When Everything Comes Crashing Down

Characters: Bella Swan, Jacob Black, Sam Uley, Jared Cameron, Paul Lehote, Quil Ateara, Embry Call, Seth Clearwater, Leah Clearwater, Charlie Swan, Renee Dwyer, Billy Black, Sue Clearwater, Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Cullen, Jasper Whitlock Cullen

Timeline After the visit to see Renee and the run in with Quileute werewolf pack.

Synopsis: After the meeting with the Volturi, the month before, Bella decides to tell the pack the truth, and in doing so the truth comes out about her heritage. Hearing the bonds of that bond between them and the entire pack, from her mother and Jake's father William Black. She decides to separate from Edward, and take up her birthrite to protect her family from their sworn enemies.

Discaimers: I don't own Twilight, the story belongs to me, everything else belongs to Stephenie Meyer and Summit Entertainment.

Prologue Part I: Thinking About The Future Bella's POV:

After my conversation with my mother, I was curled up on the side of the beach sitting there, staring at the pictures of us: Jake, me and our friends. The quartet who were his pack and the pack leader, Sam Uley's fiancé, tracing my finger across Jake's face. I just stared into his chocolate brown eyes, feeling the look of love in them when he looked at me then, leaning my head against his shoulder then, I switched photos to the next.

His best friend Embry Call, he was holding me on his back as he swung me around and with a smile of playfulness on his face. Before switching photos to the next one, and the next one was of Jared Cameron and Paul Lehote with me. The guys on both sides of me with Paul's arm wrapped around my back, before I went to the fourth. And it was one of Sam holding me as I leaned into his chest with a smile on my face then.

Remembering things, it had been three months around Embry and one full one with the quartet at the time, but to me what hurt. Was that I've been trying to get to my brothers and sisters ever since Edward came back, as I heard my mother Renee Dwyer, say it. Before she could say it then I told her the truth. "It's not that, what you're thinking, mom, in truth, would you see he had a real problem with commitment if he took off."

"But what hurt most before he left me stranded in the woods behind the house, was his saying I was not good for him at the time." I said and my stepfather squeezed my shoulder at that. "Not good for him, or more accurately not good enough for him, so he blocks every girl out until you move to town, and he becomes obsessed with you. But one mistake causes him to take off, baby, don't buy what he says, he's not worth it."

"You're beautiful on the inside as well as the outside, baby listen to me, but if he took off like this, it means that he has a true problem with commitment at the moment. But what are his promises to you worth if he can not commit to them at the moment. He's still immature enough not take responsibility if you get pregnant by accident. But for some that are completely devoted to our soulmates at the moment, we do anything."

"And be anything for our soulmates and in the way your father, Jake and I did for you and your mother, Jake showed he was completely devoted to you. And by committing hours and hours to your relationship healing your heart, I know he hurt you. But just because he did, it doesn't any other would hurt you emotionally. Jake's declaration to you the night he became a junior policeman, he meant it." he told me and I nodded to me.

"Jake and the guys, committed hours and days to helping me get over him, and just when I'm ready to let go, they interfere just as Harry is killed?" I asked and they nodded, just as mom was answering me, I saw her expression shift and her eyes narrowed from something at that and Phil nodded as he said it. "He did it again?" he asked and she nodded as she answered him, and her was tone furious as she said it firmly at that.

"Baby, Jake, how close was it if you got Charlie at your place, Jake?" she asked and gave a nod. "Damn it, baby, she's your cousin, your mother is my sister, yeah exactly, that's the bond you have, blood bonds, and it's the same for Quil, she's your omega. Your co-leader of the pack, she leads the pack with you, as you're the alpha. She leads the team with you, and only she can countermand your orders to your brothers and Leah."

"Got it, yeah tell the council and I'm going to be talking to Sue later, uh huh, yeah that's right, no I'm getting ready to her the truth about Phil, Embry and Amy. So just wait until she comes home and screw what Edward tries here, tell her the truth." she said and gave a nod, hearing that last part it took a turn that my relationship. And the one with Sam was more then I thought, I loved him like a brother as she answered Phil at his question.

"Yeah he did alright, but just wait for her to get that news from Jake, because he's coming to her this time, she's lonely and she's losing focus. The connection is still very young, in fact it's in it's infancy right now, but to answer you." she said and he nodded. "Damn it, alright I have to tell her the truth in what I am and who I am related to, she needs me like she needs the guys and Charlie." he said and she nodded to him firmly.

"Honey you don't remember, but the guys, the duo and the boys could protect you better then Edward could, because there's more of them, in total each age group. It had ten wolves, plus us as omegas, but as a result, 20 wolves and only seven Cullens. Who could protect you better exactly, but where the gold eyes go, the danger is always just behind it." she said and I nodded as I thought it over, as I remembered ever since then.

My luck was incredible, I was happy and I was safe, I could be myself with Billy and the rest of the council, with Jake and the guys. But around Edward, from day one, ever since he laid eyes on me my luck went from good to bad. But 1) Edward watching me from across the parking lot and my friend lost control of his car. 2) he followed my to Port Angeles, a town 40 minutes away by car and I'm nearly attacked by a quartet.

A quartet of rapists, and finally, bringing me to watch his family play baseball I get targeted by the trio that just barely killed me and dad, but did kill Harry. And during my birthday party I have a paper cut and his brother loses control. And I realized she was right as I answered her question. "Would you consider I'm better off with Sam, Jake and the guys, then him?" I asked and she nodded as she answered me then softly at that.

"We do, but it just makes it clear, Charlie said you were happy with Jake at the time, Honey, I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life. Listen to me, you should marry for love and not for duty, if this is to protect the tribe, the Cullens, the town. And us from a group of parasites, then it's not the right decision, I want you to marry for love. And not for money, not because your obligated to and not lose your self respect right now."

"But he's from a time where a girl got married right after high school, we're not, this is not 1912, and prior to the titanic, it's 2006. As such right now, you're marrying, because you think it's your duty to protect the tribe right now. Well it's not, you're too young and you're not obligated to protect the tribe this in fact, I was ready to tell you anyway. I'm descended from the high councilor of La Push, Billy's my alpha wolf, we all think this."

"But you should listen to your heart and not with your head at the moment here, you were happy and healing before he came back. And in fact I was happy you were getting over him, the guys and I were all worried about this. But we want you to live your life to the fullest now that you know our secret now. But I just don't want to see your heart broken again right now, who's to say he never lied to you again, or does lie to you."

"Who's to say that once school is over he's not going to take off twice, you're only just starting to act like yourself again. Your father, Phil and I are still worried about a relapse happening here and frankly he's in the doghouse with your father, literally. Billy and Sue, the guys, they all said the same thing, they're still concerned here." she said and I nodded to her as I answered her then as I looked at the bracelet Billy Black gave me.

"You know, you knew all along?" I asked and she nodded to me. "We do, but it's because I'm the female leader to the pack, our title was omega, you have my powers. As such this is the reason Billy was protecting you all this time, him and Harry. I know you don't remember, but Sue is your godmother, Billy was your godfather. To us and Charlie, we think you should marry for love and not because you feel obligated to protect the tribe."

"And like this, there is no need for it and not when we already had a treaty with whoever it was he pissed off this time. But frankly I know and knew he was lying, your leg, that was not accident was it, you got attacked by another nomad and the nomad's mate. That is our perp and killing people, just so she can destroy you and the Cullens right?" she said and I nodded, as now that I knew she knew, there was no point in hiding this.

"What's an omega exactly, if that's what I am, and what did you mean our connection was in it's infancy exactly?" I asked and she explained that. "An omega is the female leader of the pack and the personal advisor to the high chief of the tribe. Your godfather is the alpha to my pack, with Jake not ready, Sam is holding his position. to answer your second question, you notice that for three months you were shut down now."

"But the night of your movie night with Jessica, you decided to break your promise and go dirt biking with a couple of strangers, before hanging around the boys all that time. And as you did, you started eating more, slept through the night without nightmares, and were looking like yourself again, growing closer to the guys and the boys and Emily?" she asked and I nodded to her and she gave a nod as I went over that gently with her.

"Yeah I did, but what was causing it?" I asked and she explained that. "You get your powers from the family of the man your in love with baby, in truth. It's as an omega we need to be connected to someone, cut adrift and we act like we're in a deep mode. And of depression, I was going to bring you back so you could be with us. And you could be connected to Phil's pack, before you asked to stay and Billy and Sue agreed with that."

"By the time you'd given up hope he was returning, the turning point was the dirt bikes, as it unlocked the door and you were spending so much time on the rez. I knew you snapped out of it as Sue was giving me daily updates. And saying your color was going back to normal and you were eating and sleeping through the night again. No more nightmares, but the waking up screaming, was due to repeated nightmares."

"Said nightmares after whoever put you in the hospital, your memories of another attack like this woke up as well and they combined together. But as the leader of the pack, the female leader, we could freeze both species in their tracks. And as to why that was, our tone is the same as the gag order the alpha use to control the pack. But we dictated no violence in the alliance in front of us." she said and I nodded as I told her at the news.

"James, the leader, lured me into a trap and by using you and daddy to do it mom, just where did I get that first scar from. If James got me in the same spot last year as he was preparing to do it?" I asked and she crossed her arms. "Seven years between attacks, but that's the spot that the trio we destroyed got you at. But the boys in their alignment, when you saw the boys come out, you were seeing Billy, Josh Daniel and Tom."

"As the guys protected you, but this was before Jake's 8th birthday and they retired after Sarah was killed in the car accident." she told me and I nodded to the news. "I'll be honest, every injury that you took last year, these characters that attacked you. They got you in the exact same places when you were 10, but hearing that Edward fell in love with you, that's why Billy was trying to intervene." She said and I nodded as I answered her.

"What happens if you cross vampire DNA with human?" I asked and she sighed. "The child turns into a half breed like Blade, but they kill you by anemia shock here. And by draining you from the inside out, the guys never seen this before, but then we get different training. But there is a way to speak to your grandmother, she's going to see this the same way, but I have the power to connect to the spirits as a result."

"But if you're focusing on your favorite books anf movies, she channeling herself into them to talk to you while the guys grandfathers can do it through it. And through your stuffed wolves as a result, Sam and Josh, they're coloring in their fur. This is because they're tying to separate the wolf from themselves." she said and I nodded as I looked at the picture of me with the blacks and my father with a smile on my face as I said it.

"What's Billy's opinion now that I know, or if he told you." I said and she smiled softly. "He thinks that you should follow your heart, we were all waiting for the other shoe to drop at the moment, but this is too good to last and sooner or later. It's enough that, that commitment is going to be broken now for a second time. But you are a wolf at heart, you were born a human wolf and raised in a pack, baby, your place is the pack."

"That's where you belong, though I want you to reconsider things, it's best you just follow your heart, you think he cares about us. He's too selfish to think about anyone, but himself, but listen to me, you, at times, put too much trust in people. And when they didn't earn it and they don't deserve it, who stayed with you from beginning to end. But who stayed and who left, think about that." she said and I nodded to her advice then.

As I decided to spend a little time scanning the house for things I kept. 'She's right, I should follow my heart, I've listened to my head once too often. Maybe it's time to listen to my heart finally now.' I thought, as I said it. "Mom why have we never gone to Tuscany before?" I asked and her eyes went wary as she answered me. "There's a few towns up in Italy that are highly dangerous, one being Volterra baby, in truth."

"The town had a darker secret than anyone knew, but that's why we never went to Europe, as I tried to protect you at the time." she said and I felt my heart lurch at the remark. 'Volterra, so she knows what Edward is.' I thought as I went to the next one. "I guess you know who the leaders of that city are then?" I asked and Phil gave a growl. "We do, but this was why we never vacationed outside of the U.S., too dangerous."

"In truth, that's why I never trusted him after you ended up in the hospital at the time, I knew that was a lie at the time, when Carlisle gave us that excuse, baby girl." he said sternly as his eyes held a touch of wariness I'd seen in Billy's and Harry's eyes when they looked at Edward and I knew it then, as I looked between them as I answered him. "Dad doesn't know, but I hear that tone in Billy all the time, same with Harry, daddy."

"Where the Cullens are concerned at the moment." I told them and he nodded as he pulled me into his arms, feeling a temperature I felt when around Jake. I hid a smile and as I burrowed into his arms, as he rested his chin on top of my head. "I get why right now, but that was why the guys accepted me so fast at the moment. But a wolf spirit can sense the presence of another once in close range and secondly, the boys."

"Your godfather, Josh and the others and Beth, knew this was why your mother never stayed with your father, your father was not her imprint, I am. Billy said there was a chance that at times two wolves can imprint on a single woman. I think your father was meant to be the imprint to Sue, but right now it's too soon as Harry just passed. But that's true, she's your stepmother with us here in Jacksonville at the current moment."

"But the four of us and Billy all see it the same way, you were just getting over him and he comes back, and frankly the four of us are waiting for that the axe to fall. If this explains the frequent nightmares you've had at the moment." he said and I nodded as I said it. "What's an imprint exactly?" I asked as he smiled at me. "An imprint, is the way a wolf spirit finds their mate, but during the transition until the imprintee accepts fully."

"They be anything you need them to be, a friend, brother, a protector, the way of it is they'd do anything and be anything for you. At the moment the parental pack is still wary of his crossing another line at the moment here right now. And frankly so are we, your mother and I at the moment, Charlie is just as worried, but to us. We all see it the same way, but the imprint is safer here, the added side effect here is that once the alpha."

"He imprints on his omega, you become the alpha's mate as a result and that's the alpha's fourth job, she's your bodyguard, that's why Leah phased. Once Jake imprinted on you and you accept it completely." he told me and hearing that I knew he figured it out. "Dad tell you that I had to prevent him from killing himelf by a loan shark group." I asked and she nodded to me as she answered me then gently at the question.

"He did, but he also said that's why he's worried something could cause a relapse." she said and I nodded, just before hearing my stepfather, Phil Dwyer say it to me then. "Bella honey, everything you had when we were still living in Phoenix, we stashed it in the attic, baby." he said to me and I nodded. "In between games right now, daddy?" I asked and he nodded as he answered me at that with a gentle look on his face then.

"Yeah, at the moment, we're on city games and tomorrow is the latest one, but again, your stuff that you left with us, is hidden in the attic." he told me and I nodded. "I'm going to that game, I want to see you and your friends play whoever it is. But you make the average amount every month ranging from $5,000 to 10. Mom makes $30,000 to 60 a year, I prefer middle class to being that rich." I said and they nodded to me gently.

"Like I said, marry for love and be a poor man's wife or marry a rich one and lose your self respect. But this is what Jo and Meg's mother want for them, I want the same thing for you, marry for love and be a normal, a poor man's wife. Then marry for money and lose your self respect, aside from that, everything the guys got you is hidden in the attic." mom told me and I nodded to the news as that got my boyfriend's attention.

"Jake's a mechanic and he's planning on starting his own garage, but everything I had that you kept, when I coming to visit every summer. You got it all packed in storage, thanks, ever since he got back, he and Alice made no secret at the fact. That they hated the guys, but then their species don't mix, but I like they guys more. And their tempers I can handle." I said and she nodded as my words got his attention at that remark

"Why would that be needed exactly" Edward Cullen asked and his tone went stern. "Just to make sure you don't destroy it, I know how you see Jacob, Billy and their friends. But before you came back she was doing fine at the time she was moving on. And for the record, don't push me, young man, you're still on thin ice with us at the moment. Not only for hurting her this much and her ending up in the hospital last year, but with it."

"For taking off, she's just beginning to heal right now, but you push us and you're getting yourself a hotel room for the rest of this visit. But I'm making it clear, keep your hands off of her or so help me god you better get a bullet proof vest at the moment." he said and mom finished that remark with a bemused tone. "Baby, you remember, you had one for each of us, your father and me, I kept them after you moved in with your father."

"Everything the guys and Beth gave you, it's in a corner of the attic." Mom added and I nodded as that translated to something I never told Edward at the time. "Yeah I remember, but..." I started to say as I suddenly heard Billy's voice at that. "Bella, we get it, but remember you had a copy of each of us, one for each parent." he said and I looked around at that and mom looked up at the ceiling and I smiled as I got it.

"You got to be kidding, they can do that?" I asked and she nodded to me smiling. "Little trade secret Billy and my grandmother taught me, get stuffed animals. And ones that look just like them and their animal spirits can possess them. You weren't imagining that, Billy or Jake are upstairs waiting for you right now." she said and I nodded as I lowered my head at that as I tried to keep from laughing at that as I got the subtext then.

And since now that I knew my friends were werewolves, it was possible they were my stuffed pack and possessed my toy versions of them. If that explained why I just heard his voice and she told me that as I answered her smiling before I sighed as I said it. "Did Sue tell you what happened to Harry?" I asked and they nodded sighing. "Yes she did, but what aren't you telling me exactly?" she asked and I sighed as I told her the truth.

"The same reason I ended up in the hospital last year now is the husband of the damn perp they're hunting down right now. But not only did she nearly kill us: dad and me, but she triggered the heart attack that day, that's it. And I missed the damn funeral, because Edward lost it when I decided to join the guys in their ways of recreational swimming." I told her and she nodded as she checked something on her notepad at that remark.

"The cliffdiving, and I did that all the time with Billy and the guys when we were your age, in truth, that's the way of it, now baby. In truth, you, as soon as you accepted he was never coming back, started breaking that particular promise. You're still a teenager you should act like one now, but the boys were there for you ever since he left. Sam I understand, he's lonely without you honey." she said and I nodded to her sighing to that.

"Edward, could you give me some space right now, this is family talk." I told him and he nodded. " Edward, I'm not kidding, this is family talk, you're the love interest, lock my stepfather out of your head if you have to. But just give us space, go for a drive, just give me two hours alone with my parents okay." I told him and he nodded and left the room, as I sighed as mom nodded in agreement as we waited for him to leave.

Getting on the phone, Phil dialed a number, and said it firmly. "Jerry, could you do me a favor and get up here please, we have a little information hacker. That is trying to break into personal conversations, by getting into my head right now, yeah exactly. But code red, Quileute gamma two, yeah thanks see you soon." he said and hung it up then as he looked out the window as he checked around every window and room upstairs.

Before coming back downstairs and nodded to us and we nodded. "Coast is clear girls." he said and I turned to him in shock at the word of my adoptive tribe. "Daddy, how do you know what's going on exactly?" I asked and he smiled as he shoved the table out of the way and motioned for me to stay put as he phased in front of me. As I saw a reddish orange wolf the size of a buffalo standing in front of me and I smiled in delight.

"Oh my god, I wasn't expecting this, why didn't you tell me guys?" I asked and she smiled in relief. "Edward found out, he was going freak out and try to kidnap you, but you had a connection to the pack even before Jake told you to remember. These are your lost memories, he's just like the guys honey, I'm their omega, I though we were retired. Until I saw Carlisle and realized it started again." she told me and I moved to him at that.

Moving to him, I gave him a hug and he wrapped his head around my shoulder, purring in relief that I accepted him this quickly. And running my hand through the fur at the back of his head, I felt, for the first time in a month, like I did when I was a little girl. But more then that, when around him or the guys, the adult council, I felt like myself. As I realized this was why I accepted him so fast, he was like my adult bodyguards.

As the faces of 10 adult wolves shot through me and I buried my face into his neck, as I told him the truth then. "This is what I miss most, I feel safe with you, I miss the guys, but knowing you're a wolf, I never expected this, but are you half Quileute?" I asked and he nodded, pressing my forehead to his furry forehead smiling and he looked into my eyes with a smile in his as he answered me with a smile in his tone as he said it then.

'That's how exactly baby, I'm like Embry, in truth, Amy's my sister, he's your cousin by marriage. I'm from the Makah tribe, but this was why your parents divorced and you ended up with me. As your stepfather, your father was not her imprint, she was waiting for me. At the moment, so just go ahead and tell us the truth, it's okay baby, tell me what happened.' he said softly and I nodded to him.

"Your mother had two jobs, but one was a teacher and the other is she is the high councilor for the council itself in La Push. The man I just contacted is also from Makah, but we're both shapeshifters, but we're half Quileute/half Makah. Emily, she's from Makah, before Sam imprinted on her, but all in all, at times most of wolves are either full Quileute or half because they marry outside of it."

'My best friend Jerry Walker is descended from the Lehote clan, and me I am from the Cameron clan. And as such, you're connected by marriage to Jared, he's family, like Embry is, by marriage and Quil and Sam are by blood. but this was why you shut down, you, like your mother are an omega. You need to be connected to someone of either species, more specifically their family, or pack.'

'And in the Quileute tribe, they, the boys, sometimes imprint on girls from another tribe, my grandfather was Stephen Cameron, he's also your cousin. But in total you have four cousins, two by marriage and two by blood baby girl. But you were born a human wolf and raised in a pack, baby, in truth. You connected to me because I am just like the guys, you sensed that and you knew that.'

'So to you I was someone who could protect you even if you didn't understand from what yet at the time. But the boys and Leah are your family, that's where you belong, but in truth now. The boys are your pack, and two packs became one after just before Cullen came back. If he stayed away just another five months the imprint was done, you're free.' he said and I nodded to him then gently.

As he changed back, before he put his hand on my shoulder as I told them the truth, now that I knew my stepfather was a werewolf. And mom knew, I could be completely open now over this finally. "You breaking this truth bit by bit so it doesn't become information overload since I've been gone so long I forgot. I forgot that I already knew what the guys were at the time?" I asked and they both nodded to me and I sighed as I said it then

"As soon as my first interaction with Jake and his friends started I saw the guys in their wolf forms, like two months later. But being around the guys, it felt normal Sam was acting like my brother and I was finally coming out of it now. Before Edward mistook a case of recreational cliffdiving for a suicide attempt at the time." I told them, though just as I finished saying that, I saw mom focus carefully and I gave a nod as I tried that.

"Hey, get out of here, she said two hours, she means two hours, go, before I call the cops, Cullen!" I heard a voice shout, before the front door opened and a man wearing a cherry red t-shirt walked in and over to us. "Hey baby, sorry about that, but I just caught him trying to listen in right now." he told me and I nodded. "Jerry Hanscomb?" I asked and he nodded and I gave a nod as I smiled suddenly as I said it then to him.

"Your cousin is Derek, Beth's husband isn't he, Jerry?" I asked and they nodded as he chuckled. "Unknowing or not, you find a lot of us scattered around, but when you started living with your father, I told Beth and she contacted Harry and Billy. And they took charge, before we realized that Sam, Jared and Paul activated. And when the Cullens came back, but the second he laid eyes on you, that did it for the boys, Beth and me."

"We had to protect you, but that's what Billy's warning was, they were taking protection duty back now and us two with them." he told me and I nodded to the news as I looked between them sadly. "I'm not trying to cut myself off the guys, he's getting too damn overly protective, I miss being with the guys, I was happy until he came back. In truth I'm lonely, I miss the guys and Emily right now, but more then that, it's Harry."

"If he just waited..., waited a little longer we'd have all three of them and I could move on, instead something in the legends just came back to haunt me. But if he just followed his own rules and stayed clear, Harry would still be alive right now." I said the grief shot through me at that. "I miss him, I miss Goldie, I want them back, and because of him, them, he's gone, I'm still in mourning here." I said and they bodded to me softly then

"I understand and I know you miss him right now." she said and I nodded as I wiped the tears off my face as I said it then to her. "I don't understand, I've been away from from Forks for 3 years, why is this hitting me so hard exactly. I miss him so much, I just want to reverse things, to before he was killed, when he was acting like my father at the time. I should have had the entire 12 months and instead that got cut short by Edwards."

"And Edward, damn it, damn it, I was just starting to move on, I want him back, I want the trio to come home and most of all I wish he kept his promise and stayed away. I just want Harry back, but because him, 25 families are in tatters, because of him. Harry is dead, because of him, my friends are wolves, I just want my friends back." I said telling her the truth and she nodded as she answered me then gently at that.

"Yes well it clear to me you're having doubts regarding going through with them, but just think over what we said. But Jake is coming to you on Monday, and this time there is no use fighting the oncoming tirade now." she said and I nodded. "I guarantee that if this was because of whatever Alice saw this and his not telling us. It's over between us and the tribe wins, I love Jake, I belong to him." I told her and she nodded as we ended it.

Ending the conversation I went to the attic and moved to a box marked stuffed wolves and I opened it to find ten sitting in it, unloading each one. I looked at the dark gray with white spots and something got my attention, lifting up to my eye view I looked into its eyes. Seeing it's eyes, I saw greenish grey eyes that matched Paul Lehote's and I smiled. "Paul." I said softly and looked between each one as I grabbed up the black one.

'Oh my god, these are the guys and Leah in stuffed animal form, this is the way I saw the quartet.' I thought as I looked at my cherry red wolf and smiled. "Jake you hear me?" I asked and to my shock, he looked into my eyes and with a smile in his. "Hey Bella, and just wait, you're seeing me on campus on Monday, love you baby. We can read your emotions at the moment, just be careful." he said and I smiled at him then.

"Love you to Jake, and I'm coming to a close, I'm not sure what I want, I know making that choice is going to break both of our hearts. I'm not sure yet, I want to stay with you guys, but I swear, whatever happened over this weekend. And at home, if he lied to me, again is the final straw and you win, see you on Monday baby." I said and he said it softly. "You too baby, see you Monday." he said and stopped moving and I relaxed.

"Edward I swear to god, if you lied to me again over why I should leave town and that is it, you lost me for good right now. I'm still just waiting for the damn shoe to drop and whatever I hear from the boys is the said shoe, but if you my father at risk. Your ass is mine and I mean that." I said sternly as I pulled Paul's toy wolf form into my arms. "I'm not letting go, I'm never letting go guys, I swear." I said, as I heard a gentle purring.

Hugging him tightly, I just listened to his gently purring, know he was happy I was holding him even if he wasn't with me for real. As I just sat there as memory after memory bombarded me of our four months together, before the Cullens returned. As I had two pack and now two packs became one finally. And as the guys, Leah and I were a gang, before our families were intact for good now.