Hey there! Just a note that since Mei and Yuzu roles got switched, the storyline is likely to be a bit different, but also some of the other characters got switched, like Harumin & Himeko, and Sara & Nina, also Mei is with her father but Yuzu didn't change her last name nor her mom because it's to keep the name of the Okogi line so Mei's last name is now Okogi. The events will stay the same but otherwise, the dialogue will have differences within the story but there still be some different stories.

Chapter 1 will be based on Chapter 1 & 2

"Ugh... I can't believe it!" My friend grunted. "He's so annoying, I might as well break up with him."

"Wow, You guys only going to date for a week?" My other friend was surprised. "You guys seemed like a cute couple!"

"Yeah but he's not what I thought was going to be plus I dated him because I didn't want him to feel sad,"

"He's going to be more miserable if you break up with him than you rejecting him!"

"I know but I was somewhat interested in him,"

I was staring at both of them bickering about their love lives. I didn't really understand relationships, yet I was in plenty of them but I really never had any serious feelings for any of them. As I was drinking my soda, my friends then looked at me with a grin.

"So Mei, have you find somebody yet?" My friend asked.

"No," I said nonchalantly.

"See? Not interested in any of the guys at our school!" My other friend raised her voice.

"Yeah maybe not at our school, but Mei is moving to a new one so she might meet even hotter guys, right Mei?" My friend swooned.

"Sure," I rolled my eyes.

It was the first day of school at the Okogi Academy. My father and I moved in when she got remarried to a woman I haven't even met yet. I was starting to unpack more my things and getting ready for school. I collected my lunch bag that my father has made before he left work and I head out.

Later I arrived at my new school and I took a glance at the scene of the place. I was surrounded by many girls as they were heading inside.

"Oh great, an all-girls school..."

"Excuse me!" Somebody yelled.

Suddenly, there were a group of girls heading towards me and wore armbands. They must be the student council but what do they want from me?

"Transferred student!" It was a blonde girl who was wearing a pink uniform, makeup and jewelry. I looked at her armband and it said "President."

I was thrown off from her image. She was the opposite of a President should be! I can't believe somebody who literally violates everything in the dress code, is our student body president?!

"You must be Okogi Mei, am I correct?" She pointed at me with a huge smile on her face. I glared at her with disgust and confusion. I sighed and I had act formal.

"Yes, I am Okogi Mei," I bowed.

"Wow there! No need to act so formal!" She pleaded.

"This girl seems shy and quiet," A girl suddenly came behind me out of nowhere. I got started and turned around to see a dark auburn haired and armband says "Vice President"

"Back off..." I harshly said.

"Whoops, sorry to startle you there!" She apologized and started backing up.

Out of sudden, the blonde girl gave me a huge hug and embraced me. I couldn't move at all and she was shaking me.

"Oh man, new people are great! A fresh new start to the best school!" She eagerly shouted and I can feel my eardrums bursting.

"I..." She was embracing me too hardly and I couldn't breathe. Then, she let go of me.

"Ah sorry, I got too eager there," she said as I tremble down to the ground.

"I'll make it up to you later, see you around maybe!" She shouted and waved at me. That girl... she's annoying.

I went to go wash my face to refresh myself a bit. When she hugged me, she did smell nice and it was the only good thing from that.

"Okogi!" There was a teacher shouting my new last name.

"I was calling your name, you okay there?" The Teacher asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm not used to my new last name," I apologized.

"Well no need to apologize, we need to head to your homeroom," He said and I followed him.

This school seems pretty nice so far, except for whatever student council people they thought was a good idea to elect.

I was sat down at my desk, alone and really nothing much to do. Everybody seems to have their own friends, but I guess that's what I should expect. There was the curly-haired girl sitting in front of me who was also alone, but she seems to be busy with something.

"Hey, Okogi-San!" It was the curly haired girl in front of me and she turned around.

"You can help me with this, I know we just met but please I am clueless!" She whimpered. I sighed but I decided to help her.

"Wow, I didn't even realize that!" She grinned as she took back her paper. She looked at me and reached her hand towards me for a handshake. I shook her hand

"I should introduce myself, my name is Momokino Himeko, but you can just call me Himeko." She introduced herself. "Mei." I also introduced myself.

"You've been here for a long time right?" I asked.

"I guess, I mean I've been here in the Okogi schools before, but people here have been here since elementary, so I'm like where you at right now." She responses "Everybody has a different set of personalities, which mean people have all these groups of friends and if you don't fit in with any of them, you're out of luck."

She points at the window and it shows the President.

"That girl right there, Okogi Yuzu is basically a huge influence on the crazy people of this system and they're just a bunch of duplicates of her." I looked at her, she was talking to the other council members.

"I see..." I said.

"She's a pretty good looking gal and can be smart, but still naive, but what's special about her the most is that she became president in her first year of high school." Why would somebody like her be able to be set an example of the students here?

"Did I mention that they say that she's engaged to an elite teacher?" I was caught by surprise. Engaged at this age?


"Yeah, she seems pretty happy about the whole arranged marriage as most girls don't here." She shrugged. "After all, she's the chairman's granddaughter who's set to take over the school,"

"Oh..." I mumbled. It's weird to think about marrying somebody at such a young age, although as somebody who's never been in love, I know for a fact that's not truly love.

I had some papers that I still need to turn in and decided to give it to Amemiya-Sensei directly.

"Amemiya-Sensei!" I called his name, but he didn't answer. I tried to come closer but out of sudden, Amemiya-Sensei and the president kissed behind the school. My eyes were wide open and I felt my face warm as they were making out. I kneeled down from the bushes and watched them inappropriately kissing on a school ground. Her whole face was red and she gasped for air from each forceful kiss.

"Ughh... hghh..." She grunted and looked at my direction. I jumped and ran away from the scene.

He's the one that she's engaged to?! They must've stopped after she probably saw me peeping. What the hell is wrong with this school?!

I came back home and found my dad carrying boxes since we still need to unpack.

"Good time Mei, can you help me carry some of these?" My dad asked.

"Sure Father," I said as I help her carry some stuff. "Is my new mom here yet?"

"Nope! She's traveling the world to the other side of the world!" He said with a huge smile on his face. My eye twitched from hearing that.



"Are you happy about it?"

"Of course I am!"

"That's good to hear."

"But at least I get to spend more time with my two daughters!"

I paused for a second. "Two...?"

"Ah my bad Mei, but you have a new older sister!"

I hear the door opening up again as I was about to close it. The door slammed and I turned around and my mouth went wide open. It was the nuisance of a so-called president. I can feel the pure irritation rising up to my head just by looking at her.

"I'm homeee!" It was the annoying blonde girl again!

"Ah look at my new beautiful daughter!" He reached for a hug to her.

"Oh okay, dad!" She dashed to him quickly, giving him a hug.

"Mei make sure for you two to get along!" Yeah right.

I took a shower after I was done eating from the uncomfortable presence around my new sister.

I am not calling her my older sister. Also, how can she act so normal when I saw her kissing our homeroom teacher? It seems so forced after I saw her trying to breathe but keep giving in to more kisses. Yet at the same time, she seems to enjoy it.

I thought to myself as I touch my own lips. "..." I realized what I was doing and immediately put my hand away. What am I thinking?! Why am I thinking about her?!

"Hey, is the bath ready?" She asked but I just decided to just ignore her.

"Hey, we're stepsisters now so we're going to have to get along so just bear with m-" I moved away from her. I sighed as I was getting ready to sleep. "So... you saw it didn't you?" My ears perked up when she mentioned earlier.

"You think you could just watch somebody make out with somebody without getting caught?" She frowns and came closer to me. "Did you watch it because it looked good? Some sort of weird spying?"

I turned around to her. "The kiss was not appropriate for school as you two are not even around the same age."

"So what?" She sounds harsh. "It doesn't matter with me since he's hot,"

"What he did to you was force," I said. She laughs and then approached me. "Kissing forcibly?" Then she put her lips against mine and pushed me. I tried pulling it away but she clasps her hands with mine and putting so much force. She pressed her tongue to the seam of my lips and, at my grant of access, delved inside my mouth. She finally has let go of me and I breathed hard.

"That's what it is like being kissed forcibly." She got back up and then left the room.

I was still gasping for air as she all of the air from my lungs without no break from kissing.

"That... that girl..." What kind of lesson was that? She thinks she could get away like this? Who does she think she is?

"Come on Yuzu! Wake up!" My father called.

I had to wait for my new step-sister for her lack of trying to wake up. Was I even expecting that? She just kissed me out of the blue.

"It's a Saturday! Let me sleep more..." she grumbled.

It was a shopping day at the mall for our first day as a family. Some older sister she is... yesterday which has been terrible and Father is just too bubbly to notice anything wrong.

"Alright girls, let's eat," my father said as we sat down in a seat.

Later when we were eating our food, her and my father were talking meanwhile I just quietly listened.

"So Yuzu, you've been living with your grandpa right?" He asked.

"Nope, I've been living by myself for almost 5 years in my mom's house which that day I haven't seen her since." She said in a surprisingly calm tone.

"Oh... I see,"

Living by herself for that long? She is just too happy instead of feeling alone all the time.

"My grandpa's is just giving me all of the money that I can support myself with,"

"Ah that's right he's the chairman of the Academy right?"

"Yep, that's right!"

When we finished our food. We were walking out to go.

"Gah!" Her voice shriek as she was tripping towards the fountain but also dragging me into it. What a clumsy stepsister she is.

We are now at home in soaking wet water. "Mei you should go clean yourself up before you catch a cold!" My father shouted meanwhile I was still in my room. "Okay," "Yuzu you too!" I quietly grunted when we both have to take a shower.

I let the shower heat up as my step-sister came inside of the room. She was naked and carried a towel on her back.

We're both girls so it's fine. She was prettier without makeup, I don't understand why she needs to wear it and she felt warm and soft when we hug, her skin felt smooth too.

"What am I even thinking?" I thought to myself, realizing I was thinking about her. Was it because we kissed? I touched my lip with the tip of my finger. She looked at me with a mischievous smile.

"Like what you see?" I blushed and looked away. When she came out of her bath, I felt nervousness that she might be doing something to me next. She came closer to me.

"I'm out," I said and left the shower, avoiding her.


"Because I know you're going to do something to me,"

"Because you looked like you wanted to touch me,"

The next day, I went out with Himeko the next day, walking to school. I didn't have much sleep last night because of that idiot. Why did she think I want to touch her?

There were girls at this school who shows a lot of affection for each other which is an unusual thing at my old school.

"Do the girls always show affection within another?" I asked.

"Well of course they do, it's a girl's school, although there is no actual love in it," Himeko said. "They play around with each other like animals in the heat until they get married."

"I see."

"Is there somebody you'd admire right now Meimei?" Himeko nagged.

"Nope, not one bit," I said. Himeko paused for a second as she stares at a tall elder man in a business suit.

"Eek!" Himeko shrieked as she holds on to me tightly. I moved my arm away from her and looked at the man also.

"Who is that?" I pointed at him.

"That's the chairman right there, a super elite, break a rule and you can feel the torture just with a stare," The curly haired shivers as she slowly walks at the gate. The chairman...

"Good morning grandfather," I greeted as I bowed at him. He turned around and sees me with a puzzled look on his face. "And whom are you supposed to be?" The curly haired girl mouth dropped and looked at both of us back and forth. "Gr-grandfather?"

"Okogi Mei, my dad married your daughter so now I recently moved in here," I explained. "I'm assuming Ume hasn't told you yet." He scratched his head and said, "Is that so?"


"Very well then, for somebody who is only 16, you seem to act very maturely," He said with a smile. "I like it."

"It is how I was taught to be very respectful for those who are in a higher power," I said.

"You seem to be a more promising successor than Yuzu as she is the opposite for what it takes to be a proper one, however, it has to be an Okogi in blood so I can't make you become the next chairman, but it doesn't make you less than an Okogi" He speech.

"Thank you, Grandfather, I must go to class now," I farewelled him and he did the same thing.

"Ahhh what was that about?!" Himeko panicked.

"He's my stepmom's father, although I just met him today," I said.

"Oh that's right, you said tha-" I interrupted Himeko, putting my hand over her mouth.



It was our homeroom teacher talking on the phone. Himeko realizes what I was trying to do and also peep over his conversation as we hid behind a car. He was talking about how he was using Yuzu as a little play doll.

"I didn't think Amemiya-sensei is a gold digger huh?" Himeko whispered. "Yuzu's fiancee has been using her this whole time, I'm not surprised, to be honest."

I stared at mid-air, speechless about his scheme to take over the Okogi schools as a profit towards himself and his real lover.


I came home and slowly walk to my room and saw my stepsister laying down on the folded covers. Should I even tell her? It's not even my business so why do I care whether or not she's with some pointless relationship. No, It's the right thing to do, nobody deserves an abusive relationship.

"Hey," I tried starting the conversation. Yuzu blinked and then looked at me with a smile.

"Oh, now you talk to me?" She scolded. "But what's up?"

"Your fiance..." I said and she looked at me in confusion.

"Eh? What about him?"

"I overheard his conversation an hour ago, who doesn't think highly of you and has been using you for grandfather and money" I confessed. Her smile turns into a frown and then happiness turns into irritation.

"So what?" She hissed. "I already knew anyway."

"It's going to affect the school and our family and yet you seem to not even care?" I raised my voice at her.

"I'm your older sister, I know what decisions that I have made," Yuzu said as she leaves the room with the same distraught look on her face a few days ago.

It was night time and we were still sleeping on the ground. I looked at Yuzu as she was peacefully sleeping. I can't get her out of my mind no matter how hard I tried. I stare off at her beauty. She looks cute when she's asleep.

I then, leaned over to her for a kiss as my urges can't keep on hold any longer.

"Mo-" She mumbles. I quickly flinched and flipped over to another side before looking back again.

"Mommy... don't leave me."

She must be talking in her sleep. It must've been a nightmare as I can see tears rolling down to her face. I immediately felt pity.

There were announcements at the gate of the school and admins & students gathered around at the student council.

"Thank you very much Fuji Mineko-Sensei," A student council member said. "Next is the student council president, go ahead stud-" I went up to the balcony and tapped on her shoulder. I whispered in her ear to be able to speak as the chairman's granddaughter and she immediately backed up. "Go right ahead."

"My name is Okogi Mei, a first year here at this academy, I have something important tell all of you!" I announced as the crowd whispers to each other and the teachers murmured.

"Amemiya-sensei, a teacher here, engaged to first-year president, Okogi Yuzu, was frenching on school grounds and it looked as if it was nonconsensual!"

"H-hey stop her!" Amemiya shouted at me but I couldn't care less.

"I, the chairman's granddaughter, say investigate this matter out of hand!" I said my last words before stepping out.

Meanwhile, Yuzu stare down at the ground, speechless and distressed, the chairman saw her and see she feels burden.

"Meimei what were you think?!" Himeko questioned. "You're lucky that you didn't get suspended or worse, expelled!"

"I know nobody is going to lay a finger on me since they should know I am the chairman's granddaughter," I said with no regrets.

"Well I think this is your home, I should be heading to mine too!" She farewelled me and waved goodbye.

I went inside of our apartment and the lights were strangely off but my father was here as I can tell by his shoes. I kept walking until I saw my father covering his face and sitting on the table.

"Father, are you okay?" I asked him. He looked up with grief in his eyes and said. "Yuzu-chan... got taken away."