A winning smile came over Doomfist's lips as he pulled a small remote from one of his pockets. Pressing the button, the cuffs quickly released their grip that had been restraining McCree until now. The cowboy fell forward just a bit before sitting back up and rubbing over his now bright red wrists. His jaw remained clenched as he looked over the tall man at the end of the bed, the medical equipment being pulled out in ways that probably weren't the best. The machine went silent as it lost the signal, the room growing somehow even more tense than it had been beforehand. Thankfully this was cut by a manilla folder being thrown onto the bed in front of McCree's feet.

"This is all the information we have leading up to Sombra disappearing. We've followed up on leads but haven't found any new information the past few weeks. You can thank me later."

Doomfist waved for Gabriel, the skull faced man throwing a duffel bag onto the bed beside the folder. The flap wasn't zipped and what was inside brought a slight groan from McCree.

"Seriously?" He looked up to the two of them, their faces saying that he didn't have much choice. Sighing, McCree pulled himself off the bed and took the duffel bag into hand, dragging it along as he slipped into the bathroom before shutting the door behind him.

The dark duffel was like a blast to the past and not in the good way. Pulling the flap open, he began to throw the equipment out along the cold tile floor. The pure black and form fitting outfit looked like it had just been pulled out a Blackwatch vault, though McCree knew that no such thing existed. He was wishing he had kept that damn motorcycle right about now as the window beside him looked awful inviting for an escape. His mind wandered slightly as he thought about getting away from this place and finding Sombra on his own. He pictured them on a beach somewhere, curled up lazily under the setting sun with not a care in the world. Just them, the ocean and all the drinks they could handle. A small smile threatened to break his currently grumpy mood, a loud banging at the door keeping it from happening.

"You forget how to put on clothes boy? Hurry up." The dark growl had McCree rolling his eyes in a way that felt far too normal in reaction to Gabriel. Slipping into the suit they had provided, McCree knelt and reached for the last piece of the outfit. A sleek revolver waited for him, the metal and finish showing that it was rather new. He flung the cylinder to one side, the small holes for bullets empty but looking smooth as a babies bottom. He shook his head a bit before slamming the cylinder back into place and holstering the weapon. It felt strange, the weight all wrong compared to his trusty piece.

Pushing the door open, McCree walked out to the sight of three pairs of eyes now on him. He turned to one side and looked down at the sleek pair of pants before looking between the onlookers with a smirk.

"Well, does it make my butt look big?"

Unsurprisingly, he got no real reaction from any of them apart from stares. Moira and Doomfist made their way to the door of the place, the male turning back to face Gabriel and McCree though he addressed Gabriel solely, his tone much more commanding and upfront than before.

"You know what this means to us, do not let me down again Gabriel."

The skull faced man merely stood there, giving no response though McCree could tell from the tension in the room that things were mighty uncomfortable between the two of them. The door opened and closed, leaving the two former teammates alone with each other in silence. Getting a bit twitchy, McCree made his way past the solemn man to grab a cigar from the nightstand beside his bed, cutting one end with his personal knife before flicking open a lighter and setting the tip ablaze. The lighter closed with a sharp snapping of metal, McCree taking a few quick puffs before turning around with the large cigar hanging from his mouth. Before he could say anything, Gabriel was at the door and throwing it open.

"You know that shit will kill you, right?"

McCree merely grinned before letting a billow of smoke escape his lips.

"Alright Angela."

Gabriel growled before slipping out the door, leaving McCree to chuckle on his own. He gathered the bullets from his night stand, along with the rest of that final bottle of liquor as he knew he'd need it for the traveling. He felt bad leaving the place a bit messy, the strange cuffs probably going to give the morning cleaner the wrong idea. The last thing he made sure to grab was the small thing that had been the last item Sombra had given him, a small flicker of hope remaining that it would actually lead them to her.

Slipping the thing into a pocket, his eyes picked up a small glint of something else within the drawer. A small phone, looking old as dirt in design thanks to the fact that it physically folded in half. Picking up the relic, McCree searched it over before his thumb flipped it open to be met with just a blank screen. His thumb pressed over the buttons, the physical feel of them matching the look of the item, worn in and barely able to be read. He jumped as the thing lit up and began to beep at him to a rather silly tune, one he could place but didn't know the name of. His mind wandered as he began to fit a person to the name, though the caller ID that popped up seemed to have read his mind:


His pulse raced, eyes looking out the window quickly to find Gabriel looking around and then back towards the small room, his foot tapping angrily. Swallowing hard, McCree pressed the small green phone symbol and pressed the speaker to his ear, his breathing harsh into the receiver before he finally mustered the courage to speak.


"Don't... Gabriel... help..."

The words he could make out were heavily rough to his ear, the rest filled with interference that he would blame on the old nature of the phone. McCree felt his jaw tighten as he tried to respond to the nonsense, hoping the signal would clear up.

"Sombra please, I need to find you. Just tell me where you are. Give me something..."

"Can't do... Vaquero... hunted... tracking... spi..."

The call was lost suddenly, McCree pulling the phone from his ear and trying to dial the number that called him back, though he found the phone to be completely blank. No contacts, no numbers, nothing. His heart still pounding, McCree flipped the phone down and put it into his pocket with the other device before quickly joining Gabriel outside, though not in the best mood.

"You wanna tell me what's really fucking going on here, or am I gonna have to beat your ass to get the truth?"

Gabriel looked up, those deep and dark holes doing little to hide the angry stare that he was giving McCree.

"First off, nice for you to finally get the lead out of your boots. Secondly, the hell is your issue?"

"Yeah, real cute Gabe. Gonna keep me in the dark, just like old times huh? Another one of your wonderful plans? Oh wait, you don't make the plans anymore, do you?"

Gabriel's body tensed up as he began to growl, fists clenching as he took a few steps to meet McCree chest to chest, the two of them staring each other down.

"Have you lost your damned mind boy? You think I want to even be here? It was either you get brought into this little rescue mission OR Moira got to have her fun with you. It's been a few years and trust me, she's gotten WAY fucking better at getting what she wants from someone."

McCree snarled as he brought up the small phone from his pocket, waving it in Gabriel's face. Noting this new addition, Gabriel brought himself off of their little engagement.

"What, are you trying to impress me with your lack of updated tech?"

"Isn't mine jackass. It was in the drawer beside my bed. I've never seen the thing before now, but guess who just called me on it?"

Gabriel didn't respond, the blank mask doing little to help show if he was thinking or just plain ignoring the connections.

"Sombra. She said your name Gabe. I didn't get much else, connection was too shitty or something. Though would you like to tell me where our favorite spider is at this moment?"

Gabriel stood quiet for a few seconds, before conceding with a growl.

"You're losing your mind Jesse."

McCree squinted and snarled as he closed the gap between them once again, pushing his face close to that bone mask.

"Come again?"

"You heard me, I didn't stutter."

"Since when were you a psychologist?"

"Since the moment you waved a piece of scrap in my face and told me it was functional. You're either still drunk, or you're making shit up. We haven't seen or heard from Sombra in this long and it just so happens that the day, hour and minute we come and find your washed up ass, she just happens to call you on some phone you've never seen before?"

McCree swallowed hard as the sound argument slapped him cold in the face, biting his tongue as he tried to think of a response though being cut off by Gabriel.

"Honestly at this point, I'm assuming she's dead. We only brought you along because she made sure to let us know how close you two got before she dipped again. Though I'm not surprised at how easy it was for her to get to you. You always were a little too much heart."

Gabe's voice barely ended before a fist flew at him in violent anger. The punch was caught though, the moment of rage passing as McCree shook in place.

"You only ever had a few tricks Jesse. Say what you will about me, but don't think that you're any different."

Gabriel threw the fist away before turning and starting to walk off towards a nearby vehicle that would be their personal escort for the time being.

"Hurry up, we're on the clock now."

McCree clenched his jaw as he looked over the broken down phone in his palm, part of him wanting to crush the thing but finding himself unable to do so. Swallowing down the overwhelming flood of emotion that was caught in his throat, McCree put the phone back into his pocket. As he made his way after Gabe, McCree decided then and there that no matter what happened, whether he came back with Sombra or not...

He was done with this life.