The breeze was warm on the moorland as Brightpaw trotted next to Rootpaw. The moon shone brightly, not a single cloud dotted the sky, and the lake was dappled with bright lights reflecting from the stars above. Just ahead, Birchfrost walked next to Rabbitstar, leading the way to the island along with Wrenflight and Birdpaw. Violetmoth, Flightfoot, and Lightleap padded in front of the two apprentices, while Flamewing, Mothhaze, Spruceheart, and Runningsky brought up the rear along with Icewhisker, Bonetail, and Thrushwing.

Brightpaw's paws tingled with anticipation. Whitepaw and Cherrypaw were furious when they found out Rabbitstar had chosen Brightpaw over them to go to the Gathering tonight, and Brightpaw's chest fluttered with nerves. Would the other cats know she wasn't six moons yet?

"I'll introduce you to all the other apprentices." Rootpaw bounded next to her. "Redpaw, Sandpaw, and Shellpaw of RiverClan are the oldest ones, I think. They'll be warriors any moon now. Their sister Breezepaw is a medicine cat apprentice. She's awfully snooty, but her littermates are all pretty cool. Well, Shellpaw can be a bit of a show-off too. Last Gathering, she went on and on about how she caught the fattest trout the clan had seen all leaf-bare! And then there's ShadowClan. Mosspaw really think's she's all that because her mentor is Smokefoot, the ShadowClan deputy. She'll tell you all about it, I'm sure. Adderpaw and Deerpaw kind of keep to themselves, but Deerpaw will at least talk to you. Adderpaw is so serious, I don't think he's ever smiled in his life. And in ThunderClan-"

"Shh!" Violetmoth scolded, glaring over her shoulder. "Quiet down Rootpaw. We're nearly there."

Brightpaw's eyes were huge as they approached the fallen tree that led to the island. She watched in awe as each warrior leaped with ease onto the bridge and padded across. Narrowing her eyes, she studied Flightfoot's paws as they gripped the bark, noticing how he kept his body lower to the tree and his tail out to keep balance. Rootpaw leaped next - he stumbled a bit, but Violetmoth steadied him and followed closely behind. This would only be his second Gathering. Brightpaw's stomach lurched as she realized it was her turn. Birchfrost had hung behind to help her apprentice.

"Just crouch down and leap upward," she instructed. Bunching her hindquarters, Brightpaw focused in on the tree bridge, and leaped upward, landing clumsily on top. Birchfrost leaped after her, landing gracefully behindl. She nudged Brightpaw forward. "I've got you," she mewed. "Just keep going forward and don't look down." Brightpaw felt a bit more at ease knowing that Birchfrost was right behind her. She felt her back paw slip halfway across, but Birchfrost quickly steadied her again, nudging her forward. Finally, Brightpaw leaped down onto the island, turning around and beaming at her mentor, who only nodded curtly in response. Turning around, Brightpaw's eyes grew wide as she took in her surroundings. She had never seen so many cats! Scents were all muddled here, and she couldn't quite place who was who.

"That pine and rotting crowfood scent is ShadowClan," Birchfrost explained. "SkyClan is here too. Their scent is a bit harder to distinguish. Similar to both ShadowClan and ThunderClan, but also mingled with individual scents of other cats who weren't clanborn." As the final WindClan cats made it across the bridge, she trotted away, towards a smoky gray tom. Brightpaw followed slowly, unsure where to go. Rootpaw had disappeared somewhere, and she was left alone.

"Birchfrost," the gray tom mewed, bowing his head. Birchfrost sat down next to him, nodding in response.

"Smokefoot." She licked a paw nonchalantly. "How's prey running in ShadowClan?"

"Very well, now that the ice is thawed. It will be a good newleaf." Smokefoot paused, then said; "Do you think it will be sunny or rainy tomorrow?"

Birchfrost flicked an ear. "Sunny."

Brightpaw frowned. What a boring conversation. Was this what Gatherings were about? Talking about the weather and how prey was running in other clans? Glancing around, she spotted the medicine cats making their way to the front under a large tree. The elders were congregating towards one edge, most likely swapping stories or complaining about kits these days. Brightpaw found an area nearby where she sat, taking everything in. WindClan cats mingled with ShadowClan and SkyClan cats. Every cat seemed so calm, almost happy to see their friends in other clans. It should be like this all the time. Everyone is so much happier when there aren't borders separating us. As she mused to herself, she was interrupted by two apprentices running towards her.

"Hey!" The pale gray she-cat's green eyes glimmered as she skidded to a halt in front of Brightpaw. "You're small!"

"Er, thanks?" Brightpaw wasn't sure how to respond. The white she-cat shook her head.

"Sorry about my sister. She's just excited," she mewed.

"I'm Frecklepaw! This is my first Gathering. I thought maybe it was your first too, 'cause you're small too!" The gray she-cat smiled brightly.

"I'm Palepaw," the white she-cat added. "C'mon Frecklepaw, Crowpaw and Flamepaw said he'd introduce us to the ShadowClan apprentices."

Frecklepaw didn't follow her sister as she padded away. Instead, she studied Brightpaw. "You're... don't tell me... I know this..." She narrowed her eyes. "WindClan."

Brightpaw nodded. "I'm Brightpaw," she mewed.

"I thought WindClan was evil," Frecklepaw commented bluntly. "Blizzardstar tried to drive us from the lake. That's what the elders said."

Brightpaw's eyes widened, and her ears went back. "Really?"

Frecklepaw snorted. "You didn't know that? Everyone knows that. Blizzardstar led a pack of dogs to SkyClan because he said there should only be four clans. Of course, ThunderClan came to our aid, but we lost so many cats. That's why we have so many kittypets and loners in our ranks."

"You do?"

"You didn't know that either?" Frecklepaw stared incredulously. "Were you born yesterday?"

"No, I just..." Brightpaw searched for the words. Frecklepaw giggled.

"I like you," she said, sitting down next to Brightpaw. "You're funny." Brightpaw sighed in relief. "I was worried. Crowpaw said WindClan apprentices are all snooty and stuck up because WindClan thinks its better than the other clans, but you're pretty cool."

"He must mean Cherrypaw and Whitepaw," Brightpaw mewed, almost to herself. She straightened up. "What do you mean? WindClan is a great clan!"

"Well, duh, all clans think they're great," Frecklepaw snorted. "But WindClan thinks they're extra special because of some special blood or whatever."

"Oh." Brightpaw dropped her gaze.

"Like, WindClan has its own sort of Warrior Code it seems. I would hate to live in WindClan." Frecklepaw shivered. "My momma was a loner before she was brought into the clan. I would never have a shot at leadership if I lived in WindClan!"

"You want to be leader?" Brightpaw cocked her head.

Frecklepaw nodded enthusiastically. "Uh, duuuuh. Every cat wants to lead their clan." She straighened up, puffing out her chest. "But I'm gonna be the one to do it. I'm gonna make SkyClan strong, show every clan that SkyClan is a force to be reckoned with." Her voice grew serious. "SkyClan has been kicked out and brought back too many times. No one will be able to get rid of us once I'm in charge."

Brightpaw shivered. "That sounds like a big responsibility..."

Frecklepaw relaxed, her smile reappearing. "Hey, if you want something done right, you do it yourself. How about you? Do you want to be leader one day? Could you be leader one day?"

"My father is Rabbitstar," Brightpaw confessed. She looked back down at her paws. "And... And I'm next in line for the leadership."

"That's amazing!" Frecklepaw's eyes sparkled. "It must feel so great knowing that this opportunity is yours and you won't have to fight to get where you need to be."

"Well... well yes, but..."

"Let the Gathering begin!"

Frecklepaw pricked her ears. "C'mon," she whispered, bringing Brightpaw over to where Palepaw sat with the other SkyClan apprentices, Rootpaw, and a couple of RiverClan apprentices. Brightpaw scrunched up her nose as the scent of fish and mud hit her nose. That must be RiverClan scent.

"Hey," Rootpaw murmured. "You disappeared on me!"

"Sorry," Brightpaw hissed back.

"Ivystar called the Gathering," Rootpaw mewed. "She's the pretty tortoiseshell."

Brightpaw craned her neck to see the sleek tortoiseshell standing on one of the branches of the tree. Below the leaders, the deputies and medicine cats sat in the roots. Brightpaw spied Birchfrost right below Rabbitstar, her gaze commanding and her chest puffed out. Next to her sat the gray tom - Smokefoot - and on her other side was a brown tabby tom.

"ThunderClan is doing well. Fawnstripe has given birth to two beautiful healthy kits - we welcome Sunkit and Amberkit and are eager to watch them become strong warriors." Ivystar's voice was sharp. Hard muscles rippled under her golden dappled fur as she shot a glare over at Rabbitstar. "We would prefer if some clans would show more respect to boundaries, however we are well equipped to deal with any trespassers who do stray far from home."

Rabbitstar's neck fur rose, but he maintained composure. "Are you finished?" Ivystar nodded curtly, and Rabbitstar continued. "WindClan is thriving. We welcome Brightpaw as our newest apprentice." The cats all chanted Brightpaw's name, and she shrank down, her pelt prickling with anxiety. Frecklepaw nudged her excitedly. "We also have a new litter joining us this moon. Silverwind has given us Beekit, Featherkit, and Petalkit about a quarter moon ago." He nodded to the dark ginger tom on a branch next to him.

"That's Russetstar," Rootpaw whispered.

"ShadowClan has nothing to report," Russetstar announced. "We are doing very well. Prey is running great now that everything has thawed. Things have been quiet. But ShadowClan is not unprepared for any threats."

"Why do they always have to make themselves look so strong?" Brightpaw murmured to Frecklepaw. "Why can't they just say they are doing well and move on?"

"The truce only lasts one night, remember?" Frecklepaw mewed back. She flexed her claws. "I would never want any cat to assume that just because things are well that SkyClan has become lazy and unprepared."

"Shh, Minnowstar is about to speak," Rootpaw hissed. The hard muscled, gray tom was much bigger than his companions on the tree. Silver tinged his muzzle, but his eyes were bright.

"RiverClan had a great leaf bare," he announced. "The river did not freeze over for very long, so we had ample prey to keep us all well fed. We thank StarClan for that." He bowed his head. "Unfortunately, we did have a brief outbreak of greencough that claimed the life of our only elder, Whitepool." There was a moment of silence among the cats before he spoke again. "I would like to acknowledge our medicine cat Mistyhaze and her apprentice Breezepaw for their wonderful skills. RiverClan is stronger than ever because of their skills."

"The last one is Flurrystar," Rootpaw whispered.

"The SkyClan leader!" Frecklepaw beamed.

The fluffy white she-cat sat on her branch, watching the other leaders through slitted eyes. After the cheering for the RiverClan medicine cats died down, she stood, her chin held high. "SkyClan is also thriving," she began, surveying the crowd. "We have four new warriors with us today - Milo and Mitzi have taken on the warrior names Milostorm and Mitzisky to honor both their kittypet roots and their loyalty to SkyClan, and we also welcome Heatherfoot and Robinflight."

"Milostorm! Mitzisky! Heatherfoot! Robinflight!"

"Why would they choose to keep their kittypet names?" Rootpaw whispered. Brightpaw shrugged, and Frecklepaw shot him a dirty look.

"They're celebrating where they came from. In case you forgot, you all nearly wiped SkyClan back out of existence. Again!"

"Shh, she's about to announce us!" Palepaw hissed from in front of the other apprentices.

"We also have two new apprentices - Palepaw and Frecklepaw."

"Palepaw! Frecklepaw!"

Frecklepaw beamed, puffing out her chest. Brightpaw smiled at her new friend. As the cheering died down, Flurrystar continued. "We suffered no losses this leaf-bare, nor did any cat get sick, which we thank StarClan for. SkyClan is stronger than ever."

SkyClan warriors from all over the clearing yowled in agreement. Frecklepaw joined them. As the yowling died down, Flurrystar stood up. "I conclude this Gathering." She leaped off the tree, and the other leaders followed. Cats from every clan stood, mingling still, saying their goodbyes. Frecklepaw stood, bouncing from paw to paw, while Palepaw remained seated, calmly watching her.

"I can't wait until that's me!" Frecklepaw gasped, staring incredulously at the tree. "Flurrystar must feel so powerful up there."

"Or nervous, with all those eyes on her," Brightpaw murmured, gazing up hesitantly at the tree. Rootpaw nudged her.

"Come on - we'd better join the rest of our clan before Birchfrost claws our ears off," he purred humorously. "It was nice to meet you, Frecklepaw and Palepaw. See you all again soon." He turned and started padding towards where WindClan was congregating. The other apprentices mewed their farewells and began parting ways as well. Brightpaw started to follow Rootpaw, but Frecklepaw prodded her with a paw. She stopped.

"See you next time," she purred, her green eyes sparkling. "Maybe I'll teach you some of your own clan history next moon."

Brightpaw smiled. "I'll see you then." She watched the pretty gray she-cat bound away, and couldn't help but to feel a little lighter herself. Shaking her head, she trotted towards the group of WindClan cats, passing Birchfrost and Smokefoot on the way.

"Sun tomorrow," Birchfrost was saying.

"I look forward to it," Smokefoot agreed.

Brightpaw snorted. The older warriors' conversations seemed so mundane compared to the apprentices', especially Frecklepaw's. Rootpaw waved his tail as Brightpaw approached.

"How was your first Gathering?" he asked. "I'm sorry I couldn't introduce you to everyone."

"That's okay!" Brightpaw mewed, her chest still feeling light. "It was great - I can't wait for the next one!"