Garrus stopped speaking as he felt Shepard's smooth skin against his scars. He looked down at her and saw her gentle face staring back up at him. Slowly, he bent forward and felt his heart flutter as she did the same.

Her red hair tickled his scales, while her fresh scent entered his nose. Warm, light with soft undertones of an alpine smell. Agonizingly slowly he lifted his left hand to cup her cheek. Yet again his heart fluttered as she nuzzled into his hand. He felt himself purr as he softly nuzzled her forehead and brought up his other hand to her face.

He blinked when he felt her soft hands over his gloved ones. He looked at her emerald eyes, trying to understand what she was doing. Slowly she stepped back. He felt his heart briefly stop, before he felt her softly tug his hands still held firmly in her own. His mandibles flared slightly as she guided him to the couch in her cabin.

Slowly they settled down and seemed lost in each others eyes, unsure what to do or how to continue. Garrus made to bring his head forward, the same time Jane did. They stopped, smiled and then brought their foreheads back together again.

Garrus trilled softly in his sub harmonics as he gently nuzzled his forehead against hers, her smell was slowly eroding his sense of self-doubt and fear. He felt her hands move behind her head as she gently pulled something out of her hair. He watched as her hair fell out of the bun she normally held it in.

He knew that she normally had her hair held up in a bun as was military standard, but seeing it as it was now, he couldn't understand why. He softly threaded his hand into her red strands and gently ran them through the mass. He could only compare it to the human item known as silk, it felt unbelievably soft. From the look on her face, Garrus knew she enjoyed his touch as much as he enjoyed feeling it.

Slowly he brought his head back to hers again, this time he felt his primal instincts guiding him. His face went past her forehead, much to her surprise and his nose burrowed into the nape of her neck. He felt her gasp then moan softly, as he nuzzled again. Slowly her pheromones wafted up his nose and he felt his primal half growl, it seemed even if the scent came from an alien female, his primal instincts still surfaced. Though calling Jane an alien left a bad taste in his mouth. She was as much Turian as he was. She was as much his other half as he was hers. No Shepard without Vakarian after all.

He hissed softly as he felt a small Mass Effect field around his fringe. He'd almost forgotten that she was a biotic, as he felt her softly concentrate her biotics on the softer plates. He felt his control wither more and more. He growled, loudly this time, and pulled back before pulling her shirt off, almost ripping it apart, though he seriously doubted she'd care for the Cerberus logo on it's sleeves.

He dove again at her shoulder and pressed against her bare skin, inhaling like a man deprived of breathing, and suddenly finding themselves able to. He didn't even realize he nipped at her skin until he felt her tense. He looked down and saw the red and chalky like marks against her pale skin, her breathing had become more rapid and he worried that he'd moved too fast.

He watched and waited. She kept her head down, her hair making a curtain between him and her. He wanted so very much to push that curtain aside and look into her eyes, and beg her forgiveness but something was keeping him in check.

Slowly he watched her tuck up her legs and felt himself sink inside. She fiddled with the ties on the leather and made to pull it off, he beat her to it and gently pulled it off her foot. She seemed to freeze again, but she recovered faster this time, as she did the same with the other boot and Garrus followed suite.

She sat there for a good few minutes, Garrus looked at that curtain keeping her safe, as he felt he should leave. He got up, and had just turned around to the door when he felt his visor float off his face.

He turned and saw it slowly drop into her hand. She set it down on the table and stood up.

To the end of his days, Garrus couldn't describe a more wondrous sight. Against the backdrop of the stars shining through the window above her fiery red hair was unbound and wild, while her green eyes positively glowed like emeralds with such emotion he stayed glued to the spot. She slowly walked up to him, her black top teasing him glances at her shoulders, the white cargo pants she was wearing already sliding down past her hips bit by bit as she stopped in front of him.

His breath hitched, as she reached up, grabbed his face and gently pulled him down to her and pressed her lips against his own. He felt his blood reheat in an instant.

He felt himself surging forward, until they were stopped by the wall. Her soft lips and tongue heating his blood beyond belief. He lifted her up a foot off the ground holding her arms in place as he began to move past her mouth to her shoulder again.

This time he paused, licked her skin with his blue-black tinged tongue, before firmly nipping her again. She tensed again, but slowly melted against him as he felt her legs wrap around his waist.

He altered nipping and licking her shoulders as he pulled her black tanktop away to reveal a strange white lacey creation underneath that. Bra he thought it was called. But right now it was keeping him from something he wanted, before Jane could say anything he'd already torn it off and rubbed his head against her bare skin. Her legs around him tightened, and she gently pushed off and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Garrus felt her scent overpowering everything within him, instinctually he knew she was ready. He walked them over to her bed and he softly eased her down as she reclaimed his mouth.

He softly pulled away and shed his clothes as she settled herself cross-legged on her bed, watching him with a promise of what to come like a Spirit sent to him from his home, before climbing on top of her and possessively biting her neck again.

He didn't even feel her biotics that time as she easily flipped their positions. She shed her remaining clothes, grinding pleasantly against him, as she removed her pants, but kept her lower underwear on. He growled and felt his plates shift as his sensitive skin pressed against her white lace.

She looked down and blushed, her freckles almost vanishing with the hue of color. She gently eased herself down and kissed the flesh, nipping it occasionally, then enclosing it between her breasts, and massaging it softly.

Garrus hissed loudly this time. She looked up, startled and slowly dragged herself up to his face. Her hair curtaining them both as they kissed. Garrus tore open her lace again as he felt his instinct override everything else.

Jane gasped as she felt him sheath himself inside of her to the hilt. She panted heavily as she felt him begin to thrust upward and roll his hips as gently as possible and give her a chance to adjust to him.

She was soon riding him fast and hard as he went even deeper inside of her if that was possible. Soon they both cried out in ecstasy as they came to their peak. She gasped heavily as she eased herself down on top of him.

Garrus was trilling loudly as he felt her sweat slicked form settle on top of him, as she nuzzled into his heartbeat. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, as he ran his hand through her hair again.

Slowly he woke in warm sunshine and found himself looking around. Wherever he was it was perfectly warm in the tropical sense of the word. He got up and immediately felt something collide into his legs. He looked down and froze at what he saw. It was a tiny Turian girl, but what drew him in were her vibrant green eyes. There wasn't the usual reptilian slit in the green, no her eyes were a human. She suddenly turned and ran off into the tall grass on the hill above him.

He slowly moved up the hill in time to see the tiny girl, arms out wide and mandibles flared in a happy smile as she was being held by Jane. He thought she looked beautiful before, now she just looked ethereal. Her hair reached her waist now and was braided in some strange fashion, she wore casual clothing as best as he could think of, of course what was drawing his attention more was her middle. She had to be at least a few months pregnant. He didn't know what to think.

Suddenly he realized she was staring at him, they both were. His throat tightened more as he saw they were wearing his colony marks. The little girl waved at him with all the wild energy only a child could have. Jane just blew him a kiss then winked at him roguishly.

Garrus blinked his eyes open and looked down at his chest. She was still there, asleep and glowing from their lovemaking. Tenderly he stroked her hair with his claws and looked up at the stars. They'd be arriving soon. But he didn't have to move, not yet. He wanted to savor the moment as well as the dream. He stroked her hair again as he looked down at her. She murmured something softly, before smiling and nuzzling his chest more. He smiled at her.

"May the Spirits grant me that dream."