A lot of you said it is confusing and you don't understand the last chapter, I can see why. So, I'm going to explain it here. I hope it will help.

I also liked the interview very much, by the way. As to why the change? Chapter six (the one with the interview) ended on a good note, or perhaps even perfect, and the beginning of the previous chapter showed a conversation between the couple where they hired two bodyguards (old acquaintances of Ana's at the same time). It is somewhat the peak of their relationship, but Ana's graduating, she's going to think about her future after the exams, so she's having a lot on her plate. On the other hand, Christian's company is still in its developing process, it is still young and demands a lot of attention from him. At that stage, Christian has to devote himself to the company, which brings a lot of strain to their relationship. And everyone knows that Christian's not good at keeping his mouth shut and his hot tempered, so naturally, he will be taking it out on something. Ana is unfortunately that someone who he spends the spare time with (when he's not focusing on work), and Ana will be asking about his progress because she cares about him. Then, at some point, he finds talking to Ana tiring and starts to act as if their relationship is a burden, and that pushed Ana over to her breaking point.

I hope I'm making sense here. Understand that, letting emotions dictate a relationship is going to blind them from their true feelings for each other. They love one another, but there are other factors that will affect their relationship one way or another, it will never be a smooth sail all the way.

The Great Revelation Behind a Successful Man

Five years devoted to building a company, pouring everything he had into the construction, Christian had made his first million not long after he uttered the ugliest two words to the best thing that had happened to him.

To a lot of males, when he was going to make a move, which could be life changing, for example, propose, they get nervous and when they get nervous, they might doubt the love from their partner, and when that happened they would distance themselves from the partner. In Christian's defense, it was his insecurities and his nervousness, in addition, the stress and pressure he was under with work, his behavior was an indication that he was insecure and he was nervous. On the verge of tearing his hair out, Ana went to him and told him how she felt about their relationship, and this pushed him over the edge, he let his insecurities wash over him and thought of the worst. It was the typical Christian Grey thinking. He thought she was leaving her, so he decided to make the first move, and thought it might save him from the devastation. Blinded by frustration and rage, he failed to see the point that Ana was making, he failed to see the problem that he was causing and the impact of his behavior toward the people that he loved.

Ana wasn't exactly the victim either, she knew that Christian had trouble understanding how the effect of his actions would be reflected on the people closest to him, sometimes. He had confided in her about his piece of information the very first day they were together. She was hurt by Christian's attitude and hurt by his rejection when she offered to help. In the end, it all came down to toleration and understanding. In a relationship, tolerating the others and understanding them would be the best to let a miscommunication dissolve, however, when emotions started to play a role, it would stir everything.

Today, wearing a black gown with purple velvet lining, Anastasia Steele stood next to her best friend and roommate, Kate who was with a crimson color, as Taylor and Sawyer took pictures of them with their phone.

They were in suits and ties, looking everything like a security member, but for Ana was told by them that they were here to attend her graduation as family members and not as Grey's security. Ana couldn't care less about what Christian wanted to do with the newly hired security detail because she thought it wasn't necessary at the current stage as he hadn't reached the influential and powerful rank in Seattle.

"I'm so sorry that Ray can't make it." Kate whispered in Ana's ear for the third time in the last five minutes since they've taken the photos.

"I don't mind, he's going to get a live show from Luke or Jason." Ana shrugged. In all honesty, since her fallout with Christian, she had changed her view toward life. Before him, she had never thought she would be looking at life as lightly as she was now, she used to enjoy everything and try hard in everything she did, but now, she would only be pretending and when she really liked something, she would be sure to invest in it bit by bit. It was what playing in the volleyball and tennis community taught her.

"But you wish he's here don't you?" Kate asked, and Ana just shrugged, she didn't want him here because she didn't think it was a big deal.

"Katie!" Eamon's low pitched voice stopped Kate from firing another question at Ana who was more than thankful for the interruption at the moment.

"Daddy!" Kate shouted and jumped right into his arms, her best friend long forgotten. Ana took it as her cue to leave and find her seat in the auditorium where her name was written. Fortunately, the ceremony was starting soon, so she didn't have to sit there as if she was an abandoned child.

"Why are you in purple and not drab like all of us?" A student she recognized from one of her business classes approached her, sitting down next to her. From the looks on her face, she just wanted to make small talks, and Ana wasn't going to decline the chat.

"The perks of taking double major, I guess." Ana shrugged with a small smile. "You get to choose which color you want."

"And so you chose the color for law instead for business?" The girl said, feigning to take offense.

"Well, there are many reasons to why I chose this color, but you can say that I want to match Kate's color as much as possible. She's crimson." Ana explained. That was part of the reason, but the better part was that she didn't want to have anything to do with business, because a businessman had hurt her deeply and she wanted to act naïve for a while about the situation.

"By the way," the girl continued, not wanting the conversation to die down to cause an awkward silence, so she said, getting Ana's attention again, "do you know who's the guest speaker today?" She asked.

During the rehearsal of the ceremony, they were told that there would be a guest speaker speaking at near the end of the celebration. Very little was said about the guest speaker but Ana knew the instant when they mentioned the agriculture department. It was more than obvious to her, since she was the ambassador.

"I think it's the guy who sponsored the agriculture research or funded something in the agriculture department." Ana pretended to think and took a guess, though she was more than certain that it would be her ex-boyfriend who would be showing up and standing behind the podium, bullshitting.

"Mr Grey?" The girl's eyes widened.

"I guess he's pretty well-known then." Ana shrugged, voicing her comments, but biting back the remark on his age. She wanted to tell the girl that he was just a year older than them and he was just starting his business, there was no need for him to be addressed with such formality.

"Who wouldn't be talking about him." The girl whom Ana still couldn't remember the name of said, "I mean look at him," Ana wanted to scoff, but thought better of revealing her relationship with the man, "he's hot." That made Ana crack a grin, but not because she was proud of the compliment, but it was because of the fact that it was all the girl could remember about him.

"How'd you know that he's hot? Have you seen him?" Ana feigned interest in the discussion, just the reaction that every other female on campus would have.

"You showed him around, didn't you remember?" The girl pointed out, shocked that Ana couldn't recall touring the school with a hot guy next to her.

"No," Ana pretended to ponder for a moment before shaking her head, "I don't exactly pay attention to who I take around the school, because I represent the school and of course, I have to leave a good impression, so clearly I'm going to be focusing on how I present myself to them rather than how they are presented." Ana reasoned, hoping she would buy it.

"But, damn, the guy's hot." The girl said dreamily and Ana let out a meaningless chuckle. "Do you remember anything about him?" She asked. "Or do you think I can maybe talk to him or get his signature later after he hands out our diploma?"

Upon hearing that, Ana almost let her eyeballs pop out of their sockets. She knew that Christian would be delivering a speech, but she wouldn't even dream of coming into direct contact with him. Regaining her composure, she silently prayed that her reaction was just an internal fright and not something she had shown. Turning to see if the girl had been looking at her weirdly, she was reassured when the girl was only staring at her expectantly, waiting for an answer.

"Uh, no. I honestly can't remember any guests' information." Ana admitted, it was partially true. When she was asked to show someone around campus, she was usually given the background to study, but when she was asked to show Christian around, she laughed at the information she was given by the school with Christian right beside her, since she knew everything about him. "I've been an ambassador since my second year. I think I've been constantly meeting with businessmen and lawyers, then there are the other visitors. So, I'm sorry I can't recall any detail." Ana apologized not so apologetically. In truth, she knew everything that there was about Christian; apart from the play he had pulled the last time they met.

"Oh." The girl nodded in understanding disappointedly. "Now come to think of it, you were constantly seen with guests around campus and missing classes." She said with a finger on her chin as she thought through the past.

Ana could only nod, she was trying to phrase her question in a way that didn't seem too eager and forward. "Hey," she said, getting the attention of the girl next to her. She realized that people were slowly making there way toward their assigned seats.

"You said that the guest speaker is going to hand us our diploma?" She asked once the girl turned her attention to Ana.

"Yeah. Don't you remember whoever it was that led us through the rehearsal told us? She keeps reminding us to be at our best behavior." The girl really liked talking, was all Ana could think of after the first word of the sentence was heard. "Usually it's the Dean or a huge supporter of the school or the Chair of the School Board that hands out the diploma, but I think this year will be the first time they're allowing a young businessman to do the honor." Ana quickly snapped back from her own empty mind, just in time to hear the last part of the young lady's tedious speech. She nodded, indicating that she had heard her, because she didn't know what to reply.

"Ladies and gentlemen." The Dean's deep voice wasn't sounding any younger, it was still the old man that wanted to be like Dumbledore but was far from him in all the ways possible at the same time. Ana had always had reserved opinions regarding this old professor, but the Dean just happened to like the kind of student that Ana represented.

Ana zoned out the minute the Dean started talking, she had heard it once already during the rehearsal, so she knew what was in it and there was no point hearing again. She noticed the girl next to her checked her watch and pursed her lips, maybe it was because it started later than planned? Ana thought, trying to decipher the meaning of the girl's moves. If she wasn't so bored herself, she would never pay attention to any other person other than the speaker on stage, because it wasn't someone she knew nor cared. Thinking through the talks she had had with the girl next to her, she concluded that the girl in the color drab next to her was a know-it-all. It wouldn't be a bad thing if she wasn't that talkative, and that made her think of high school where this girl would be certainly classified as a nerd.

The ceremony was just the background music that wasn't helping Ana concentrate. Although she wasn't thinking about anything at the time, she could feel a penetrating stare that was burning a whole through her soul, and she didn't even need to find the source to know where it came from. Rolling her eyes subtly and groaning inwardly, she shifted in her seat, growing uncomfortable under the glare and she was ready to escape from it by going to the bathroom. Then, it was Kate's valedictorian speech, which distracted Ana from the gaze that fell upon her. It was a good speech, fun and entertaining, and a good distraction.

Next up was the guest speaker, and Ana seriously contemplated whether she was going to stand up and leave or remain and listen, because both options wouldn't reflect to him the fact that she had actually thought everything through.

"Thank you, thank you." Christian said through the microphone attached to the podium in front of him, silencing the applauding crowd. What he was starting to say next was a bunch of dedication and generic words about how his company works. Ana was just about to zone out when she heard a loud gasp from the crowd.

"Many of you know me as the founder of Grey Enterprise Holdings and the CEO of that said company, but there is a saying, that 'behind every successful man there is a woman'; and I will tell you that I didn't believe it until I met the co-founder of the very company." His eyes scanned the room, obviously trying to meet Ana's, but she wasn't giving him the time of the day; she deliberately avoided his gaze and only stared in his general direction, listening but trying to hide her surprise. "I have a family that offered their support, but the co-founder had been with me every step of the way. When I'm met with an obstacle, she is there to face it with me; when there is a missing piece of the puzzle, she is there to help me find it; when the company is in its darkest days during its development, she is there to guide me to the other side. She is my torch, the company's light and I hope one day, she will be here to continue the legacy with me." There was a pause as he got out of the personal anecdote atmosphere. "We've all made mistakes in our lives and we will all make mistakes in the future, and one thing that I've learned from building this company is that, no matter how big of a mistake that you've made or how messed up the mistake has led you to, don't dwell on it. Think about ways to make up. If you don't fix it and let it become the biggest regret in your life, then the person or the thing you wronged must be insignificant to you, because if you truly are remorseful of the mistake, no matter how expensive it is, you will make it up; because you've got nothing to lose. Don't beat yourself up for a moment of weakness, because everyone will have that moment, so, strengthen yourself and make sure you pay for it." He ended the speech, again with his eyes firmly locked on Ana. He was searching her face for understanding, he prayed that she understood that his speech was for her. It may not have been an apology to his asshole moves, but it was his way of telling her that he would be making it up to her and he would be paying for his expensive mistake.

"Thank you." He bowed his head toward the audience after breaking the briefest eye contact he had made with Ana, offering a light smile to the crowd and moved off the podium.

The students were then called up to receive their diplomas. They were ordered in alphabetical order in last names, and Ana just happened to be so much later than Kate. When Kate reached Grey, she gave him a cold-hard glare that broke him from the fake mask he was wearing for a second just to give her an apologetic look. Every other female who walked by and shook his hand all took the chance and took a close look at him. Once they've realized just how young he was, some of them were trying to make their pass at him, but he maintained his boardroom face just to be polite.

Reluctantly, she dragged her foot to stage as her name was called. When Christian took the diploma from the plate in front of him, instead of shaking her hand and handing it to her like he did with every other student, he stuck out his hand for her to shook and pulled her closer, prolonging the handshake.

"Fuck you, Grey." Ana cursed, referring to the speech and also to what he was doing right now.

He flinched when the curse word came out, but when he took a closer look at her eyes, he realized that she was playing with him, and he loosened up, letting out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. "Anytime, baby." Lifting up their connected hands, he pecked the back of her hand lightly, treating her as his queen. When their eyes met again, he winked at her, a smile broke on Ana's face; and, when he finally handed her the diploma with the unoccupied hand, she mouthed the three words that he thought he was never going to hear from her again. 'I love you', she articulate inaudibly which brought a smile on his lips, the first one genuine in months.

Out of the corner of Ana's eyes, she saw the guest speaker talking to the Dean discreetly, their eyes glancing in her direction from time to time. From the way the Dean's face lit up, Ana rolled her eyes and turned back to the conversation between Kate and her family, she was more than certain that Grey was chatting to the Dean about her.

"What are your plans after you graduate, Ana?" Eamon asked, they had been treating Ana like a second daughter and was very protective of her. Kate's mother had suggested to have Ana and Kate work as interns in Kavanagh Media after they both graduate, and Eamon was seriously considering the idea.

Truth was, if Ana really wanted some help from influential people, she could work with Carrick Grey in his firm, she could help Christian with his legal papers and help with his company, she could even work in Eamon's legal department, but as appealing as all the opportunities and ties she had in front of her, it wasn't what she wanted. People would criticize her and tell her she had too big of a dream, tell her that she should be seizing the chance that she had. She had the ties that everyone dreamed of having, but she wasn't going to take advantage of it. It made people envy her, and made the ones who were already jealous even more hateful of her. She wanted to be a business lawyer consultant, because that would free her from work from time to time so she could play volleyball, tennis and snowboard.

"I actually want to be a consulting business lawyer." Ana said in a small voice, still thinking her initial plan was too ambitious, because she had been laughed at before when she was asked to share the dream job that she was looking for. "I still want to play volleyball and tennis part time, so I don't want my career to take up my whole day, that's why I sort of want a lighter job." She explained, feeling the need to explain herself to the Kavanagh family.

"You can come work for my company, as a consultant." Eamon suggested sincerely.

"And we can play volleyball all the time together, I can even play tennis with you from time to time, or maybe we can go skiing or snowboarding if you want." Kate finished for her father, even though it wasn't what her father had in mind, but her father would not want to see his baby girl upset so he would agree to whatever Kate wanted. Ana thought for a moment, the offer was very appealing, but she didn't want to take advantage of the kinship she felt with Kate's family.

"Consider it, Ana." Eamon encouraged. "Oh, and here comes your boyfriend." He said in a clipped tone that was too subtle for Ana to detect, but Kate shot him a dirty glare before turning to greet the incoming guest with a dumbfounded Ana.

"My boyfriend?" She questioned. Kate pointed to Grey and she rolled her eyes.

"Right." Ana muttered to herself, remembering that it wasn't common knowledge that they had a fallout. "Boyfriend, my ass." She huffed, despite the glare that she was sending him made him wince a little, he still approached her.

"But I love your ass." Christian's broke into a grin when he heard her huff, he knew she was fighting to give into him and he was doing everything he could to make sure she would be coming home with him tonight. "Congratulations, baby." He told her, wrapping both of his arms around her waist tightly, she planted her palm on his firm chest in an attempt to push him away, but the thought was already wavering in her mind. After what she had uttered to him when she was taking the diploma from him, she knew she was goner and she knew it would be only a matter of time before she told him to 'fuck it all'.

"Fucking hypocrite." She snide playfully without sparing him a proper glance.

"Why?" He asked, knowing full well the reason behind the accusation, but he just wanted to keep her talking so he could bury his nose in her neck, inhale her scent and drown in them.

"Do you know Eamon Kavanagh?" Instead of answering him, she asked, and the reaction from him wasn't anything Ana had thought.

"Yes, he's one of the many that shut the door in my face, telling me to get a fucking life and stop living in a fucking dream. He's one of the many that thinks I'm too young to know anything about business." He growled, keeping his voice muffled and low so that only she could hear. "I'm sorry that you consider him as your family, but I'm no fan of his." He admitted.

"Oh, then I'm not taking you there." She decided, shrugging like it wasn't a big deal, which it actually wasn't.

"Thank you, baby." He sighed gratefully. "I want to warn you of something though, I hope you don't mind being on stage to accept an award." He said quickly, not wanting to repeat himself, fearing the possible consequences.

"What award?"

"You'll see." He said, still holding a breath when the Dean clinked his glass to get everyone's attention.

"I hope everyone's having a good time." The Dean said in to the microphone on the stand in front of him. "Courtesy to our guest speaker today, Mr Christian Grey, a lovely young man, I'd like to kick start a tradition using this platform." Chatters and whispers started to sound. At the same time, Ana turned to Christian with a questioning look, but Christian didn't meet her gaze, so she just turned back in confusion.

"Graduation had always been so serious, even though it should be something fun and carefree since everyone's leaving to live a more independent life. So, I think it's fare enough to use the afterparty, or this farewell party, as a place to present a few awards. They are purely elected for entertainment purposes." The Dean continued, introducing the tradition that he wanted to start. "There will be two recipients each year, for two different titles." He continued, "and this year, after a serious of discussion between Mr Grey, myself and a group of other staff, we have decided to award our very first certificate to the co-founder of Grey Enterprise Holdings—"

"What the fuck are you trying to do, Grey?" Ana whispered in a hush tone at the male standing behind her, whom she still wasn't sure the relationship status of.

"Before I reveal the name of the recipient, can we please have Mr Grey on stage please." The Dean requested; Christian let go of Ana and went for the stage, but not before kissing her temple affectionately. "The recipient is a member of the school Ambassador family; she double-majored, and her achievements in academic areas are just as significant as she is to the school volleyball team. She's one of the two that got chosen to attend the exchange program in Harvard."

"When it comes to attracting attention," Christian took over the mic and added, "she's just as talented. Not only did she caught the attention of the school administration, she's also caught the attention of so many other people. So, as the co-founder of GEH and my partner, I proudly announce, in front of all the witness the 'most agreeable, attentive and attractive partner in crime' award belongs to Miss Anastasia Steele." He declared, and witnessed the Dean shaking hands with Ana before handing her the diploma. After the taking a photo of the three of them, Christian grabbed Ana by the waist and dipped her head, giving her a swift kiss on the lips before pulling her back to her own feet. The crowd erupted into cheers, squeals, whistles and 'aww's. Essentially, every noise one could make, altogether covering the music in the background and the throat clearing from the Dean.

"For our second recipient this morning, it'll be really obvious when I tell you what this person's role was during the ceremony earlier. The title of the award is to the 'Paranoid in Chief', courtesy to Yahoo for the name." The Dean continued, already stirring up a lot of conversation from the student body that was gathered around them. Some of them were still confused but another group immediately understood it as a show of affection from Christian toward Ana. Some of the sensitive ones had pieced the pieces together and realized that all Christian was doing was trying to get Ana to forgive him.

"This award is awarded to this person because, according to one of Mr Grey's personal stories, this person has been constantly doubting him and mistaking him for the worst a man could be, but this person is doing it for the benefit of their friend. So, this award belongs to our valedictorian today, Miss Steele's best friend and roommate, Miss Kate Kavanagh." The Dean raised his voice to emphasize the moment. Kate gaped at Ana in confusion who shrugged while giggling silently next to Christian.

"Before we go," Ana asked the Dean for the microphone and decided to do something for Christian in return, "I'd like to recognize the efforts that the founder has put in to arranging this award." She gave Christian a wicked grin as she place a hand on his shoulder before she continued to address the crowd. "So, I've came up with a spontaneous award that I will be sure to hand to him in person soon, but I'd like to present him with the 'always in a meeting' award to show his devotion toward this project and his life's work." She said.

The proclamation sounded boring, but to Christian, he knew that it was her mocking him, and the award title was supposed to be an embarrassment and a mockery to him. He was glad that no one in the crowd would understand the message she was trying to convey to him.

"You ready to go, baby?" Christian said in her ear not long after the confusion died down and the attention diverted from the strange award ceremony.

"What was the ceremony for?" Ana asked, following him out of the room after saying goodbye to her friends.

"Just trying to show you off. It's a little selfish act of mine." He shrugged, still not letting go of her hand.

"You know that I haven't completely forgiven you right?" Ana turned back to look at him, their hands still intertwined in between them.

"I know, and I'm planning on spending the rest of my life making it up to you." He answered, giving her hand a squeeze.

"I haven't chastise you of the sweet time you took when you hand me my diploma." She said, and when he was about to remark, she held up a hand preventing him from talking. "I'm not finished." She announced, pouting her lips like a little toddler, but he found it adorable. "You do know that if you didn't tell me that there's something you need to show me, I won't be following you out of that door as willingly as I am now, right?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as if daring him to say something smart.

"I know, baby, I know." He decided to play safe and not joke around, because he wasn't sure how much had she actually forgiven her. She may have taken him back because she loved him, and he knew she hadn't forgiven him completely.

"Do I have another name other than 'baby'?" She asked, sounding like the interview she had conducted for Kate.

"No." Was all he said before kissing the pouty lips that she was sticking in his face.

"Babe." She whined.

"Phew, I'm so glad that's not a question coming out of your mouth." He joked, pulling her back to him and wrapping his arm around her waist as they walked down the street to the nearest coffee shop so he could buy her the macaroons that she demanded to have since he dragged her out of the celebration.

"What? Did all the questioning remind you of something?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"Maybe." He shrugged feigning indifference, but a smile broke after just one look at his girl.

"Where are we going now?" She asked once they got into his car, the R8 that he bought with the first million he had earned. It was really new and it was the first time she had seen it in use.

"My office." He said, but once she saw the address, she knew it wasn't his current office.

"Your new building?" She asked.

"Smart girl." He complimented, causing Ana to roll her eyes.

"I know where your old office is, bastard." She retorted, calling him the name in a smaller voice just in case she offended him.

"Wrong, I am a lucky bastard." He pointed out and corrected contentedly, making her frown. "I am very fortunate to have you, my dear, in my life." He wanted to say 'girlfriend', but he wasn't sure what would she think of the term.

"I'd like to pretend that you didn't do what you did to me that day, and pretend that we didn't break up that day." Ana sighed, detecting the undertone from his words. He nodded, knowing that she wasn't finished. "Under one condition, Christian." She said seriously.

"You name it and you have it." Christian replied with confidence, he'd do anything to have her back and anything to keep her, because he needed her.

"There will be nothing of that sort in the future."

"Do you want to hear my version?" Christian nodded in agreement with the circumstance that Ana brought up, then asked through the silence in the car.

"Okay." Ana nodded, seeing their destination moving closer to them, just one block away.

"I'd like to clear the air before I show you what I need to show you." He nearly said the word 'presents' out loud, but he didn't want to spoil what he had planned and he wasn't sure how she would take it, either.

"I'm listening."

"When you interviewed me and asked me if I have prepared something for you as a graduation gift." She nodded, remembering the incident. "And when I was searching for security details, you asked me if I'm spending a lot of money, and I said I spent it in the right places." Again, she nodded in remembrance, curious of where it was going. "I am sure you know about the theory where when someone is nervous about presenting something to a lover, they sometimes distance themselves."

"What are you suggesting…" Ana whispered, but she still let him continued.

"I believe you have also heard of the theory of when you want to surprise someone, you deprive or deny them of it, making them expecting less from you, so when you actually present it to them, they will be happier since they're not expecting you to give them that."

"This makes more sense." Ana thought to herself, or maybe she had said it out loud with her mouth. One way or another, Christian paused and then continued.

"I don't know what came over me and stupidly thought you'll like the gifts better if you don't have a higher expectation." He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated at how he could possibly think the way he did at that time. He sounded pathetic and pitiful now that he was admitting everything out loud. "I told you it was a moment of weakness that make me push you away, but it's not the entire truth, it's part of the excuse that I found." He sighed before continuing. "I just started to think of the worst and let the what ifs consume me when I am nervous about how you'd react."

"You're afraid that I might reject or not like your gifts." Ana said in a small voice, she knew exactly what he was going through. Ever since the first time he dumped his shit on her, confided in her about some of his most personal thoughts and feelings, she had learnt that she knew him better than he knew himself. "I know that, Christian. That's what I've been thinking about. I know you better than you think, I know what goes on in your mind, Christian. You've confided in me enough about yourself that summer, making it very hard for me to not understand you. You might be confused right now about your own behavior, but I'm not, I understand. I know that you're just doubting yourself and letting your insecurities eat you, but rest assure that I will love everything you give me. I didn't ask for anything but you insisted on gifting me something, it's enough for me to know that you're not in your element the last time we met." She told him in a soothing tone, calming him down as he parked the car in the under garage.

"You really are my soul mate, Ana." He breathed in her scent as he hugged her in appreciation.

"Do you own this building?" She asked, changing the subject and averting the sensitive topic once they stepped into the elevator.

"Yes." He nodded. "I didn't tell you because I want to surprise you with something inside." He added, "I would've told you about the building and show you the plans but I don't want to let you see my office, so I decided to just show you the whole thing altogether."

"Interesting theory. Why can't I see your office?" She inquired curiously.

"You'll see, baby." Was all he answered before they stepped out of the elevator on the twentieth floor.

"Is it not done yet?" She noticed that there was no sign of life on this floor, and she recalled that she didn't see any cars in the garage either when they entered.

"It is done, but I haven't move anyone here because I want to show it to you first."


"Founder of GEH, remember?" He nudged her shoulder with his lightly, his hand still grasped on to hers tightly.

"Co-founder." She corrected with a proud cheeky grin on her face.

Following him to his office, she was greeted by a desk near the window and a leather chair behind it. On the far side of the room was a door to a small living room with couches on either sides of a coffee table; a mini bar was present at the corner of that small room. The curtain were drawn, dimming the light in the room and making the atmosphere more cosy and relaxing. The closed door on the same side as the small living room represented the bathroom of the en suite.

"Why did you put a room like this here?" Christian asked, gesturing the room they were in as he closed the door behind him so the bright light from the office wouldn't be an intruder to the dimness in the room they were in.

"Huh? What do you mean me?" She scanned around the room, finally resting her eyes on him, staring at him, tilting her head sideways.

"Do you not recognize it?" He chuckled.

"Recognize what?" She was still confused. Brushing her fingertips on the smooth expensive leather material the couch was made out of, she breathed in the smell of new leather product. All the time, her mind was racing to try to make sense of what her boyfriend was talking about.

"Never mind." He dismissed it, but there was a devious undertone in his voice that she had caught on.

"What is it?"

"Come here, let me show you something more important." He decided, opening the door once again and leading her outside. Reaching to the top drawer that was locked before he twisted the key, he pulled out a white envelope.

"What's this?" Ana asked, she was about to ask if it was the surveillance detail that he had on the sub that he was going to recruit after Elena's brainwash and before meeting her, but she bit it back, knowing it would be the most inappropriate thing to joke about with their just cured relationship.

"My will." He informed when he was sure that Ana was going to read through the content.

"You have a very long will." She commented, unsure of what to say. "Why am I reading it?" She stopped short before pulling the papers out from the container.

"Because you are a part of it."

"Christian, you're telling me that this building only took you two years to build?" Grace was in tears when she step foot in the empty building.

Before they had arrived, Ana was with Christian christening every surface of his office, and they were just on their second round on his couch in his small living room, his family arrived. After the short heated discussion between the two of them, Ana had agreed to go over the will with him tonight, and that reminded them of another discussion.

"You said you want to forget about the fallout we had, Ana." Christian started nervously, which caught Ana's attention, because he was rarely nervous about anything.


"Are you still moving in with me?" He asked in a small voice.

"Why not?" She stared at him, knowing why he asked. "I don't see anything stopping me. Well, except if you don't want me to."

"No, please don't ever think that." He reached for her quickly, forcing her to abandon the will in her hand that she was supposed to be reading.

"Didn't you want me to go over that?" She asked innocently, though the movements of her hands were far from innocent.

"We can go over it together, at home." He said, liking the sound of the word 'home' for the first time in his life.

"Okay, at home." She agreed, feeling the happiness radiating off him when she said the word 'home' and referring to their place together.

"I'm not going to deny the fact that I have been rushing the construction company more than they're tolerating." Christian shrugged, having the decency to at least look sheepish under his mom's accusing gaze.

"This is a beautiful building, son." Carrick remarked, entering the office for the first time since he got here.

Mia and Elliot were still on their way with their other half, taking their time, doing just as Christian had suggested.

"It is, but I think this is the looker of the building." He indicated to his office. Ana followed his gaze, but she saw nothing out of ordinary and nothing special.

"Why?" She voiced out her question before Carrick and Grace had came up with an answer of their own.

"Does this look familiar to you?" Christian pulled her to where he was standing behind the desk and saw that on the wall right in front of them, mounted with a plain white picture frame was the very paper she gave him for his birthday, unrolled and smoothened beneath the crystal glass.

"You used it?" Her hands flew to her mouth to cover up her opened mouth. Following her gaze, his parents spotted the very same picture frame, but they didn't see anything special from it.

"Remember the birthday gift that I refused to show anyone?" Christian explained to his parents. "The plainest one, and the last one that I've opened that day." He continued to bring back memories of that day. "The day when I told Anastasia that I love her in front of all of you?" He reminded. "That was the gift." He finally said it, and to say his parents' jaws were on the floor was an understatement, because they froze on their spot.

"Oh my god, why did you use it?" Ana turned back to Christian, looking at him with an accusing glare.

"What's wrong with it? It's perfect, and I love it, so why not use it?" Christian frowned thinking that he had upset her.

"I designed it all by myself." She cried.

"That's even better, then."

"No, it's not!" She exclaimed. "You know that I know absolutely nothing about design, let alone interior design. I'm not artsy, I've got no talent when it comes to art. I just did my research online and started to design it on top of my mind. I did it because I couldn't think of anything to give you for your birthday, and your birthday was just a few months, so I rushed it." She stared at the picture in horror and then at back at him as if she had seen ghosts.

"What's so bad about it? I think it's perfect and flawless, just like its designer."

"Flattery won't work, Christian."

"Then will sex do?"

"No!" Ana exclaimed, though she didn't hear the question.

"I'll show you what sex with me is capable of achieving, tonight." He said softly, for her ears only. "Are you still worried about how I used your design?"

"I'm not only worried, I am mad about you using it."

"Baby, even the designer I met with thought a professional designed it for me. She was really impressed when I told her it was your work, imagine how proud I am. I know my compliment won't sooth you much because everything you do is beautiful in my eyes, so I'll tell you that everyone fucking loved this office design when the computer generated picture was shown to the construction crew. They were in awe, baby. They were in awe of your work, and I am in awe of you."

Ana looked into his eyes properly, for the first time in a long while, and when her blue orbs locked with his gray ones, she felt herself calming down and believing each and every words he had said. She didn't want to, but she did, and somehow, she felt more confident and stronger; she was empowered and flattered at the same time when she saw the pride in his eyes. It made her chest swell contentedly with happiness.

"Is that my gift?" She asked in a barely audible whisper.

"That's one of your gifts." He replied. "The will is yours to keep." He added, "but I'd like to know why you put that room in there."

"For just the purpose of what we were doing before your parents got here." She answered in a poker-face, shrugging as if it was too obvious that it didn't need to be questioned.

"Oh, how I love that idea." He took her in his arms again, peppering her face with kisses once he noticed that his parents had excused themselves elsewhere around the building.

"What's next then?" She asked breathlessly.

"Two things," he put up two fingers.

"Two?" She squealed, not knowing what to think of it already. He had publicized their relationship at school before he got too famous just like they had planned long ago; building his office just the way she had designed it to show her just how much he loved it; giving her his will… and there was more. She didn't know what to think of it.

"Yes, two." He nodded. "I have to wait for everyone to arrive before I give you one of them, so I'll give you the other one." He informed, taking out another folder from the corner of his desk and handing it to her.

"It's lease to your three houses." She read out loud.


"And?" She asked, but gasped before he could have the chance to give her an answer. "Why did you put my name on it?" She questioned, hoping that it was just a mistake, and not what she was thinking about.

"What do you think? Sign the papers, please." He smiled, though there was a hint of nervousness behind his tone.

"Why are you signing them over to me?" She still had an uneasy feeling.

"I'm just adding your name to it." He explained, pointing out that it was just part of the contract.

"Still, why?"

"Because I love you."

"That's not a reason."

"Because I can."

"Still not a reason."

"Because I want to."

Ana didn't know how to respond to his insistence. "What am I supposed to do with it?"

"Nothing." He shrugged.

"You know I just want to be with you."

"Then let's share what I have." He finished for her, "because half of this company is yours, too."

Ana stood there, she knew he would be doing it and she knew she would be accepting it sooner or later, but she still didn't know what to do when it all happened sooner than she thought.

"Is this a gift too?"

"Please do remember that I'm not and will never, ask anything in return from you. These are all gifts because I love you and I want to share them with you."

"We are still young, Christian."

"Please, don't doubt what we have. Have faith in us, baby, believe that we will last; because if you don't, then I'm not sure how you will be reacting to the next gift." He pleaded. He had been meeting with some kind of resistance with every gift he had presented to her, and he was really nervous to how she would react to the last and most important one.

Presented in front of Anastasia was a small delicate black velvet box. Once it was flipped opened, an elegant cursive of her first name was written inside. In the small container laid the most beautiful diamond ring connected to a platinum necklace.

"It must've cost you a fortune."

"Worth every penny."

Christian grinned at his mother who could no longer hold back the tears in her eyes, as she and the other two girls hugged together and stared at the exchange in front of them, weeping in happiness.

When he explained to her that it was a promise ring, promising her that he would be spending all his life making up to that one almost lethal mistake, and in the near-future, he would be presenting a much more exquisite ring to be worn on her finger.

"Tell me, baby, is what we have a fling or a lifetime commitment?"

The End.

I know you might have different takes on how this will end, and I'm not asking you to accept my way of ending, so, what I'm trying to say is, I'd like to hear from you!

About the sequel or epilogue- I'm glad to hear that you all loved it and can't get enough of it, as to a sequel or an epilogue, I will be thinking about it, but I won't guarantee anything.

Especially, to Cindra, Margaret Talai, JB (guest), pepe71, Christian Grey I love you, fundays, mic476, Sam 'Dimples' Swarek, daytonalay, Christian618.

Laters, baby x
