I'm glad you all seem to be enjoying this story. Hopefully I'll be able to update at least somewhat regularly. If not, I apologize but either way, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

The two Barnum daughters squealed when they saw Phillip, and Anne coming down the stairs Christmas morning. W.D had left while the sun was barely rising to help prep the circus performers to face their parents. He wasn't going to give them the full-story (excluding Lettie who had become Anne's best friend and practically her sister) but he was going to let them know that the siblings did not want their parents to get to close. Anne smiled as she crouched down to hug Caroline while Phillip swung Helen around in his arms. Anne felt her heart race a mile a minute seeing Phillip in this setting. Still in their pajamas, a Christmas tree lit up like stars in the corner, and making two girls smile as a father would. She wasn't ashamed to say she had a brief fantasy of if their own family would be like this.

"Merry Christmas you too." Charity laughed, coming over to them. She and P.T were also still in their pajamas as the girls claimed it was 'Christmas protocol'. The young couple smiled at her in response. "Coffee or tea for either of you before we get to the presents?"

"I'll take a coffee if you don't mind." Phillip answered.

"Tea is just fine." Anne said.

Charity nodded and poured the respective drinks. The family and couple gathered around the tree as the girls eagerly tore into their presents. P.T gave Charity a jeweled hair clasp she had seen in a store weeks beforehand and Charity gave her husband a framed copy of the circus' first review. Luckily, Phillip and Anne had known there was a possibility of them staying the night so they had brought their presents for each other along with them.

Anne smiled when she handed him his. "I hope you like it." She all but whispered. Phillip smiled reassuringly as he opened it. His eyes widened when he saw a silver hip flask with the circus' logo printed on it. She giggled. "I know you still keep one for stressful times. I had this one custom-made for you."

He smiled brightly and pulled her in for a quick kiss. "I love it." She smiled, thankful she got him something good. "And now for yours. Helen?" The girl clapped and went over to the tree, pulling out a small box tied with a purple ribbon. She handed it to Phillip with a toothy grin. He ruffled her hair. "Thanks, little doll." She let out a giggle.

The Barnums watched in anticipation as Anne carefully undid the ribbon and popped open the box. She let out a small gasp at the sight of a delicate crystal raindrop vial on a silver chain. Inside the crystal was a small scrap of midnight blue fabric. "Phillip…" She trailed off, knowing he would understand her question.

"The night of Jenny's concert premiere," Phillip explained, "When I let that couple in the theatre get to me… I never could've forgiven myself if P.T and the rest of the circus didn't stop me from thinking like that. I still can't forgive myself for letting it happen in the first place."

Tears glittered in Anne's eyes. "I remember that night." She said. "When you held my hand, I thought 'maybe I can feel like this if he'll accept me as I am' and when you let go… I couldn't take it. I ran back to the circus and tore the dress to bits, not believing I deserved to wear it." Her eyes widened slightly. "Is that…"

Phillip nodded. He gently took the necklace out of the box. Anne turned around and pulled her hair out of the way, sucking in a sharp breath when she felt him fasten the chain around her neck. She touched the charm tenderly as she turned back to him. "You may not have seen it but I kept a scrap of the dress and had it in my pocket during every performance." Charity put a hand over her heart and leaned against her husband, silently reliving the young love they had felt at Phillip and Anne's age. "I kept it as a reminder to never let the world get in the way of what I was feeling towards you again." A dark blush coated Anne's cheeks as he continued, "I wanted you to have it so that you feel the same when people like Charity's parents and mine start to get to you."

Anne's smile grew if that was even possible. She placed a loving kiss on Phillip's lips before leaning her forehead against his. "Thank you." She whispered. "For everything."

New Years had come and gone with a celebration fit for the Barnum circus.Anne breathed a small sigh of relief when Charity and P.T decided to spend the week in the city with their daughters so that they could support Anne and W.D. P.T had even agreed to perform with Phillip as ringleaders for the week. The entire week, there was an extra set of nerves in the air before each show. No one outside of the Barnums except Phillip and Lettie knew the true extent of Anne's torture but they knew enough.

It had been exactly five days since New Years. Phillip came upon Anne's dressing area before their performance to find her absentmindedly twirling the crystal around her neck and appearing to stare into nothingness. He had come to know this look all too well since her confession. He came over and gently cupped her cheek in his hand. She blinked and smiled when her hazel eyes caught his blue ones. He quickly pulled her, pressing his lips to hers.

He smiled into the kiss when he felt her relax into his embrace. He pulled away but kept her close enough for their noses to brush together. "I'm right here." He said quietly.

"I know." She responded, pecking his lips. "I'm just… scared to death. Thinking one of these days, I'll see them in the crowd and just… lose it all." Tears burned in her vision but she held them back.

"You're not going to lose anything." Phillip reassured. "None of us are going to let either of your parents get to you. Especially me." She shakily smiled at him and he pulled her into his arms tightly, letting her bury her face into his shoulder. They stood there for what seemed like an eternity, neither wanting to let go of the other, but split apart when W.D and Lettie rushed over to them.

"They're here." He said. Just those two words were enough for Anne's knees to weaken and fall against Phillip. He held her upright, keeping a grip on her waist.

Lettie locked eyes with Anne as she spoke, "Don't do this to yourself, Annie. You have been through so much hell. Don't let them drag you back." Anne nodded mutely but clutched Phillip close to her.

P.T came over to the group. "W.D already told me. Anne, I want you to listen to me." He stepped forward, gently pulling Anne away from Phillip and gripping her shoulders to face him. "I can't imagine what is going through your head right now but I don't want you to focus on your parents. Charity and the girls are in the audience. I want you to focus on doing what you do best. Making my daughters smile."

Anne smiled and suddenly her mind filled with images of Helen and Caroline jumping out of their seats as if to try and touch her as she flew overhead with shinning smiles on their faces. She took a deep breath. "Thank you, P.T" She said gratefully, wrapping her arms around the man who had become a father to her.

P.T smiled as he returned the hug. "Now, it's time to give them a performance they'll never forget." P.T rushed off to begin the show. W.D quickly kissed his sister on the forehead and Letting hugged the girl tightly before heading to their opening spots.

Before leaving for their spots, Anne turned to Phillip. "I know it's become tradition but can you not kiss me at the end of the show? I don't want to give my father more of a reason to hurt you." Phillip wanted to argue but understood her reasoning. He simply nodded and kissed her quickly for luck.

Throughout the show, Anne didn't even think of seeking out her parents in the crowd. All she could see as she swung through the air and danced beside her true family was Helen and Caroline's bright smiles and Charity laughing between them as they bounced in their seats. She had to note that both girls were wearing the hair ribbons she had gotten them for Christmas which made her smile even more.

But all too soon, the show came to a close. Anne took her time taking off her wig and changing into her normal clothes. Constantine had agreed to keep an eye on Helen and Caroline so that they wouldn't have to see the exchange. After what felt like an eternity and no time at all, W.D held out a hand to Anne, silently telling her it was time. She took a shaky breath and accepted her brother's hand.

She sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of their parents. W.D squeezed her hand and led her towards them. "Mother, father." He greeted stiffly while Anne stayed silent.

"W.D, Anne." Their mother, Lucy, responded with a small smile. "Look at you two, all grown up."

"And right back where your mother and I started." Their father, William, spit out. Anne flinched slightly but managed to hide it.

"It was our decision to work for Mr. Barnum." W.D explained. "We get to do something we love and he pays us well. Treats us like family."

"And I would never make them do something against their wills." P.T interrupted, approaching the four with Charity on his arm. "They are free to leave whenever they feel."

"Which I hope doesn't happen anytime soon." Charity chimed in. She came over to hug Anne tightly. "That performance was brilliant, Anne. I've never heard the girls cheer so loudly."

"Thank you, Charity." Anne finally spoke, stepping back from the hug. "I'm glad I could make them happy." Anne turned to face her parents. "W.D wasn't wrong. Charity and P.T have treated us and every performer here like one of their own and we couldn't be more grateful to them."

William all but glared at his daughter but looked curiously at the chain around her neck. "Where did you get this little trinket?" He questioned, reaching out to touch it.

Anne took a step back and clutched the crystal defensively in her fist. "Don't touch it." She said harshly.

"And why exactly do you think you can speak to your father like that?" Lucy chastised with her own glare. Anne tightened her grip on her necklace.

"I believe she has every right to speak to him like that." Anne both relaxed and felt her heart race with fear at the sound of Phillip's voice. He came over and discreetly put a hand on the small of Anne's back, calming her nerves slightly. "Given all the torture he put her through."

"I believe you both will recognize Phillip Carlyle." P.T introduced. "Head ringleader of the circus and my business partner."

William scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, Mr. Carlyle," He said in the most condescending voice he could muster. "I have to ask what sort of 'torture' you believe I put my own daughter through."

Phillip's jaw clenched and he stepped forward, now glaring eye to eye with the man. "You lost the right to call her your daughter when you got drunk and got into her bed." He said through clenched teeth. Charity put her face in P.T's shoulder at the sentence. She hated hearing about what Anne had gone through. Anne let out a quiet whimper and Phillip immediately went back to her, making sure she was okay. "There is a special spot in hell for people like you."

Phillip gently took Anne's fist that was around the charm and lifted slightly to kiss her knuckles. She smiled gratefully at him. William reached forward intent to pull Anne away from Phillip but Phillip grabbed his wrist in a bruising grip before he could. "Phillip," Anne said quietly, almost pleading him to not do anything rash.

"You are not going to lay a single finger on her as long as I'm still breathing." Phillip said in a dangerously calm voice. Anne sighed a little. This is not going to end well She thought to herself.

Thank the Lord! I finally got that finished! I hope you all enjoyed and I will try to update a lot sooner this time but with a full-time student schedule, I can't make that promise. Either way, please vote, comment, and follow!