Hi Peeps. The muse light within me is drawing to a close. I think this may be my last Zeddison one shot (who knows for sure, they inspire cuteness within me) I really think Eliza and Bonzo were underused and could be so much more. I hope if we get a sequel, they expand on them as characters. We are back to K rating, all mistakes are my own. Separate one shot in the Zombie universe from previous three stories. Please enjoy! And thanks for coming on this journey with me! ~SL


"Eliza! Just the mastermind I wanted to see. I need your help." Zed leaned against the locker next to Eliza's open one.

"I can't put my finger exactly on why, but hard pass." Eliza deadpanned, closing her locker slightly harder than she meant to. Zed spun around, falling to his knees, which still put her near her chest.

"Please Eliza, this is important, and I need to get this right. You are the only person I trust." Eliza raised an eyebrow. "Bonzo literally cannot help and Addison can't know." Zed said quickly hugging her tightly," Please!"

"I'm not promising, but what would you want my help on?" Zed pulled himself up Eliza's arm, dragging her down the hall to a cutout.

"I want to ask Addison to prom, but elaborately, just like the living kids do here." Zed's eyes were bright with excitement, his mouth slightly hanging open waiting for her excitement in return.

"You want my help following a needlessly grand display of wealth and fake affection to try and once again sacrifice your identity to fit into prejudice culture norms?" Eliza put her hand in front of his face, walking around him. He turned quickly, standing in front of her.

"Eliza, I know who I am. I'm a zombie and I'm proud of that. I just want to this once for Addison, as me. Merging the worlds, you know?" Zed pouted. "Pave the way for others to ask their zombies out to prom/" Zed wiggled his eyebrows, he knew quite a few of the living students had a crush on Eliza, even if she tried her hardest to not see it.

"Ugh, fine, whatever. Meet me after school, we can go over some plans. And bring that hideous tux you wore when you corrupted my software." Eliza walked to class, leaving Zed to holler in the hallway alone.


In class, Eliza was typing away at ideas for Zed, having already past this portion of tech at zombie school. She already knew he was going to ask, so she had started researching trending promposals a while ago. And she liked Addison, so some part deep inside found their displays of support and affection, while disgusting, adorable. Eliza felt something hit her boot, looking down to a see a small perfectly folded square of paper, glitter gel pens scrolling across her name.

She rolled a pen off her desk, retrieving both. She slid the note under her laptop, unfolding it as quietly as she could.

Eliza, I need your help. ~Addison

Eliza held on to the note until class ended, letting Addison comes to her. She waved the note, shaking it slightly.

"What's this about? Missing class notes?" Eliza asked. Addison pulled her out of the hall, into the same cutout she had been only a class period before.

"I need your help." Addison said, fidgeting with her hair.

"I gathered that much. What's up?" Eliza checked her zband.

"I want to ask Zed to prom." Eliza looked up. "I know, it sounds silly. But Zed always does so much for me. I want to do something for him. I want to learn zombie tongue so I can ask him. I want to surprise him." Addison's eyes sparkled.

Eliza couldn't believe it. What kind of friend did she want to be right now. She should be the type of friend who tells Addison what Zed is planning. But she wasn't going to.

'Fine. You convinced me. I'm busy right after school today but want to meet after 5?" Eliza hiked her book bag over her shoulder, trying to distract herself from grinning.

"That's great! We can meet in the cheer quad, that way, Zed won't suspect a thing." Addison grabbed Eliza's hands, jumping up and down with excitement.

"Except the whole why is Eliza hanging with the cheerleader's suspicion thing." Eliza pointed out.

"I'll have Bucky cover for you." Addison brushed off her worry.

"I would rather die." Eliza countered. "Like, permanently."

Addison pouted out her bottom lip. "Please." She bat her eyelashes. Eliza brought her hand up, covering them.

"That always works on Zed." Addison seemed hurt.

"Yeah well, he's weak. Tomorrow morning at the Cheerstein headquarters." Addison squealed, running to her next class.

Bonzo slid beside Eliza, holding his fist in the air. "Gruze." Eliza bumped his with hers.

"I am smooth, aren't I? You know we can't let either of them find out about this, right?" Eliza put her hand on Bonzo's shoulder, wagging a finger at him. "I'm counting on you."

Bonzo stood straight and saluted. Eliza laughed, rubbing her hands together. Trying to plan what she was going to do.


"Right when the streamers fall all around her, and the confetti and the tassels I want to drop down on one knee and the banner to drop down from the ceiling and say, 'Addison, please make my heart beat, go with me to Prom?' And then I'll wait for an answer. What do you think?" Zed turned to Eliza.

"That's a lot to work with. I could probably get some confetti cannons and we could program them to go off in the middle of lunch. I can hack the school intercom and play the music you want, that's easy. The banner, don't you think that's a bit much?" Eliza asked, Bonzo nodded.

"Bonzo, please. Please design me a banner so I can ask Addison to the dance?" Zed clasped his hands together. "I'll give you anything." Bonzo's eyes lit up. "Except that." Zed countered.

Bonzo shrugged, making Eliza laugh. "Zah briska, zah bonza." Bonzo countered.

"Fine, you can have my light up brain trophy." Bonzo smiled, pulling open his backpack. He had a tight rolled up canvas he pulled out, laying it flat on the table.

"'Addison, please make my heart beat, go with me to Prom? -Zed' That's perfect!" Zed screamed, grabbing it and kissing the canvas. "You even did it in school colors, wait, is that a pom-pom? Bonzo, my man!" Zed hugged him, crushing the canvas.

"Zai, gresku zoh grak." Bonzo pulled the banner back, rolling it again. Eliza rolled her eyes, finishing the program needed to time everything perfectly. She would have the Acey's plant the cannon, because they still owed her from hacking her computer in the first place and she made them her minions. She finished downloading the melody Zed wanted, something about a song they sung, and added that into the finishing touch. At lunch tomorrow, Zed would ask Addison. And hopefully, if Addison was the fast learner Eliza assumed, she could correct whatever wrong Zombie Tongue she googled and they could ask each other out at the same time. Eliza slammed her computer shut.

"Done. Now get to practice." Eliza shooed Zed away.

"Thank you both. I could never do this without you both." Zed pulled them into a hug.

"You couldn't do anything without us." Eliza joked back.

"Don't I know it?" Zed ran off to football practice. While Eliza packed her laptop into her back pack, Bonzo pointed his finger up.

"Yep. Now we go into hell and help a girl learn zombie." Bonzo stood up and started walking the direction away from the stairs. Eliza grabbed one of his coat tails and pulled. "Oh no you don't. I need you there to help me keep this serious."

Bonzo dropped his head, plodding his way up the stairs. Eliza rolled her eyes at his antics, it's not like this would be that bad.


"This is bad." Eliza raised an eyebrow at Addison. "Are you even listening to us?"

"I am!" Addison said. "I'm really trying, I can't get my tongue out the way." Addison pulled at her tongue, like trying to undo a knot.

"Zedu." Bonzo started again, patiently using his hands to signify enunciation.

"Zeahdu." Addison repeated. Bonzo's head slammed on the table. Eliza grabbed Addison cheeks gently squeezing.

"Addison, you've got to stop thinking of our language like words. It's more sounds, from the throat and gut. Remember, we were just dead barely moving pieces, and we had to communicate. Get your mind out of your mouth." Addison blinked, nodding her head again to try.

"Zedu." Bonzo mumbled, his face still on the table.

"Zedu." Addison repeated. Eliza felt the shock cross her face. "Well, that's one word down."

"Kruza grugar zidah moh graz?" Bonzo lifted his head, carefully pronouncing each word. Eliza kicked a foot onto the seat of her chair, leaning back. "She got one word, and you bust out the whole sentence." Eliza shook her head.

"Kruza grugar zidah moh graz?" Addison repeated, covering her mouth when she finished. "Did I do it?!" Addison's face broke into a huge smile. "Kruza grugar zidah moh graz?" Addison laughed. "Oh my shrimp, I'm get to ask Zed to go to prom with me!"

"You should do it at lunch tomorrow." Eliza suggested. "It'll make a big impact on everyone. The living students will be jealous and the zombies are going to be impressed." Bonzo drug a carefully folded piece of paper from his pocket, writing the words in zombie. He slid it to Eliza, who wrote the letters phonetically before sliding it to Addison. Bonzo pulled out a rolled banner, sliding it across the table to Addison.

"Is this for me?" Addison unrolled it, seeing the same words in Zombie tongue and translated into English. "Can you make this unroll at lunch when Zed comes in?" Addison looked at Eliza. "Please, I'll do anything you want."

Bonzo winked at Eliza. "I want three scoops of vanilla ice cream, for each of us." Eliza said, her fingers tapping on the table.

"Grezaburi." Bonzo added.

"How could I forget, strawberry drizzle on top." Eliza said.

"Done!" Addison jumped up, hugging them both. "Thank you both so much!" Addison ran down the stairs. Bonzo and Eliza laughed, sharing a high five.


Lunch rolled around and Zed was sitting with Bonzo and Eliza. Eliza was taping her foot nervously as Addison kept trying to get her attention. She held up two fingers, letting Addison know in two minutes she was going to drop the banner. Bonzo winked at Eliza, who nodded. Zed grabbed her hand, squeezing it for strength.

"Go get 'em tiger." Eliza said to Zed as he stood up. Addison stood up, starting to walk to Zed, and Zed began to walk to Addison.

Showtime. Eliza opened her laptop, cutting into the school speaker system. A melody began to play, and Addison's mouth got wide, giving Eliza the thumbs up thinking Eliza did it for her. Zed turned, giving her a thumbs up. "This is too easy." Eliza smirked to herself.

She leaned back in her chair, pushing the button to Bonzo. "Be my guess."

Bonzo slammed his fist on the button, confetti flying with loud pops from all four corners of the ceiling, and two banners in opposite unrolling down across the walls just as Addison and Zed reached other in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Kruza grugar zidah moh graz?" Addison shouted at Zed.

"Addison, please make my heart beat, go with me to Prom?" Zed dropped to one knee, saying at the exact same time.

"What?" they said in unison.

"Did you? But I-YES!" They both shouted, Zed standing pulled Addison into his arms, kissing her lips gently. The whole cafeteria roared in applause.

"Did you learn Zombie Tongue for me?" Zed asked.

"Yes, Eliza and Bonzo taught me." Addison nodded. "Did you make a Prompsal for me?" Addison asked.

"Yes, Eliza and Bonzo helped." Zed turned his eyes to his friends, seeing both of them with a large bowl of three scoops of vanilla ice cream, strawberry drizzle on top. They erupted into laughter, Bonzo slapping the table and Eliza kicking her feet.

"Are we going to get them back?" Addison asked, hugging Zed deeper.

"Definitely. After Prom." Zed rested his chin on Addison's head. "For right now, I'm going to just enjoy this." Zed breathed in, feeling Addison's pulse and breathing in her scent. Everything for right now, was perfect. And his revenge, would be just a perfect.