Ronald Weasley had done nothing more but stare at Hermione Granger. Nothing on him worked, his voice scratched, but could produce no sound. His arms and hands, which were busy tracing her face, her body, could only float one inch above her skin. Touching her would mean he would feel her lifeless body, and her lifeless body would mean he would have to die too because what was life worth living without her? He had fallen to his knees sometime, not remembering having done so, and his toes ached from the position they were bent in, digging so hard into a frozen ground. His legs cried in pain as he had clenched his muscles so tightly in shock and panic, they were paralyzed. He mouthed Hermione's name, his voice still not working except for the occasional squeak and squawk, but to form a complete name was beyond his capability. His vision began to blur as the longer she lay there with her face loosing color and her lips turning blue, was so painfully trying, his eyes growing wetter and wetter until a few tears managed to drop, landing on Hermione's hand which had been on her stomach. Unlike Fawkes, he had not been born with magical bodily fluids that could revive her, the tears rolling off her skin, the trail absorbing into her skin with no healing effect.

It was the shadow of a dark figure looming over him that caused him to move. A silvery mask covered the shadows face, dark eye holes staring him down. Ronald didn't care, he didn't move nor try to stop the shadow when it pulled a wand out from its sleeve, pale spindly fingers holding it at him. He'd lost Hermione, he was prepared to die. Harry could make it on his own from there.

"Move." The shadow ordered. Ron bowed his head in defiance, sniffling as his tears ran over his nose. The voice bellowed again, 'Move,' and one shot was placed upon him. It didn't sting, but it carried a wallop that knocked him to the side. The shadow moved to Hermione, kneeling down beside her, then over her, and brought defenceive stature back to Ronald. He managed a growl and pummeled into the shadow, knocking it aside with his shoulder, both of them toppling to the ground. The shadow growled in return, twisting so that it could grab him with his hands and gave a great shove, bringing both of them upright. Ronald punched, each fist landing on air until the shadow grabbed them with his own hands. The mask had disappeared, Severus Snape stared back at him dangerously.

"Do you wish her to die, or shall I attempt to save her?" He said, his silky smooth voice carrying notes of warning, but it was all it took for Ronald to sit still and allow Severus to once again hover over Hermione.

"She's dead." Ronald muttered. "She's dead. Gone."

Severus ignored him, first bringing an ear to Hermione's lips. The woman did not breathe. His hands felt along her neck, gently prodding her skin as he felt for a pulse. Indeed the life had left Miss Granger for he could feel no heartbeat. Severus repositioned himself, knowing no magic could produce breath, tilted Hermione's head back, pinched her nose closed and brought his mouth to hers. He gave one strong breath, watching her chest rise, and then another before sitting up, clasping his hands, and pressing them against her breastbone. It gave under his strength with each push, and each push beginning to work the muscles in his arms and shoulders turning them sore until he stopped and pinched her nose one more time. Again he watched her chest rise with his own breath, and took up pumping her chest.

"Come on." He muttered, sneaking a quick peak at Ronald who was staring at him with worry. "Come on, Granger."

He breathed into her again, and just as he was about to begin pumping, she moved. It wasn't a large move by any means, just a small tilt of her head, what appeared as a weak attempt to lick her lips, a spasm of the body, her death rattle. His ear pressed against her mouth again. He waited for the sound of breathing and when he didn't hear any, he corrected her head again, pinched her nose, and gave another breath. That Agonal breath she took gave him hope, a good sign that she wasn't lost for good. He sat up, felt her neck, listened. He pulled his wand, aimed it at her chest, letting an electric shock flow from the tip. Hermione's body leaped when it hit her, her back arching, her arms and legs twitching, and when she became still, he listened again. There was the slightest hint of breathing now, and he watched her carefully. His fingers on her neck detected a weak thump-thump-thump, and he watched her carefully.

"Bravo, Severus." Voldemort's voice slithered over his shoulder, and he still watched her, or appeared to be watching her from his backside. Severus's eyes slid closed, he did not mean to be seen, especially by the Dark Lord.

"Miss Granger lives to see another day." Voldemort had stepped silently closer, Severus could feel Him behind him, leaning ever so slightly over him to check on the woman. He could see Ronald out of the corner of his eye lost between standing and kneeling and prayed the boy would remain kneeling if not sit down completely. Severus turned to face Him, staying low on one knee, his head bowed to the hem of His dark robes.

"I pray that your little kiss of life had more motive than to just save her life?"

"My Lord..." Severus began, but was at a loss to finish. Voldemort let out a low chuckle that sounded more akin to a groan.

"I am a man of my word, Severus. Because the witch you have chosen is a prime enemy to your Dark Lord does not mean she wouldn't make your time worthwhile. Her intelligence will be a great asset to your offspring, I'm sure."

Severus remained quiet. He could hear a small gasp come from Ronald as he put it together. Severus raised his head, looking deep into the eyes of Voldemort who only curled his lips back into a sneer meant to be taken as a smile, raising his wand and arched it over his head, he could feel the bond being made. Energy intensified the air around him, growing thicker in the direction Hermione lay behind him, a soft white light glowing around them. Severus closed his eyes, knowing his fate had been sealed, but it was a generous offer when Voldemort could have killed him just as easily. The light from the bond slowly faded, but the energy was still palpable between them, an invisible pulsing that penetrated his skin, his clothes, slowly diving deep inside him.

"No thank you?" Voldemort's voice caused Severus to open his eyes, and he bowed his head again.

"Thank you, My Lord."

Ronald gasped again, the boys anger visibly rising and just as he drew his other foot under him to stand, Severus pushed out a strong arm, gripping him by the arm and firmly held him down into place.

"Let him try, Severus. Attacking in anger will teach him it does not bring the wanted result."

There was laughing, dark and menacing, but Severus did not let Ronald go, his fingers only tightened upon his arm, his head bowing lower until it was nearly at the ground. There was a pop, Voldemort disapparated, a slight breeze in his wake.

"You foolish boy." Severus hissed immediately rising to his feet pulling Ronald up with him. "Do you have a death wish?"

"I could have taken him." Ronald defended himself and Severus only sneered.

"He'd have taken you straight to the morgue." He mumbled, looking down at Hermione who had her eyes open, though she hadn't moved. Ronald bumped him out of the way and knelt before her, taking her hand in his and laughed. Severus watched the exchange , digging his fingers in his hair before gripping the back of his neck as he tried to figure out what he had gotten himself into.

"She needs an infirmary." He said. "Undoubtedly she'll be in pain if she isn't already—Gently, boy...gently."

Ronald had tugged on her hand, Hermione hissing and coughing as her back rose off the ground, her free hand clutching her chest, a look of pain and confusion crossing her.

"Snape saved your life." Ronald explained and Hermione snapped her eyes to him. Severus sucked in a breath, pulling his wand.

"She'd be more comfortable if we—" Severus began as Hermione cried out, wincing, shoving Ronald off of her as he attempted to pull her to her feet. "—floated her in." He finished.

"I'm sorry, Hermione." Ronald promptly let go of her, his clumsiness dropping her back down to the ground as Hermione could barely hold herself up. Severus glared at the boy who was too busy cringing, and raised his wand. Hermione raised from the ground, and with a step, was in route to the castle.

It wasn't anything a dose of skele-gro couldn't take care of, repairing her broken sternum and ribs caused by Severus. A little pepperup potion had brought her back to life more than anything else could and had given her an appetite she'd never had before, causing her to be otherwise snappy when the situation was no where near calling for it. Miss Pomfrey, the school nurse, had allowed her permission to leave the infirmary, having grown frustrated with her and unable to take more of her barking orders, besides, she needed the bed. Hermione was well enough to leave with just an order to seek out a pain reliever should she need one.

The Great Hall hadn't appeared to be the Great Hall; tables were removed to make bedding areas for the extra bodies that had no common rooms. Families and friends, those who had joined in the battle to fight on their side had all gathered, appearing to be satisfied with what provisions they were given. Food still appeared at every circle, plenty to choose from as large plates offered a wide spread. The Weasley's took up a sizable corner, Molly having chosen it to stay out of the way mostly, but it also afforded them the space for their large family to gather. There were chairs transfigured along the wall, of which were pulled into a circle when the food arrived. One more chair had been added for Hermione when she arrived to much fanfare. Molly had squeezed her extra hard, forgetting that, though she was healed, a small pain had remained as the potions worked their magic, and only let go when Hermione yelped, apologizing like a madwoman after the fact. Hermione assured her it was okay, quickly filling a plate larger than she ever had in the history of the Great Hall. She planned to eat every single bite.

When Ronald had shown up and seen Hermione, he was elated, forcing George and Fred to move over so he could sit beside her, nearly having to fight them if it wasn't for Arthur scolding them and patting at a seat next to himself for Ronald to sit. Grudgingly Ronald took it, unhappy that he had to look across the circle to see Hermione, but found it accommodating as it now provided a view of her smile. The only other calamity that happened was when Harry Potter arrived, The Boy Who Lived entering the Great Hall to cheers and warm welcome, Molly waving him over as soon as she caught his attention.

"You're alive!" Hermione exclaimed when he sat down at another transfigured chair, receiving a nod in reply.

"We lost track of you right after Barnaby broke the gate." Ronald added. "We promise we would have followed you had it not been for the dueling."

"I understand." Harry said, grabbing his own heaping plate. "Glad to see you're all here." He looked around the circle, acknowledging everyone. "I should have waited to take someone along with me, but the opportunity was too good to miss."

"And what opportunity was this?" Molly asked sounding displeased. She was sending him one of her disapproving looks that Harry only ignored.

"Lestrange and Malfoy. I caught a glimpse of them at the edge of the Forbidden Forest."

"You should have waited for one of us, Harry." Hermione said. "Two against one isn't—"

"—I was doing fine." Harry cut her off, shrugging as he lifted a large chicken leg to his teeth. "Besides, they vanished after we'd had a few rounds." He took a bite large enough to make Hermione wrinkle her nose in disgust.

"Voldemort retracted his army." Ronald said between his own mastication. "Called back everyone on his side. So far we've figured he's either scared of loosing or just taking a break to replan an attack."

Harry's eyes narrowed, but his mouth continued to chew. Arthur leaned back in his chair, the empty plate on his own lap threatening to slide off of his knees.

"More than likely he's in a position that he feels vulnerable in." He said with a yawn.

"I don't think there's anything that would make Voldemort from feel scared OR vulnerable." Harry said. "There's a good chance he's found another way, thought up a new fight."

"Yeah, like marrying off his Death Eaters." Ronald snorted. Harry's forehead wrinkled and Ronald looked to Hermione who had fallen solemnly silent, the fork in her hand lowered to her plate and she tucked her feet under her chair.

"Professor Snape saved my life last night, Harry." She began. "From what I'm told I had died and he was performing CPR on me. Voldemort walked in on him doing it and produced a bond between us."

"That's absurd!" Harry screamed causing the Great Hall to fall silent. All eyes were on their circle and no one spoke until the chatter had picked up again, Harry leaning over his plate to the middle of the circle. "What were you doing dead?" He asked.

"A spell had hit her." Ronald answered, his sad eyes sliding off Hermione and over to Harry. "We didn't see it coming. One minute she's running along side me and the next she's down on the ground turning blue."

"And you didn't save her because..." Harry raised an eyebrow. "Snape just happened to be there and decided to play the hero?"

"I panicked!" Ron sat as far back in his chair as he could, shoulders stiffening. "I freaked, alright? It's hard to keep composure when someone's face is turning blue."

"No spell could have saved me, Harry." Hermione said. "The spell that hit me had stopped my heart and lungs and unless Ronald was aware of Muggle CPR, I highly doubt there was much for him to do."

"I didn't even know it was a thing." Ronald confessed sheepishly. "I saw Snape doing it and was absolutely gobsmacked until I realized she was breathing again."

"That's when You-Know-Who showed up." Hermione finished. Harry was looking over her shoulder, the teacher's table gone, but the row of professors still made itself known as they had gathered, all sitting in their spots, plates on their laps just as they had been when the tables were there. Hermione refused to turn around.

"So you're bonded. Married?" Harry breathed, his eyes narrowing. She had guessed he had found him sitting up there and was attempting to show his displeasure.

"It's not a big deal, Harry." She said. "He saved my life."

"But you're married." Harry repeated. "That sounds like a big deal to me."

Hermione huffed and sat back in her chair, taking another forkful of food and shoved it in her mouth and then placed her plate on the ground where it vanished. She wiped a hand at her mouth to disperse any crumbs left behind and stood up.

"I'm going for a walk." She announced, stepping over her chair formed in the tight circle, not having to look behind her to announce 'alone,' knowing that Ronald and Harry were also making to stand and follow her.

"It's alright, dearies." Molly had spoken softly. "A girl needs her time alone. Harry, dear, could you pass the potatoes?"