AN: Here you go you eager beavers, now please, calm down. College was kicking me in the rear with online classes and exams for past several days. I don't know when the next chapter will come out to be honest. With this pandemic going on, it might get in my way of making more enjoyable chapters for you all. So please, be patient with me. I didn't want to post an 'announcement' chapter to explain what's keeping me from posting more chapters after so long, because I know that would annoy some of you out there.

Anyway, I will say a few things about the future of this fanfic. After reading other stories online, I thought of new ideas for season 2 and more ideas of how the harem could be developed in a meaningful way (something a friend of mine in real life brought up). I won't say what the plans are because where's the fun in spoiling it?

This was a chapter I was actually looking forward to publishing ever since I started the fanfic. Bon appetit!

(The Courier Walks Softly by Fallout: New Vegas)

In the dark alleys of the industrial district of Vale, all sorts of low class life could be found, ranging from criminals who would mug you, perverts who would sell their bodies, political fanatics, homeless men who travel from a secluded spot to the next, and druggies who stopped caring about everything except cigarettes and illegal agents. It was all what an observer would usually see on a tour through the concrete jungle. But in a more quiet area where nothing but boxes and trash took place, a bright blue flash of light illuminated the alleyway.

Old newspapers flew gently down around where the light was replaced by the emerging body of Noah Oliwa.

"Ack!" He rubbed his head, gagging like he was about to puke but nothing could fall from his mouth. "This is just not my week..."

Now rubbing his eyes, he looked around in his new surroundings. "Now where am..." He was going to finish until he saw the shattered moon in the night. "Oh." Then he widened his eyes as he remembered. "Right! Ruby!"

He pulled out the Scroll to call them but to find the battery dead. "Well, shit. Looks like I'm on my own for now."

Unsure where to go in the maze that criminals call home, he went foward, keeping his Handgun by his side.

At one point, he went past an old stereotypical store that was displaying some television sets, all of them playing the VNN news channel.

"...recently, a new organization in the city of Mantle, calling itself the 'Assemblers', has stood up to take care of the city, blaming the kingdom of Atlas for its poverty-stricken state last week."

Noah scoffed as he kept walking. "Fucking politics."

"This group is led by Atlas Academy graduate, Robyn Hill, and her associates, the Happy Huntresses. At press conference held earlier today, Robyn Hill has responded to reporters. 'Mrs. Hill, aren't your actions of taking matters into your own hands by 'repairing and restoring the wealth of Mantle' considered a form of soft vigilantism?' 'Why, of course not. My only goal is to ensure that the citizens, both human and Faunus alike, of Mantle have an equal shot of life. With the countless amounts of supplies gifted to us on a silver platter, the Assemblers are beginning to bring a better life of equality and protection, which may I remind you, that Atlas has failed countless times to do so.' 'And just where are these supplies coming from?' 'They've been graciously made available to us for use by a concerned third party that is backing us completely.' 'And who would they be?' 'For now, they...'..."

The news was tuned out by the time he reached to a parked yellow car. He was climbing over its hood when he glanced at the windshield to see blood.

"The hell?!" He slid off, landing on his rear, scooting back with the sidearm aiming at the vehicle like a cornered hunter to a lion. After gathering some form of curiosity, he tiptoed over and peaked inside the vehicle from the shattered window. There was the corpse of what used to be Faunus man with dog ears with a bullet hole in his head. An assassination in short.

He asked himself what happened until his eyes met some graffiti on the trunk door. It spelled out 'traitor'. His mind began searching for answers. This didn't seem like any sign of a Nazi. He then noticed several other flyers in the car, which all had the red wolf head with three claw marks.

Looks like the White Fang started its own holocaust, he commented.

Getting a hold of his bearings, he simply pressed on, missing a mangled corpse of a White Fang goon and the shattered brick building.

The smell of factory smoke filled the atmosphere of Vale's dark corners. To Noah, who had conducted some operations against the Nazis, this was as mundane as drinking water. But his attention was on the deathly quiet alley that he traveled through. In the area he was passing by, he noticed some strange kind of cracks in the concrete ground and some trashed dumpsters in the area, where several rats scattered about. There was a bloodied Grimm mask next to some severed fingers, one of which a rodent was nibbling on.

Up ahead of his trail, he saw a partially destroyed brick wall that separated the alley from the streets. The very first obstacle he spotted was the lone White Fang with an assault rifle who also saw him too when he hid behind a dumpster. An Assaulter, as he got used to calling them. She wasn't doing anything other than inspecting the damage.

He was about to sneak around her until she looked up at his direction.

"Hey! Stop right there!" She fired her gun at the human.

Barely missing the bullets, he ducked under her line of fire and chucked a brick at her. It did distract her as she moved to the right. Storming back onto his feet, he charged forward and used his fist to shatter her mask, creating a crunch noise and her aura depleted. She could only lay on the ground and cover her face. Blood began to leak somewhere on her face. Before she could even scream in pain any longer, Noah stomped on her head hard to seal the deal. He couldn't tell if she was dead or not.

"I got no time to deal with you." He commented. Glancing back up, he was able to see more destruction beyond the wall. A couple of light posts was knocked over, the hood of a nearby car was crushed like a tin can, and the cracks on the asphalt kept going further down to the docks not far away.


That echoing growl was brought by something from the docks. Noah didn't know if anyone else in the area heard it, but several animals certainly did. Feral cats began fleeing from its direction and into the alley where he came from and a few dogs could be heard barking not far away. What made the commotion more chilling was a few distant screams and gunshots before it went silent. He concluded there was something going on at the docks.

Passing by more damaged property around him as he went closer to the source of the noises, he was brought to another warehouse. Around the corner came a small group of White Fang Pistoleros. He was ready to fight again until he could hear their distressed voices.

"Forget about that human!" The muscular man of the group shouted. "It's every Faunus for himself!" Before Noah knew it, the Faunus ran off, not bothering to attack him.

Ignoring the minor distraction, he pressed on. Up ahead, he actually can hear some rhythmic foot stomping. He had to pass the front entrance of the warehouse, which had its doors tore down. It was a bloodbath inside, as if a tornado with swords blasted through the building. Whatever was left of the White Fang goons, judging by the chunks of meat and limbs, they decorated the area along side the remains of old and new crates that was smashed. One grunt had his entire torso flattened with his head, now nothing more than a heap of gore and bone fragments (the brain was visible) while another close by was just a pair of legs with split intestines. It was safe to say everyone else in the warehouse shared the same fate to a degree.

"What in the hell happened here?" He glanced all around the warehouse and the carnage frantically.

His mind went into a state of panic. He knew the Red Baron was dead, so there was no way it could've been responsible for this. There was hardly any valid hypothesis he could think of. The damage was way too much for a human, or Faunus in Remnant's case, to commit something this horrific. But there was the echoing roar from earlier, which brought up a more grim thought. What if there was an entirely different dinosaur right here in Vale?

That would seem counterproductive if there was another Nazi hideout just right under everyone's nose. A rampaging animal would've been a dead give away, so why now?


A scream.


Spun around, he quickly pulled out the Sturmgewehr, finger near the trigger.

The only sound in the silence was Noah slowly breathing, trying to stay calm. It was close.



He felt the ground shaking. A puddle close by was rippling from the force of whatever was causing it.

He looked at every direction thoroughly. Then the sound of objects being pushed around assaulted his hearing. He glanced to see several shipping containers surrounding the warehouse that were being pushed aside. There was something out there... and it was big.

And indeed the something was. Pushing a container out of its way, the perpetrator stood at its fullest height with a partially devoured White Fang Alpha in its mouth, who was literally half the man he used to be.

It was the T-rex* again.

And it was staring at the petrified Noah.

"It followed me!"

The carnivore swallowed its prey whole sloppily with an audible gulp before it roared. Shear amounts of blood and drops of saliva flew from its mouth.

(Internal Conflict by Joel Nielson)

It closed its mouth shut to fire its machine guns, only to discover that it had no ammunition.

"Heh, guess you're all out." Noah taunted the dinosaur as if it was a person and shot at its hide.

The T-rex growled in annoyance and chose to just attack him the old fashioned way. Before the tyrannosaur could bite him, Noah rolled out of the way and ran for the containers as cover.

Going by several of the cargo carriers and turning left after shooting the carnivore behind him several times, Noah could hear it stomping and roaring right behind him. Soon enough, he found himself in the center of four different routes. He was wasting time by standing there. So he went forward, sliding between the gap of two containers.

But as he kept moving, he found a dead end of shipment. Just as he turned back around to go to another direction, the Tyrannosaurus bashed its head through the space of the cargo. The shear force of it was enough to make a smaller container to nearly flatten Noah who desperately jumped away from the metallic storage holder.

However, he was backed into a death trap. The rampaging dinosaur shrieked before shoving the crate towards him. It was going to crush him between the shipment containers.

He looked everywhere for some way to get out of the situation. Quickly, he glanced up and down and the hypothetical walls around him. There wasn't any obstacle in his right direction. The only way to go was up. He leaped onto the edge of the container, hastily climbing it just a mere couple of seconds before the small container met the end.

He climbed on top of another container, where the T-rex was close to chomping him down. It then simply head-butted the container, causing it to slide forward. Noah was forced to run and leap for another container ahead. His hands gripped onto its edges and had to climb before his legs were crushed by the falling cargo.

Getting his bearings back, he sprinted forward to jump towards a third container that was divided from the one he stood. But as he vaulted over, the dinosaur tried to eat him again, yet failed. When he stood up, he could see a large pier up ahead blocked by a steel security gate with tons of crates. It could buy him time to rearrange himself and take down the Nazi tyrant lizard.

His observation was cut short when the T-rex rammed the crate he stood on. He slipped onto another container to the right, close to falling down to the dinosaur's reach before he climbed on top. The carnivore rushed itself towards his sanctuary to make it collapse forward. Just ahead, there was another midget version of the containers that was left open. Noah ran forward and rolled inside, narrowly escaping death again.

It wasn't long before the Tyrannosaurus stuck its nose where it didn't belong to try to make a snack out of the American who had to die. It was able to lift the crate with its head still inside. Noah rapidly kept kicking away from its jaws and brought out his super shotgun.


A direct gunshot went straight into its mouth. It shook its head violently and unintentionally flung the little cage that held its prey over the security gate. Combined with the gunshot that rang throughout the container, the impact greatly disoriented Noah. He struggled with his splitting head/earache as he slowly crawled out of his shelter. The vibrating docks told him that his chaser was coming. Running and hiding was pointless now.

As he stood back up on his legs, the security gate flew open, breaking its hinges. The noise was followed by the unmistakable hellish roar.

"Fine then!" Noah growled from raging levels of adrenaline, locking eyes with the carnivore. "You want to fight me that badly?! Bring it the fuck on! Come at me, motherfucker!" He dual wielded that shotgun of his and the only assault rifle he had left, letting their barrels speak for him.

The Tyrannosaurus charged forward with the speed of an angry bull. This wasn't a problem for Noah when he rolled away from both the teeth and the foot that tried to crush him. What the animal didn't expect to do was to run into some fragile crates that held precious Dust crystals, so visualize the explosion that it inflicted upon itself. Burns, frostbite, electricity, and so forth left behind nasty scars on its hide. Yet, it didn't care. More bullets were stinging its body like a swarm of bees and their source was its prey.

Looking behind it, the dinosaur saw the human in perfect range. So it used its tail to swat him like a sick mosquito. Noah skied on the pier with the guns still in his hands. The T-rex then stomped towards him to perform its next attack: stomping him to death.

The Son of Terror-Billy rolled to the left with his might, narrowly evading the foot. With the Schockhammer, he fired directly onto its belly several times. The beast groaned in frustrated pain and attempted to crush him again with its right foot, only for the human to roll away again.

"Deja vu from Polan-OOF!" The relentless predator headbutted the freedom fighter with aggression, making him almost hit his head against a shipment container.

Looking for payback, Noah brought out the Kampfpistole, only to discover there was only a trio of rockets left in the magazine. Better use these wisely.

Glancing upwards, he saw the open jaws of the T-rex rushing towards him.

"Holy shit!" He got out of the way in time, letting the Tyrannosaurus bump into the container behind him.

While the dinosaur groaned with its painful headache, Noah took this chance to cripple the king of the dinosaurs. A direct shot to the right calf was enough to induce some pain.

The dinosaur stumbled and fell onto its side. In its struggle to get back up on its feet, Noah bolted forward with a small rocket he pulled from the grenade revolver in his right hand and the hatchet in the other. Using the pick, he stabbed on the screeching Tyrannosaur directing in the eye, making room for the explosive that was forcefully shoved into its socket.

As soon as the grenade was lost somewhere in its flesh, the T-rex roared with such strength to blow Noah and immediately stood up, shaking its head violently to get the very thing out of its eye. This distracted it from the human now arming himself with the Kampfpistole one more time and shot the last rocket directly at the eye to finish it off.


The entire upper skull was annihilated by the explosion, turning into a meat fountain. Chunks of flesh flew in all directions, including what looked like pieces of its brain and an eyeball, blood sprayed everywhere, and broken skull fragments and some teeth soared around the docks.

The body twitched on its legs and leaned backwards as if it was going to roar. Then it collapsed into the waters under the docks. The container it pushed against fell also, following its corpse beneath the waves.

(Stop the music)

"Back to hell you go..." Noah whispered to himself, panting. "That was a close call." He knelt down to pick up a couple of teeth. Now to find a way out of the docks.

The docks were a lot more extensive than Noah originally thought, as he was stuck in this loop for the past hour. He was forced into a long walk through the vast urban environment that was barely lit up by the slight ray of light created by the rising sun. It was practically already morning!

The ambiance was calm once again after the Tyrannosaurus rex was dealt with. There were a few occassional seagulls that flew overhead, attracted by the smell of rot radiating off of Noah. One was annoying him so much, he used the handgun on the bird, watching it crash into the sea below.

It seemed peaceful enough until he came across a curious site; a congregation of armed Faunus were moving crates of Dust left and right.

"White Fang..."

This situation was odd. What were they doing with all of those materials? He crept as silently as he could, avoiding the eyes and ears of the guards. The closest building he could reach in order to get a better visual on their activity was a nearby office trailer. He opened the backdoor and hid behind a couple of nearby crates. He wanted to be sure no one was there the moment he stepped in. After waiting a couple of minutes, he decided to take the risk and go inside.

Going through a couple of halls, he hopped over the desk and itched by the window. And there was the last thing he expected.

From what he learned, the White Fang does not tolerate humans despite preaching of peace and equality like a collection of hypocrites. But there they are, working with Roman Torchwick, of all the people.

"Let's getting moving, you animals! We don't have time left so pick up the pace!" Roman ordered the grunts who ignored his insult.

"What are they doing?" He couldn't help but riddle himself.

Hearing a faint sound of a footstep, he quickly turned around to silence the source of the noise, only to receive a kick of a knee boot to the face. The shear force of it sent him crashing through the front office window. He could barely see who forced him out of hiding, but he did see a outline of small woman disappearing in a flash.

The noise indefinitely got the attention of everyone in the area, even Roman's.

"What?" He then saw Noah. "Oh, for fuck's sake." He cursed under his breath before completely turning to him. "Well, well, well! Look what the cat dragged in!" He shouted mockingly. Hostility grew in the air quicker than a weed when the White Fang took up arms, murmuring various conversations.

"Who the hell's that human?!"

"Don't know. Don't care."

"You see his clothes? Did something happen to him?"

"So, why are you here?" Roman got to the point.

"I could ask you the same thing." Noah replied coolly after he got up. "I can't help but notice you got some shady shit going on around here."

"Trying to play hero, huh?" Roman sarcastically asked. "Guess you're just like the other newbies who call themselves Huntsmen that tried to catch me. And I thought Red would be a pest to me in the future."

Every present White Fang affiliated Faunus in the area had their weapons aimed at the other human, ready to fire or leap into action should something happen. A Bullhead flew out of the area with an entire shipment of Dust.

"You know, I had to deal with... a couple of problems because of you. But on the bright side, this will be like killing two birds with one stone." Noah heard the mastermind mutter, glancing to see the cane aiming at him.

A red flare zoomed right at him with frightening speed. He rolled away from the whistling projectile that flew out to the sea somewhere.

"Kill him!"

All hell broke loose at that command.

(22h39 by Danger)

Gunshots were fired from all directions at him. He ran back into the trailer for cover.

"You really picked the wrong day to piss me off." Noah cursed after he recovered from the surprise.

The first wave was four Assaulters led by a deer Alpha with a crossbow. Both parties threw spent ammo back and forth. Some of the criminals lost their aura while their commander was quite an expert in combat.

"Guess we're going to do this the hard way then!" Noah chucked the hatchet directly into one Assaulter's face, straight between the eyes. While the other goons were distracted by the horrific sight, another one took a scorching blow to stomach from Plasma rounds of a shotgun. All he could do was scream in pain while being roasted alive.

"Gods damn you! You fucking human sh-" A third White Fang soldier was silenced from bullets combusting into his head.

Stepping away, an arrow almost penetrated Noah's skull and went into the last Assaulter's heart instead. To say the Alpha was furious was the biggest understatement of the week. He pulled out a machete and tried to cut the human down, only for his opponent to block it with his bloodied fire hatchet. The Alpha kicked Noah away and tried to put an arrow in his head again, but failed when the supposed oppressor destroyed the crossbow with another rifle of his own.

"Crossbows are for wusses!"

Just in the nick of time, he caught his fist that was aimed for his head. With his strength, he managed to break the Alpha's hand by crushing it hard. While the terrorist was distracted by the sheer pain, Noah brought out the hatchet and decapitated him.

Outside were even more fanatics, numbering around twenty or more, including the snipers on nearby rooftops. Upon seeing the human, they immediately fired at him. Noah rolled behind more wooden crates, gripping his rifle. He had to wait for some opening, for the sound of guns reloading. He took a few quick peaks and noticed a large group of riflemen (or rifle-Faunus in this case?) were standing on top of a warehouse that house way too many Dust crystals than it should have. This gave him a chaotic idea.

A minute felt like an excruciating hour until the guns stopped firing just for a split second. That gave him just some time to leap out of cover and ignite the crates with a satisfying explosion, similar to a small hydrogen bomb.


The explosion sent the snipers on the roof flying along with the other goons who were close thanks to the shock wave. Roman had to shield his eyes with his arms before he looked back at the catastrophe with wide eyes.

"Aw, come on! It took me three weeks to fill up that warehouse!" Roman yelled at Noah, who now went on the offensive.

"No one's getting out of here alive!" The Son of Terror-Billy roared as he spent lead on the remaining terrorists. His fingers were stuck on the gun until the magazine ran dry and he would continuously reload and repeat until he was certain they were all dead. The sight was enough to make the infamous Boston Massacre look like a regular battery in comparison.

Just as Noah turned to the criminal overlord, four Bullheads hovered over the docks. Time for a mini war.

Twelve more White Fang members came running down to the docks with various weaponry and the Bullheads dropped off squads of even more heavily armed angry freedom fighters and a few Alphas.

Noah swapped the normal magazines with Plasma into the Schockhammer to add some spice to the gun wounds he was going to give them. One by one, did each of the goons set on fire from the Dust-infused bullets. They struggled to wipe the flames off of their skin and even one tried the classic 'stop, drop, and roll' tactic. Those few Alphas proved to be tough nuts to crack, as they knew exactly how to dodge the fires of Hell personified. When they tried to get up close and personal with their weaponry, it failed miserably for each of them.

One attempted to get the jump on him, but she received a punch straight into her abdomen, then to the face that shattered her Grimm mask, and split her said vertically vertically starting with her lower jaw up to her forehead via hatchet. Another one got his legs swept before the barrels of the shotgun met his head. It painted the pier below him with blood and brain pieces.

An azure-haired bear Alpha tested her luck by using her own assault rifle. She was kicked back and had her gun stolen, only for it to hit her back in the face, leaving a crack on her mask. Last thing she saw was some random Dust crystals flying at her chest before they exploded. This was thanks to Noah using some random Dust he found lying around and used it against her, making her modest bust bloom into gore.

A White Fang Heavy Flamer stomped from behind a shipping container close to the human. "Fighting fire with fire!" He muffled with the gas mask on.

The scorching flamethrower forced Noah away from the wooden crates that were set ablaze. Seeing no other way to get a visual courtesy of the fire, he was forced to aim for the White Fang's legs. This put the goon into a halt, as he was forced to kneel from the pain in his limbs. Just a few bullets was all it took for the gas tank to go 'boom!', taking out the Flamer's torso and only leaving behind bloodied legs.

Reinforcements arrived in the form of another small group of Alphas. They were smarter as they kept their distance with their rifles and crossbows. But they weren't smart enough to steer clear of the other warehouse that stored Dust. Noah saw this and decided to create more fireworks again.

"Oh, don't you dare!" Roman warned. "Get out of there, guys!"

Too late for the warning to be registered by the Alphas, the warehouse blew up into smithereens, sending them meters away from what remains of the storage building. The few that got up were taken out by dual guns.

"Guess this means you'll be needing six weeks to get all of that Dust back!" Noah mocked Torchwick.

"Will you cut that out, Dust damn it!"

Two more Berserkers ran in to take down the murderous human, trying to play hero. However, Noah carved their sentences with a hatchet that became red with their blood. The only description for what happened to the shotgun lovers was that they were butchered like pigs in a slaughter house.

A squad of three Pistoleros and a Dust Thrower rolled in from behind Noah. The Faunus in the crystal-tooting jacket was pretty easy to deal with, and so were the handgunners, each of them dying to the power of the Sturmgewehr.

Just as he dealt with that group, an arrow zoomed past him, scrapping his shoulder. Turning around with adrenaline, he was met with four more Brawlers, Faunus with melee weapons. They stood no chance of survival against the fury of the Son of Terror-Billy. But the problem was the source of the arrows. One flew past his head again. Looking at the direction he came from, he spotted a White Fang Assassin with a compound bow of sorts. His response was to cook the Assassin alive with Plasma rounds of the assault rifle.

"That's why you never wear cloaks in a firefight." He sneered.

A few terrorists fled from the scene, screaming in fear and throwing profanities at the Huntsman-in-training who dared defy them. Torchwick pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration as Noah decimated five more Assaulters.

"Alright! That does it!" Roman growled before he straightened himself up. "Oh, Neo**!"

After finishing off another Faunus, Noah turned back to Roman, ready to fight him too until a new challenger blocked his way.

A smaller and petite woman leaped from behind Roman, performing some acrobatics before landing delicately on her feet. Hanging over her shoulder was a closed parasol umbrella, her hand holding on to its curved handle. She calmly stared at him with a small smile. No doubt it was the same lady who got the jump on him earlier.

Noah had a bad feeling about this. "...Something tells me there's more than meets the eye."

(Pretty Little Psycho Nightcore Remix by Zero Miz-kun)

Noah fired half of the magazine of the Sturmgewehr at Neo to see what she was capable of. She simply opened her umbrella, showing its elaborate lace frabic of many colors (pink and white in the middle with and red and brown on the edges), and used it as a shield that shrugged off the rounds as if they were nothing but light rain.

A bullet-proof umbrella. That's a new one, Noah thought.

Just then, Neo rushed towards him and bombarded him with well-placed kicks around his body. She finished her offensive attack with a kick straight to the chest. He felt his aura shatter at that.

"Goddamn! She's good!" Noah grunted in pain.

"How incredibly disappointing." Roman could be heard taunting him.

Pounding a curled fist on the concrete pier, Noah jumped back up and brought out the hatchet to get some payback. But she simply dodged every single swing of the blade and blocked several hits with her closed umbrella before she punched him on his cheek.

This pushed him to a couple of ice Dust, which he grabbed, scratched across the surface of a crate, and threw them at Neo. She opened her 'shield-brella' to make the crystals bounce back at him. He had only a couple of seconds to combat roll away from where he stood, which was now replaced with large icicles.

Neo bolted forward towards him, giving in a combination of more kicks, stabs and slashes from the sharp ferrule of her umbrella. Every time he tried to fight back, he was either knocked away or his hands with weapons were slapped into another direction.

Growling, Noah forced his shotgun to aim directly at Neo's feet and managed to send her jumping backwards away with a loud shot. She sat on a wooden crate and crossed her legs, waiting for him to make the next move.

Loading the Schockhammer with Plasma shells, he counted on Neo to shield herself with that accursed parasol, which was now coated with fire, to try to burn it.

That relief died down when she swung it to the side and extinguished the flames completely, timing it perfectly to block another hatchet strike. Hoisting herself onto her gloved hand, she spun to both kick him and then launched herself at him to stab him all across his body. And knocking him away a couple of meters.

Now bringing in the Sturmgewehr as backup, he got Neo to dodge and block quite a number of spent lead. She got in close to bat him with the close umbrella by butting the assault rifle into the left. But she paused when she felt a bunch of gun barrels pressed against her chest.

Noah grinned as he pulled the trigger of the Schockhammer X. The bullets flew dead center into Neo...




... only for her to shatter like glass.

"Wait! What?!" Noah blinked in surprise. Was that her Semblance?!

He didn't see the real Neo kick him upside the head. Next, she made sure he didn't get a chance to retaliate with her endless amounts of kicking and stabbing. He could only shoot blindy at every direction, not knowing if he's aiming at her or not.

With her superior mobility, she grabbed his right forearm, jumped over him, pressed her boot against his back, and used her weight and strength to throw Noah straight to a nearby container, knocking the air out of his lungs.

Noah was breathing heavily at this point. All around his body, he received nothing but cuts, stab wounds, and bruises all around his defeated body while Neo hardly took any damage. He could've sworn she bruised his lungs and broke a few of his ribs. He reached for his rifle to try to get a shot at her, only to be kicked while he was down, with her boot pressed on his face.

"Good going, Neo!" Roman congratulated her. "Guess this means we'll be having one less job to worry about. Would you like to finish it?"

Neo's grin turned into a sadistic one while she pulled out a hidden blade that was shaped like a misericorde from her umbrella. It was clear that she was enjoying her line of work and Noah's suffering.

"No... I have to... get... up..."

Next thing he knew, Neo and Roman had to dodge some kind of weapon.

"Not this again! We got a Huntsman!" He could hear Roman yell. The gunfire slowly sounded as if he was underwater, slowly sinking and sinking into some deep lake.

"Well BJ... brother... guess I'll be joining you..." He thought of his role model as he was ready to embrace death.

But it never came.

(Breathe Me by Sia)

Journal Entries

*Tyrannosaurus rex: "Why does it always have to be a Tyrannosaurus? Sure, it's a blessing that Hitler decided to use them for more showing of power instead of using them as cannon fodder, but these massive predators are not to underestimated. They aren't called the kings of the dinosaurs for nothing."

- Diet: Carnivore

- Name meaning: Tyrant lizard king

- Weaponry: Powerful roar, twin MG42s, thick hide that's only vulnerable to large caliber weapons and explosives

- Role: Super War Beast

**Neopolitan: "It's never uncommon for a lord of crime to appoint a select individual as a right-hand man or woman. This psychopath is no exception to this rule, and I say that with both fear and respect. But for more scientific topics, what's with this extended variety of eye and hair color I can't help but notice now? How is it possible to be born with natural blue hair and purple eyes without the need to use dye or decorative contacts? Is there any genetic meaning behind all of this? If I was into art, I would be calling this planet Henri Matisse's paradise."

- Race: Human

- Affiliation: Roman Torchwick

- Weaponry: Hush - "I might personally like this one. Imagine facing a Nazi with an umbrella, who thinks it's useless in a fight, only to cut him to bits with that little blade."

- Semblance: Overactive Imagination

AN: *kicks the door down, wearing gladiator armor with shredded tests and exams* Are you guys not entertained? Are you not entertained?!

Joke aside, I feel like I need to explain some motivation behind the Journal Entries. When I first played Wolfenstein: The New Order blind, I had absolutely no idea what some of the enemies or who the characters were until I unlocked the character models in the game, which taught me a bit of their background or at least gave me more intel about the Nazi's activities.

What I'm saying is that I wish to make this fanfic understandable for those who don't know anything about Wolfenstein and those who don't watch RWBY (overall, to assist the more fandom-blind folks). While most Nazi-affiliated enemies will appear in the story, I will throw in new fascists to kill, some being easy as pie and some being as tough as hell (I can picture gamers saying that several enemies are grossly unfair). As the story continues, many more enemies will be encountered, all trying to make the MC and co.'s life as miserable as possible.

Before anyone asks, no. Neo will not be in the future harem. I currently don't see any redeeming qualities about her. As Pyrrha would say, I'm sorry!

And PLEASE be patient with me next time. If you're a guy who is trying to pursue his dreams while also work on a fanfic, there will be a lot of obstacles in real life that'll require your upmost attention. I will be updating my profile to keep you informed on the progress for the next chapter. You can find it in the Current Activity log.

Next Chapter: Open Up (Season 1 Finale)