Rating: M (Smut)

Pairing: Royai/Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye

Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist.

Word Count: 5140

Title: Checkmate

Description: Royai One Shot/Modern AU where Riza, a cautious submissive, met Roy, an experienced Dom, through a friend, who travels in such circles, after she expressed an interest in BDSM.

A/N: I've never written BDSM before, so here goes.


I shouldn't do this, I think to myself as I hurry down the icy street. It's late on a Friday night. He may not even be awake. Or home. He could be at a party somewhere.

Still. I need to do it. As much as I think about this, it's time I made a choice. And since I keep coming back anyway…

Well, I came back once, officially. Plenty of times in my mind, but only that one time did I ever make it all the way to his door. After the first time, which didn't go great, it took a lot of effort to finally make the trip.

Fortunately, the second time was better, but I was still so nervous. Too nervous. He could tell. He went easy on me, and I knew he didn't like that. I could see the frustration in his eyes.

I disappointed him.

Which is why I haven't come back a third time until now. He made it clear I shouldn't even bother unless I was certain. "All-in," was the term he used. And he had a point. I have to trust him completely for this to work.

I walk the last block to his building and stop, staring at the call box.

What if he found someone else? Someone he likes better than me? He said he was looking for a new sub, and he told me flat out he was interested in "breaking me in."

A shiver runs down my spine that has nothing to do with how cold it is, and I bite my lip.

I stayed away out of fear. I can't get him out of my head. The things he says, the way he says them. The way he touches me.

But it isn't him I'm afraid of. It's me. It turns me on, being ordered around. Tied up. Punished. Thinking about it is making me wet.

But I'm afraid of what that means. I'm not…adventurous. Or I wasn't before. It scares me that I might be into this. That I am into it.

I glance behind me at the street. It isn't too late to chicken out. I could go home and pretend I never came here. But…

I sigh. The idea of going back to my apartment and getting myself off with the toy in my nightstand…again…isn't appealing. I need something more.

Taking a deep breath, I square my shoulders and reach for the black button beside his name. Then, I wait.

"Hello?" The sound of his voice makes my stomach tie up in knots.

"It's me," I say softly, my breath a visible cloud in the cold air. "Let me in?"

He doesn't answer, but I hear the buzzer and the lock clicks. I pull the door open and quickly make my way up the stairs. When I reach his apartment, I knock once before instantly burying my hands in the pockets of my coat.

"Riza," he murmurs, opening the door slightly and cocking his hip against the frame. "What brings you here at this hour?"

"I…" My mouth goes dry when I look at him, his dark t-shirt pulled tight over his muscles.

"Yes?" he prompts, and I feel my cheeks heat.

"Sir," I barely whisper, the one word giving him all the information he needs.

He's quiet, so I force my eyes up to his face, even though I know better. His eyebrows are raised, but there's a smirk on his lips.

"You're sure about this?" he asks in a deep voice. "You know what it means?"

"Yes, Sir," I answer, looking down again, away from his eyes.

He starts to open the door wider, and I take a small step, my toe landing on the threshold, when he stops, his lips going to my ear.

"If you cross this line, there's no going back this time, Riza," he informs me, his tone filled with darkness and sex. "You'll be mine. Exclusively. Are you prepared for that?"

I feel my heart beat wildly, and my resolve wavers. I don't look up at him. I know better than that. I don't even breathe.

"I'm sure, Sir," I murmur.

"You trust me? Completely?" His hand comes up to my waist, and I gasp.

"I…" I pause as his fingers slide under my coat and my shirt, making tiny circles on my skin above my hip. "I would follow you into hell, if you asked me to," I finally say, proud of myself for not choking.

"Then let's begin."

His lips brush my cheek as he pulls back, and I feel wobbly on my legs when he lets me go.

"I'm making a late dinner," he announces, leading the way inside, not pausing to wait for me. "Have you eaten?"


"Um, yes," I answer, dazed.

"Yes, what?" He stops and looks over at me with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, Sir," I remedy quickly.

Normally, Doms require the title "Master" from their submissive, but Roy is different. He demands to be called "Sir."

I see him nod slightly before he continues down the hall to the kitchen.

"Good. You can leave your hat, coat, and scarf on the hooks by the door."

I stop in the entrance and look around, finding a mounted rack on the wall.

"Also remove your shoes. When you've done that, go upstairs."

I untangle my scarf with trembling hands and drape it over a hook.

"Riza?" his voice echoes down the hall.

"Yes, Sir?" I call, quickly shedding the rest of my winter wear and hanging it up.

"When I pause in your instructions, I expect a response. I have to know you're listening."

"Yes, Sir," I answer, stepping out of my shoes before starting for the staircase to my right. I pause when he speaks again.

"My bedroom is the third on the left," he informs me casually. "Leave your clothes on the dresser and lay down on your stomach on the bed."

"Yes, Sir," I reply, a hint of a tremor in my voice.

"That's completely naked, Riza. Not even your underwear, understood?"

"I understand, Sir."

"Good. Use the roll pillow at the head and put it under your hips. I want your ass in the air when I reach you."

My heart skips a beat, and I grab for the bannister to keep my balance. This is what I came here for, I remind myself. This is what I wanted.

"Riza?" his voice calls again as I'm taking the first step, almost making me stumble.

"Yes. Yes, Sir?" I reply, ignoring my racing pulse.

"I'll join you in a bit. Just wait like I instructed until then."

"Yes, Sir."

I hurry up the stairs before he can say anything else.

My heart is lodged in my throat by the time I reach the top step. I barely notice the hard-oak floors or the ornate style of the décor. All I can see is the door. The third on the left. It's slightly ajar. My hand is sweating and trembling when I push it open.

My eyes scan through the space, landing on the dark wood dresser against the far wall. I take a deep breath and start toward it, but I stop before I get there.

I just need a few minutes to compose myself. I mean, I knew what I was getting into when I came here. Or I thought I did. But the last few times didn't start quite this…abruptly. I guess. I don't know. I'm just…

No. I'm not hesitant. Or unsure. Not anymore. The time for that is over. I made my choice. I'm here. I'm all in.

"This is what I want," I tell myself out loud, my voice shattering the silence of the room.

With that in mind, I take the last few steps to the dresser and pull my top over my head. I fold it neatly and set it on the empty surface before quickly moving onto my jeans. I repeat the mantra in my head as I remove my bra, my nipples puckering instantly in the cool air.

This is what I want.

The wet spot in my panties only confirms it when I take them off, setting them on top of my other clothes.

Leaving me naked. As was my order.

Turning back toward the room, I finally take it in, trying to ignore the strange feeling of air tickling the dampness between my legs.

Before when I came, we used one of his guest rooms. I've never been in here until now.

The room is huge. A large area rug in greys and black covers most of the floor. The window is covered in thick velvet curtains in a rich sage green color. I'm tempted to touch them, but I resist.

There's a full-length mirror on the opposite wall from the dresser. I see myself in it for a second, blinking at the sight of my bared skin before looking away. Across from the foot of the bed there's a bookcase. It's fully loaded and clearly organized. Mounted above it is a flat screen TV.

Finally, I look at the bed. It's huge, for one thing, so much that it sticks out into the center of the room. Two nightstands sit on either side, each with a lamp. It has to be a California King. With a black satin coverlet and pillows. My eyes catch on the roll pillow, and I feel my pussy throb pleasantly.

A locked chest on the far wall catches my eye. Something about it draws me in. I take a step toward it before I think better. If Roy catches me trying to snoop in his things… As much as I like the idea of him punishing me, I don't think that would end well.

Shaking the idea off, I move to the bed. I climb on on my knees, and crawl to the middle, the soft material of the cover sliding over my skin. I reach for the roll pillow, and exhale slowly before I move it into place, lying down over it.

My chest presses flat against the mattress, my already stiff nipples hardening more against the dark satin. I cross my arms under my head and rest my cheek on them, trying to ignore the unfamiliar feeling of my naked ass being elevated like it is.

I wait for what feels like forever. There's no clock that I can see, so I can't accurately judge the time. But I start to feel restless. I know better than to move from the position he instructed. And yet, I can't stay still. My knees slide apart a few inches, and I adjust the pillow under my hips.

The sudden flow of cool air against my wet slit makes me gasp, and I feel my ass clench and relax all at once. I shut my eyes and let the feeling settle over me. Which is why I miss the sound of footsteps.

The door closes, and I flinch, my head jerking to the side.

"Good girl," Roy murmurs deep and huskily, making me shiver. "You followed my orders exactly."

"Of course, Sir," I whisper, failing to find my voice.

He walks over to the bed and stops by the side, crossing his arms as he looks at me, stretched out before him.

"How wet are you?"

My pussy squeezes tight at his words, but I force out an answer.

"I…I think I'm dripping, Sir," I tell him honestly.

He raises his eyebrows and leans his head to look between my legs.

"Hmm… Good."

He moves out of my line of sight, and I feel my lungs seize up.

"I adore this ass," he murmurs, and I tense when his palm caresses one of my cheeks. "So pert and…"


The sudden smack surprises me, pushing my torso forward, my breasts smashing deeper against the bed.

"Pale," he finishes. "I'm going to start by pinking that up."

I bite my lip as a fresh surge of moisture floods my already-slick skin just below where his hand is resting.

"Have I done something wrong, Sir?" I ask softly, my voice shaking with either anticipation or anxiety. "That I need to be punished?"

"Have you?" he turns the question back on me, and I feel my heart pound against my breastbone.

"N-no, Sir," I bite out.

"No," he repeats, sliding both his hands over my ass now, teasing my practically virgin skin there. "No, you're a good girl, aren't you?"

"Yes, Sir."

"In that case, I won't go too hard on you this time." He squeezes one of my ass cheeks, and I let out a small sound. "Just my hand, I think. None of my toys tonight."

I open my mouth to say something, but a sudden cry swallows my words when his hand comes down again, sending a sharp pang from my ass to my pussy, where I pulse with need.

"Before we continue," he pauses, his fingers running over the freshly spanked skin. "We need to establish your safe word. Before you said–"

"Checkmate," I blurt, cutting him off.

There's a silence, and I suddenly realize what I just did.

"Never interrupt me, Riza." His voice is dark, and I feel it coating me, as if it's touching my naked flesh. "Or I will have to punish you."

"Yes, Sir," I whisper. "I'm sorry."

I bite my lips and berate myself internally. I know better than to cut him off like that. I'm new to this, but I've learned that much. I just panicked because…last time I had to use my safe word—well, I didn't have to, but I did. And since I'm trying to do this right from now on, I don't want to use the same one as before. Or even mention it. Ever again.

I realize it's silent again, and he's just lazily running his thumb in circles over my ass. I tense, waiting for what comes next. Will he spank me again? Is the other conversation over? My breath starts coming in short pants, and I squeeze my eyes closed.

"Checkmate," he murmurs softly, still moving his thumb. "I like that."

I relax a tiny bit at his words. I'm glad he likes it, for some reason. Proud that I've pleased him somehow.

"Are you ready to continue?" His hand stops its light touching, and I open my eyes.

"Yes, Sir."

Before the words are even out, another crack! echoes through the room as his palm slaps against my ass. A moan escapes from my throat as the heat starts building in my pussy.

He doesn't pause this time. Instead, he immediately lands another, his strong hand sending heat and pain along my backside. My fingernails dig into my forearms where they're crossed under my cheek as he continues to land powerful blows across my rear. My body moves forward with every smack he delivers.

Soon it's a rhythm, and I feel the flaming heat from my ass slide down between my legs. I spread them a little with every thrust of my body, my moans getting longer and lower with each—the slight shifting bringing his hand closer to where I'm desperate for him.

Suddenly he stops.

I bite my tongue before I slip up and beg him to continue. My ass is on fire, and still…I want more.

"Don't move, Riza," he commands in a low voice, and I register the arousal in his words. He's turned on by this. The realization sends a jolt straight to my pussy.

"No, Sir," I choke.

"Your ass is quite red now," he informs me, his hand coming to rest on the tender skin he's been assaulting.

I flinch, hissing at the touch.

"But I think it can take a little more," he finishes darkly.

"I…" I start to speak when he blows a stream of cool air over it, and I whimper instead.

"That is, if you can keep still," he reiterates, and I nod against my arms.

"Yes, Sir," I murmur.

"If you can't control your legs, I'll have to tie you down," he goes on, his hands moving from my sore, raised bottom down the backs of my thighs.

"Please," I gasp.

"What?" He stops suddenly and I feel him lean over me. "What was that?"

I snap my mouth shut and breathe through my nose. I can't believe I said that. I really should stop making all these mistakes.


"Do you want that?" He asks, planting a knee in the bed by my hip and lowering his face to my ear. "To be restrained?"

"Yes, Sir," I answer breathily. "I…I do."

"That can be arranged." I glance at him to find him grinning. "Quite easily."

He moves away from me, and I hold my breath until I feel his hand slide around my ankle. He touches me gently, but in the position I'm in, after what he's already done and knowing what he's doing now, the slightest contact makes my pussy quiver. I feel a strip of soft fabric replace his fingers and pull my leg out to the side. I try to move it, but it holds tight. He repeats the process with my other one.

When he lets me go, my legs are parted and tethered securely to the bedframe. My ass is still pushed up by the pillow, and I can feel my juices trailing down my thighs.

"That should do adequately," he comments, returning his focus to the raw skin of my ass, where I can feel a pulse beating from his earlier ministrations. His hand strokes me gently, and I cry out, pulling at my new restraints.

"Get still, Riza," he demands, darkly, and I force myself into submission. "Good girl."

He strokes me again, and I can't stop my hips from rearing back into his touch.

"I'm going to continue now," he announces, and I brace myself.

His hand leaves me, and I hold my breath, waiting for the impact.

"Actually," he says thoughtfully, "I want to check something first."

I start to look over my shoulder but freeze when his hand is suddenly delving deep into the folds of my pussy.

I forget how to breathe as his fingers move, pulling my lips apart and roughly dragging over my sensitive skin. Two of them drive into me sharply, making me gasp and fight the ties on my ankles.

"Mmm," he hums, and I feel it where he's filling me. "Wetter than I thought. That's good."

His hand disappears as quickly as it entered, leaving me shaken and longing for it back.

"Sir," I moan.

"Yes, Riza?"

"I…I need…"

"Don't worry," he assures me gently. "I'm going to take care of you. Soon."

I shut my eyes and nod, trusting him. I lay there for a second, still feeling him touching me and teasing me there, until a sharp slap to my ass jerks me forward. I yelp, my eyes snapping open again.

"Only a few more," Roy grunts, his hand landing again with a crack.

I bite my lip, and he pulls his hand away for another one.

"Do you like your spanking, Riza?" he asks suddenly, his voice thick.

"Yes," I whimper. "Yes, Sir."

"Is it making you wet for me?"

"Yes, Sir!" I moan loudly. "So wet."

"Do you want to come?"

"Y-yes, Sir! Please," I moan as he smacks me again.

"While I spank you?"

"Oh!" I cry out, the ties on my ankles pulling tight.

"Answer me, Riza."

He ends every sentence with another slap, and I struggle to speak.

"Yes," I whine between pants. "God, Sir! Don't stop!"

I'm not ready when his hand touches me between my legs—barely a whisper while his other hand continues to pound me. I forget to breathe as his thick, rough fingers toy with me, my pussy spasming from the conflicting sensations.

Suddenly, he rams two fingers deep inside me at the same time he lands a hard wallop on my stinging ass. I gasp so sharply it hurts, my legs tensing, pulling at their bonds. I turn my head to look at him over my shoulder.

"Head down, Riza," he demands, forcefully thrusting in and out of me, his thumb going to my clit.

I moan and rest my forehead on my arms again, fighting for air as his hands alternate between pumping into my pussy and swatting my ass. My legs won't relax, staying tense and held tight as he goes at me. Soon, I feel it. The rippling in my pussy. The heat in my belly. It's about to happen. I brace myself on my arms, and bite my lip when—

His hands stop, abandoning me completely.

"No!" I wail, throwing my head back. "I'm so close!"

"I can tell," he answers quietly, and I immediately bite my tongue. "I felt your pussy shuddering."

"But… I…"

"You come when I say, Riza," he commands in the same low voice. "And only when I say. Understood?"

I hesitate before I answer, focusing on my still-pulsating center, where I was so very close to—

"Riza?" His tone sharpens.

"Yes, Sir," I wheeze. "I understand."


"Sir?" I whisper, still trying to catch my breath.


"Can I come soon, please?"

My pussy is throbbing like crazy, and I can't move my legs at all. I'm just sure the lightest touch would send me over. He could probably breathe on me, and I would come.

"I think that's doable," he consents. "These pretty cheeks of yours are almost at their limit, I think."

He brushes his lips across my sore skin, and I let out a shrill mewl.

"In fact, you may need some cool cloths after this. I don't want it to swell."

Oh my God. I shut my eyes and release a slow breath. My ass is at risk of swelling. That shouldn't turn me on, but it does.

"Sir, please," I beg, forcing my rear higher into the air.

"Since you asked so politely," he murmurs, caressing my ass with the palm of one hand.

I squeal when the same hand presses a thumb between my cheeks, right against my puckered asshole.

"This isn't something for today," he informs me softly, his thumb rubbing over me lightly. "But it will be soon."

I swallow hard, and his fingers trail down my crack into the hot, drenched place where I'm aching for him. I clench my teeth as he strokes me, forcing myself not to come too soon.

"Tonight, you'll come on my hand," he instructs. "I'll save my cock for later."

My pussy flutters violently at the idea of him inside me. I know he feels it around his fingers when he murmurs, "You like that?"

"Yes, Sir," I confess. "I like everything you do to me."

"Good girl," he whispers. "Such a good girl."

I suck air in through my teeth and bite back a sob as his hand continues to move over me.

"For that, I'll change my mind," he says louder. "I'll give you both."

"Both, Sir?" I moan, arching my back over the pillow.

"If you think you can handle it, but I have confidence you can."

I start to ask what he's talking about when he slides his fingers deep into my pussy, spreading them apart as he moves, increasing the friction. My inner walls clench at him, and he starts stroking. It's oddly gentle at first, something I'm not expecting, but he starts picking up speed quickly.

His other hand is rubbing my bottom, the light touch serving to sooth a little of the pain. I use my elbows to push back into him, and he squeezes one of my cheeks.

"Did you think I was finished?"

I barely process his words when he spanks me again. His hand between my legs starts ramming into me wildly as he simultaneously smacks my blistering ass. Over and over. Harder and harder.

It doesn't take much before the heat he's creating spreads to my pussy. Suddenly, it convulses violently around his hand, and I'm terrified I won't be able to stop it.

"Now, Riza. Come for me." He punctuates his command with an acutely hard slap, and I scream as my orgasm wracks my body, as if it was waiting for his order.

My bound legs thrash against the silk ties as it happens. My pussy contracts around his still-moving fingers. It's so intense. So powerful. So long. The burn from my ass only seems to extend it. I don't know when I come down, but my lip is bleeding from how hard I'm biting it. His fingers have stopped, but his thumb is circling my clit, making me wet even as I tremble with aftershocks.

"I'm going to untie you," he says gruffly. "I want you on your knees."

"Yes, Sir," I reply hoarsely.

I feel the silk slide away from my skin, and I shift my legs.

"Oh," I hiss, the slightest movement causing my ass to twinge.

"Knees," Roy repeats, and I nod, forcing my body to comply.

He steps away from me, and I don't have the energy to look over to see what he's doing. I lift up on my elbows and drop my head. I flinch when the roll pillow is suddenly removed, causing a rush of cool air across my thighs.

"Does your ass sting?" I hear him ask before I feel the bed depress with his weight.

I open my mouth to answer when I feel his leg hair tickling my thighs.


"Yes," I say automatically. "Yes, Sir."

"Do you want to rate your pain?"

"N-no, Sir." I shake my head. "I'm okay."

He touches one finger to my abraded flesh, and I bite back a whine.

"Cool cloths," he murmurs. "And Tylenol."

I don't say anything, but both sound good right now. Of course, it's worse when he touches it.

Or better. Depending on the definition.

"I'm going to fuck you now," he declares, his hand going to my hip. "Is your pussy ready for me?"

"Yes," I whisper. If anything, I'm wetter now than I have been all night. "Yes, Sir."

The end of my word is choked off when I feel his engorged head glide between my sensitive lips. I'm still dripping from everything before, so there's no resistance when he sinks in.

All the way.

Instantly, I feel him against the back of my channel, his enormous, heavy cock spreading me painfully wide. I can barely breathe, I'm so full.

"Fuck, this tight pussy."

"Please," I beg, my pussy aching around his gigantic erection. "I want it."

"This?" He pulls out and drives back in slowly, his hot, turgid flesh dragging along the slick walls of my pussy, making my legs weak. "This is what you want?"

He slams back into me, holding my hips in place.

"Yes," I moan loudly at the headboard, my head flying back.

"This?" he repeats, withdrawing and powering back into me again. "You want my thick, throbbing cock to tear apart your tight, little pussy?"

"Yes, Sir," I howl. "Please. Fuck me harder!"

All at once, it's like he's some sort of animal. His control seems to slip as he starts pounding into me, his fingers digging into my hips. He thrusts in ruthlessly, grinding against me roughly each time, stripping my pussy raw, and yet somehow expertly driving me to the edge while he does it. Soon I'm keening again, unable to stop the noises as I reach the edge, teetering on the brink of my orgasm.

"Don't come until I say," he growls, as if he can read my mind. "I know you're close."

"Yes, Sir."

He moves faster, slamming into me harder, until he's rutting between my legs.

"Now," he groans, so low I almost miss it. "Come now!"

I start to tell him I can't, that I'm not far enough when his hand leaves my hip and slides between my legs. His thumb hits my clit, and I explode, coming all over his wild cock. I open my mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. The only noise is his labored breathing and the wet sound of his thrusts.

My arms give out and my head drops to the mattress, my ass still high in the air as he continues to hammer into me. I hear him grunt and pant before he drives in and clamps tight to my hip, his hand between my legs clutching at my quivering lips.

I feel him jerking inside of me, his huge cock throbbing as he comes. My pussy clenches at him, sending a powerful surge into my still-happening orgasm. A moan tears out of my throat, and I push my hips back against his groin. I can't stop coming. It feels like it will never end.

He continues to pump into me even after I can feel he's finished. I don't complain. I like how he feels inside of me. Eventually, he stops, pulling out of me and letting my hips fall flat onto the bed, my body still quaking from climax.

"Don't move," he commands gruffly, his rough voice the only evidence his orgasm affected him. "I'll be right back."

I couldn't move even if I wanted to, but I give him his desired, "Yes, Sir," all the same, even if my voice is weak.

I hear him go into the bathroom. The door is cracked, so after a flush, I listen to the familiar sound of rummaging through cabinets and a running tap. The door opens again, and he comes back to me and sits down on the edge of the sets a glass of water and a set of pills on the table with the lamp before he moves down closer to my hips. I notice he's put on some cotton sleep pants, not letting me get a glimpse of the beast that just destroyed me.

"This might sting," he murmurs.

My body jerks when the cold rag hits the feverish skin of my ass. I whimper, squeezing my eyes closed.

"Shh," he murmurs soothingly, stroking my spine. "I've got you."

He covers my whole bottom in wet cloths before moving up to my head. I watch him set a bowl of water on the nightstand before he picks up the glass and medicine.

"Here, sit up."

I lift up on my elbows and turn my head.

"I'll hold the glass. You drink."

I nod, accepting the pills and swallowing them quickly.

"Ibuprofen," he informs me. "It should help with the pain and, hopefully, the swelling."

"Thank you, Sir," I whisper.

"We're done playing, Riza. The session is over," he says softer. "You don't need to call me 'Sir' right now."

"Oh." I feel my face flush. "I…"

"It's all right," he assures me. "You'll learn. How do you feel?"

"I… I think my limbs have turned to jelly," I confess. "And I'm pretty sure I could sleep for a thousand years."

He lets out a short laugh and pushes my hair off my neck.

"I take it those are good things?"

"Yes," I whisper, suddenly unsure of what to do. If this isn't part of our "play" as he calls it, how do I react?


I blink and start to panic. His eyes are too soft, looking at me like that. I… I have to get out of here.

"It's probably late," I change the subject, trying to sound casual at the same time I'm looking around for a clock. "I should get going."

"You can stay here," he answers gently, stroking my hair again. "I want to change out the wet towels on your ass every thirty minutes or so anyway. At least for the next few hours. After that you can choose."

The sound of his voice calms my nerves, and I feel some of the building tension ease out of me.

"I don't want to impose," I murmur.

"You're mine," he reminds me quietly. "Part of that is seeing to you after our play ends. If you want to leave, you may, but I'd rather you didn't."

"I…I can stay."

"Good." He nods, his fingers brushing over my jaw. "I'll bring you a sheet to cover up with. I don't think your ass will allow anything heavier."

"Where will you sleep?" I whisper.

"In one of my guest rooms. You can shout if you need me."

I nod and reach out for a pillow. He grabs it for me and tucks it under my cheek.

"Get some sleep, Riza."

Whether it's him ordering me to, or the complete exhaustion of my body, I don't know, but somehow, I'm asleep by the time his sentence ends.