Hey there, everyone! Let me just say that if you thought this story died off, you were wrong. I just had a few busy months but I never forgot about this story. Anyways, I hope you will enjoy this chapter. If you have any comments, suggestions, or the not very likely event in which you find my story awesome, please leave a review and let me know! Now... on with the story, I guess!

Obi-Wan sat on a makeshift bed inside the Temple's infirmary. He held an ice pack in his right hand. The ice was cold but he did not put it down. He could hear every word of the conversation outside the door.

"…caught them on her way to see me, Master Shuai did," Yoda was saying.

"Were there any reasons they did such a thing?" Qui-Gon's voice replied.

"Been reasons, there must have. Of much importance, it is not. The action done, important is that. Leave you to it, I shall." Obi-Wan heard Yoda's walking stick hit the ground.

"Yes, I'll handle it from here. Thank you for letting me know, Master Yoda."

Each time Obi-Wan heard Qui-Gon's voice, he wanted to attempt some wild escape from this room. Unfortunately, the room had only one door. But Obi-Wan doubted if he would be able to move with all the guilty feeling weighing him down even if another exit was to present itself.

"And Qui-Gon," Yoda spoke once more, though his voice sounded more distant, "handle this lightly you shall not. To the events the future hold, important this is."

What would Obi-Wan not have given to not see Qui-Gon right now? Everything. He also would have given anything to go back in time to prevent himself from punching that idiot of a creature. Why did that old nickname affect him so much? That idiot had been calling him 'Oafy" for as long as he could remember. Now that he was apprenticed to Qui-Gon, it's even more important for him to keep his temper in check.

It was too late; the door of the room was already opening. With the lightsaber still clipped to his belt, Obi-Wan seriously considered committing suicide. Maybe he could cut a hole in the wall and jump out. The door slid shut and neither Qui-Gon nor Obi-Wan spoke for some time. Obi-Wan stole a glance at Qui-Gon, who took a seat in the chair opposite him. Qui-Gon's expression was more than enough to let Obi-Wan know what his master wanted.

"It's something really stupid…" Obi-Wan began in a very small voice.

"Oh, I'm glad you know that after all this time of contemplation." Qui-Gon was not making this easy at all, he could be quite sarcastic when he wanted to.

"Well we met in the main corridor on the second floor and we had been unfriendly for a long time and all. And he started to yell insult at me and I didn't keep my mouth shut either. After a few exchanges, he called me something that just got to my head. And I don't know what I was thinking but I… you know. We fought but a minute later Mater Shuai turned up and…" Obi-Wan finished and waited for a response.

"That's a thrilling tale." Came Qui-Gon's reply.

"I'm really sorry, master," Obi-Wan tried.


"I really am sorry," Obi-Wan tried again. Qui-Gon merely nodded. Obi-Wan was reconsidering the idea of committing suicide at this point. Or he could charge out the door if he was fast, run out of the temple in shame and never return again. He was considering all sorts of possibilities now. What if Qui-Gon

"Aren't you gonna… say… s-something?" Obi-Wan stammered after a minute of extremely uncomfortable silence.

"What do you want to hear?" Qui-Gon asked with an innocent tone.

"Ehh… I don't k-know. Something like you're disappointed and what I did was very reckless and idiotic. O-or… I don't know." Obi-wan nearly dropped the ice pack when he reached the end of the sentence because all his fingers were stiff and numb with cold. He was glad he caught it before it hit the floor.

"You seem to already know what I was going say. So, there really aren't any reasons for me to say them."

"O-o-oh." Obi-Wan could not stop himself from stuttering.

Qui-Gon decided that he had punished Obi-Wan enough already. He stood up and walked over, putting a hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder. Was the boy actually trembling? Qui-Gon smirked inwardly, he had obviously been a lot more intimidating than he thought. Then he saw the icepack Obi-Wan was holding for so long and felt a little disappointed. His arm might be trembling slightly because of the cold.

"Just don't let that happen again," he said quietly. Obi-Wan looked up and nodded.

"So… so do I still get to go on that mission with you?" Obi-Wan asked fearfully as if dreading the answer. Qui-Gon smiled, of course, Obi-Wan is coming. But he's not going to say that to the boy just yet.

"That depends on the effort of preparation you've put in," Qui-Gon said, "have you read the reports I gave you?"

"Umm… I've only read through half of them so far."

"That's alright, just finish them up by tomorrow and I'll talk to you about the details."

"Do we get to meet the King or something?" Obi-Wan asked eagerly. Qui-Gon's smile broadened.

"Questions later Obi-Wan. Now, I haven't forgotten your little incident just yet. Reflect on your actions here, I will return in about an hour. Then, I think I will… decide your punishment." Qui-Gon turned to leave but before exiting the room, he turned. "You are supposed to use that ice pack, not holding it you know." He heard the icepack drop onto the ground just as he had expected, hid a satisfied smile, and walked out the door.

He checked the time on his way out of the temple. He descended into the busy street, got onto an autopilot transport and set course for the Senate building. Senator Chuchi will be waiting for him in her office. Although the other Jedi masters did not understand Qui-Gon's doubts, he still thought it would be best to make sure.

It was quiet inside the Senate building. Qui-Gon strolled along the empty corridor. He raised his right hand where he always wore his Jedi communicator. He pressed a small button.

"Master Windu, are you there?" He asked softly, the communicator beeped and its small light flashed green.

"Yes," came the reply.

"Could you restate the location of the meeting?"

"Office 461. Ask for the Pandorian Senator."

"Thank you. Also, Qui-Gon, is your Padawan with you at the moment?"

"No. What's wrong?" Qui-Gon asked, instantly alarmed by the question.

"Only that Master Yoda wants to meet with him… don't worry, I'll send for him. I just thought you took him with you," Mace's voice replied from the communicator. Today, was definitely not Obi-Wan's lucky day.

"I was going to but I thought it best for him to reflect on his actions."

"He is about to seriously reflect on his actions but I'm sure he will be fine. Meanwhile, I'm sure you have some investigation to do. May the Force be with you."

The communicator shut off after that. Qui-Gon signed, "tell that to Obi-Wan. The Force is definitely not with him today." He looked toward the right. The metal plate on the small office door read: Senator Chu Chi – Pandora System. Qui-Gon knocked. A moment later, the door opened and he entered.

The young Pandorian senator sat behind her desk. She looked young but her observant eyes radiated intelligence.

"Master Jedi, so what do I own the honor of your visit?" Senator Chu Chi stood and circled around her desk.

"Senator," Qui-Gon bowed, "I came to you because I believed that you may have some knowledge about your system that few here in the Senate knew."

The senator gestured to an armchair next to desk and Qui-Gon sat. The senator also returned to her seat.

"I would be my pleasure to answer your questions, Master Jedi. I believe you are aware of the problem currently in our system?"

"Yes, I am. The Jedi council is planning to issue a mission to find the source of your troubles. However, we thought it would be best to get a better idea of what is going on before rushing in." A protocol droid hurried into the room carrying two glasses of water, he offered them to the senator and Qui-Gon then retreated.

"The problem started around 2 months ago. A Pandorian was turned up at our medical center. He was ill, but it did not look as if it was anything out of the ordinary but his condition was got worse. In just 2 days, he was unconscious. Soon after that, many Pandorians had been infected with the sickness." The senator took a deep breath, "we had disease outbreaks before, but I think this one is different."

"Different in what way, Senator?" Qui-Gon inquired.

"Well, for one, these patients remained unconscious but none of them have died. Their vital signs remained stable. Almost… too stable. Usually, when a person is sick and unconscious, their vital signs are bound to fluctuate somewhat. But…" the Senator hesitated. "Master Jedi, for the lack of a better description, these illnesses seemed to be caused intentionally."

"You mean, someone released the virus?" Qui-Gon asked, though not surprised.

"Yes," the Senator nodded, "plus, this virus only targets the local Pandorians species, such as myself. Other species living in our system had so far been unaffected."

"Senator, are there any reason you can think of that could make someone do such a thing? Are there any hospitality between your people and the nearby systems?"

"Pandora is a peaceful system and we are quite friendly with the systems in the vicinity. But there had been some resistance toward the government lately," the Senator said, her hands folded together on the table. "Some of the recent trade laws had made some merchants unhappy. But would that be reason enough to put the Pandora population in danger?"

"This is indeed troubling, young Senator. The republic will keep sending supplies and medical supports to your system. I will report back to the council and an investigation would take place soon. Meanwhile, thank you for your time." Qui-Gon stood and bowed his head.

"Thank you as well, Master Jedi."

Qui-Gon headed toward the door but he stopped halfway.

"Senator, don't worry too much. I sense the source behind this trouble will be quite straightforward." Qui-Gon said. He paused, fully knowing that he had lied. The trouble should be quite easy to clear. The source, however, will be much more complicated. But just now, he needed to get Obi-Wan out of trouble as best he could.