The Psychic



Izuku Midoriya was a child when he got his quirk. Izuku Midoriya was a child when his dad said he didn't support his dream of being a hero, DESPITE him being one himself. Izuku Midoriya was a child when his dad left with his mother begging him to stay. Izuku Midoriya is 14 years old now. Izuku Midoriya is now depressed because his mother is now a sobbing mess who cries every night because she can't bring Hisashi back and he knows she secretly blames him.

Izuku is sad.

Izuku is angry.

Izuku ignores these to try and help his mother to try to get her to 'forgive' him.

He didn't mean to let 'this' happen.


Izuku had just finished a rather long and annoying day of school, having to here Bakugou spout off about being number 1 was extremely annoying. Izuku found himself enjoying the breeze so he decided to take his time walking back from school. The ground looks interesting enough to stare at.

'Oh look there's a new crack. That wasn't there yesterd…' Izuku's thoughts was interrupted as he bumped into someone he wish he didn't. Because once he saw that blond hair and red eyes he knew that today offically sucked.

"Oi! Watch where you're going Deku!" Bakugo Katsuki shouted.

Izuku just looked at Bakugo and said "Sorry. Kacchan." before walking past him.

"Yeah, you better." Bakugo sneered, walking away, before turning round and yelled "And stop calling me that!"

"Rude." Izuku muttered as he walked away. "And to think we were friends."

He was walking towards the bridge he like to hang out under. He liked to practice using his telekinesis to lift trash cans and make the trash lids spin extremely fast and pretend they were beyblades. It also had good phone reception so he could listen to music or watch videos while waiting for his train. He could just make himself fly using his quirk, but he'd get in trouble for using his quirk. In his opinion, that was stupid.

Once he got under the bridge he went to sit down, but he heard a slimy voice behind him say "Perfect, a invisibility cloak."

Izuku turned around and saw man made of green sludge come out of the sewers. Izuku's eyes twitched as he saw the sludge man slither quickly towards him. He quickly used his quirk to grab the sludge man and lift him in the air.

"W-what?" the slime villain said.

"I rather not get my clothes dirty and slimy. So~" Izuku lifted a empty soda bottle out of the trash and opened it. "In you go."

"Don't you dare you little shit!" the man said, but to no avail as Izuku forced him into the bottle.

Izuku floated the bottle into his hands as he heard the manhole cover bust off. He sighed, thinking it was another one, before turning around. As soon as he saw a large, muscular, blonde man. The Number 1 Hero, Symbol of Peace, All Might!

"I AM HERE" the All Might said.

"Oh, hello All Might." Izuku said, waving.

"Hello young man." All Might said "You wouldn't have happened to see a man made of sludge around here have you?"

"Oh you mean him." Izuku said holding out the bottle surprising All Might. "He came at me so I put him in here."

All Mights surprise was quickly turned to back to his famous smile before walking towards Izuku and taking the bottle.

"Good work young man." All Might said taking the bottle out of the boy's hand and putting it in his pocket.

"Thank you." Izuku said.

"Well young man I must be going." All Might said as he was about to jump away.

"Wait." Izuku said.

All Might said "Sorry, but I must be going." before he jumped off.

'No, I need answers.' Izuku thought as he flew after him.

"Please listen to me." Izuku said causing All Might to look behind him.

"What the- you can fly?" All Might asked.

"No, I have telekinesis. I can fly using it" Izuku said.

"J-Just land on that roof." All Might said, pointing to a nearby building.

After the two landed All Might look at Izuku and said "You wanted an answer? And why ask me?"

"You seem to have a lot of wisdom." Izuku answered before looking up at All Might and said "Someone close to me, made me and another person hurt, should you forgive them?" Izuku bluntly said.

All Might stood for about a minute and asked. "What did they do?"

"They decided that since they thought I was quirkless they left me and my mother's life saying that she must've spread her legs for another man if she gave birth to a worthless, quirkless, ingrate like me." Izuku said with a straight face, not even flinching once.

All Might walked over and placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder "Sadly, ever since quirks started, parents would disown kids or even worse if they showed no quirks. Those poor kids don't deserve that."

Izuku quickly said "My mother hasn't yet."

"Yet? But why would she, you have a quirk." All Might asked.

"I-I know she resents me. I can feel it. No matter what I do I know she will always blame m…" Izuku stopped when both of All Might's hands grabbed his shoulders and shook him.

"Did she say any of this?"

"N-No, but…"

"Than you don't know." All Might started. "Just assuming the worst won't solve anything. She can't blame you knowing it isn't your fault, real mothers don't do that. If your father does that to you than he isn't your real father."

Izuku's eyes watered, he closed his eyes before saying "T-Thank you, All Might. I'll ask her as soon as I get home." Izuku quickly turned around and jumped before flying towards his home.

All Might let out a breath before he shrunk down to a skeleton looking form. "That was too close. But it's a good thing I helped him, otherwise he might have gone down the wrong path. Now let's get you to-" All Might felt his pockets, eyes widening when he felt no bottle. "Oh no…"

(With Inko)

Inko Midoriya was walking out of the store. She had just finished shopping and was about to head home to make Katsudon for dinner. She felt that her and Izuku's relationship with each other was getting worse. Ever since his father left he hasn't been the same. Inko tried to get him to talk to his father, he would just get an angry look on his face and say no. Inko decided today was the day to talk it over with him, and what better way than over Katsudon with her secret ingredient.

Inko tripped over a bottle causing her to fall down.

"Ouch" she gasped. "Stupid bottle."

Inko stood up before picking up the bottle and threw it into a nearby trash can, causing the cap to break off. Letting something out that would change the

Through me out like trash, huh." a voice said behind her.

Inko turned around and saw a sludge man lunge at her. Before she could out the way it wrapped around her.

Inko did the only thing she could think of.


(At the Midoriya Household)

Izuku landed at his front door and quickly unlocked it before running inside.

"Mom I need to talk to…" Izuku started before he saw his mom's shoes gone. "Where did she go?"

Izuku walked into the kitchen and saw a note.

Dear Izuku,

I went out to pick up food for dinner. Be back soon.

Love you sweetie!

"Hmmm, guess I'll have to wait for her." Izuku sadly said as walked into the living room and turned on the TV.

Breaking News!

A poor women has been captured by a villain that seemingly appears to be made out of sludge or mush

Hearing this Izuku snapped his head towards the TV as he saw the same sludge man as before holding a women.

Hero's seem to be unable to do anything as the sludge villain is seemingly invulnerable to their attacks.

As they where talking the camera zoomed into the crime and Izuku's heart stopped.


It was….

"MOM!" Izuku shouted.

He quickly ran outside and took off into the air. He quickly noticed the crowd of people from the TV and flew down. As he landed many hero's shouted at him, but he didn't hear them as he ran towards the sludge man.

"Agr, you again! I'll kill you as well!" the sludge man yelled as he sent tendrils of sludge at him.

Izuku quickly shoved the tendrils away and lept towards to his choking mother.

"Got you now!"

"GET OFF OF HER!" Izuku said as he grabbed his mom and used his quirk to shove all sludge off his mom before he lept back to the crowd.

"Mom, mom!" Izuku yelled.

Inko's face was red as she slowly reached up and put her hand on Izuku's cheek.

"I-It's okay, m-my l-little hero." Inko weakly spit out before she closed her eyes.

"No, no, no, no." Izuku sadly mumbled as he sat their holding his mothers head as he heard the villain laugh.

"HAHAHAHA, I killed her now I'm gonna kill you, you little bra…" the sludge man was interrupted as his entire body was lifted and slammed into the ground.

Izuku slowly rose his head as his eyes looked at the sludge man, devoid of all emotion except for the tears streaming down his face. He stood up and walked over to the sludge-man. Izuku raised his hands as nearby power lines broke off, crackling in electricity.

"Kid, DON'T!" a hero said behind Izuku, DeathArms if he remembers correctly.

Izuku didn't listen as he shoved the electricity into the sludge man with a simple word. "Die."

"AAAAAAAAARG!" the monster screeched.

Izuku kept on torturing the monster, not noticing paramedics take his mom's body and start to work to try and save her. After what felt like hours he felt a strong hand on his shoulder. He slowly turned and saw All Might slowly shake his head. Izuku lowered his head before dropping the unconscious sludge man as nearby police officers ran over to quickly contain the monster before he woke up.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here in time, young man." All Might said.

Izuku finally let the tears out.


AN: OK, couldn't resist. After seeing Yamikumo, a prototype of Izuku, I had the urge to write a depressed Izuku. But after seeing other fics, I was hesitant. Not wanting to be part of one thousand fics that are almost exactly the same. So, I brain stormed. Izuku's quirk is ultimate telekinesis. On the level of Tatsumaki from One Punch Man and Mob from Mob Psycho 100. Sorry if I make him OP, but this story is more focused on Izuku's dealing with his emotions. Izuku looks the same except he has Yamikumo's emo green hair. His personality is different though. Also, Inko… I'M SO SORRY! W-Welp Ash Out.