Sabrina Walters was an six-year-old girl when she first met him.

M. Sherlock Holmes was living on the Sussex downs, tending to his bees when he heard a man shout from the road. He dropped his net and ran down from his cottage. A little girl with blond curly hair, pale skin, and huge blue eyes was on her knees in the road, picking up books. A tall man, that Holmes recognised as M. Tolman, an unpleasant neighbour, was yelling at her.

"You little brat! Can't you look were you're going!"

"I'm sorry sir. I was distracted and…"

"Oh! You were distracted, were you?"

"Yes sir."

"You should be spanked for your carelessness!"

"Excuse me," interrupted Holmes, "Could you please keep your voice down? All this shouting is upsetting my bees."

"Why should I care about your bees, Holmes?" He spat, "If you ask me, those ridicules insects of yours should be crushed underfoot!"

Tolman spun around and left in the other direction. Holmes bent down near the girl and helped her with her books.

"Thank you, sir."

"It's my pleasure, that man is utterly unpleasant."

She laughed.

"What's your name, young lady?"

"Sabrina. Sabrina Walters."

"It's nice to meet you, Sabrina. My name is Sherlock Holmes."

She looked startled.

"Mr. Holmes!" She looked down, "I'm sorry to bother you, sir."

"Ah," Holmes said, "What did people tell you about me?"

"The teachers think that you've made a deal with the devil. That you know more that a man should." She looked up at him curiously.

"Have you, sir?"

"No, Sabrina. I merely observe, and deduce. I see the hidden truths of men as easily as I can see that you've started to learn the violin, are an avid reader, and are cared for by an elder brother."

"Y…Yes Mr. Holmes." She shuddered "How could you know all that Mr. Holmes?"

"You're learning the violin because your fingers and chin are red. You're an avid reader because this book here was borrowed from the library today, as proclaims the library card in this book, but your bookmark indicates that you have finished half of it. And you are cared for by an elder brother because I have seen you before in his company."

They got up. Sabrina had to get home from school or her brother would start to worry, but there was still something she wanted to know.

"Mr. Holmes?"

"Yes Sabrina."

"How do you know were to look?"

Holmes smiled. "My brother taught me, when I was your age."

"Could I learn too, sir?"

Holmes laughed. He found this little girl refreshing. He missed Watson terribly sometimes and this little girl might help take his mind off Backer Street.

"If you want to learn Sabrina, I can teach you."