DZ2's 'What's Yours is Mine' Challenge

Plot: Be it in the Muggle or Magical Worlds, no-one really sees Harry except when he's risking his neck, so how does he ensure his own survival? With skill, wit, cunning and the ability to move unseen to get what he wants when he wants.


-It's up to you when the story starts

Using the traits in the summary, Harry starts down the path of a Master Thief

If the story starts before Hogwarts, Harry must use his skills to look after himself at the Dursleys DEFINITELY STARTS BEFORE HOGWARTS

If the story starts AFTER Hogwarts, Harry MUST keep the Stone and use it for himself

Harry CANNOT learn of his obscene wealth until later in the story (as far as he knows, he only has his trust vault)

At least once, Harry tries to steal from Gringotts (whether or not he succeeds is up to you)

Harry CANNOT fear Knockturn Alley as he uses it as a means to 'dispose' of anything he 'acquires' from others

Somehow, Harry's magic MUST help him in his path to be a Master Thief

Harry MUST have people at Hogwarts that help him with his 'questionable' line of work INCLUDING the Twins

Any wealthy people Harry befriends must be both friend and target to him

All pairings are welcome EXCEPT Harems

Using his skills, Harry MUST clear Sirius' name

Guidelines: Crossovers ACCEPTED- REFERENCES

Harry discovers a Magical Thieves' Guild ACCEPTED- NOT TIL AT LEAST THIRD YEAR

Others whom work in shadows offer help/training to Harry (e.g. Assassins, Ninjas, Dark Creatures etc.) ACCEPTED

Harry discovers he is the descendant/heir to a Master Thief (Muggle ones are also welcome) NO BUT HE WILL WORK WITH PEOPLE WHO DESCEND FROM MASTER THIEVES WHEN HE BECOMES A MEMBER OF MAGICAL THIEVES GUILD

Aside from his magic, Harry also uses weapons/items in his work ACCEPTED


Harry somehow becomes a mob boss/Family Head NO BUT BUSINESS DEALINGS AREN'T OFF THE TABLE IN THE FUTURE

Slash NO

If he's caught, Harry gets sent to Azkaban NO

If he gets caught, Harry gets sent to Nurmengard NO

Forbidden: Light Harry

Meek, broken down Harry

Harry losing the Stone (even if the story starts before Hogwarts)

Harry fearing Knockturn Alley

Sirius on the run against Harry

The Twins against Harry

Harry going down his path alone


Immediately-wealthy Harry

Other than that, it's up to you

Authors note: So this will be my first proper response to having seen an authors challenge(s) that piqued my interest and I hope I do it justic. Even if it doesn't do well this a big shout out to DZ2 who has through reading their works has helped me through recent writers block. If you know his/her work and want to see something else I did in spirit of of their challenges check out a story I posted yestersay called Master Demense- its done in the spirt of DZ2s Master of the House challenge where Harry becomes Lord Azkaban and the chaos that unfolds as a result. On that same note, I can't thank you ENOUGH DZ with the reccomened read in your recent post of Zero Hour, which I finished reading and is a great start so far in my opinion so my hat tips to you. I didn't expect overnight to get so much interest and I have you to thank so cheers mate.

Standard disclaimers apply- dont own HP or Hellsing

Albus Dumbledore looked at the imposing grey building surrounded by barb wired fences before him and had to look back at the sheet of parchment in his hands. He had to be in the wrong place. There had to be a mistake in the address he procured from the Hogwarts admission log. He had left young Harry on the porch of the Durseleys in Surrey eleven years ago, that was a fact. A grimace and wave of his wand changed his robes to be something more suitable for blending in with muggles he was walking into the building.

"Name of the inmate you are here to see and your reason for visit" a muggle security uniformed man said looking at the bearded man who had been buzzed in. Between the hip holstered taser, a shoulder mounted radio and the multippe sets of handcuffs in leather holders on his belt the man looked more like a prison guard rather than a security officer.

"Inmate?" Albus asked incredulously. Surely he had misheard the man right. "Forgive me my good man I believe I misheard you. Surely I must have misheard you just now. Did you just say which inmate was I hear to see?"

The security guard looked less than pleased as he shoved a clipboard at the aged man. "This is a juvenile detention facility for criminal youths. They're all future prison convicts in the making so yes you did hear me right. What little inmate are you here to see, who are you and why are you here to see them?" he asked impatiently snatching the clipboard back and glanced down at it noting the information scrawled out. "That little thief Potter? Kid spends most of his days in solitary on order of the overseers to keep him from robbing the other little shits blind."

Dumbledore felt a cog turn in his head. Harry Potter, savior of the Magical World, was a deliquent criminal thief? "Perhaps you could be a little more helpful for a moment longer. Petty theft of candy or such paltry-"

The security guard barked in laughter at the old mans words. "Ca-candy? Is that what you think landed him here? The little thief can't keep his fingers to himself. The courts sentenced him here for hawking thousands of pounds of stolen jewelry and other high value objects" he said looking far too amused. "Michael will bring you to the visitation area. Hands are to be visible at all times and if you value anything on you I wouldn't bring it out while the boy is in the room." A buzzer sounded before a second security guard ushed Dumbledore through. "Enjoy your time with The Cat old man, his claws might be constantly clipped but he still finds ways to cut" he said warningly. The confused look made him smirk before he picked up the phone dialing an extension as the barred gate closed behind Michael and Albus Dumbledore. "The Flaming Chicken is in the roost. Prepare to unleash The Cat" he said.

On the opposite side of the building Harry Potter, or as he preferred to called Schrödinger, cackled to himself in his padded cell. Oh the fun he was about to have. Early on in his life he had learned he could never depend on the Durseleys to help him so he had to help himself. They hated him and 'his kind', whatever they had meant by that had never truly made sense to him up until his eighth birthday. Running from a gang of bullies spearheaded by his whale of a cousin he had tried to desperately imagine himeself somewhere safe and just like that he found himself atop his schools roof. He'd been suitably in awe and scared of at the same time the ability thinking it was just his prayer being answered.

Over time he had discovered the wishful thinking of his appearing a safe place away from the bullies led by his cousin was no answered prayer. In his childish mind he jumped for joy thinking he had super powers! He finally had a way to get away from those who would wish him harm! For a while he experimented and found out that he could do more than teleport, as he called it, to places he had been before; some minor experimentation showed he was able to lift things with his mind and once he touched a book he had never read only to realize he instantly understood everything about it without cracking the binding open to read word one. It wasn't much but Harry knew he had a good thing on his hands. He could acquire the means to keep himself alive at the Dursleys.

A couple of failures, and subsequent beatings, taught him stealing within the Dursley home was a suicidal idea. If something was even so much as a nano-meter off or a single speck of dust lingered he was in for a world of hurt. This taught him to take his endeavours outside and it was when this started that he began to pick up skills. Picking locks, carefully selecting targets nstriking when it appeared he had the least chance to be caught, getting around various security systems through trial and error- a thieves bread and butter he later learned. The actual thefts started off small at first, mainly the food he wasn't getting at his 'loving' relatives home. Soon enough though he began to see and be tempted by the shinies that danced and sparkled in the light of his theft, jewelry. By the time he was ten he was stealing more than he was present in school only aiding the one time lies spread about him by his aunt. Harry had embraced his criminal side and saw no wrong doing in stealing from those who had more than enough to lavish on themselves.

Ripped from his thoughts Harry looked up to spot the eyes of the facilities Chief Overseer, Harry referred to him as The Major after adopting the name Schrödinger for himself since his incarceration after having found a wonderful cartoon called Hellsing that gave him quite the insight to things he could potentially do after seeing a cat boy with similar abilities to his own, looking at him. "Its showtime Schrödinger" he said. The man was not particularly stand out but it was the german accent and likeness to The Major from Hellsing that made Harry like the man.

"Da Major. I sensed him the moment he stepped into the facility."

The man watched Harry rise and the straight jacket melt through him and puddle around his feet. "I have nothing left to teach you about my magics of thieving. The man who awaits you has his own agenda waiting for you, its his famous quirk. The man with a thousand agendas all aimed at a 'Greater Good' sentiment. The 'Greater Good' is a lie so do not fall for it. Go and bring glory" he said ruffling the boys hair as Harry stretched his arms out briefly illuminating midnight black shorts and a dark grey shirt clinging to his average height frame.

"Glory to the Reich Major?" Harry asked with a crooked sarcastic grin. He wasn't being serious and the overseer knew that. Perhaps he had decidedly copied too much of Warrant Officer Schrödingers mannerisms into his personality? Setting it aside for later internal inspection he popped his spine into a proper position before he grinned more at the man shoving his head slightly with no real annoyance or malice behind it.

"No silly boy. The Reich was inherently flawed ideology. Bring glory to yourself. You are famous Schrödinger, you defeated Voldemort as a babe. Have my lessons done nothing for you besides going in one ear and out the other?" the man asked chuckling. "In all seriousness Harry" the relaxed expression melted into serious quickly "Albus Dumbledore is waiting for you out there no doubt going over his pitch to get you to attend Hogwarts to learn about the general uses for magic. You need to go."

The light of amusement died in Harrys eyes before a scowl marred his lips. He didn't like his birth name, well his first name anyway. Harry was so plain and normal. It was for this reason after finding Hellsing he refused to answer to anything but Schrödinger. It was unique, different, meant something many people had to acknowledge and as an added bonus in his mind the thought experiment was quite interesting in his own kind. Was the cat in the box alive with the geiger counter, vial of poison and the hammer? Was it dead? Or perhaps it was both alive and dead at the same time? He blinked seeing The Major snapping his fingers in front of his face. "Pardons Major" he apologized to the man. Getting lost in the conumdrum of the thought experiment often left his mind wandering forcing people to catch his attention in other ways.

"I have taught you a lot. Not only about the magical world as whole through lessons but about my perspective on magic. Wandless, Thieves Magic, normal boring every day spells- you know what I am saying. Do not let Dumbledore know this. The man is famous for being of the mind to use people like pawns to push his agenda forward. Don't let him do it to you" the man said with a stern but kind warning.

"No worries there. As much as you disliked my taking so much of the cartoon characters mannerisms as my own they are more helpful than they appear at first glance" Harry said with a grin. His eyes gleamed slightly looking up at the man who was not just his mentor as a magical thief, boy was that a debacle getting caught before being made to apprentice under him during the course of his incarceration, but privately he thought the man was like a father figure he never had. The Major was strict but fair, kind but stern- everything he imagined and uderstood a father was supposed to be. "I owe you a debt Major. You didn't have to teach me how to control my abities. You didn't have to risk a chance on helping me become a better thief. If I can be candid sir, I am afraid I may never be able to repay your kindness to me even if I gave you a kingdom made entirely of gold" he said offering the man a hand.

"Nein Harry, no forgive me Schrödinger- you owe me nothing. It was a pleasure and an honor" the man said shaking his head and Harrys hand. "To pass on my skills to an apprentice so they can be used is any masters hope." He took his hand back before pulling a medallion and chain out of pocket. "When you feel you feel you are ready seek out the Arcanus. They are a magical guild of thieves like us. Show them this medallion and they will welcome you to their ranks. It won't be easy my boy but I have absolute faith you will do splendidly well among those of our morals." The medallion was an obsidian black color with gold runes etched into one side and an open tome covered in coins on the other.

Harry clutched the medallion reverently for a moment before hiding it in his shoe. It wouldn't do for this Albus Dumbledore fellow to see it and he would keep it safe since The Major giving him the key to open a door, metaphorically speaking, was a huge show of trust. "You can count on me Major!" he said, a sparkle entering his eyes. For a moment he was torn between two actions that made him bite his lip. "Permission to do something sappy and maybe a touch askew of professional?" he asked.

The man raised an eyebrow but nodded a moment later. What could be skewed as sappy and askew of professional in Schrödingers- The tackling embrace told him a moment. His eyes lit with mirth as ruffled the boys hair slightly. An idea hit him after a moment as he removed something from his person without the young mans notice. "Close your eyes" he instructed. Once that was done he slipped the necklace, a platinum celtic-style maltese cross with wreathe work between the arms on a platinum slider chain, around Harrys neck. "Open them."

Harry looked down and went bug eyed at the piece of jewelry now resting on his shirt. The maltese cross he now wore he knew was a trophy The Major kept as a trophy of his first major heist in his youth. "Major I can'-"

"You can and you will" the man said. "You exceeded my every expectation Schrödinger, its the very least you deserve. If you truly wish to return it me then I have conditions." He took the silence as askance of continuation. "Get your education, find the Arcanus and rise thhe ranks like I know you will, spread your own legend. Carve your own fortune on the back of idiots who don't guard their valuables well. My most important condition for return of this" he tapped the cross "is you bring home a girl you love and your children for them to meet their grandfather" he said with an unabashed fatherly smile aimed at the boy.

Harrys eyes nearly brimmed with tears of happiness at the end but settled for a slightly misty gathering as a megawatt smile threatened to tear his face as it reached ear to ear. Hearing The Major ask him to home a girl and his kids to mee him, meet their grandfather the words repeated on a loop in his head, was the mans admission he saw him as a son. "I'll do you proud dad, promise" he said disengagjng from the older wizard and hid the necklace under his shirt.

"I know you won't Schrödinger. I believe in you if no one else ever will and you always have a home to come back to here with me" the man said giving the boy a gentle pusb. "Go, play the sticky fingered and don't let on to knowing about magic to Dumbledoe til its too late. Sow chaos for chaos' sake and remember what I taught you about the rules."

"There are no rules?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow.

"Besides that, the other thing about the rules" the man said smacking Harrys shoulder conspiratorily.

"In the case there are rules find a way to break them without getting caught and not leave any evidence I was there to begin with" Harry said with a grin.

"Thats my boy. Now shoo" the man said. "Auf Wiedersehen für jetzt mein sohn.(1)"

"Nein. Ich werde züruck sein, bevor du es weißt(2)" Harry said before meandering down to the visitor just in sight of the solitary confinement chambers and normal occupants rooms.

A/N: cut print and end chapter. So like i said in the authors note up top under the challenge rules this is a first proper challenge intended to be undertaken by myself. Some wont like harry taking on a more germanic influence but my love for the anime Hellsing as a whole and PARTICULARLY Warrant Officer Schrödinger I thought Harry having similar abilities, outside of regular magic that is, would make for a PERFECT thief harry. Tell me what you all think.

Translations for the german farewells

Auf Wiedersehen für jetzt mein sohn- goodbye for now my son.

Nein. Ich werde zurück sein, bevor du es weißt- no. Ill be back before you know it