Donald wasn't like His sister Della. She always seemed to do everything perfectly without thinking, no doubt or regret and Donald was the one who tried hard but had no results. So when She asked Him to watch the boys for a couple weeks honestly He was scared, No not scared terrified! Him, Uncle Scrooge and Della just had a huge fight, He was completely on edge plus He never watched them for more than a couple hours. Honestly they're only four months old how hard could it be?

It was exhausting, He had to get up in the middle of the night about every three hours or so to feed them and Morning wasn't much easier either. Sometimes they would cry, and He had no idea what they wanted maybe they just wanted they're mom? Donald knows the feeling.

A few weeks past, Donald was tired, not a normal tired either, it's like you want to complain about being tired but you can't because you're too tired. He's tried to call Della a thousand times till finally He talked to His Uncle about it.

Scrooge agreed and tried to look for Della for weeks. After about three weeks or so He told Donald it was completely over and He quit.

Donald never wanted to speak to His uncle again,"How could he give up on Her like that?", "Does He care at all?", "Obviously not, He's just a selfish old man who doesn't give a crap about anyone!"

Donald wasn't mad, He was furious,not just furious He was tired, sick and tired of taking responsibility for Della's actions. She doesn't have to deal with the argument from Scrooge, the constant crying from the boys, He has to give up his entire life to fix something she started.

Donald just started getting mad again, At Della this time, She left her kids with someone who doesn't even like kids!, I mean sure Donald loved them but distantly love not constantly unconditionally like a father and he doesn't know what they want or why or when like a mother is supposed to. Every time he picks them up he's afraid to drop them or accidentally break them somehow.

All of a sudden he heard Louie crying. He ran to his crib to see what was wrong. He cradled Him to try to calm Louie down but nothing was working. Donald was about to have a mental breakdown. He didn't understand why Della picked Him anyway there are other people who could watch the boys.

Donald took another look at the boys and sighed. "How could you Leave them like this Della?"He sighed again "they need you and I can't be what they need me to be."

Donald finally got Louie to fall asleep. And last night Donald was so tired He didn't even get up once last night to feed them.

This wasn't a good thing but they seemed fine the rest of the day.

Donald looked at the boys once again, every time They remind him of Della.

Right now that's killing him because he can't be mad at them for it.

He can't even stay mad at Della no matter how much he wants to be. He started to make coffee when Louie was crying again which caused the other two to cry as well.

Donald tried calming them all down but it was too much. He was at the urge of tears when he heard a knock at His door. He walked over and opened it, It was his girlfriend Daisy.

"Hey Donald so me and minnie went shopping and I got this new top I think you're really gonna li-"She paused mid sentence "Oh my gosh you look terrible!"Daisy said.

Donald just brushed it off, He was way to tired to be offended.

She walked around the houseboat with disgust "Honestly Donald would it kill you to clean up every now and then?"Daisy asked.

"sorry"Donald said "my nephews are here and I've been talking care of them, I wasn't expecting company"He exclaimed.

"They're still here?"She asked.

Donald just nodded.

"Della hasn't returned yet?"She asked.

"I don't think she's coming back"He said.

"what are you going to do with the boys?"She asked confused "you'll have to find someone suitable to take care of them you know"She nagged him about how he wasn't ready to do this full time and, He needed to find someone else.

"well daisy"Donald said sternly "Della chose Me, I can't just give them away to someone else".He said "besides who'd be suitable to watch them?"

daisy thought for a moment.

"What about hortence you're mom?"she asked

"she's going through her sixth...devorse, plus she's moving back to Scotland next week"He said

"you're grandmother then?"she offered

"nah she's getting way too old for this sort of stuff"he said

"what about your Uncle Scrooge?"she asked

"I'm not talking to him!"Donald said angrily

"Gladstone?"she asked

"Get real!"Donald answered sarcastically

"Ok what about Matilda?"she asked

"she raised Gladstone, I don't exactly trust that kind of person"he said.

"what about my sister donna?"she offered.

"Didn't she just have kids?"he asked

"She loves kids!"she said

"She loved Her kids, there's a difference."he said

"Fine!"daisy yelled "just figure this out yourself!"she exclaimed

just then Louie started crying once again. Donald sighed and banged his head on the counter. "Why did you have to wake him up?"he asked "I just barely got him to stop crying."he wined

Daisy sighed "don?"she put her hand oh his head gently "I'm sorry, I'm just worried about you, you're overworked and you have so much on your mind."she said "what if we have mickey and minnie watch the boys tonight and we could...have date night like we use to?..."she asked

"Daisy I'd love to but I-"he looked arbitrary daisy with a disappointing look, he sighed "maybe that's not such a bad idea"...