Mila Evans, Cameron Dais, Jon Dover-men, Blake France-", my eyes got wide as he named so many with his fingers.

"Okay okay, sheesh I didn't know!"

"Girl do your research", we laughed at his statement.

"Okay ladies do a cartwheel followed by a forward roll and finish with a right diagonal when your done cap and co-cap's will be announced after school, after practice.", Gabe elbowed me.

"Yes ma'am", we all said in unison, before coach Solis turned and walked away from us. We all did the moves quickly before grabbing our gym bags so we could clean ourselves up.

"She smiled at you, I saw", Gabe said grabbing my arm.

"I swear your getting crazier and crazier"

"Luna how am I excited more for you", we walked over to the bleachers where I saw some familiar faces.

"Gabe you already know she's just not getting her hopes up, what if she doesn't get it?", I looked up to see Cassandra holding her books, then I felt hands over my ears.

"Cass! Don't say that, thats almost as if your jinxing her"

"Well it's true Gabe, shes still a junior too so.."

"Juniors have gotten it!"

"Yeah every 10 years"

"I can still hear you both", I said making Gabe drop his hands from my ears.

"Why do you have to be negative?", he asked Cass as he sighed.

"Not negative, real.", she smiled her cheeky smile.

"Well if you two are done I'm gonna go change", she handed our school bags to us.

She waved as us, "I'll see you both outside the gym", we both nodded before going to different gym rooms.

"How your wearing that outfit without your brothers killing you I'll never know", Cass whistled.

I was wearing shorts, high waisted shorts, but maybe the shirt wasn't helping it was a crop top but nothing wasn't hanging out, just a little bit of my stomach. It was simple and trending now a days, plus all the cheerleaders were all dressed up and tomorrow we were gonna dress up again. It wasn't just picking cheer caps, but also the team you were gonna be on, varsity or AB varsity, then there was the freshmen class but that was irrelevant to those in junior and senior year. Back to the outfit. It wasn't as if I was wearing short shorts with a shirt that had my 'no-boobs' out with high stripper heels, I was actually wearing wedges and they are not bad there actually better then heels to be honest.

"I'm dressed right"

"It's just her body, it's perfect so it makes it look ten times better", Gabe said to Cass, "Which means it's ten times worst for them"

"I right here."

Cass sighed, "I'm gonna go write the speech for her funeral", she was beginning to walk away when I grabbed her shirt to stop her.

"What they don't know won't hurt them", I shrugged.

"Don't you eat with them at lunch?"

I laughed nervously, "Can you put in the analogy that I was a kind soul?", they laughed at me.

"Oh yeah don't forget during lunch we all need to meet the coach in her office", I nodded.

The bell rang before we all separated to head to our classrooms when I felt something wrap around my body, I looked down to see a leather jacket over me.

"Ralph!", I whined.

"What you look cold?", he said leaning on the lockers.

I took it off and handed it back to him he didn't reach for it, "Keep it for today"

"Nothings out!"

"Luna you don't hear what people say about you-"

"Cause I don't care-"

"I do. And they are not exactly what an older brother wants to hear about his little sister", he cleared his throat and took the jacket back, "Plus you already know. If I heard it then that means Leo did too"

I stilled before grabbing the jacket back and huffed, "Your lucky it matches", before walking away.

The day went by quickly, as I ran to lunch, my stomach and I couldn't handle it. When I saw my brothers at the table I quickly sat down and took half of Don's sandwich, I moaned at it goodness, leaning on shoulder and just laying there.

"Your welcome", he said sarcastically before returning back to his school work.

Mikey wasn't here, "Where's Mike?", I said taking another bite.

"He's retaking a test for math, he'll be late", Leo answered. Him and Ralph exchanged looks, before looking back at me. I leaned more into Donnie, more like hiding behind him, Don smirked, "Sorry sis but I'm on their side for today", not even looking up.

Oh great, I groaned, here it comes, "You look nice"

"It's not even a bad outfit! Yeah I'm showing some stomach but my cheer outfit compared to this is worst, if you want me to change the shoes maybe I will!", I rambled almost choking on the sandwich, this was how Leo did his business, or in other words make me feel bad by just using three words. "Plus today and tomorrow are special days for cheer and not dressing up is like saying you don't care. I care Leo! And if this about other people talking about me I don't care about them", I breathed before putting my head on the table.

"All I said was 'you look nice'"

"Yeah but that's your way of telling me I look bad and that others are talking about your little sister"

"Girls", Ralph rubbed his head because of my confusion.
"What? I never said anything about anyone saying anything"
I looked up and pointed at Ralph, "He did."
"Who was saying things?", Leo asked him.
"Who do you think?"
Leo shook his head, "The clan or dragons?"
"Who cares what they say!", I exclaimed, "Everyone knows there the future criminals"
"Exactly why you should be careful dressing, there bad people Luna and right now you are what they want", Don said not even looking up.

I rolled my eyes at them, "Your all be dramatic and that's coming from me", they were all about resort back when I felt someone grab me.

"Luna! We're late!", Gabe screamed he looked up at the boys , "Hey guys.", he waved.

They all waved and said hey or hi back to Gabe, Gabe turned back to me, "Okay let's go, coach is waiting", he dragged her through the cafeteria. She waved at Mikey who finally came to the cafeteria.

"I'm hiding those shorts", Ralph said watching them leave.

"I'm burning the shirt", Leo said, both boys laughed while Mikey sat down. Donnie finally looked up with confusion on his face, "Why is today important for cheer?"

Mikey reached over for the other half of Donnie's sandwich, "It's picking day"

"Hey!", he exclaimed.

"Picking what?", Ralph asked.

"You know they pick captain, co- captains and the team your assigned. Ain't you guys on teams, shouldn't you know this stuff?"

"The decathlon team does not work like that, plus your a mascot your around teams all the time", Donnie said.

"She really wants to be captain.", Mikey said.

"Maybe she will", Don encouraged.

"Let's hope for the best", Leo shrugged before sitting up, "Sensei needs us for tonight"

"Let me guess another patrol?", Ralph grumbled.

"No, it involves the Kraang, he saw them snooping around the neighborhood. He wants us to follow them, see what they are up to"

"Our neighborhood?", Ralph asked a bit aggressive, his sister popped up in his head and her getting hurt was already raddling him.

Leo nodded,"He wants us to follow them to see what they want or rather what their doing"

"Well I guess were gonna be late for dinner" Donnie said as he turned to Mikey, "Tell Luna"

Still eating the sandwich he muffled, "Oh yeah she's gonna be late too"

"Why?", they all said in unison, "Her practice should end at 4:30", Ralph finished. Mikey shrugged, "Maybe homework?"

"That girl finishes everything before the school day ends", Donnie added.

"Maybe she's hanging out with her friends?"

"Gabe's and Cassandra's parents don't let them out during the weekdays", Leo said.

"Maybe she's meeting a boy?"

"Over my dead body", Ralph finished.

"Well I don't know! I'm her twin but I don't read her mind! I mean that would totally be cool and all but still."

Leo sighed, "We'll worry about her later, meet at the car and we're heading straight to the dojo"

Hi welcome to my new story! It's going slow right now but soon you'll see familiar faces around the fic!

Reviews are welcome!

3/3/2018 I changed her name to Luna, Jade was being used in a lot of other fics, gotta be original you know?