Chapter 33: Insight

***Warning: The contents of this chapter is rated R for 'Real fucked up'. If you are easily disturbed by graphic violence, blood, bodily dismemberment, cussing, rape, incest, torture, abuse, allegories to slavery and genocide, or just hurtful and depressing visuals, I advise you to turn around and go read something else. Everyone else, enjoy.****

...3:19 a.m...

Mirabelle sat in her room in the dark of night legs folded inwards and eyes closed with head bowed in deep contemplation. Her entire body illuminating the darkness with a shimmering purple aura. At the same time, her astral form stood near the doorway observing her physical body. Her body was ethereal almost ghostlike with rippling light purple energy surrounding it. This was a common occurrence for her as since she didn't require much sleep anyway, she'd use the excess time on hobbies or keeping the skills of her clan sharp. It also allowed her time to think.

Her astral projection proceeds to phase through the wall walking down the hall then stops at Camilla's door. She reaches allowing her hand to phase through before quickly retracting it then shaking her head. She knew deep in her heart it'd be wrong of her to do this especially after her promise to Camilla and the trust she has for Caleb. She turns away dissolving whatever doubt she had. Besides, there was another matter that heavily weighted on her.

She walks through the dark, silent living room before turning to the sliding glass doors easily phasing through them until she was in the backyard. She walks around admiring her small garden even running her intangible fingers through the flower heads. She looks up at the night sky listening to the crickets chirping and other Southern nighttime sounds.

'Hahhh, how could I let this happen?", Mirabelle sighed touching her fist to her chest. She couldn't deny she's becoming increasingly worried about Caleb's new abilities. Yesterday's example where he manifested a barrier made it too clear; he was manifesting HER abilities. She knew she needed to confront him about what it means...but even SHE doesn't have a clear answer. What could she do?


Caleb, despite his initial reservations, was eventually able to relax alongside Camila. As he lay there lighly snoozing, his body suddenly shifts in discomfort feeling something pulling his chest. As he tries to fall back asleep he feels something sharp prick into his arm.

"Erk!", Caleb utters jerking awake welcomed by the darkness as grogginess, "uughh what the he-"

"Hhhnngh.", came a strained voice.

Caleb stops upon seeing Camilla lying beside him pulling at his shirt and in deep slumber. Her entire body was trembling accompanied by the sound of whimpering slowly transitioning into quiet sobbing. Immediately, Caleb instincts kicked into action.

"Camilla?", Caleb says gently shaking her shoulder which seemed to only make the Elder Devil recoils more groaning in sorrow. Caleb heartrate quickens becoming even more concerned.

"No para No para No para"(No stop 3x)" , She sobbed in her sleep.

"Hey. Hey, Camilla!", Caleb shook her a bit harder only for her wings to suddenly unfurl almost smacking him and almost making him fall out the bed. He opts for a another method of waking her crawling to her say clearing seeing tears running down her cheeks and eyes clenched shut. He reaches up to brush her hair back.

"Camilla, come on, wake u-agh aghhhhh", Caleb uttered as, the second he touch her head, his eyes glowed bright purple as did the hood mark on his chest. His body spasmed as it became heavier and heavier before collapsing beside her straining out a few last grunts. Everything went black.


Caleb lie on his back unconcious before his eyes shot open and he jerks his body upwards into a sitting position gasping for air. After a few seconds of heavy breathing, Caleb finally takes in the rather familiar. The purple mist and seemingly endless void of nothing made it clear he was in the dreamscape. However, something felt...different...foreign even. Whatsmore, there was no sign of Mirabelle anywhere. Caleb gets to his feet.

"Moon pie?", Caleb calls but gets no answer only the distant echo of his voice, "Moon pie, where are you? If your gonna pop out and scare me, please don't. I'm not in the mood...something...doesn't seem right."

There was still no answer which made Caleb become more on edge. Despite it all being a dream, the danger from shock is very real.

No. No. No. No., repeated a familiar voice.

Caleb turns to see a winged silhouette standing just 20 feet from him. He immediately recognized that it was...Camilla. How the hell was she in the dreamscape? He quickly goes over to her noticing her attire being the same as when she went to bed

"Camilla?! How are you here?", Caleb inquires only for the Elder Devil to continue repeating the word "No" over and over. Caleb recoils knowing something wasn't right. Not only her chanting the word repeatedly but her entire demeanor gave off an aura of fear and, though he couldn't explain it, but her entire form felt...statue-like almost hollow.

Caleb reaches out for her shoulder as she continued repeated the word and beginning to gradually do more rapidly the closer her he got, "Camilla? Are you ok? Hey! Camilla come on!...Hey, come on snap-", the second he touches her shoulder...

NOOOOOOOOOO! , the Elder Devil violently elicits a deafening scream as the world around them is cast into bleak darkness and the sound shakes the surroundings like an earthquake. Caleb covers his ears trying to muffle the painful sound and feeling his entire body feeling as if it was being crushed at every angle. "Feeling" but actually it WAS being violently distorted into different shapes as the world around them changed into a blinding light forcing Caleb to sheild his eyes. The light soon dissipates.

Opening his eyes and looking his hands to see they weren't distorted anymore, Caleb takes a moment to get his bearings. He looks around to find himself standing in the middle of some kind of ancient stone ruins. Despite that, he notices the surroundings appeared to have been well taken care of. There was very little overgrown vegetation. The stone structures, statues, and stairways appeared to be well taken care of. Taking a closer look he sees the symbols appeared be from the Mayan civilization that he read up on once. Walking around, he sees a stone channel along the ground with water flowing rapidly. There were even a small collection of apple trees further away. He looks up stunned to see a dome shaped stone wall with a large skylight allowing the natural sunlight in.

His eyes widen realizing he had forgotten Camilla and was about to call out for her. Suddenly, he hears another voice call out instead.

"Madre!(Mother!)", Called the voice a female child. Caleb turns surprised to see a small Devil girl running towards him with an excited grin wearing a small polka dotted dress. He noted she looked kinda like Hana except with light brown skin instead of sky blue and her horns being slightly bigger. Caleb pivots to the right as she passes him. He then turns and sees the little Devil girl run up and hug another taller, older-looking Devil woman holding a basket of apples. She was dressed in an old fashioned dresses Mexican women wore in the mid-1800s with white, frilly shoulderless top, long red skirt reaching down to her ankels, and what appeared to be moccasins. She was very beautiful with a voluptuous hourglass figure, long flowing brown hair, four large black horns with two large matching batwings ,long slender tail ending in a spade, and sharp, piercing red eyes. She looks to the Devil girls with the sweetest smile Caleb had ever seen a woman give.

"Ohh, hola cariño! No te he visto desde esta mañ é has estado haciendo? (Oh, hello sweetheart! I haven't seen you since this morning. What have you been up to?), the woman spoke her words and tone sweet and smooth like honey to the ears. Caleb is surprised by the fact that the two of them are clearly speaking Spanish yet SOMEHOW he's able to understand what their saying. Maybe because it's dreamscape it just automatically translates in his brain? He didn't know.

"Hoy me levanté más temprano porque estaba practicando para mostrarte algo!(I wanted to practice a little more before I showed you!)", The Devil happily taking a ripe yellow apple from one of the several hand baskets that just noticed were all filled to the brim, "Mira esta mamá(Watch this mama!)

The Devil girl holds the apple straight up in her palm then twirls a free hand above creating a small magic seal. The apple rotates in her palm as the skin goes flying off the apple in one long curly strand leaving a freshly peeled apple in hand.

"Ta Da!", The Devil girl stated proudly as the older Devils smiles widely touching her hands to her mouth in delighted surprise, "Quería ayudarte a que pelar las manzanas sea más fácil para ti( I wanted to help make peeling the apples easier for you.)"

"¡Ah! ¡Camilla Eso es fantástico! ¡Hiciste un nuevo hechizo tú solo! ¡Realmente eres mi adorable pequeño genio!(Ah! That's fantastic Camilla! You made a new spell all by yourself! You truly are my adorable little genius!)", The older Devil woman praised daughter pulling her daughter into a hug.

'Wait...d-did she just say...Camilla? That's Camilla?! Is this her when she was...', Caleb thought to himself shocked by the revelation. Now it starting to make sense. These must be Camilla's memories manifested in dream form. Or whatever. Admittedly, there were some things Caleb didn't fully understand about the dreamscape and it's full capabilities.

The Devil girl chuckles happily as her mom tickles her neck giggling sweetly at her daughter.

""Oh, mamá, te hice esto también para ti("Oh, mama, I made you this for you too.), Baby Camilla stated presenting a small leather strand woven necklace with azure and turquoise beads.

Jimena eyes twinkle, "¡Ahhhh, es hermoso bebé! Siempre lo apreciaré.(ahhhh, it's beautiful baby! I'll always cherish it.), she says before tying it around her neck.

Caleb couldn't help smiling at the sight and noting how happy Camilla was back then.

"Oye, Jimena, ¿ya terminaste?(Hey, Jimena, you done yet?) " came an impatient female voice. Caleb turns to see a darker skinned Devil woman in a similar dress but with dark green skirt and beige top. Her arms were crossed under her I-Cup breasts with a judgemental expression. She was accompanied by 6 other Devil woman in different colors dresses, some with jewelry like bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. Each of them looking at Baby Camilla and her mom with coldness and even hints of disdain.

"¡Necesitábamos esas manzanas para el banquete de hoy hace 20 minutos! Darse prisa! (We needed those apples for todays banquet 20 minutes ago! Hurry up!)", spat another Devil woman in red skirt and a turquoise necklace.

Baby Camilla looks to them slightly worried as her faces them with a plain expression.

"Ya está hecho, Adalia. Hubiera terminado antes si el resto de ustedes me hubiera ayudado. También es parte de tus quehaceres.(It's already done, Adalia. I would've finished sooner if the rest of you would've helped. It's part of your chores too.) ", Camilla mother answered back plainly.

"¿Qué? Y negarle a la gran Jimena el honor de recoger la fruta más fresca para nuestro señor. Después de todo, pareces ser el experto en frutas(What? And deny the great Jimena the honor of picking out the freshest of fruit for our lord. You seem to be the expert on fruit after all.), the green skirted Devil woman, apparently named Adalia, jeered before shooting a glare at Baby Camilla causing the latter to recoil slightly.

Jimena takes Baby Camilla's hand comfortingly before conjuring a large yellow magic seal. Immediately, all the baskets become surrounded in yellow aura and begin to levitate.

"Empezaré los preparativos ahora si te parece bien(I shall start the preparations now if that's ok with you?), Jimena inquired in a calm tone, "Ven cariño(Come along honey)"

Jimena and Baby Camilla proceed together as the other Devil women step aside allowing them to pass while the baskets floated behind them in single file line. As the passed, Baby Camilla sees the cold, envious glares of the other Devil women; especially Adalia.

Suddenly, one of the baskets rips at the bottom spilling all the apples on the ground. Baby Camilla and her mother turn to see the apples on the ground and, for a split second, Adalia dissipating a magic seal in her palm.

"¡Oh querido! Parece que no podría soportar su propio peso. Deberías limpiar esto antes de que nuestro señor se entere!(Oh dear! It looks like that couldn't handle it's own weight. You should clean this up before our lord finds out.), Adalia spoke in a haughty tone wanting to get a rise out of her.

Jimena narrows her eyes at her knowing she's trying to provoke her. Then, to other Devil's surprise, Baby Camilla goes to the torn basket and creates a small blue magic seal and instantly repairs it before proceeding to put them all in by hand.

"Está bien, madre, conseguiré estos y los limpiaré du siente.(It's ok, mother. I get these and clean them off for you.), Baby Camilla smiles supportingly as her mother's expression softens.

"Gracias cariño( Thank you honey)",Jimena spoke sweetly as then shooting a side glance at Adalia. The darker skin Devil scowls at her as the rest look on with envy in their eyes.

"Tch, lo que sea (Tch, whatever.), Adalia scoffs before walking ahead then the others followed behind her. Adalia stops next to Jimena and whispers what sounded like, "No dejes que esa pequeña mierda te haga olvidar tu lugar aquí, perra. Pure Luck, eso es todo lo que es. Una vez que dé a luz a un niño fuerte, volveré a estar en la cima. Recuerda eso.(Don't let that little shit make you forget your place here bitch. Pure Luck, that's all she is. Once I give birth to a strong child, I'll be back on top. Remember that.), she spoke before grabbing an apple and taking a bite.

As she walks by the other devil women tauntingly grab an apple as well following Adalia out of the courtyard. Baby Camilla watches as her mother stands there silently before turning around with a slightly forced smile on her face assuring her daughter all was well.

Caleb walks up to Baby Camilla then reaches out to her. Before he could even touch her, the surroundings distorts and violently change creating earthquake-like tremors that through Caleb off balance causing him to fall on his butt. He notices the new surroundings. This time he was in an ancient burial chamber except there were large wooden tables and stone coffins fashioned into seats. Several Mayan statues and clay structures could be seen littered throughout the room but with strange black marking such as pentagrams and demonic symbols painted on them. However, what caught Caleb's attention the most were the were dozens upon dozens of Devil women of various species and size all around him. He could see a line of them bringing in plates of food from batches of cooked corn to roasted pork, chicken, and goat to what looked like stacks of tortillas with chili beans. The even brought in crates of alcohol; mostly tequila brewed on their own.

"¡¿Que demonios?! ¡Esto sabe a mierda!(What the hell?! This tastes like shit!), screamed a male voice.

Caleb turns around shocked to see a man standing up from what looked like a hand carved stone chair with demonic symbols painted all over. He was a tall, tan-skinned Devil man with a very muscular physique, her black horns, claws, and tail, sharp, knife-like teeth, and piercing red eyes made even more intimidating by his very agitated glare. He was dressed in loose brown pants and open dark brown vest showing his defined abs, along with black heeled boots He was clutching what looked to be a roasted goat.

Caleb steps back from him out of fear. He then notices Camilla's mom next to him with an even more fearful expression.

"Lo-lo siento ... cariño, creo que podría haber cocido demasiado la carne un bi - ¡AGHH!(I-I'm sorry...darling, I guess I might have overcooked the meat a bi-AGHH!)", was all she could get out before the Devil man delivers a hard, claw swipe across her face; the sound resinating throughout the room.

"Fuck!", Caleb shouted in utter shock. He looks on seeing Camilla's mom on the floor clenching the side of her bleeding face and whimpering. Caleb could also see Adalia near the table smirking in satisfaction.

"Mama!", Baby Camilla shouted running towards only for a another Devil woman to grab her holding her back.

"¡NO! ¡Cariño, quédate atrás! ¡Mami está bien!(NO! Sweety, stay back! Mommy is ok!), Jimena urges still clenching her cheek as is starts to regenerate.

"Ese pequeño. Escucha a mami, al menos ELLA podría convertirme en un heredero medio decente. ¡Incluso si no puede cocinar para una mierda!(That right little one. Listen to mommy, at least SHE could make me a halfway decent heir. Even if she can't cook for shit!), The Devil Man stated sadistically before throwing the goat right at Jimena's face. Caleb flinches at the sight before clenching his teeth in anger.

"Pfft.", scoffs Adalia crossing her arms

The Devil Man heard her and turns his attention to Adalia. He walks up to her until they were face to face.

"¿Oh qué? ¿Me equivoco? ¿O simplemente estás enojado porque es verdad? A diferencia de ti y de los demás, ELLA en realidad me dio un hijo y APRAMENTE lleva aquí medio siglo. Ni siquiera puedes hacer que dure un mes.(Oh, what? Am I wrong? Or you just mad because it's true? Unlike you, and the others, SHE actually produced me a child and she's BARELY been here half a century. You can't even make it last a month.), The Devil Man taunted her and the other Devil women before focusing solely on Adalia as she clenches her fists trying to restrain her anger.

"Bueno, pasaste tus noches con ella desde que llegó. ¡Ya casi no quieres tocar a la mitad de nosotros!(Well, you spent of your nights with her since she got here. You barely want to touch half of us anymore!), Adalia shot back breathing hard in agitation.

"Oh, ¿estás diciendo que te estoy descuidando? ¿Crees que puedes hacerlo esta vez?(Oh, you saying I'm neglecting you? You think you can do it this time?), Devil Man spoke to which Adalia simply nods affirmatively. A wicked grin crosses his lips, "En ese caso, demuéstrelo ahora mismo!(In that case, then prove it right now!)

Devil Man grabs Adalia by the throat dragging her as she gasps and struggles. A throws her on the table bending her over then proceeding to yank her skirt up as she squirms. He chuckles heartily at her reaction then commands two more Greater Devils to hold her arms down. Caleb turns away in disgust then notices Baby Camilla struggling in the Greater Devil's grasp before her mother comes over and tears her away wrapping her daughter securely in her arms.

Caleb covers his ears trying to block out the sound of Adalia moaning and ragged shrieks along with the DevilMan's boisterous laughing echoes throughout the room. Caleb notices, to his shock, that some of the Devil women at the table simply continued eating as if nothing was happening. He then sees Baby Camilla touch her mother's face which had mostly healed up. She looks to her so called father relentlessly thrusting the other Devil woman against the table then glares at him. Suddenly, her body begins to radiate a strange red aura.

Suddenly, the world distorts and dissolves into shapeless colors and forms followed by violent tremors shaking the area.

"Oh God, not again?", Caleb stated expecting to be transported to another memory. Instead, he is bombarded with more visions of Camilla's life in her clan. There were happier memories like ones where she helping her mother cooking, her mother teaching her spells, or Camilla practicing drawing her mother. Then there were...not so happy ones where her mother was bullied and harassed by the other Devil women or forcing her to do their chores for them. Her "father" verbally, physically, and sexually abusing and humiliating her mother; especially in front of other Devil women. Even days where her would be caught sobbing when she thought no one was watching. Most of the time, when her mother was busy, Baby Camilla would be by herself as there were no other children to play with and the other Devil women wanted nothing to do with her. Then, Caleb sees a memory where Camilla was at a river and she witnessed Adalia caring a wooden bucket weeping as three other Devils comforted her. She then dumps the remains of her failed pregnancy into the river. She then notices Camilla watching them before an angered scowl crosses her face. At the moment, Caleb could sense Camilla realized why they hated her. Each memory causing waves of emotion from anger, resentment, sadness, love, and happiness flooding Caleb's mind with overwhelming force that threatened to rip him apart.

Caleb clutches the sides of his head in agony and shrieks, "STOP!"

At that moment, the flood of emotions stops and he finds himself standing in some type bedchamber. He heard a small whimper and turn to see Baby Camilla standing there with a horrified expression holding a wooden plate of freshly peeled fruit, roast chicken, and a bottle of tequila.

"AGHH!", shouted the voice of Camilla mother. Caleb turns horrified to see Devil Man pinning her against the stone wall, "P-¡Por favor, señor, estoy tan cansado! Los otros no me ayudarían(P-Please my lord I'm so tired! The others wouldn't help me-)

*Smack*, Devil Man backhand slaps her across the face.

"¿Por favor? ¡Dáme un respiro! ¡Eres la gallina de los huevos de oro! Además, ¡que te molesten los demás realmente hace que este coño sea agradable y apretado!(Please? Give me a break! You're the goose that golden eggs! Besides, you getting all bothered by the others really make this pussy nice and tight!), Devil Man stated jamming his middle and ring fingers in her womanhood causing her to lurch backward in pain. Camilla trembles placing the food on a nearby table.

"Madre(Mother!)", Baby Camilla stated with uncertain eyes.

"Está bien, cariño, solo vete. Mami estará bien como siempre.(I-It's alright sweety, just go. Mommy will be ok like always.), Jimena assured in a strained voice trying to force a smile.

"Madre.(Mother)", Baby Camilla whimpers as tears start to form. Caleb frowns sorrowfully at her then is interrupted by Jimena's strangled gasp as Devil Man grabs her throat.

"JA, ¿qué crees que eres una mamá REAL? Eres solo un arranque abierto para sembrar mi semilla. ¡ESO ES! ¡Ese es tu propósito! ¡Ahora vas a dar otro genio como ese de allí!(HA, what you think you're a REAL mom? You're just an open snatch to sew my seed. THAT'S IT! That's your purpose in our species! Now, you're gonna give me another genius just like that one over there!), Devil Man mocked choking her harder forcing her into submission. He lifts up her skirt then grabs under her thigh lifting her leg up showing Baby Camilla her mother's soaking wet pussy, "¿Ves a este pequeño? Eres solo la placenta de mi semilla que se deslizó fuera de esta abertura. Afortunadamente, no eras totalmente inútil o te habría echado hace mucho tiempo.(See this little one? You're just the afterbirth of my seed that slithered out of this opening. Luckily, you weren't totally worthless or I would've thrown you out a long time ago.)

"P-Por favor, n-no la d-dejes ver esto! AH!(P-Please d-don't l-let her watch this! AH!)", Jimena begs before he slaps her.

" ¡Cállate tú! Ella necesita aprender tan temprano de todos modos. Dónde está su lugar y dónde estará cuando sea mayor. ( Shut up you! She needs to learn this early anyway. Where her place is and where she'll be when she's older.), DevilMan stated looking back at Baby Camilla with a lecherous smirk as he unfastened his pants before turning his attention back to Jimena.

Caleb clenches his fist looking for some way to stop this. He reaches and grabs for the tequila bottle only for his hand to phase right through it with a cloud of purple smoke. He curses figuring that his body can't physically interact with a memories.

Suddenly, to his surprise, Baby Camilla grabs the tequila bottle and charges DevilMan.

"¡Deja de lastimar a mamá!(You stop hurting Mama!), Baby Camilla shouted before smashing the bottle against his back digging shards into his wings and back. He releases Jimena as her hunches over grabbing his bleeding lower back before turning to Camilla with rage-filled eyes.

"GAHH! ¡PEQUEÑA MIERDA !(YOU LITTLE SHIT!), He bellows before smashing his fist against Camilla's face sending her body smashing through the wooden door of the room. Caleb's jaw drops as anger fills his being.

"SON OF A BITCH!", Caleb rushes him and swings his fist only for his body to phase right through DevilMan's body then tumbling on the floor from loss of balance and phasing through the wall landing next to Camilla body. Caleb smacks the floor trying to get a hold of himself. He knew none of it was real...but still. He looks over to Baby Camilla in a fetal position clenching her broken, bloody nose and whimpering. He notices the other Devil women surrounding them curious of what was happening.

Devil Man approaches, his body radiating a rippling red and black aura, "Guh ... maldito miserable. ¡¿Me levantas la mano ?! ¡¿Eh?!( miserable little fuck. You raise your hand at me?! Huh?!)", he spoke every word laced with venom and rage. He clenches his bleeding back picking the shards out and flick a couple at Camilla. It was around this time that Caleb spotted Adalia emerging from the group with a shocked expression. Devil Man stands over Baby Camilla before reaching down and grabbing the horns on the side of Camilla's head before yanking her up so her feet can't touch the floor.

"AGHHHHH!", Camilla elicits an agonizing shriek desperately flailing and kicking her legs to free as tears trickle down her face.

"¡SI! SÍ, ¿eso duele? ¡Conoce tu lugar, pequeña mierda débil! ¡No vayas pensando que eres algo especial! ¡Siempre puedo hacer otro diablillo como tú!(YEAH! YEAH, does that hurt?! Know your place you weak little shit! Don't go thinking you're anything special! I can always make another imp just like you!), Devil Man screams at her brandishing his claws fingers like a dagger at Camilla's neck drawing some blood. Adalia and several other Devil women give horrified expressions while some turn away not wanting to look.

"NO STOP!", Caleb shouts to the top of his lungs. At that moment, a bolt of red lightning concentrated into a solid straight laser struck DevilMan's arm severing it from his body in a splash of blood. Camilla falls to the floor the severed limb still clutching her horns. Shocked silence befell Caleb and the other Devil women as the only could be heard was DevilMan's wailing cries.

"MI BRAZO ! FOLLAR FOLLAR FOLLAR FOLLAR FOLLAR FOLLAR FOLLAR ! MI BRAZO(MY ARRMM! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! MY ARM!", He screams in agony as blood spurts all over the floor. He turns around to see Jimena pointing a large red magic seal with a cold, furious expression black aura around her body, "¡DIOS ESTÁ MAL CONTIGO, PERRA ESTÚPIDA !(THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH!)

Jimena sways toward him, "No me importa lo que me hagas, dímelo, piensa en mí ... ¡pero YO SOY su madre! TOQUES A MI BEBÉ !(I don't care what you do to me, say to me, think of me...but I AM her mother! And not TOUCH MY BABY!), she shouts before punching him across the face knocking him to the floor as the other Devil women watch unable to fully process what was happening.

Baby Camilla rips the severed limb from her head before her falls to her knees scooping her daughter in her arms cradling her.

"Mama.", Baby Camilla murmurs weakly.

"Está bien. Está bien cariño, mamá está aquí, mamá está aquí.(It's ok. It's ok sweetheart, Mommy's here, Mommy's right here.), Jimena assured wiping daughters tears away and rocking her body. The other Devil women, particularly Adalia, watch them with, not envy or disdain, but genuine yearning. Caleb couldn't help letting a smile cross his lips. It was short-lived however.

DevilMan creating a small purple magic seal around his wound to stop the bleeding then glares at the pair with crazed malice, "¡Vas a pagar por esto! ¿Crees que puedes hacerme esto y salirte con la tuya?(You're going to pay for this! You think you can do this to ME and get away with it?!)

He then turns to the other Devil women, "¡MATARLA! ¡MATARLOS A LOS DOS! (KILL HER! KILL THEM BOTH!)

At those words, the other Devil women hesitate to react at all some feeling very conflicted. Adalia is the first to step up. Jimena immediately scoops Camilla up about to run only for several other women to block her path. She then sees Adalia quite reluctantly raising her arm as a blue magic seal forms above. A beam of blue energy fires down which Jimena dodges before creating a yellow magic seal.

"¡Cúbrete los ojos cariño!(Cover your eyes sweety), Jimena whispers to Camilla. Camilla does as instructed as Jimena throws a ball of yellow energy upward before making it burst in a blinding flash of light. Devil Man, along with Adalia and the other Devil women, sheild their eyes as Jimena uses the opportunity to perform a vertical leap over the Devil girls blocking her way before making a run for it.

After a few second the light dissipates. Caleb feels himself transported to the scene of Camilla her mother fleeing.

"¡No se queden ahí, idiotas! ¡Después de ellos!(Don't just stands there you idiots! After them!), Caleb heard Devil Man commanded as Adalia and several come sprinting or flying after them. He watches as Camilla turns corner after corner dodging magic attacks before seeing the entrance in sight. Jimena looks behind her seeing multiple Devil women on her tail. She forms of black magic seal before form a large black and purple ball of pulsating energy and firing it in their direction. It exploded in torrent of black and purple flames badly burning some of the Devil women. She continues forward with Camilla in her arms. Jimena could see the light shining through but as soon as she close enough to freedom she sees a figure standing in the entryway with a red magic seal pointed at her and comes to a hault. It was Adalia glaring at her intently readying her spell.

Jimena shields Camilla and puts up her own red magic seal. Caleb watches as the two Devil women have a stare down seeing who'll make the first move. Baby Camilla then turns around herself toward Adalia with a pleading expression. Adalia's expression softens in a saddened frown as she slowly lowers her arm dissipating the spell much to Jimena's and Caleb's surprise. Adalia arms hang limply to her sides looking at Jimena and Camilla with defeat in her eyes. She sidesteps then walks by Jimena allowing her go free. She looks back as Jimena nods to her.

"Ve ahora(Go, now)", she uttered in a low voice. Jimena smiles solemnly at her before turning and running away. Caleb finds himself dragged along the scene again, seeing from Camilla's perspective, Adalia watching them silently with a somber expression. Jimena comes to the edge of the mountain clifface. Baby Camilla looks out at the sunset covered vast canyons and breathing in the fresh air mountain air.

Jimena spreads wings catching the flowing breeze.

"Agárrate fuerte de mí, cariño.(Hold on to me tight, sweetheart.), Jimena advices her daughter who nods in understanding wrapping her arms tightly. Jimena does a couple test flaps then gets a running start then leaping off the cliff. As the updraft carries her wings, Jimena smiles to her daughter who happily returns it; both feeling truly as the fly into the sunset. Then...


"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!", Jimena elation is replaced with agony as a bolt of red and black lightning pieces her back through her chest. Camilla and Caleb jaws dropping as time seems to slow to a crawl. Camilla looks behind her and Caleb is able to see, from her perspective, what appeared to be Devil Man stand at the cliff edge. His body surrounded by blood red aura and a very large red magic seal with covered in ancient demonic symbols. Behind him, Adalia lay on the ground motionless. As Jimena and Camilla take a dive, the chilling sound of his sneering laughter echoes throughout the canyon.

They go into a corkscrew dive as Jimena falls in and out of consciousness with Camilla desperately try to keep her awake.

"¡MADRE! MOTHERRRR ! ¡POR FAVOR DESPIERTA! ¡POR FAVOR! ¡MADRE!"(MOTHER! MOTHERRRR! PLEASE WAKE UP! PLEASE! MOTHER!), Baby Camilla pleads as they get closer and closer to the jagged canyon rocks. Camilla sees her mother unconcious and the ground getting closer and closer. Caleb could feel every rush of emotion even the feeling of impending death overwhelming his senses. On pure instinct and with a sharp cry, Baby Camilla creates a large blue magic seals fires a beam of blue energy( similar to Adalia's) and vaporizes the jagged rocks into dust producing an updraft that slows their momentum. The two of them tumble on the ground. Camilla goes unconcious as Caleb finds himself in total darkness again.

"Oh God...", Caleb murmurs to himself regaining his bearing and feeling like he needed to throw up.

"...Mill...a...Por...Ca..illa", a distorted voice spoke in the darkness. It gradually becomes cleared until.

"CAMILLA!", stated the voice of Jimena. The world changes and Caleb finds himself in a small cave illuminated by three small glowing balls of yellow energy. Baby Camilla eyes shot open rising from her slumber.

"M-Madre?(Mother)", Camilla uttered languidly before Jimena wraps her in a tearful hug.

"¡Gloria al caos! ¡Estás bien! ¡Mi bebé está bien!(Glory to chaos! You're alright! My baby is alright!), Jimena wept pushing Baby into her ample bosom.

"M-Mamá ... no puedo respirar.(M-Mama...can't breath.), Baby Camilla uttered pushing herself up from her mother's iron grip.

After a minutes, the two get their bearings. Jimena could be seen pointing a small blue magic seal sending ripples of blue energy throughout Camilla's body healing her wounds.

"Ahí todo mejor.(There all better.), Jimena spoke finishing up before dissipating the seal. Camilla thanks her then looks out to the pitch blackness of the nighttime atmosphere. She could hear coyote howling and crickets chirping in the distance. Caleb watches them silently.

"Mamá, ¿dónde estamos?(Mama, where are we?) Jimena look off into the night, "No lo sé, cariño."(I don't know sweety.), she then positions herself making direct eye contact and a serious expression, "Cariño, nunca volveremos allí.(We are not going back there.)

Baby Camilla nods in understanding.

"Estaremos bien. Vamos a vivir solos, ahora solo nosotros dos.(We will be alright. We are going to live on our own, just the two of us now.), Jimena says reassuringly touch a hand to the necklace beaded necklace.

"¡S-sí, madre!(Y-yes, mother!), Camilla replies with a grin.

"¡Así es! Nosotros - NGGHHH !(That's right! We-NGGHHH!", Jimena cuts herself off lurching forward clenching the left side of her chest.

"Mama?!", Baby Camilla stated very concerned as Caleb watches equally as concerned. Camilla then notices the dark black and red circular burn wound around the upper left section of her chest. She then remembers DevilMan's attack from earlier and anxiety sets in.

Jimena notices her daughters panicked expression, "Estoy bien, cariño. Es solo ... una pequeña herida. ¡Solo duele por un tiempo pero se curará eventualmente!(I-I'm fine Sweety. It's just...a little wound. It only hurts but it will heal eventually!), she assured her.

Camilla looks at the wound again them to her mother and decides to trust her words.

Jimena and Baby Camilla sit near the entrance of the cave together listening to the nighttime atmosphere and looking up at the crescent moon.

"Cariño, una cosa más, recuerda lo que dije sobre los humanos."(Sweety, one more thing, remember what I said about humans.), Jimena spoke cautioning her daughter, "Debemos hacer todo lo posible para que nunca nos vean o nos atrapen. Son criaturas simples que matan lo que no entienden y su miedo no conoce límites. Pueden ser peligrosos cuando demasiados temen a un enemigo común. ¿Entender?(We must do our best to never let them see or catch us. They are simple creatures that kill what they don't understand and their fear knows no limits. They can be dangerous when too many fear a common enemy. Understand?)

"Si Mama.", Baby Camilla replied.

Caleb watches them sitting staring into the night sky Suddenly, everything in the world dissolves into blackness followed by a rumbling that shook the entire area. Caleb finds himself launched forward like a rocket by an invisible force.

"Ohhh hell! Where we going now?!", Caleb calls out to the uncaring void. The darkness fades replaced by a faint light along with theater screen like projection flood Caleb's vision. All of them telling the story of Camilla and her mother's life surviving on their own.. From he could gather so far, things for them started off well. By day, they hunted and gathered food and water while avoid human detection. By night, they found shelter or moved about under the cover of night.

It didn't last however. Around this time, the country was in a dark period of war and upheaval between the Mexican forces and the indigenous humans Camilla's mother knew as the Apache and Comanche tribes through HER mother's encounters with them. U.S. also became involved in battles against the Mexican army. Whatsmore, the social and political unrest led to a rise in bandit activity. Caleb eyes widened seeing gruesome and horrific images flooding his senses. Camilla and her mother bore witness to many violent, barbaric, and horrific displays of human behavior. Apache and Mexican villages raided, burned down, by Mexican and U.S. army men; enslaving, killing, dismembering, humiliating, and raping whatever unfortunate survivors. Native tribes raiding and killing Mexican farmers and miners. Banditos raiding Comanche villages; murdering and kidnapping young women.

Not only did it become harder for the two of them move about undetected but overhunting and land seizures made it harder for the two to obtain food and drinkable water. Eventually, to her mother's reluctance, they resorted to stealing from army supply carts and village storehouses. For shelter, they'd typically set up small camps in caves, abandoned villages, or even an abandoned covered wagon. There were times where they came across other liminal species. Some were friendly, some indifferent towards them, others hostile and unwilling to share in any food or safe haven they occupied. It was for situations like this Jimena began training Camilla to properly defend herself against these dangerous non-humans. Angels in particular.

Nineteen years pass and, as she got older, Camilla fear soon grew to loathing towards the humans who she saw as no better, possibly, WORSE than her 'father'. Her only comfort being her ever supportive mother who constantly made her feel at home no matter where they ended up. However, she could always her mother was hiding something from her. Whenever they were close to each other, she always seemed to purposely cover up her upper chest as much as possible. She also seemed to have less energy to travel. Not to mention her mother gradually began using her magic less and less often, especially when it came to when any human came dangerously close to discovering them. She always assured Camilla she was fine however. Camilla didn't mind honestly. She didn't know what her mother was hiding but chose not to push her to answer. She trusted her. She would've done anything to protect her mother. Anything.

"Wah!", Caleb stated suddenly finding himself near a flowing river near the base of a mountain with patches greenery close to the waters. It was daytime possibly late afternoon. He then notices Teen Camilla standing ankle deep near the river bank with her sandals close to by. She wore a light brown hooded cloak covering her horns and wings and a long knee length red skirt. Caleb notices how much she's grown. She now looked to be in her mid to late teens( despite the fact that, chronologically, she's about 63 years old.) with more defined feminine feature. She raises her hand concentrating as a green magic seal appears on the water. Five fish come levitating out of the water flopping and wiggling before going limp when Teen Camilla hits them with a jolt of green electric sparks. They then go floating piling up in a basket Teen Camilla held in hand.

" Perfecto", Teen Camilla spoke in satisfaction at her successful catch of the day. She holds them under her arm, puts her sandals back on, than proceeds back to her and her mother's new hideout. Today, her mother felt especially tired and stayed behind to rest. As she begins to make her way back...

*bang bang*

Teen Camila stops in her tracks before hearing a few more gunshots. Using her hyper sensitive hearing, she could tell they were coming from...the direction of their hideout. Accompanied by it were, horses neighing, men laughing, and... her mother's shrieks!

Immediately Teen Camilla springs into action dropping the basket as she sprinted towards her mother's location. Camilla soon arrives at the hideout, her eyes widen in horror a seven Banditos and their horses at their hideout. Three of them hooting ecstatically while shooting at the glass jugs of water Camilla collected earlier and rummaging through the supplies they collected. Four of them surrounded Jimena on horseback taunting as they circled her like a merry-go-round. Jimena also was dressed in light brown cloak to hide her less human features.

"VUELTA Y VUELTA LA CHICA BONITA VA! ¡DÓNDE SE DETIENE SOLO YO LO SÉ!(ROUND AND ROUND THE PRETTY GIRL GOES! WHERE SHE STOPS ONLY I KNOWS!), the men taunted boxing her in tighter and tighter. One of them jumps off their horse tackling her to the ground then ripping her cloak exposing her breasts as Jimena screams in shock as the other men dismount their horse to join the fun. The man then rips her hood from her head. The other men are struck speechless upon seeing her devil horns and tail. The guys on top her face turns pale and freezes in shock. Jimena proceeds to deliver a solid punch to the attempted rapists jaw sending him flying a couple feet back. She gets to get feet eyed darting at the men staring wordlessly at her realizing her cover was blown.

" Dios mio(my God)", one of the men uttered.

Camila takes opportunity creating three green magic seals on each of the men who trashed their stuff lighting them up with green electric sparks as the shout in intense pain before collapsing to the ground. The other men turn their attention two Camilla who pull off her hood exposing herself as well.

"¡Demonio! ¡Esbirros de Satanás!(Demon! Minions of Satan!), one of the men shouted hysterically before firing his gun at Camila. She dodges then delivers a hard sweep kick to the man knocking him into his horse startling the other horses into running away. Jimena one of the other bandits reach for his gun and points her hand protecting a magic seal only for it to suddenly flicker before disappearing.

"Muere Satanás(Die Satan!)", The man shouts before shooting Jimena in the chest.

"AGHHH!", Jimena shouts.

Camilla eyes widen as her mother collapses to the ground. Everything around her fades. The only thing she feels right rage.

"RAAGHHH!", Teen Camilla screams quickly creating a red magic seal firing a red fireball that burn a hole right through the man's chest. He falls to the ground convulsing in agony. She turns to the other bandit Jimena kicked who was staggering to get up the shoot a bolt of compressed red energy. It rips through his skull slicing off the top half. His body fall leaving only the lower jaw attached to his body. She then turns to the three unconcious men creating a large energy the launching it at them. Their bodies are engulfed in huge flames incinerating them. Camilla couldn't help smiling in satisfaction.

"Jesus Christ!", Caleb stated in profound shock.

Teen Camilla turns to the bandit who tries forcing himself on her mother; leaving him for last. He lay on his back muttering gibberish as fear overtook his body. Camilla approaches him with bloodlust and anger in her eyes.

She creates two orange magic seals around his knees. The man screams in agony as both kneecaps feel like they had a machete driven right through them and painting the dirt red with blood. Teen Camilla does the same to both his arms totally crippling him as he hollers out in sheer agony. Camilla plants her foot on his chest towering over him wings unfolded blocking the sun, eye glowing red, and teeth bared in a rather imposing display.

"Dios te salve, María, llena eres de gracia, el Señor es contigo. Bendita tú entre todas las mujeres, y bendito el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotro-(Hail Mary, Full of Grace,The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinn-), The man quickly utters his last prayer tears in his eyes before Teen Camilla pushes hard on his ribcage elicits a pained groan.

"¿Crees que vas al cielo? ¿Escoria vil como tú? No, definitivamente no." (You think you're going to heaven? Vile scum like you? No. Definitely not.), Camilla stated readying a magic seal directly on his forehead.

"CAMILLA ! ¡Es suficiente! ¡Detener! ¡Por favor deje de!(CAMILLA! That is enough! Stop! Please stop!), Jimena begged grabbed her daughter by the shoulders.

¡Pero madre, nos atacaron! ¡Te dispararon!(But mother, they attacked us! They SHOT you!), Camilla then glares hatefully at the man on the ground, "¡Éste!(This one!)

Jimena steps in front of Teen Camilla. A horried expression on her face.

Lo sé cariño, ¡pero estoy bien!¡Mira, ya estoy curado! ¿Ver? (I know sweetheart but I am ok now! I have already healed! See? It's OK.), Jimena assured showing her now healed bullet wound, ¡Vámonos, AHORA! ¡Olvídate de el!(Lets just leave, NOW! Forget about him!), she urges.

¿Cómo puedo cuando hay cientos MÁS como él? CIENTOS hombres más ... como él, todos los días a nuestro alrededor.(How can I when there's hundreds MORE just like him! HUNDREDS more men...just like him, all around us everyday.), Teen Camilla stated her words filled with venom gesturing to their ruined hideout then point an accusatory finger at the bandit.

¡Lo sé bebé pero no seas como ellos! Somos que ellos, somos mejores que ÉL ! Por favor bebé. Cio.(I know baby, I know, but don't be like them! We are better than this, we are better than HIM! Please baby. Stop.), Jimena spoke caressing her face forcing direct eye contact. Camilla's rage filled expression softens for a moment.


Teen Camilla and her mother are brought from their tender moment by the distinct sound of a gun cocking it trigger. Without hesitating, Teen Camilla pushes her mother to the side before receiving a gunshot to the shoulder. She screams at the burning pain. The bandit pulls the trigger back firing again hitting her in the side making her lurch holding her side. He quickly pulls the trigger back again.

"NO!", Jimena shouts creating a blue magic seal only for it to flicker away. He points and aims the gun at Jimena head.

"RHHAA!",Teen Camilla screams as a large red magic seal forms around the man's body, much to his befuddlement. Before he could utter a shriek, his body is diced into pieces leaving a pile of dismembered body parts with pool of blood washing over the dirt and grass. Jimena and Caleb look on in profound horror. Teen Camilla pants trying to catch her breath as a satisfied smirk crosses her lips which her mother notices.

¿Ves lo que quiero decir madre? ¡La basura SIEMPRE será basura! Madre, no sé qué está pasando con tu magia, pero no tienes que preocuparte. ¡Te protegeré! ¡NADIE te apartará de mí! ¡Mataré a cualquiera que intente tocarte!(See what I mean mother?! Garbage will ALWAYS be garbage! Mother, I don't know what's going on with your magic but you don't need to worry. I will protect you! NOBODY will take you from me! I'll butcher anyone who tries to touch you!), Teen Camilla ranted with maniacal bloodlust in her eyes as her wound regenerate. Caleb backs away trembling slightly the smell of blood, burning bodies, and death filling his nostrils.

Jimena stares at Camilla slowly shaking her head with a deeply saddened and horrified expression. Suddenly, her mother falls to her knees coughing and clutching her chest.

"¿Q-qué pasa madre? ¿Madre?(W-What's wrong mother? Mother?), Teen Camilla utters in a worried tone rushing to her side. Her eyes widen seeing the blood her mother cough in her palm. The second Camilla touches Jimena arm, her eyes widen in fear.

"¡N-NO! ¡Quedarse atrás!(N-NO! Stay back!)", Jimena stated yanking her arm away to Camilla's shock before standing up covering her arm and chest. Jimena realizes what she had done, "Espera, no nena, eso no es lo que yo ... yo ...(W-Wait no, baby that's not what I meant...I...), Jimena assured trailing off. Her heart wrenching seeing her daughters hurt expression.

"Madre?(mother?)", Teen Camilla uttered in a low voice.

"¡Tenemos que irnos, antes de que vengan más bandidos o apaches!(W-We have to go, before more bandits or Apaches come!), Jimena informs proceeding to grab whatever undamaged supplies she could. The whole time she refused to look at Camilla and deliberately cover her arm and chest

"¡Madre! Madre, por favor, dime qué pasa!(Mother! Mother, please, just tell me what's wrong!), Teen Camilla calls as the world around Caleb distorts again. He's bombarded with images of the days that followed since that incident with the bandits. In that time, Camilla mother had become noticeably more distant towards. Though she assured Camilla all was well, the latter knew her mother was indeed hiding a secret. It hurt Teen Camilla even more noticing how she even LOOKED at Teen Camilla differently since then. Teen Camilla herself surprised by her 'transformation'. However, she couldn't deny the rush and...excitement she felt killing those men. She had never felt so powerful, in control, free even. However, she decided she'd only channel that side of herself to protect her mother. That is until...

The world around Caleb dissolves again this time he's transported to the inside of a small damaged house. Apparently, it had been raided in an attack by Apache with the inhabitants killed much to Camilla's and her mother's fortune as they now had an actual bed to sleep in.

Caleb notices Teen Camilla sitting up from the old fashioned bed stretching herself out. She then looks behind her surprised to see her mother not lying beside her anymore. She raises in eyebrow guessing she was already up. She puts on a brown cloak covering her wings and horns then exits the room.

"Madre.", Teen Camilla calls out only to get no response. She listens closely with her sensitive ears getting no signs of life in the house. She figures maybe she's outside the house maybe picking out whatever livestock that's left to eat. She opens the front door and goes outside. Caleb is immediately taken aback upon seeing two people, a man and a woman, lying dead on the ground their bodies little with arrows sticking out their bodies. He was even more shocked seeing Camilla just casually steps over the wife's body.

"¡Madre! (Mother!), Teen Camilla calls out a bit louder still getting no response. She feels her heart starting to race before quickly going back inside frantically searching the entire for any sign of her mother. She finds one of the canteens missing along with some of the rations they stole from a U.S. caravan. However, what really caught her eye was the necklace she made for her mother lying on the kitchen table. She gingerly picks it up immediately going into panic mode as Caleb watches feeling especially bad for her. She runs out of the house, clutching the necklace, leaving the small settlement frantically looking around the vast open rocky plains with shadbushes and sages grasses.

"Madre donde esta?! Mother!( Mother, where are you?! Mother), Camilla screams getting no response. Nothing.

She then spent the next three hours searching desperately for her mother. To no avail.

Camilla could be seen returning to the small farmhouse once again stepping over the remains of the inhabitants. She walks inside going to the bed and sitting down on the bed. She clutches her mom's necklace to her chest proceeding to sob lowly as tears trailed her cheeks. Caleb watches feeling every emotion she was feeling. Confusion. Fear. Guilt. Sorrow. Where was her mother? Why would she go anywhere without telling her?

She was broken out off her thought upon hearing horses galloping coming closer and closer to the farm. She goes to one of the windows able to make out what looks to be a some Apache warriors approaching the farm. She frantically glances around before hiding under the bed.

The sound of the back door being forced open followed by audible thuds and footsteps could be heard. She could hear them talking, speaking their tribal language which she could not understand. She could hear them opening and closing stuff, throwing things around, or ripping things off surfaces. She didn't know why they came back despite having already stolen or killed most of the livestock and killing the inhabitants but she assumed they were looking for other things to trade or sell for more guns and ammunition.

One of them enters the bedroom, going through the drawers and closet. She covers her mouth stifling her voice seeing his deer skin boots and pants quickly moving around the room. He calls out to his cohorts from the other room as Camilla could sense him ripping the blankets from bed.

Suddenly, he drops something metallic on the floor startling Camilla. It was a canteen landing in front of Camilla. Her eyes widen seeing the carved magic symbols on it instantly recognizing it as her MOTHER'S canteen. Why did THIS man have her canteen?! She digs her claws into the wooden floor glaring at the canteen intently as a red aura began to swirl around her body. A small red magic seal forming in her palm.

The Apache man curiously notices the strange light emanating from under the bed. He carefully reachs grabbing the beds lower edge. He quickly lifts it up and Camilla launches a small blast of red energy at his larynx searing his vocal cords.

"AGHH!", the man elicits audibly while lunging backwards knocking down the open dresser drawers and nightstand before falling to the floor writhing and clenching his throat in pain. He picks himself up enough looking to see Camilla. A look of panic crosses his face upon see the demoness. Camilla takes the metal canteen and bashing him on the head as hard as she could as he falls to ground dead from hemorrhaging.

As he lay unconcious, Camilla gives a cold glare before looking at the canteen with her mother's inscriptions on it.

"Haskįįyįį! Ndeeń!", she heard one of the other Apache call out footsteps audibly thumbing towards the bedroom. Camilla lunges herself up with a flap of her wings to the upper corner of the ceiling just behind the door then holding herself in place.

The two men entire the room surprised to see their comrade dead body with a bloody wound on his head. While they were distracted, Camilla creates a red magic seal on the back of one of them. They scream out in intense pain as red lightning pulsates from the body then falling to the floor convulsing violently. The last one turns around taking out his knife to combat the assailant. He freezes in shock at the demonic woman on the ceiling.

Camilla fires a blue energy blast directly into the Apache man's head leaving a searing hole in his face as he collapses next to his other dead comrade. Camilla turns to the one still convulsing the floor with red lightning illuminating and eyes widen and red to bursting as he forms at the mouth. Camilla releases the seals effects on him as he coughs frantically now able to breath.

She grabs him by the collar and throws him against the wall sitting him up. Getting a good look at him, Caleb notice the man couldn't be no more than nineteen or twenty.

"¿De dónde has sacado esto? ...¡¿De dónde has sacado esto?!(Where did you get this? ...Where did you get this?!)", Camilla demanded showing him the canteen. The man trembles still regaining his bearings he then nervously makes hands gestures.

From what she could make out, he says he found it floating the river two miles east of the farm. Camilla glares at him with demonic red eyes. She touches his chest creating an orange magic seal on his chest. She makes a gesture saying "don't move" before leaving out the room grabbing her cloak with the canteen at her side.

She finds the horse the Apache used waiting outside. They begin to freak as she appoaches. She then waves her finger in a circle motion, eyes glowing brightly, as the horse begin to fall under a hypnotic trance. Two of the horse turn and gallop away as she mounts the one left behind.

"AGhhhhhhhh!", screamed the Apache man from inside the house and flicking red light could be seen from the window. Camilla simply shakes her head before commanding the force to gallop towards the direction of the river.

'No sé dónde ni por qué dejaste a mamá ... ¡pero te prometo que te encontraré! Cualquiera que se interponga en mi camino ... lo mataré. ¡Los mataré a todos!(I don't know where or why you left mother...but I promise I'll find you! We're all we have right?! I don't care who stands in my way...i'll kill them. I'll kill them all!), Camilla thought venomously while clenching her mother's beaded necklace.

The surrounding begin to dissolve and change again as Caleb feels every nerve in his being getting a surge of emotions overwhelming his senses.

He is then bombarded with visions and memories of Camilla's solo crusade to find her mother. He saw images of demoness surviving on her own while looking for clues to lead to finding her. In her pursuit, she'd come across whatever unfortunate soul bold or stupid enough to harass her.

Apparently, the incident with the bandits and the Apaches at the farm house awakened something dark within Camilla. Rather than continue to run and hide from the humans, she decided THEY were the ones who should be afraid. THEY were the ones that should hide. She has the power and she was going to use it.

What follows are a collection of scenes bombarded Caleb's vision. All of them featuring the demoness rip, cut, dismember, crush, decapitate, and eviscerate any human and sometimes liminal that crossed her path.

There was one scene in late evening where a bunch of U.S. calvary soldiers sitting around their camp with some counting up the scalps they took off the Comanche warriors they killed today. Suddenly, one of the soldiers wordlessly stands up as if under a trance before shoot and killing several of his comrades before being killed by the leader. Then the leader falls under a trance and turns and shoots more of her own men before a few soldiers restrain him. At that moment, the other soldiers scream in terror along with choked gargling as they all drop to the ground their throats sliced open squirting blood all over each other. The soldiers restraining the leader look on in horror and confusion. Then small green magic seals form near each of their necks before slicing deeply through their neck splurting their blood all over their leader as they gargle inarticulately before collapsing to the ground dropping dead or going into shock. Around that time, the leader snaps out of his trance and notices, to his horror, his camp burning, his men all dead, and a hooded figure approaching him staring with demonic red eyes. Out of panic, he pulls for a nearby handgun and immediately drops it wailing in agony as his fingers are sliced off by a green magic seal. He cradles his hand as the figure stared him down carrying dufflebag of supplies. It then a small sac full of Comanche at him before creating a green magic seal on his crotch.

"Entonces, te gustan las niñas pequeñas, ¿eh?(So, you like little girls huh?), it spoke glancing to the dead teenage Comanche girl inside his tent.

He begs the figure before screaming in agony having his genital brutally sliced to pieces as the figure smiles.

Caleb recoils wanting to throw up not wanting to see any more. To his dismay, he's then greeted with another scene.

This time of a younger Camilla stopping to rest a small stream wanting to take a quick bath. She pulls off her worn down sandals before exposing her shapely legs dipping her feet in the cool waters. She sighs in relief preparing to fully disrobe before stopping upon hearing footsteps behind her. She turns her head seeing four Mexican soldiers approaching her with lecherous grins. The most handsome-looking one comes up attempting to coerce her into their 'protection' as 'murderer' has been killing 'indians, Mexicans and U.S. soldiers, travelers, even bandits'. She quite rudely rebuffs him even spitting in his face as his comrades laugh at him. He wipes his face before speaking politely again while stifling his anger inviting a beautiful flower like her to come with them. Or else. Camilla sees him pulling his gun from his holster as the other men close in on her boxing her in. Camilla sighs removing her legs from the water covering herself again.

She shoots a red glowing glare at the handsome thug putting him under a hypnotic trance. He then gun out, opens his mouth, shoves the barrel down to the back of throat as his men squawk in confusion before spraying his brains all over the lush green grass before His body drops dead beside an indifferent Camilla. The other men scream in horror, shock, and confusion seeing their leader spontaneously committed suicide. Camilla rises up slowly turning toward the men. She creates two black magic seals on three of their chests. They look down in surprise before an huge black bristled spike fires from the seal impaling through their chests. Another spike shoots up from through their throats out the tops of their heads before a more spikes shoot out from everywhere orifice on their face. They each drop dead to the ground as the spikes disappear leaving behind massive vacant holes through their bodies. The last remaining man scream to the top of his lungs before Camilla silence him putting him under a trance not wanting him to alert more soldiers. She brings him to his knees muttering unintelligible gasps.

"Estabas interrumpiendo mi baño. ¿Y sabes qué más? Ese 'asesino' que mencionó ... Creo que solo se están deshaciendo de la basura.(You were interrupting my bath. And you know what else? That 'murderer' he mentioned...I think they're just getting rid of trash.), Camilla spoke removing her hood exposing her demonic features and flowing brown hair. The man tried to scream in terror only utter gargled muffled before Camilla taps his head forming a red magic seal on his forehead. She turns walking back to the river as the man's head in engulfed in hellish flames burning him down to the skull. His screams of agony fall on deaf ears as Camilla resumes her bath. She notices the blood on her hands and part of her skirt and attempts to wash it off.

Caleb is left feeling from the scene unable to believe this what Camilla was like. He's then bombarded my more scenes like this.

This continued for years and in that time Camilla had grown more used to this lifestyle filled with bloodshed and manipulation; even at times actually ENJOYING killing these worthless humans. Overtime, she had built up a reputation from whatever few survivors around the country as La diablesa de Chihuahua(The She-Devil of Chihuahua). With every scene, the screams, the smell of blood and burning bodies, consumed Caleb's sense.

"Oh god make it stop! MAKE IT STOP! I DON'T WANNA SEE ANY MORE! LET ME OUUUT! !", Caleb screams as a purple aura surrounds his body distorting the world around him in to purple aurora-like hue.

He's then greeted by scenes with Camilla all alone with a somber, depressed look. She continued traveling, still in search of her mother, not wanting to lose hope, but never finding more clues. Every night, she'd lay awake thinking of her, wondering what she did wrong? Caleb could feel the sadness and loneliness she felt on those days where she was forced to sit alone in relative silence just thinking to herself. Unsure if her mother even WANTS to see HER. The only really thing really keeping her together was to necklace she made for her mother which she clenched every night before falling asleep seeing it as her only connection to her mother. Caleb looks on feeling the pain she felt. He fought back his tears as short visions of his own mom flash around him.

As more seems play out showing Camilla's journey through the decades; eventually looking more like a woman in her twenties. The wars eventually came to an end with the country succeeding independence to the U.S. before slowly rebuilding it's infrastructure. Camilla learn many of the surviving Apache and Comanche human tribes had been relocated and confined to settlements by the humans in America; a fact she always thought didn't make alot of sense. Over the decades, human technology drastically changed around her. From the adoption of railroads and trains, farming machines, and little boxes with human voices inside called 'radios'. Not to mention, the automobiles! The machines humans now ride in that's basically a faster horse they don't have to feed. All that and more was enough to make her head spin.

This new era since the war's ending, and with her reputation still plaguing Mexican civilians, meant Camilla was in less danger of being discovered. She hadn't had to bloody her hands for quite some time save for the unfortunate, foolish human she'd hypnotically control into leaving her alone. Unfortunately, around this time, Angels had begun flooding into the country subtly influencing and assisting the humans of faith to create more territories in the country. This also meant hunting down and attacking any Devil clans that could be found. It wasn't long before Camilla, given her past reputation, attracted their attention.

The world around Caleb distorted again. He now finds himself standing outside again at night in the Mexican dessert surrounded cacti and other desert plants. The light of the halfmoon illuminating his view. It was a fairly quite and serene atmosphere...except...

Camilla zooms past Caleb to his surprise before he's dragged along in the scene. She sprints at top speed wings tucked into her back( Naruto run) before creating creating a red magic seal then shooting a fireball behind her. Caleb looks up see who she was firing it at shocked to see five Angels wearing Roman-style robes and armor flying behind her. They dodge her attack before two of them create yellow magic seals firing yellow energy balls at her. She turns around deflecting the attacks with two large red magic seal before exploding with impact to the ground. She flaps her wings launching herself in the air levitating in place.

"Surrender Devil! Your savagery and wickedness upon these children of God ends tonight!", stated the male Angel in the silver chest armor drawing a glowing sword at her. Caleb was surprised he was speaking English, aside from the notable European accent.

"Parece que estás ansiosa por ser la primera en morir !(It seems you're eager to be the first to die!), Camilla spat back not really understanding a word the Angel said before firing a spray red lightning at the group making them scramble.

"DIE YOU VILLAIN!", screamed a female Angel in bronze armor rocketing toward Camilla from the side ready to impale her with a spear of yellow energy. Camilla dodges before firing a beam of red energy slicing diagonally bisecting her body. She screams in agony as both halves of her body fall to the ground.

"ELPHELT!", one of the other male Angels in bronze armor screams before charging Camilla with a battle cry conjuring a glowing axe. She dodges his swing before delivering a hard kick to his jaw sending to ground with a crash.

Camilla takes the opportunity to charge up her aura then rocketing away as fast as she could before her energy gives out with the remaining Angels in pursuit. She tries to lose them among a rocky plateau.

"HAULT! PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES DEMON!", The Angel in silver armor shouted angrily in anguish over his fallen comrades. His glowing sword morphs into a bow and arrow. He takes aim and fires.

"Aaaaaghhhh!", Camilla screams as the arrow pierces her. She tumbles down the side of the rocky plateau landing in the dirt coughing and holding her bleeding side. She stumbles picking f up and she quickly limps away. Suddenly, a yellow energy blast grazes her burning her arm exploding sending dust flying in her eyes. She then trips tumbling down a small trench. Camilla struggles to pick herself up.

"Gahhhhhhh!", Camilla screams as her body is illuminated in yellow lightning. Caleb recoils in shock at seeing her in such pain. She falls to her side cringing in pain before seeing the silver armor Angel landing standing above her with his two subordinates joining her. Camilla glares at him creating a black magic seal above him only to destroy it with a slash of his glowing sword.

He descends downward standing over her with his sword drawn.

"Your time has come Devil. No longer will you plague this land with your evil. May you pay your debts with your flesh.", He say raising his sword ready to thrust downwards. Camilla gives an indifferent look closing her eyes accepting her fate.


Instead of a sword to the chest, she's greeted by the distinct sound of an attack spell and the feeling of something warm against her leg. She looks up to see the silver armor Angel choking on his own blood with a large open wound through his chest before a beam of blue energy fires through his head. The other two Angels shout in surprise before each receiving a death beam to the head as well. All three Angels collapse dead to Camilla confusion but relief.

"Hey! Are you alright?! Hey, stay with me!", called an unknown voice as Camilla fall unconcious. The world around Caleb falls into darkness.

Caleb goes silent awaiting whatever was to come. The world around him changes again as he sees things from Camilla perspective again. Camilla awakens finding herself lying in a twin bed then around at the contemporary style room with small open window shining light in the bedroom. Camilla pushes herself up in a sitting position curiously looking around before notice her wound had been bandaged and treated

The door of the bedroom opens and in steps a Devil woman wearing a blue thigh cut dress skirt and matching dress shirt. She had a fair complexion, long silver-black hair, two large horns, black wings with silver outlines, and silver tipped slender black tail. She notices Camilla and beams a warm smile at her.

"You're awake! Thank Discord I was so worried.", the strange Devil woman spoke happily before taking a chair next to her bed, "I'm glad I arrived before those filthy could kill you. Oh! It looks like your wounds have healed nicely from those magic attacks."

Camilla tilts her head in confusion, "Que(What?)"

"Oh right, this is before she could speak English.", Caleb says to himself.

"Oh...I guess you can't understand me huh?", the silver haired Devil woman spoke.

The door of the room opens again and a short tan devil girl steps in wearing a small polka dot dress.

"Is she awake yet?", she inquires.

"Oh, hi Ursula, yes she is awake. But..."

"¿Dónde estoy? ¿Como llegué aqui? ¿Quienes son ustedes?(Where am I? How did I get here? Who ARE you people?), Camilla demanded.

"Oh, perdónanos, mi nombre es Ursula y ella es Nadia. Ella te salvó de esos Ángeles(Oh, forgive us, my name is Ursula and this is Nadia. She saved you from those Angels), Ursula answered as Camilla gives her a puzzled look.

"I didn't know you spoke Spanish Ursula.", Nadia stated in surprise.

"I grew up in Tiawana remember?", Ursula answered incredulously.

"Oh yeahhhh, well can you ask her her name?"

"Si no le importa, nos encantaría saber su nombre.(If you don't mind, we'd love to know your name.), Ursula translated.

Camilla looks between them before answering, "Camilla."

Nadia eyes light up, "Such a beautiful name! I think it means "noble" in Latin. I'm kind of a bookworm.", she finished bashfully as Camilla gives her confused look before Ursula quickly translates.

"By the way, that's really pretty necklace.", Nadia gestures to her neck as Camilla gingerly touches her necklace. She then clenches her neck turning away a shooting a warning glare at Nadia, "Oh Nonononono I don't want it! I just-"

"Oh! Nadia we have to introduce to everyone else!", Ursula stated.

Nadia gives a surprised, "Ah! Your right! Our lord has to meet her as well!", She says before hastily grabbing some clothing from a nearby closet then laying them as the foot of the bed, "Put these. Quickly. No offense, but...your clothes look a bit...ragged.", she says noting Camilla's dirty worn out clothing.

Ursula quickly translated before Camilla shoots the silver-haired Devil an insulted glare.

"You didn't to translate that!"

"Yes I did.", Ursula affirmed.

The scene changes again. This showing Camilla in her new clothes consisting on red form fitting vinyl pants with matching keyhole top( a very 60s outfit). He then sees Camilla being introduced to dozens of other Devils as Nadia explains what happened. From what he could gather, Nadia brought Camilla back to her clan after killing the Angels that were hunting her. There were also several others just like Camilla situation that they've taken in as part of their clan. They even explained how this place they were living is in a large mansion in California just close to the border of Mexico that used to belong to some rich humans who all died "mysteriously" leaving their estate unsupervised until THEY fixed it up. They sold off some of the jewelry, fine art, and other treasures in the nearby human city for money for food and supplies. They obtaining water through a pre-built pump connected to a nearby river and generated their own electricity using simple spells.

Camilla is then lined up along with several other Devil women that were given refuge in along the large doors of a bed chamber. She has an annoyed scowl after having been informed by Ursula that their 'Lord' was going to 'inspect' the new faces. The doors of the bed chamber opens and out steps a fair-skinned Devil Man. He had a muscular physique complete with washboard abs, several demonic symbols tattooed on body, and a goatee.. He wore nothing but pair of black boxer briefs, black robe with inside gold lining, and wear gold chain around his neck while puffing a large Cuban cigar. Five Devil women exit his bed chamber he heartily slaps each of their butts as the pass.

"Alright, where's the new batch of bitches at?", He stated in a pompous tone puffing his chest out.

Caleb recoils frowning in dread at the total douche before him, "Ohhhh no."

"R-Right here my lord!", Ursula spoke up gesturing to the line of girls, "These poor souls are the survivors of the many frequent Angel attacks recently and humbling request-"

"Boring! Shut up! Let me work.", The Devil Man silences her as he struts around looking each of the women judging each of them. He goes up to tan-skinned peach haired Devil, "What's your name sweetheart?"


"Changed my mind, don't care! Spin around.", The Douche Devil Man cuts her off as she does as instructed. He nods approvingly at her peach shaped butt and shapely legs but seemingly disappointed in her lackluster C-cups, "Alright, you're in the 'Peach group' ", he stated pointing to the group of several Devil women with a similar body type. She reluctantly goes over to join them.

He goes to the next lady, a blue-skinned Greater Devil with lavender hair and freckles, "What about you freckles? What's your story?"

"M-My sister and I escaped capture from a band of Arch Angels.", she says gesturing to her twin sister who sheepishly raises her hand.

Douche Devil Man raises an eyebrow, "Twins huh? Hmm...why don't you two hug for a minute? Wanna see something."

The two give confused looks to each other before reluctantly doing as instructed. The Devil Man watches nodding in satisfaction at the shapely apple butts and G-cups mushing into each other. He the walks up and grabs two handfuls of their luscious rears making them flinch at the sudden groping.

"Alright, you two in the 'Apricot group' ", he says slapping their butts then pointing to said group before the twins hastily go join them.

This continues on for 10 minutes until he finally reaches Camilla who looks none too pleased to see him.

"Hmmm, well now, Discord sure did give you some assets. Looking like a whole fruit basket.", he says examining her thicc, curvaceous thighs, ample I-Cups and perfectly hourglass frame much to Camilla's revulsion, "Now you just hold still while I get a good look at ya.", He smirks reaching to her chin.

Camilla quickly grabs his index finger snapping it like a twig much to Nadia's and the others shock.

GAHHH! GUHH FUCKIN'! THE FUCKS WRONG WITH YOU?!", Douche Devil Man shouted recoiling back cradling his hand.

"Mantén tus dedos mugrientos para ti o los guardaré para ti ... como un collar.(Keep your grubby fingers to yourself or I'll keep them for a necklace.), Camilla says in a venomous tone disturbing Ursula a bit.

Douche Devil Man gives her a confused look, "What?! The fuck is that shit?! She can't even speak English?"

"Uh, no my lord. She's actually from Mexico. We just found her crossing the border after an Angel attack. Basically...she said don't touch her.", Ursups says

"No shit idiot! Throw her out! I don't need any violent, bean breath bitches in my life!", Douche Devil Man stated pointing his now healed finger at Camilla. Camilla glared clenching her fists looking ready to kill a motherfucker before Ursula and Nadia step in.

"Wait my Lord!", Nadia started, "I'm sure she didn't mean to lash out at you like that. She's still dealing with her near death experience last night and...she's just stressed. Please, forgive Camilla."

"Camilla? Is that her name? Sounds stupid. Like 'Camel' and 'vanilla' ", he replies shooting a look at the Elder Devil who glares at him.

"~Please my Lord?~", Nadia spoke fluttering her eyes and mushing her cleavage together.

Douche Devil Man raises an eyebrow, "Ehhh...fine, whatever. But you two are in charge of educating the bitch how things work around here! Otherwise, you can drop her ass back to Taco Town. And teach her English dammit! She gonna live here she do like the rest and speak in language I can understand!", he demands

"Yes, of course we will my Lord! You can count on us!", Ursula replies as her and Nadia bow to him to Camilla displeasure as she crosses her arms.

"Hm, ALRIGHT! Listen up all you day forward I, Victus D. Abbadeer, am your husband and you're my...whatever number wife! You will love, protect, and obey me in the name of chaos!", He stated in a prideful tone as Ursula translate for Camilla.

Camilla turns her head huffing defiantly.

Douche Devil Man scoffs turning to everyone else clapping his hands, "Alright, Alright! That's over with! Chores need to be done, my food needs to be cooked, and kids need to be made! *clap* Hop to it!"

Nadia takes Camilla hand, "Come on, let's go."

She and Nadia lead Camilla away as the Elder Devil looks back sneering resentful at the man who calls himself her husband.

The world distorts around Caleb again.

"Ok, this getting old now.", Caleb complains as scenes of Camilla's life in Abbadickhead's clan flash by him. From what he could gather, Camilla, while hesitant, began to open up more to Nadia and Ursula. There were scenes showing the three of them together doing things. Ursula showing off her personal library where she would teach Camilla the English language. Luckily, Camilla was a pretty fast learner so It didn't take much time for her be speaking basic sentences. It was also here where Ursula introduced her to the insult to mystical arts that is the Harry Potter series. She and Nadia seemed to be the closest though as they'd spend time cooking, developing spells, practicing different martial arts from human books, or just spending time getting to know each other. It was thanks to the two that Camilla was able to adjust fairly quickly. In fact, the two seemed to be her only friends as the other Devil women were hesitant even afraid to come too close to Camilla. They seemed to be able to sense something wasn't right with her.

It wasn't long before Camilla learned that her 'husband' was not only a pompous, childish dickhead. He enjoyed harassing and pulling cruel and harmful pranks on them; even if they were pregnant. He was frequently spiritual and verbally abusive toward the Devil women while constantly praying on their individual insecurities while sexually humiliating and abusing them. He'd especially enjoyed belittlIng and insulting Camilla because of her tenuous English-speaking skill and her Mexican heritage in general. He really enjoyed insulting her cooking and sub par housework calling her a failure as woman. He'd take any chance he could to grope and molest her much to her utter disgust. Several times Camilla would get pushed to far prepared to kill slowly as possible. It was times like these Nadia was there to hold her back reminding Camilla of a male Devil importance to their species. Without him, they'd be discovered and quickly overwhelmed by Angels which frustrated Camilla even more as she's forced to tolerate this treatment.

Then, came the day when it was Camilla's time to attempt to bear children.

The world distorts around Caleb as he finds himself stand in a large bed chamber in the dead of night. Douche Devil Man lay on his back in his king size, peacock pattern blanket with seven half naked Devil women around his bed. The doors of the bed chamber open and Camilla slowly steps in wearing black stockings with lace black panties underneath and match bra. A cold, expression on her face as she looks back to Nadia was peaking through the door.

"Please...", she whispered in a pleading tone before Camilla closes her eyes in thought.

"We-hehehe-ellll, check out the Señorita!", Douche Devil Man chortled bringing Camilla out of her thoughts as she turns a cold gaze at him, "Bout time you came around. I just finished on each of these girls here but I think I got a little more baby gravy in the take tank for you. Now how about you get that latina ass over here while I'm still in the mood."

Caleb gives a look like he's ready beat this guys ass. A sentiment he could feel Camilla felt in the moment. Camilla looks back to Nadia seeing her pleading eyes. She sighs to herself.

"As ju wish...ugh Darling", Camilla forces the words making her sick. She reluctantly walks over to the bed as two of the Devil women go to her side to her confusion. They begin to undress her before DDM stops them.

"Hold up!", He stands getting up in Camilla face with a lecherous smirk, "More fun if I do this one myself. Put her on the bed and hold her arms down. Don't need her Trying to break anything else on me."

The two Devil women seize Camilla by the arms as she struggles a bit as they lay her on the bed pressing their bodyweight against her. Camilla protests before one on them whispers in her ear.

"It's ok. It'll be over soon, just let it happen and it'll be over quickly.", she assured.

DDM grabs a caresses up and down Camilla thighs before forcefully spreading them open. He rips the tights around her crotch allow acces to the lace black panties which he pushes out of the way exposing her pussy. Camilla looks down with sheer hatred in hers eyes as he oggles her womanhood.

"Yeah, you ready for it? You ready for some of this Chica?", he emphasizes taking his foot long erection in hand. Camilla clenches her teeth in frustration as Caleb looks away not wanting to see that. He then jams his thumb into her opening making wretch at the sudden intrusion. He then sticks his middle finger up her anus making Camilla gasp wriggling in protest. He grin in satisfaction, "Yeah you like that? This getting you in the mood now.

He releases his fingers climbs over her body coming face to face. He licks her neck up to her cheek, pushes her bra up allowing her mountainous tits to flop freely, then he aligns himself over her opening before thrusting himself into her.

"Ghaaa!", Camilla exclaims in from pain having her hymen broken. She violently thrashed as other Devil women restrain her movements DDM ignores her continuing to thrust in and out using her blood as some kind of lubricant.

"Fuckin hell! YOU'RE a virgin?! Hahahaha this is just too perfect! How's you're first cock taste Senorita? Cuz this pussy nice and tight! Hnnnghh!", He grunts pounding her harder before grabbing her tits squeezing them hard causing her to exclaim in protest.

Camilla clenches her eyes biting her to the point of lip drawing blood before turning away not wanting to give him the satisfaction of her discomfort.

"Haha! This is great! Best part is your lucky number 69! I'm gonna get you GOOD and pregnant! WOOOOHAHAHA!", DDM hooted loudly thrusting harder and faster creating loud sloshing from her blood and juices.

Caleb covers his eyes hating every second of the scene as he could also sense Camilla's pain. She didn't want to this bastards child! She hated the very idea of it. She hated everything about her life right now. She just wanted this whole experience to be over already. Then she thought of her mother. She wondered if...THIS is what she went through when conceiving her?! She remembers the woeful expression on her face whenever she ask about the day she was born. The thought alone hurt her more than this bastard.

The scene around Caleb changes this time showing the aftermath of Camilla's night with DDM. She sat outside on the balcony on the floor huddled with her knees to her chest. Nadia appears before sitting next to her then notices the blood stain near the opening of Camilla thighs. She touches Camilla shoulder to comfort her only Camilla to jerk away shooting a glare at her. Nadia gives retracts giving a look of understanding. Camilla frowns slightly then hides her face in her knees. The two if them sit in silence neither of them wanting to say a word.

The scenery dissolves as more images of Camilla's time in DDM clan. There were several dedicated to her growing camaraderie with Nadia and Ursula but also her deepening hatred towards DDM. It wasn't long before she did in fact become pregnant. However...

Caleb is suddenly transported into another memory. This time he's standing behind Camilla with Nadia and Ursula on either side of appearing to be comforting her. They were standing in front of a small perfectly rectangular hole in the ground as Camilla held a large blue blanket. He could see the deeply hurt look on Camilla's face as her lip quivered. Caleb steps to get a better look. Curiosity was replaced by shock and horror upon seeing the bloody, underdeveloped lifeless Devil baby fetus barely any bigger than his hand.

"Oh...Oh my god...", was all Caleb could utter as he steps away. Camilla kneels down placing the remains of her child in the small grave before slowly raising up. Ursula creates a small yellow magic seal as dirt convers up the hole in a neat oval pile then burning a pentagram in the upper part of the grave.

"You did good. It made it 6 months. That's...longer than most of us get.", Nadia tries to assure before giving a somber look touching her own stomach. Camilla eyes widen.

"She's right. Don't feel bad. You're not alone.", Ursula assures.

Camilla looks down at her child's grave before raising her head. Then, to Caleb's shock, the scene expanded showing dozen perhaps HUNDREDS of small graves with similar pentagram around them stretch at least 50 yards of California desert. Camilla wipes a tear from her eye as Nadia and Ursula console her.

The scenes dissolves being replaced by more scenes of Camilla's life. Her first miscarriage had quite the affect on her. Despite hating him with all her being, she had become indifferent to sex with DDM for procreation purposes. Several scenes play out in front of Caleb where DDM energetically had sex with her while Camilla wore a blank, emotionless expression; treating it as a chore. The scenes that follow show more Camilla's failed attempts at conceiving along with other Devil women burying their stillborn as well. Nadia and Ursula would comfort her in these times. The two continued to be her only true companions throughout her time in the clan to the point where Camilla eventually opened up enough to tell them the story of her previous clan, her mother, and her how she lost her. They were shocked but understood her struggle and didn't hold her actions against her.

The scene transition to three decades later. Camilla looks more like her present day self. The world has changed astronomically. Human innovation, technology, politics, and society as a whole rapidly advanced faster than many of Devils thought possible. However, the most alarming news was the human government announced to the public that non-human species like Camilla's actually existed and they were working on 'integrating' species like hers; which they called 'Liminals'. Personally, Camilla wasn't interesting in the humans pitiful attempts to get attention from people like her. If they choose to lump her in with other species under ONE derogatory name, clearly they don't have their best intentions in mind.

She and the rest of the clan were facing their own issues anyway. Over time, the treasures and trinkets they sold to obtain the food and supplies they needed became scarcer and scarcer. Coupled with the human's changing market values and technology that haven't adapted to yet only made it harder for them. They hunted some of their food but hare and desert snakes could only feed so many of them. Suddenly, large sums of money started pouring in to which most of the resources went to Abbadickhead and anyone he chose to share the spoils with. This, of course, led to some resentment among the Devil women. However, what was more alarming to Camilla but especially Nadia were the sudden disappearances of some of their clan members. Particularly, Ursula who they hadn't seen in two weeks since her night with Abbadickhead. When questioned, he just dodged the question and his subordinates he'd been spoiling blocked them from continuing further. Nadia and Camilla decided to stay on high alert since then.

"Wahhhh!", Caleb exclaims as he's pulled into another scene with Camilla and Nadia at banquet table with the other Devil women. A spread of different food from roasted hare or venizen and homemade drinks and bread. Abbadickhead sat at the head of the table with his small posé of Devil women surrounded by a wider variety of food from roast chicken and duck, cooked veggies, fine wines, even desserts like cake and pies. He greedily helps himself as his subordinates enjoy themselves as well. Nadia, Camilla, and some of the others glare at the group with contempt as a few of his subordinates shoot them snide looks.

After dinner was over, Camilla and Nadia begun packing up all the dishes along with the others. They all were on cleanup duty...again.

"HEY, Chica!", Abbadickhead calls out to Camilla getting her attention, "Join me in the chamber with the rest!"

Camilla gives a questioning look to Nadia who shrugs before taking Camilla's stack of dishes for her.

"Go on, I'll see you later.", Nadia assures giving her a grin.

"HEY! YOU understand English now right?! Right-o this way-o to have sex-o! Rapido! Rapido!", he chides clapping his hands together.

Camilla gives an exasperated sigh, "Jes."

She follows him and his subordinates into the bed chamber. As the doors close behind them, she glances back to Nadia who was helping the others with their dishes and grins to herself.

In the bed chamber, six of his subordinates stood at different parts of the room watching her. Despite this being routine for her, this time, for some reason, something just didn't seem right.

"Alright Chica, you know the drill. Wall today.", Abbadickhead unhooked his belt letting his pants drop to the floor. Camilla rolls her eyes unzipping her dress skirt pulling them and her panties to the floor leaving her entire lower half naked to the world. Caleb looks away shamefully as she presses her hands against showing her bare pussy to Abbadickhead; a cold, emotionless look on her face all the while.

Abbadickhead presses himself against her back and begins pawing at her privates causing her to shift in discomfort.

"Yeah, you love this position huh?", He whispers lecherously.

"Just get it over with.", Camilla retorts plainly.

"Hoho, eager to start I see! Alright, it's daddy dicking time.", He chuckles as Camilla rolls her eyes swearing under her breath in her native tongue. However, instead of him shoving his disgusting thing inside of her, she feels something sharp prick into her neck.

"GAHH!", She elicits pushing him off her holding her neck. She sees Abbadickhead smirking while holding a syringe, her vision becomes blurry as her body feel like it's being weighed down. She starts to stumble about before two of his subordinate Devil women grab under her arms holding her up. The world around Caleb become warpy like he just took a hit of acid.

"Heh, I wasn't sure if the usual dosage would be enough for a frisky girl like you so I just mixed in a few other things. Those humans can sure make some drugs.", He spoke his voice sounded distorted to her. He then reaches for her neck and rips off her mother's necklace much to her horror, "Let me just get that outta the way", he tosses it to one of his subordinates.

"N-Nuhhh...Nuh...", Camilla tries to scream out coming out as tired murmurs before he head drops as she loses consciousness. The would around Caleb going black.

"Y...ah,", said the distorted voice of Abbadickhead as it fades out leaving Caleb in total darkness again. Unease swept throughout his being as he tried to come to terms with what he witnessed.

Suddenly, the world distorts as light fills the areas. Camilla was awakening from her deep slumber immediately greeted by a pounding headache and an unrelenting muggy smell in the air. She raises up her hands to massage it away only to find her hands and feet bound together by cuff and chains much to her surprise. She looks around at the unfamiliar area finally noticing the steel partially rusted bars, solid brick wall and floor, and the dirty small mattress was lying on with bucket of water next to it. She was in some sort of prison cell and apparently she wasn't the only one. Before her were several more cells to her left and right. Straight ahead was a small metal staircase going up to a large metallic door. It was dimly lit with three flickering fluorescent lights on the cieling. She could make out different women non-human women with canines, feline, or other mammalian features and even some species she actually recognized like Echidna, harpies, and even a few Greater Devils all packed up in their cells like livestock. The sound of their whimpering and murmurs could be heard. Camilla and Caleb could also see children cuddled up to their mothers crying. Caleb's heart sinks into his stomach at the sight. Camilla then notices the metal collar around her neck. She second she touches her fingers to it she gets a painful spark to her hand.

"Ack! Que(what)?!", she exclaims.


The metallic door buzzes with a green light glowing near the handle before swinging open. Six men step inside; some of them wearing casual outfits like jeans and white tanks and carrying with looked like bags of different foods. As they approach the cells, several of the prisoners reach their hands through the bars desperately trying to grab whatever food the men handed out. Mothers scrambling the hardest to get whatever they could for their child.

One of the men approaches Camilla's cell. He was a fairly tall, wearing beige pants, brown leather shoes, dark green button up dress shirt with beige suit jacket an beige tie. He had black wavy hair, neatly trimmed beard and wore black aviator shades.

"Ahh, looks like our newest guest is awake.", he says as Camilla narrows her eyes at him,

"Where am I human?", Camilla demanded

"Well to put it bluntly you're currently my property. Ju may call me Alejandro.", he says in a weirdly comfortable tone, "Seems like ju creatures have become really popular lately. And it seems your parts sell highly on the overseas black markets. Now, I'm more in the drug business but I'm also dabbling in the business of creatures like ju. Gringos sell them to buyers like me and I sell the parts at better offers. That husband of yours is one of my best sellers. He sells me girls like ju that, and I quote, 'really suck at making kids'. "

"W-What?!", Camilla replied incredulously, "So what? Are ju going to harvest me or something?"

"Ju?! In particular?! No no, those wings and horns fetch good money sure, but you're species has far more...substantial qualities.", He spoke looking her up and down. Camilla glares hatefully at him, "That's a scary face. I suggest ju behave. Otherwise I may take you up on that harvest proposal. ", he says pulling out a large hunting knife.

"Pedazo mierda(Piece of shit)! AS IF I'D SIT HERE AND LET JU!", Camilla shouted angrily getting to her feet then creating a large red above him. Suddenly, the collar on her neck begins to glow with bright Hebrew-style ruins.

"AAAAGGHHHH!", Camilla screams in agony as her body is engulfed in yellow rippling lightning and the magic seal disappears. She collapses to her knees cringing uncontrollaby and gagging.

"Hahahahaha Maldita sea(goddamn), these things actually work! Consider that a lesson Señora. Believe it or not, that collar is imbued with Angel magic! We bought them from a REAL Angel! Ah what a time to be alive!", Alejandro laughs heartily as Camilla cringes looking up at him.

"It definitely makes it easier to control you monsters!", He stated making sure the others were listening. Camilla finally notices all the other female species had some variant of the collar around their neck.

"Ju...hahhh...ju think these bars will keep in here? I'LL RIP JU APART WITH MY BAR-ARGHHH!", Camilla shouted grabbing the bars trying bend them apart but fails to her shock before collapsing on the floor with a loud scream her body convulsing violently.

"Of course, it's always good to have extra insurance.", Alejandro spoke holding a small black remote then points to the black collar on her ankle sending another set of jolts through her body. She spasms and foams at the mouth slightly.

"¡Jefe! ¡Los compradores están aquí!(Boss! The buyers are here!), one of the men stated.

"Ah, justo a tiempo. Déjalos entrar, diles que estaré allí en un minuto.(Ah, right on time. Let them in, tell them I'll be there in a minute.), Alejandro answered as the guy does as instructed. He then turns to Camilla lighting up a cigarette, "Sentirse cómodo. Estarás aquí un rato(Sentirse cómodo. Estarás aquí un rato).

He walks away leaving. The audible sound of the metallic door slamming ringing throughout the room.

Camilla weakly picks herself up leaning her back against the wall as she catches her breath. She experimentally forms a tiny blue magic seal on the tip of her finger and she's zapped again by golden electric sparks as the seal flickers out. It didn't hurt as much like before so she figured the stronger the spell the more pain it'll deliver. She picks herself up again before her legs give and she falls hard on her knees. She grunts in pain at her then reposition herself seeing her bleeding kneecaps and feeling the sting with every suddle movement. Her eyes widen realizing she isn't healing. Do these collars nullify her healing as well? Not only that, it feels like her physical strength is waning as well. She slumps against the wall staring up at the ceiling. Her mind processing her situation before turning to Nadia and Ursula wondering if they were ok. She grips her claws to the solid floor her mind now furiously turning to the reason she was here; Abbadickhead. She should have butchered him when she had the chance. Her eyes widen remembering one other detail before losing consciousness.

She paws under the collar trying to feel if it was still there. A look of great sadness spreads across her face.

" no no...", Camilla repeats upon realizing the last piece of her mother was gone. Tears build in her eyes as she wails in despair, "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

Every emotion she felt in this moment overcomes Caleb senses as tears begin to build in HIS eyes. The scene dissolves as Caleb is now bombarded with memories of Camilla time in what she eventually learned is a drug and liminal trafficking cartel. She'd be forced to watch women and young men of different species being brought in or sold off. Children were forcefully separated from their mothers and sold to buyers looking for 'pets'. Species like Camilla's were sold buyers in the 'entertainment' industry. Those that were brought in for their parts were dragged out of their cells before being injected with some type of syringe then getting hauled off to another. Camilla could hear their anguished screams along with cutting and slicing noises followed by an audible gunshot. Then there were those like the lizard women or bird girl species that were horribly dismembered losing wholes tails or having their feathers and scales peeled clean from their bodies were brought back to their cells to allow parts to regrow before next harvest.

They tried to sell Camilla multiple times but her violent temperament made it difficult to hold any buyers interest leading to Alejandro to punish her by having her go without food, water, or proper excretion. To her shame, there were days where she was forced to go in the corner like an animal. Everyday she grew weaker more powerless. Unable to do anything but sit in her tiny cell and think. She thought of many things. Nadia, Ursula, her life before meeting them, but most of all she thought of her mother and how she longed to hear her voice again; even if she hated her now or it's just a single phase. She needed it. Caleb's heart wrenches feeling her sadness.

Suddenly, Caleb is dragged into another memory. This time time he could see Camilla strung up to the ceiling by her cuffs her head draped down with her outgrown hair her face. She wore some black yoga pants with dirty light blue dress shirt with a few buttons exposing her chest(it would be too tight otherwise). He then notices the cloth tied around her mouth. Apparently, she was on punishment for lashing out and biting off a buyer's finger. The door to her cell opens and one of the cartel guys wearing baggy camo pants and black v-neck steps inside hold a white grocery and a drink cup with a straw. Camilla lifts up her head glaring hatefully at the man.

Oye, oye, tranquilo. El jefe dice que has sido un buen demonio estos últimos días, así que consigues algo de comida.(Hey hey, easy. The boss says you've been a good little demon these past couple days so you get some food.), he says before reaching up and hooking the cloth around her mouth, "Me voy a quitar esto. ¡Compórtate ahora! Bien...( I'm gonna take this off. Behave now! Alright...)

Camilla remained silent allowing him to take the gag off her mouth. He raise the drink to her mouth and Camilla starts quickly drinking the water through the while not breaking eye contact. He takes the cup away placing it aside. He rummages through the bag and pulls out large yellow apple.

"Abrelo(Open it.), the guy commands presenting the fruit only for her to not move an inch, "¡Vamos, abre la boca!(Come on now, open your mouth!), he stated becoming impatient.

Camilla dismissively turns her head. The guy snaps grabbing her by the cheeks forcing her mouth open and making her bite off a big chunk of apple. Camilla chews it up a bit before spitting it all out right in his face. He wipes his face off.

"¡Perra!(Bitch!), her exclaims backhand slapping her hard across the face throwing the bag down. He then pulls out a knife aiming at her neck, ¡Maldito demonio del infierno! ¡Debería matarte aquí mismo!(Goddamn fuckin demon from hell! I should kill you right here!)

Camilla glares at him feeling the cold blade against her throat. He then looks down her body.

" Dicho esto, no comes una mierda, pero tu cuerpo sigue luciendo sexy como la mierda.(That being said, you don't eat worth shit but your body still looking sexy as fuck.)", he says before tracing her hips and thighs as Camilla shifts in protest. He then traces up her stomach before breasts playing with her nipple. Camilla clenches her teeth using all her willpower to avoid being aroused by any of this. The guy smirks in satisfaction as he roughly gropes her making her squirm, "Te gusta eso, perra?(You like that don't you bitch?)

He the shoves his hand down her pants between her legs fondling her womanhood.

"No!", Camilla exclaims in protest.

"No, no pares? Como desées.( No don't stop? As you wish.), the guy says tracing circles on her womanhood and groping her breast roughly. However, after a while, the guy grew angry as she didn't become wet at all despite all the stimulation. The guy retracts his hand from her pants his pride greatly hurt.

Camilla spits right in his face before grinning triumphantly and chuckling heartily.

The guy slaps her across the face again, "Crees que es gracioso, eh?(You thinks it's funny, huh?!)"

Camilla spit some blood from her mouth the smirks at him, "Sí, si crees que ESO podría sacar a cualquier mujer. ¿Por qué no vuelves a practicar con la abuela?(Yes, if you think THAT could get any woman off. Why don't you go back to practicing with grandma.), she taunt before laughing at him.

The picks up the cup and dumps the water all over her head making her laugh even harder.

"¡Sí, sí, te ríes ahora perra! ¡Estarás llorando cuando termine!(Yeah, yeah you laugh now bitch! You'll be crying by the time i'm finished!), The guy replies angrily closing the cell door and stomping away.

¡Si! ¡Apuesto a que lloras después de terminar!(Yeah! I bet you DO cry after you finish!), Camilla stated heartily chuckling before letting out a relieved sigh glad she didn't have to see that human for awhile. Unfortunately, her respite is cut short when he returns with three more guys. He slams a button on the wall and Camilla falls to the floor hard.

"¡Levántala!( Get her up!)", the guy from earlier stated opening the cell for them. The enter forcing the Demoness to her feet as struggles to get free. The approaches her with a syringe grabbing her face and injecting it into her neck. After a few seconds, her muscles go limp making her unable to struggle but still remain conscious. The two men carry her under her arms dragging her legs along the floor the door at the far left end of room.

The scene changed as they enter a large operating room filled with surgical equipment, oxygen tanks, and plastic tarps. The scent of blood and useless discarded liminal parts fermenting in the trash permeated the room.

The push her on the cold metal table with dry blood stains and straps her hands down. The guy earlier grabs her yoga pants and panties yanking them both off and tossing them aside. Camilla tries to scream in protest before being gagged with the same scarf by one of the men. She tries desperately to move but her body was still unresponsive to her order.

She sees the guy spreading her legs apart while unfastening his belt.

"Yo voy primero!(I'm going first!), the guy says but was stopped by his associate.

¡Oye! ¿Por qué tienes que ir primero? Hicimos el trabajo pesado.(Hey! Why you get to go first?! We did the heavy lifting.), he complained. ¡Fue mi idea! ¡Yo voy primero!(It was MY idea! I'm going first!), the guy retorted.

¿Oh enserio? ¿Qué idea sería esa?(Oh really? What idea would that be?), came the voice of Alejandro.

"Jefe! No es-(Boss! I-It's not-), the guy is cut off. "Amigos, lo entiendo. Trabajas duro y mereces divertirte. Honestamente, este ha sido malo para los negocios y creo que necesita aprender su lugar. Dos pájaros de un tiro (Friends, I understand. You work hard and you deserve to have some fun. Honestly, this one has been bad for business and I think she needs to learn her place. Two birds, one stone), Alejandro say taking off his suit and tie then unfastening his belt, "Si no te importa, me gustaría su coño. Puedes tener esa boca suya.(If you don't mind, I would like her pussy. You can have that mouth of hers.)

Alejandro caresses her thighs spreading her wide before unzipping his fly taking his position ignoring Camilla muffled screams.

¡Si jefe!(Yes, Boss!), The guy replies taking. He removes the gag on her mouth.

"Quítate de encima tu-AGGHHHHH!(Get off of me you-!), Camilla screams before getting hit with surge of electricity making her body convulse violently.

"Intenta cualquier cosa y maldeciré el día en que naciste.(You try anything, and I'll make curse the day you were born.), he threatened dangling the remote in front of her.

Te mataré. Los mataré a todos.(I'll kill you. I'll kill all of you.), Camilla stated in her demonic voice before Alejandro punches her hard across the face. He does it a few more times leaving her face bloody and bruised as she spits blood from her mouth.

He shakes off his bloody knuckles then notice her pussy was bone dry before getting an idea.

Escuché que esta parte de ti es muy sensible.(I hear this part of you is very sensitive.), he says grabbing her tail much her sheer discomfort. Enjoying her reaction, he yanks and pulls it hard sending wave after wave of unwanted pleasure through her spine. He grins in satisfaction seeing her juices seeping from her pussy.

"Parece que ella está lista para irse chicos!(Looks like she's ready to go boys), Alejandro stated allowing his rock hard manhood to spring forth. Camilla glares hatefully just seething with pure rage. He shoves himself hard into her as she gasps in surprise.

"GAHmmph", Camilla elicits before the other guy yanks her hair back before shoving his cock down her throat. Knowing she couldn't do anything, she reluctantly surrendered to the men thrusting her from both ends. She wanted nothing more than to bite off the thing choking her or rip off the thing stabbing her but decided to simply wait until it was over.

Caleb shook is head in disbelief trembling with rage, "Stop...Stop...STOP!"

Caleb shouted as they continued to rape her. When Alejandro was finished, he moves and one of the other guys takes his place. A look of pride on the man's face. Caleb charges Alejandro only to phase right through him. Caleb then turns his attention to guy currently on top of her and tries to throw him off of her only for his hands to repeatedly phase through. He's then greeted by images of these men raping her on a few separate occasions after this. Each time Camilla's spirit breaking more and more. Caleb's eyes glow bright purple.

"NOOO!", he screams slamming his fist down as the world disintegrates into darkness as he clenches his head, "It's not's not real."

Caleb is then shown scenes with Camilla and several other Devils being loaded into the backs of trucks. Eventually the cartel managed to sell her. While relieved to be out of that place, she was now forced into the underground liminal prostitution chains throughout the states. Everyday she'd be stuffed into a different truck with other Devil women; some barely old to know any really powerful spells yet, and watch be auctioned off and sold to become toys to men of different species. Human, Orc, Goblin, all of them repugnant creatures looking to indulge themselves on Camilla's people. It sickened her to no end. She knew she had to escape the first chance she got.

During these constant trip, Camilla had unintentionally admiration of whatever remaining Devils that were transported with her due to her willingness to stand up for them; despite being powerless. Caleb is greeted by scenes of these Devils as they each told their story of how they ended up here. Many he instantly recognized three of them, Hana, the twins, and Scarlett. Overtime, and because of her Elder Devil lineage, the rest grew to see Camilla as something of a 'Big Sister', especially Scarlett who seemed the most fond of her. As Camilla learned more about these girls, she began to understand Nadia's desire to help Devils like these. Camilla made up in her mind that she'll not only escape but escape with her new 'Amigas'.

Eventually, Camilla and the rest were trafficked to the South Central U.S. where over time many of her new friends are sold of save for the few Caleb knew today.

Caleb is greeted by scenes of Camilla and many other Devil girls being loaded out of the truck by cuff and chain.

It is here where they first meet Gangster Renalds and Fat Bastard. Camilla, Scarlett, Hana, and the twins are forced into a black van where they are taken to a dilapidated house and led down into a basement. Here is where Camilla first met Jocelyn, Sharon, and the others. There were six other Devils Caleb didnt recognize. They were all cuffed to the walls by Renalds as Fat Bastard holds a shotgun on them. When done they ascend the stairs leaving them down there. Barely an hour later, Renalds returns leading several men down into the basement. Reynald shows them off as they take their pick of the girls examining them each like livestock. When they get Camilla she lashes out at them attempting to bite off the buyers fingers threatening them to stay away from the girls before Renald pistol whips her across the face before tazing her in the stomach making hunch over in pain. She and the others are then forced to watch four of her friends being led out of the by chain while Renalds counts a few stacks of cash. She sees Scarlett giving her a somber look. Camilla drops her head with a pained look on her face.

The next scene shows Camilla cursing and screaming attempting to pulls herself from the wall as Fat Bastard slung a gagged and struggling Scarlett over his shoulders. He points a piston cocking it at her forehead. She could see Scarlett looking at her with desperate, teary eyes.

"Take me. TAKE ME DAMN JU! I DON'T CARE!", Camilla screams at him as Hana and the rest look on.

Fat Bastard runs his pistol down her neck resting to her cleavage as Camilla shudders at the cold hard object. Bastard smirks at her reaction.

"Tempting offer...but I'm more into redhead hahahahaha!", he laughs

"NO!", Camilla shouted as he ignores her taking Scarlett upstairs as the poor girl flails to get free and her muffled screams ring in Camilla and the rest minds.

Even down in the basement, they could faintly hear Scarletts screams of protest and pain. Camilla shouts in rage conjuring a large blue magic seal only to before the collar activates dissipating the spell and delivering amount of golden lightning. Unimaginable pain fill her body as Hana and the rest voice their concern. She goes limp before falling unconcious.

Caleb is then forced to watch more scenes with Camilla and the others in the weeks they were in that house. Ones where she and the others were stripped naked and hosed off outside one at a time by Renalds as Fat Bastard squirted body wash on them. Where they were fed crappy or expired food if anything at all. Where Camilla would typically feel the brunt of physical abuse by Renalds. In those weeks, Fat Bastard continued his fun with Scarlett as his toy. He kept her chained upstairs away from the others but they could always hear them. Always.

Camilla had finally had enough. Luckily, her chances to escape came in the form of a loosening shackle on her cuffs she decided to bide her time until the perfect moment.

It wasn't long before Renalds and Fat Bastards location was compromised and had to change location. They loaded Camilla and the others into a large black transport van where they were each handcuffed to the support handles on the walls. Around them were boxes of clothes and other strange items. As they are riding along, Camilla gradually loosens her cuffs more and more. During the ride, Camilla and the rest overhear Renalds and Fat Bastards mention something about '4th of july', a human tradition, which Camilla honestly couldn't care less about. They mention it at all since they were passing through a city called Huntsville and a 'parade' currently had the streets blocked off.

Caleb pauses.

Soon, nighttime came and Renalds, deciding they needed more gas, made a stop at the nearest station. They park in a vacant alleyway as Renalds gets out, grabs the gas tank from the back before threatening the girls not to move. He tell Fat Bastard to watch them then leaves. Camilla immediately gets to work on breaking free from her cuffs. She gets one off but struggled with the other. She then slices her wrist using her own blood as lubrication to slip her hand through. She then tries to help the others get their cuffs off before hear a knock from the passenger side.

"Hey! What's goin' on back der'?!", Fat Bastard stated. They don't respond and he gets out the car slamming the door. Camilla makes a shushing gesture to the girls as she grips the chain of her cuffs readying herself. The doors open

"Alright, what the hell is-", was all Fat Bastard said before Camilla delivers good kick to his face sending him landing on his back. Camilla lunges from the truck landing near Fat Bastard. As he's picking himself up from his daze, she wraps the chain around his neck, plants her heel to his back, proceeding to strangle him with whatever strength she had. He coughs and gags while clawing at his throat. The other Devil girls watch intently with Scarlett repeatedly mouthing 'kill'em. Kill'em'.

Camilla was close to snapping Fat Bastards neck before feeling excruciating pain in her back courtesy of Renalds and his tazer. She hollers out before falling to the side convulsing much to the shock of Scarlett and the rest. Fat Bastard cough violently holding his throat as Renalds shakes his head in disappointment.

"I'll be goddamn can't leave shit alone for two minutes huh?", Renalds scolds him putting down the gas tank then turns to Camilla weakly picking herself off the ground. He kicks her hard in the stomach as she grunts in pain. He squats and pulls her up by the hair before pointing a pistol right at her temple, "You becoming a reeaallll pain my ass now. Now you get back on that van nice and calmlike and I might forget about this.", he whispers failing to notice Camilla tail snaking up her back.

She nods understandingly and he releases her hair letting her forehead hit the concrete. As Reynalds raises up, Camilla's tail shoots up jabbing him in the eye. He screams out holding his right eye before uses does a leg sweep knocking him off balance and making him drop his gun. It fires and Camilla gets nicked in the arm.

Fat Bastard tries to grab but Camilla throws the chain and cuffs hitting him square in the groin. He falls to the ground in pain hollering loudly. Camilla leaps on top of Renalds collar and furiously bashing him against the concrete.

"Morir! mierda! mierda! sin! valor!(Die! You! Worthless! Piss! Fuck!", she exclaims each time she bashes his head and Scarlett and the rest cheer her on. Renalds then pulls his switchblade stabbing her right in the thigh and twisting as Camilla screams out in agony before he pushes her off. She clutches her wound as blood pools on the concrete. He lunges on top of her trying to stab her in a fit of rage while she tries to hold him away. The blade inches closer to her heart but Camilla knees him in the groin forcing him to roll off her. She quickly but shakily picks herself up her blood dripping down her leg. She looks to Scarlett and the rest.

"Run! Please!", Scarlett urges as the rest do the same. Camilla stand there reluctant to leave them behind.

Reynalds lunges at her and slices her wing.

"AAAAGH!", Camilla screams out having one of her most sensitive parts damaged. He rushes her against but she dodges then performs a judo throw sending him back a couple feet. Scarlett kicks a box full of holiday crap Fat Bastard had bought spilling the content on top of Renalds.

"GO!", Scarlett pleaded. Camilla nods quickly limping away as fast as she could. She makes her way down the alleys knocking over trash cans and boxes moving as quickly as her body could carry her. She clumsily maneuvered down the sidewalk while avoiding any humans she saw under cover of dark. She didn't know where she was going, what to do, or where to go. She just kept going.

She was about to exit another alleyway into the street but stop upon seeing crowds of humans and different species exiting a gated area.

Caleb quickly recognizes the area, "No way..."

Camilla leans herself against the brick wall panting heavily holding her stab wound. Her arm with the bullet wound stings ever time she lifts it. She watches from the darkness as the humans and other species walk down the streets or board their large transport machines deciding to wait until they were all gone to make her next move. She rips a long piece off her shirt using it to tourniquet her thigh.

After what felt like eternity, most of the humans were gone leaving the street relatively quiet. Camilla weakly picks herself up and limps out. She had lost quite a bit of blood. She stumbles out using the wall for support trying to avoid the street lamps but trips on a box knocking over a metal garbage bin. She curses upon hitting the ground.

"Hello?", came a voice the alerted her. Caleb eyes widen immediately recognizing that voice. As Camilla picks herself up, the unknown voice reveals themselves stepping into the light . It was a young, dark skinned man with black low cut hair and medium build. Camilla curses upon being discovered. She couldn't have him alerting his other human friends and resolve to kill him the first chance she gets. Caleb gives her a look surprised at her thoughts.

"Oh my God! What happened to you?!", past Caleb spoke surprising Camilla a bit. He approaches her putting her on gaurd, "Hang on don't move don't move! I'll get you some-",

"Stay...away from me...filthy human.", Camilla hisses glaring at him hatefully while clenching a discarded rusty wrench knowing he was now aware of what she is. Caleb watches with concern as his past self approaches.

"Look, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to get you help, ok?", past Caleb spoke assuringly. Camilla was surprised by the sincerity in his words. She didn't sense a trace of falsehood in his words and his eyes bore no ill-intent or disgust. It was a strange feeling. Against her nature, she decided to trust this human man...for now.

She see him take something out his and put it to his ear, "Hello? 9-1-11, I have an emergency. There an injured Devil woman-"


A gunshot rang out as Camilla and Caleb look in horror as Past Caleb's brains are blown clean out of his head. His body collapses on the sidewalk and Camilla and Caleb are left speechless.

"W-W-WHAT? What the fuck? What the fuck? This is...hah!", Caleb uttered clenching his head shaking furiously. This isn't what happened! He's not dead! Is he?!

The world around him glitches and flickers

"Well well well, look who we found.", came the voice of Reynalds. Camilla turns with horrified expression seeing Reynolds and Fat Bastard standing there with the van. The door opens wafting purple steam seeing the anguished looks of Scarlett and the rest. Reynolds face distorts in a wide cartoonish but horrifying smile. Caleb backs away in fear. Large black chains shoot from the van locking around Camilla's body dragging her into the van.

"NO! NOOO!", Camilla screams as Renalds and Fat Bastards laugh hysterically their bodies shifting into monstrous forms.

The scene distorts now show Camilla and the other Devil girls at the warehouse. Camilla was bound to the wall by black chains. Wick and the others Malones were dragging away Scarlett and the rest. She watched helpless as some are thrown on the floor and raped on the spot while they screamed for Camilla to save them.

"Camilla-sama! CAMILLA-SAMA!", Hana screams tear stained eyes reaching desperately for her as the man relentlessly pounds her from behind.

"YOU SAID YOU'D PROTECT US! YOU'RE A LIAR! A LIARRRRRR!", Scarlett screams as Fat Bastard drags her away again.

Tears flow down Camilla face as she wails in despair. Caleb shakes his head. This is wrong. These aren't memories. It's a nightmare!

Wick s then approaches Camilla grabbing her face forcing her to look at his predatory, cold expression.

"You will be a good little girl.", He spoke wickedly before morphing into Camilla's father.

"Seguro que creciste muy bien(You sure grew up reeaalll nice), he spoke in a lecherous tracing up and down her body. He then morphs into Abbadickhead.

"Time for another round Señorita.", He smirks spreading her legs.

Caleb clenches his head as screams, despair, and hate fill his senses. He watches as the Abbadickhead repeatedly morph back and forth from wick to her father while thrusting her into her. The world becomes distorted and flickering violently. Loud rumbling and crashing permeated the area.

"This is wrong. This is wrong! THIS IS WRONNNNNNNNG!", Caleb screams body glowing with purple aura eyed burning with purple flames. He rushes over to her, grab the three for one asshole, pulling him off her then punching him square in the jaw to Camilla shock. They explode in a puff of purple smoke. He turns to Camilla gently cupping the side of her face, "Camilla, you have to wake up! It's not real! I'm ok!"

A warm feeling spreads over Camilla as she looks deeply into his eyes.

"Señor Caleb...?"

"WAKE UP!", he shouts.


*****Back in the real world******

" HAAAAAAAA! ", Caleb exclaims shooting up then tumbling out of bed as Camilla does the same her chest heaving rapidly her body covered in sweat. Camilla looks around in panic before noticing Caleb on the floor. He gets to his knees feeling around the floor, the bed, and his own body; especially his head breathing rapidly as he regains his bearings on reality. He sits up back to the wall elbows to his knees as he clenches his head and wiping the sweat from his face. He sniffles covering his face in his palms

"S-Senor?!", Camilla inquires worried tone, "What is wrong?!"

Caleb merely looks up at her not saying a word. Camilla eyes widen seeing the tears running down his cheeks and sorrow in his eyes. Not for himself but for her.


Hoowee, this chapter was a hell of an undertaking. Been really, really busy with life continuously knocking me down. No lie it's been awful lately. Mom back and forth out of the hospital, school work has to be done, my new business isn't going as well as I thought, and the cherry on top I'm stuck with a year long lease for an apartment I can no longer stay because of a spike in Covid cases. Loving life!

Sorry, don't mean to unload my bullshit on y'all. That's what Facebook is for. Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter. Be on the lookout for the next where things get...heated between Caleb and Camilla. Wink.

Well, that's all the time for now. PEACE FAM!