A/N: I want to thank you all for your lovely reviews. RL has kept my busy and the QLFC took up more time and energy than expected. All the more lovely when I still receive such wonderful reviews.

Special thanks to Fivefatducks, Alekay22, Elimorgana, JoyceFleur, bright. star .007, Snapes-star, Calindy, Shnazy, ACupples, Glass-NotCannon, GP00 for those extra special reviews. They made me go back to this story first. :)

Chapter 14

"You put it there." The words were ringing in his head.

Marriage? For God's sake, what was he thinking?! They had just found each other, it was much too soon.

The Granggob cackled at his expression. "Oh, Severus, your face! I will hold on to this memory for the rest of my life. Precious!" It had to blink rapidly to hold off tears of merriment.

Then it halted in surprise at the lack of a snarled response and cast a glance in his direction.

The look of intense panic on his face was delicious, but the Granggob also felt a tug of sympathy at the sight. Ach, those confused little humans. It really liked this specimen. He was so much fun and entertainment. The Granggob decided it had been a wise decision to allow him to come visit without having to pay for it.

The Traggob had always lived a fickle existence, never settling down anywhere. It had once or twice tried to stay in one place for a longer period of time, but after a while, it became bored of its surroundings and moved on, frolicking through life from place to place until it allowed another "employer" to "catch" it. They never knew it could not really be caught, that it could disappear at will, until one day they would find their wardrobe empty when the Traggob had moved on to greener pastures.

But this time, something was different. This time, it had connected to this surly snarky human that made time fly as if it was swept away by a summer breeze. For the first time, the Traggob had had the chance to explore the mind and soul of a human, and it liked what it saw. A lot. He was like a best friend the Traggob never knew it had been looking for.

Kind of like a stray dog, it mused. Yes, Severus was her lovely stray mutt that she had brought in from the cold, showing him that life could be better, that he did not have to sit outside in the rain.

Sighing wistfully, it slid off the couch and walked over to Severus, who still sat frozen in his chair in a shocked panic. It slid one arm around his shoulders and awkwardly patted him on the top of his head. "There, there. Everything will be alright."

He scowled at her. "You are likening me to a dog in your head right now, aren't you?!"

It smirked at him. "I just can't keep anything from you, can I? You're just too smart. Such a good boy!" She ruffled his hair and he angrily swiped at her hand, but she did not relent. "You're like that scruffy, fleabitten mongrel that slinks around in a dark side street, lost and unloved. And then I found you and took you in. I've adopted you. You're my pet now, you know?"

"Very funny," he replied dryly.

"Oh come on. You can count yourself lucky that I did not neuter you. That would have gotten rid of all your problems with a snap! Literally!"

"Damn it, Granggob, cut it out!"

"What did you just call me?!" The Granggob stared at him, flabbergasted.

Severus felt uncomfortable, having unwillingly spilt his nickname for the Traggob. "Well," he hedged, "you never gave me a name to work with, so I had to find something to call you..."

"You know," it smirked, "when people start giving names to their fellow creatures, it always means the same thing. You've adopted me, too!" The Traggob gave him a big, warm hug while Severus went rigid. "And I like it - my name. I've never had one before. It kind of makes me sentimental to have one, now." It sighed happily.

Then it cleared its throat. "Now, back to the problem at hand. Why are you so paniky about taking the next step?"

"I really don't know what she expects of our future, so I really don't know if either of us is up for any form of permanent commitment."

"Well, then the solution is easy, isn't it?" The Granggob smiled at his confused expression. "Go and find out. Talk to her."

He snarled. "Well, what a genius observation. How come I did not think of that?" Sarcasm dripped off every word. "What if our expectations do not match? What then?!"

"Is not talking about it going to change anything about the problem?" the Traggob shot back.

"No. However..." His black gaze clashed with the Granggob's. "It would be nice to at least have more time with her than two days."

The Granggob frowned. "Why? Do your expectations differ so much?"

"She is a young witch who, I am sure, has imagined a life with children. I, on the other hand, have never wanted to pass on any of my genes. I do not want to be a father. Ever. I don't think she can cope with that."

The Traggob frowned. "Well, that is a dilemma. But at the same time, it is not fair to her, either, not to tell her about this soon. She's already in love with you and is only going to fall harder the more time the two of you spend together."

Severus gave and exasperated groan. "Why in all of the world did you have to play the guilty conscience card?! Now I cannot even enjoy the time I have left until I have to tell her!"

"Hey – I just pointed it out. You're the one feeling guilty – for good reason, if I may say so."

He glowered in the direction of the Traggob. "When did you start taking her side?!" Snape demanded. "I thought you were my friend!"

"I am your friend. Which is why I am pulling your head out of your arse. You need to deal with this."

"Fine!" he spat. "I am leaving to deal with this… dilemma. You interfering little…"

The rest of his words got lost into the folds of his fabric as he pulled his robes around himself, preparing to leave.

"Hey, I'm here for you if you need me!" the Granggob called out as the door was swinging shut behind him. It shook its head with a smile before retreating into its wardrobe.

Time in the presence of the Granggob seemed to fly by, so Severus was not surprised to see it was pitch black outside. He turned on his heel and apparated home.

When he snuck into the bedroom, Hermione was already tangled in the covers, asleep. Quietly, he undressed and slipped between the sheets, cradling her close. He was relieved that he did not have to talk with her now. Nevertheless, he decided that he would talk to her tomorrow.

He ran his fingers through her hair and then bent to place a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. Murmuring happily, she turned head to capture his lips with hers. Soon, all thoughts fled his mind as she showed him exactly how happy she was to have him back.

A/N: Review if you love the Granggob!