Disclaimer: I own Nothing!

A/N: So I thought up this notion while sitting around one day. I proposed it to my sister as an "alternate ending" and she said she hated it. But I had to write it and make it a KuwaxYuu. Hope you like!

Summary 1: Yusuke Urameshi, Spirit Detective, street punk, the guy that kicks demons asses when needed. That's The Great Urameshi! Right? What do you mean it was all a lie?! How? Yaoi. YxK

Summary 2: After the initial shock of being in a coma wears off, Yusuke now must adapt and get used to his new life. Is that even possible? His best friend was now basically a stranger... And dating some creep… there has to be a way to stop this Kuwabara deserved to be with someone much better. Someone Great!

Warning! Yaoi! Please do not read if you don't like it. Also, strong language, drug use, physical abuse, implied sexual content, and character death! This will be a super fun story riddled with despair! No really its good, read it. No despair I promise! x


Chapter 1: This Can't Be Real

Yusuke had just returned from demon world, his friends met him on the beach near Genkai's, as the sun went down they laughed and played in the water.

"It's gotten kind of cold hasn't it?" Keiko shivered, her wet clothes clinging to her.

"Yes well the sun did set an hour ago." Botan smiled sheepishly.

"Too bad we didn't bring any towels..." Kuwabara rubbed the back of his head.

"What good would a towel do? We're soaked!" Yusuke rubbed his eye.

"Are you alright dear?" Botan questioned as Yusuke's vision blurred.

"Huh?" Keiko sounded a bit surprised. Yusuke could do nothing, say nothing, as everything around him darkened. His body felt heavy.

"…." He couldn't speak. Was there something in his throat? His vision was blurry. Focusing was a difficult task but he was certain there was someone sitting next to him. He seemed to be in a bed. What was that beeping noise?

"Oh, yes, I'm fine. I'm leaving tonight so I just wanted to say goodbye." Her voice quivered. Keiko was leaving? No... Where was she going? Why was saying goodbye? She turned back to him and stroked his hair. "I'm sorry Yusuke, you'll probably be angry with me…. But like I said, it's time I stop waiting and did something for me. So that's what I'm doing…" Her tears fell on his hand. The beeping increased. She looked up at the monitor and her eyes widened. "Yusuke? Nurse!" She called out but Yusuke couldn't hold out any longer, his vision faded once more.


Mumbling, beeping, shuffling… Why was everything so bright?

This is stupid… Why can't I move?

"Hey, they said you came around for a few minutes." Kuwabara? His voice sounded different… Maybe a bit smoother? "If you can hear me in there, hurry up and come back. I've been waiting 2 years to kick your ass."

Ha! His body managed a small cough. As if you could!

"Shit…" Kuwabara's voice cracked. "You're really in there aren't you?" He sniffled and sobbed silently.

"Don't be foolish… He can't hear you." Hiei? "Just like he couldn't hear you when you came out to him."

"Tha—that was private!" Kuwabara shouted. Came out?

Came out of what? The closet-Holy shit….. Yusuke's heartrate quickened.


"You're breathing on your own, remaining conscious for hours at a time, regaining movement bit by bit…" Botan looked at a chart as she spoke. "I must say your progress has been remarkable considering how long you've been asleep." She grinned at him. "Now then, can you tell me your name?"

"…." Yusuke's features became strained. He opened his mouth but only managed a few short coughs.

"Don't worry I'm sure you'll be back to having shouting matches with Kuwabara in no time." She wrote down a few things and replaced the chart at the foot of his bed.

They can't be serious… Yusuke watched as Kuwabara entered the room and started talking to the nurse. I know these people… They're not doctors and nurses and patients… Botan is the bubbly grim reaper.. Kuwabara is… Well he's Kuwabara… and Hiei! Yusuke's eye twitched. There's no way in hell I'd let that punk operate on me!

"Hey, you're sitting up now huh?" Kuwabara grinned. A small nod in response. "So uh.. I know it's kinda awkward… and you can't really talk yet…" He rubbed the back of his neck.

Yusuke gave him a look that said: "Get on with it already…"

"Right…" The redhead inhaled deeply. "Do you remember me?" Yusuke scowled. "I mean... We weren't exactly close... Or even friends…" Kuwabara looked down.

That's right… That day I had pounded him into the pavement again… Yusuke's fingers clenched the sheets tightly as he remembered that day and the Kuwabara he dreamed about in his coma. We're best friends… How can you tell me that wasn't real… he closed his eyes firmly. How can it all have been a lie?!

"Urameshi?" Kuwabara sounded concerned. Yusuke sighed but nodded. "It's ok if you don't..." He looked a bit down. Yusuke shook his head back and forth but the other couldn't see him. The dark haired man frowned and glared at him.

"Ngh…." Yusuke weakly grabbed the taller man by the collar and pulled him so close their noses were almost touching. Brown eyes met grey in a heated stare.

"Oh good, I was worried you forgot about me." Kuwabara laughed just like Yusuke remembered. He released him and slumped down on the bed. "You ok?"

"Tch…" Yusuke looked away as he laid the bed back.

"Yeah… this whole thing sucks…"

You have no freaking clue … I had awesome powers and fought demons…

"Now, now, at least he's alive and finally awake." Yusuke recognized the voice of the fox.

"Hey, Shuichi!" Kuwabara grinned. The green eyed man smiled.

"Hello, we haven't been properly introduced... My name is Shuichi Minamino. My mother shared a room with you while she was ill."

Your name is Kurama… Yusuke blinked heavily but nodded at him.

"Where's Dr. Boyfriend? He hasn't come by to harass me today." Kuwabara asked. Kurama chuckled.

"I'm afraid he's off today… I'll tell him you said hi though."

Boyfriend? Why am I surrounded by gay people…?


"Yusuke? Yusuke!" He was shaken. Yusuke groaned with a raspy voice and opened his eyes. "Oh thank goodness!" Atsuko hugged him tightly. "You wouldn't wake up… I thought…" She sniffled and wiped her eyes.

Well my dream got my mom spot on… He thought as he rolled his eyes.

"…. Alive…" He choked out.


"Don't over do it." Botan warned. "I realize you want to get back to normal as soon as possible but over exerting yourself could slow your recovery time even more."

"I used to be the toughest punk in town… Now I can't even piss by myself…" His voice was shaky and breathy. Botan gave him a pitiful look then went back to putting away the clean sheets and pillows she had brought.

"Hey Botan…" Yusuke stared at his hands. "I'm scared…"

"Don't worry! At the rate you're recovering you'll be out there punching heads in no time!" She beamed cheerfully but Yusuke shook his head.

"I'm scared that, right now… I might not be able to beat Kuwabara…."

"You!" She threw a pillow at him. "I was genuinely concerned but you're just fooling around!"

"Abusing the patients now, nurse..?" Hiei adjusted his glasses and glared at the blue-haired woman.

"Ah! No! Of course Not! My hand just slipped, that's all!" She forced a nervous laugh before excusing herself.

"Sup Hiei.."

"That's Dr. Higuchi to you… now, open." Hiei inspected inside his mouth and down his throat. "Pain or discomfort?" Yusuke shrugged.

"Same as before." He cleared his throat.

"Questions, complaints.." The doctor wrote things down on his clipboard.

"When can I eat a cheeseburger…" Said Yusuke with a bored look.

"When you can hold down a full bowl of rice porridge." Hiei stated firmly. "And stop trying to trick the buffoon into bringing you snacks." He said before he left the room.

I just can't get used to that… Yusuke laid back and closed his eyes.


"Come on, you can do it.." Yukina beamed at Yusuke who was attempting to use a walker to move across the room.

"Shit!" The hero fell to the floor.

"Are you alright?" She resisted the urge to help him up.

"Yeah… lost my footing.." He sat on the floor for a moment.

"You're doing really well. I think you'll be back to walking by yourself in no time." She smiled sweetly. "Why don't we rest right here for a moment?" She sat down with him.

"Why can't this be like a manga and I just wake up at full strength and pound Kuwabara's face into the pavement like nothings changed…" He ran his hand through his hair. Yukina giggled.

"You and Kuwabara seem close. He comes to see you at least three times a week."

"How long as he done that?" Yusuke wondered aloud.

"Since your accident I think." She handed him some water. "He would even help the nurses move you around and helped us keep your muscles from atrophying." A light blush covered her cheeks. "He's really a nice guy isn't he?"

"Yeah…" Yusuke looked away. Was Kuwabara a nice guy? Did he love kittens and live by an honor code like in his dream? Yusuke didn't know… He wanted it to be true but the reality was that the only Kuwabara that really existed was the punk that lost to Yusuke 156 times.

"Something on your mind?" Yukina offered a sympathetic ear.

"No. It's nothing… just.. Two years really is a long time huh?" He sighed but moved to get up again. "Ok. I gotta get back to full strength so I can beat that smug grin off of his ugly face!" Yukina smiled nervously at his motivation.


"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Yusuke looked at the Red head arranging flowers.

"What do you mean?" Shuichi smiled.

"I mean you're only here to see Hiei so why do you gotta flirt in my room… go bang each other in the janitor closet.." He pressed buttons on a hand held game.

"Can't… We were caught a month ago now no one will let us alone.." Kurama sighed with a shrug, Yusuke stared in mild disbelief.

"Hey, Kur—Shuichi…. Do you like flowers? Or plants?"

"Hmm? Well I suppose so… I enjoy gardening, it helps clear my head." He explained.

"Mm…" He mashed some buttons.

"Why the sudden interest? All you've done is glare at me thus far." He turned toward the other.

"Just a dream I had.." Yusuke answered. "I can't seem to shake it.." He set down the game. "You're friends with Kuwabara and Keiko right?"

"Yes, my mother was brought to this room when she collapsed. I met your friends then." He sat next to him. "Kuwabara took a bit getting used to I'll admit… He's rather loud, and kept trying to pick a fight with you even though you were unconscious.." Yusuke chuckled.

"That's Kuwabara… Let me guess he kept calling me a coward and asking who he was supposed to fight?"

"How did you know? He said you two weren't all that close. That you were actually rivals."

"Tch, rivals is a bit much.." He crossed his arms. "He didn't stand a chance in hell of beating me." He grinned smugly. "To be honest… I guess I heard him.." The smugness faded, his arms fell lax. "I had this weird dream about everyone… It felt so real…" His soft frown turned into a hard scowl at the sheets of his bed.

"When you say everyone, you mean your friends and family?" Shuichi questioned to which Yusuke shook his head.

"You, Kuwabara, Keiko, Hiei, even Botan and Yukina…" He rubbed the back his neck. "There was even a cranky old hag and a kid with a pacifier that kept saying he was the one in charge."

"That would be Genkai and Koenma respectively."

"They're real people too?!" Yusuke yelled in surprise.

"Koenma has a chronic illness and is in and out of the hospital. When he's in pain he walks around biting something that looks a bit like a pacifier." Kurama explained. "Though I'm sure he'd be angry if you called it that. His family owns the building or hospital…" He waved a hand dismissively. "So he likes to order people around."

"What about Genkai? Is she as much a fighter as my dream made her out to be?"

"She was a fighter alright… sadly… she passed away about four months ago.."

"What?" Yusuke sounded shocked by the news. "I… I see.."

"Were you close? Keiko and Kuwabara didn't know her before you came here, to my understanding."

"No.. I… that dream just felt so real…" Yusuke sighed deeply. "I didn't really know her at all.."

"Well... In your dream, what was Shuichi like?" He sat down next to his bed.

"…." The dark haired man wasn't sure if he was comfortable telling him about the Kurama he befriended. "Well… you were… like you I guess? Pretty boy, smart, not big on fighting but you could kick ass when it was needed…" Yusuke scratched his head.

"Oh? Alright, so, in your dream how did we meet? Or did we already know one another?" Shuichi grinned like a fox.

"Well…" He rubbed the back of his neck. Should probably leave out the bits about demons and spirit world… "Your mom was in the hospital… dying… so you found this thing that could save her, but only if you gave your life as payment…"

"Sounds like something out of an anime." He chuckled. "And?"

"You tried to give your life to save hers but I stopped you and convinced you it was stupid to give up your life just so your mom could spend hers crying over the death of her son." He recalled seeing his mother at his wake and trembled.

"I see… perhaps you heard my prayers while my mother was here." Yusuke gave him a questioning look. "I was rather desperate.. So when we were alone I may have prayed aloud." He scratched his cheek sheepishly.

"I get it, so I dreamed about what I heard while I was asleep." He realized.

"It certainly sounds that way." The other nodded.


"Hey, what are you doing up here?" Kuwabara asked as he walked out onto the rooftop.

"Went for a walk.." Yusuke shrugged. "You know, you don't have to come visit me everyday…" Kuwabara tried to hide the hurt that threatened to appear on his face. "I mean, don't you have a boyfriend or something?" The darker haired man turned to him. "He'll get jealous." Yusuke had started out with a smug grin but his face fell when he saw the swollen black eye of his friend.

"Yeah, I guess that's true." Kuwabara laughed loudly, just like the goofy friend from his dream.

"What happened?" Yusuke nodded in the other man's direction. "Didn't think you still fought punks in the streets."

"What this? Oh, it's nothing. Just forgot to dodge ya know?" He laughed heartily again but it sounded wrong to Yusuke. It made the hair on the back his neck stand on end.

"Yeah…." Yusuke sighed and rubbed the hairs down. He didn't really know this Kuwabara, so who was he to comment on his life...

"The view up here is really pretty when the sun sets." The carrot-top changed the subject. "I came up here a lot just after the accident.." He moved beside Urameshi, looking out over the city.

"Hey, Kuwabara…" Yusuke's voice was quiet and serious, making the taller man blush as the dark haired man once more turned, this time to face the same direction as his friend.

"Y-yeah, what's up Urameshi?"

"Do you think you can help me catch up on stuff?" Yusuke glowered at the city beneath them. "I didn't realize it at first, but I've missed a lot of crap… I've been trying to figure things out on my own but…"

"Uh, sure! I'll do what I can anyway!" He gave a small laugh. "You're pretty helpless with out Keiko to tell you what to do huh?" He teased.

"Yeah…" Yusuke groaned. "She bailed so now I gotta do my own math homework! Old man Tanaka keeps bringing me study guides in the hopes I can pass a test to get me out of middle school but I don't really wanna go back to school anyway." He folded his arms behind his head. "Maybe I'll just get a job as soon as I get outta here."

"Oh, that's right!" Kuwabara suddenly remembered. "How's your mom doing?"

"Good I guess?" Yusuke shrugged. "She says she's getting the house ready for me since they said I'll be discharged soon."

"Sweet! Me and the guys will stop by tomorrow and give her a hand." He gave the other a thumbs up.

"Sure, if she's not home just let your self in. Doubt anything's actually been done anyway."

"Kay. Wanna grab some dinner?" Kuwabara turned on his heel.

"Nah, I'm not really hungry…" Kuwabara didn't like the way Yusuke was looking at the pavement bellow them.

"You gotta eat something. You're not—"

"I'm not hungry." Yusuke affirmed.

"K… well… Let's go back to your room at least, it's getting cold." Yusuke clicked his tongue but followed the larger man.


"How are you feeling?" Yusuke shrugged as Hiei looked over him. "If everything goes well you'll be discharged in a few days. Usually people are more excited…"

"I don't… I don't really want to go home I guess…" He sighed laying back on the bed.

"Why is that?" Hiei glanced at the garbage bin, noting the uneaten food that had been discarded there.

"….." Yusuke remained silent. Hiei gave a small annoyed sigh and flipped through a few pages on his clip board.

"Do you feel safe at home?" He read the question like a robot.

"Seriously…" Yusuke gave him a look, to which Hiei clicked his pen.


"Yes…" Yusuke groaned.

"Do you feel safe with your mother?"

"What kind of—" He stopped seeing Hiei's glare. "Yes."

"Do you feel safe being released into your mother's care…"

"Yes…" He rolled his eyes.

"Has your mother ever hit you, or verbally abused you in anyway…" Hiei sounded bored.

"This is stupid! What—"

"Answer the question, Detective." Yusuke blanched.

"Wh-what did you just…"

"Have you ever been the victim of abuse.." He repeated.

"N-no…" Yusuke felt a bead of sweat roll down his cheek.

"When is the last time you've eaten?" He scratched the area of his forehead that used to hold the jagan eye.

"Yesterday… lunch…" Yusuke nervously ran fingers through his hair.

"Right.." Hiei scribbled down a few things. "I've been your doctor for over two years… Now, I'm finally getting rid you… don't fuck this up for me…" Yusuke couldn't help but chuckle a bit by now knowing the doctor's crude sense of humor. "Eat your dinner tonight." Hiei stood and left.


"I told myself I wouldn't cry…" Botan sobbed. "Don't be a stranger ok? If you need anything at all just call, don't be afraid to stop by and say hi."

"No offense but I really don't wanna be back here anytime soon.." Yusuke chuckled.

"And we don't want you back… so get out of here." Hiei stated from behind him.

"Shit!" Yusuke jumped. "Don't sneak up on me like that." Hiei smirked, satisfied with the response. "I'm leaving now. Thanks for everything." It was one of those rare moments in his life where he actually meant it and bowed politely before leaving the hospital. His mother had taken his things and went home ahead of him at his request, Yusuke had insisted that he wanted to walk around to see how much, if any, things had changed.

He walked around the familiar city, stopped in the arcade, played a few games, rested at the park for a bit. Yusuke sighed aloud wondering where he should go next, it was starting to get dark and he knew his mother might worry, but he didn't want to go home…

"Hey, Urameshi!" Kuwabara called out and jogged up to him. "Hey, I've been looking everywhere for ya!" He grinned. "Your mom was worried you couldn't remember the way home so I told her I'd find ya." The redhead noticed the slightly dazed look in the other's eye. "Urameshi? You listening?" He waved a hand in front of the other's face.

"Huh? Oh, hey, Kuwabara, when'd you get here?" Yusuke yawned.

"You feeling ok?" Slate gray eyes stared down at the darker haired man.

"Yeah, just kinda tired…" He stretched.

"Well then let's get you home." Kuwabara smiled and threw his thumb over his shoulder.

"Nah, I think I'll hang out for a bit longer… wanna go see a movie?" He asked absently.

"A movie?! Urameshi, you just got out of the hospital. You should be taking it easy." Kuwabara watched as the other rolled his eyes and turned away. "You've been out all day. What have you been doing?"

"Nothing that concerns you…" Yusuke's mood turned fowl. "If you're just here to nag me then save it."

"Seriously, what's going on?" He grabbed his shoulder. "Talk to me."

"I can't go home okay?" He wrenched his himself away. "Just leave me alone."

"Why? Did you really forget how to get home?" Kuwabara questioned a bit surprised. "It's not a big deal I—"

"Idiot! That's not it!" Yusuke shouted and threw a punch at him. Of course Kuwabara was easily able to stop the weakened fist in its tracks. Glaring brown eyes welled with tears making the taller man blush slightly. "If I go home.. That means this is real..." The dark haired man confessed, his fist shaking.

"What?" Kazuma was understandably confused.

"Shit…" Yusuke ran a hand through his hair then stumbled back slightly.

"Hey!" Kuwabara caught him, pulling him close. "L-lets get something to eat and you can tell me what's going on." He suggested assuming the former(?) punk just needed to eat and rest a moment. Yusuke begrudgingly nodded.

"As long as you're paying." He added. The redhead smirked.



"So what's up? What did you mean by 'real'?" Kuwabara questioned while he ate his burger.

"Its weird… but I guess when I was asleep I could hear you guys." He took a drink. "Not all the time or anything but what I could hear was added to my dream…" He scratched his head.

"So you actually dreamt the whole time?"

"I guess." He shrugged. "I mean.. I knew it wasn't the same year when I woke up, or at least I didn't think it was.. I wasn't actually sure."

"What did you dream about? Beating the shit out of people?" He laughed.

"Basically." Yusuke ate some his burger. "Except it wasn't just people, we fought demons and ghosts too." He explained.

"What? Really?" Kuwabara gave him a surprised look. "Normal humans fighting demons? Sounds like an anime." He chuckled.

"Well, we weren't exactly normal…" He unwrapped a second burger. "We had powers and stuff. Hiei was a demon and Shuichi was possessed by a demon as a baby or something…" He took a bite. "He went by Kurama. I'm having a really hard time not calling him that still."

"Kurama? That sounds kinda cool, like a code name." Kuwabara ate a few fries. "So, you said we, does that mean I was in your dream too?"

"Yeah, you—" Yusuke paused looking a bit hurt. "We were best friends.." He set down his half eaten burger. "I've lived this entire life that never happened… and it's hard to deal with sometimes…"

"So it's like going home confirms that it wasn't real then?" Yusuke nodded. "Do you want it to be real?"

"I don't know… I mean.. It was real to me for so long... Like you—I know you." He emphasized making Kuwabara blush. "You have an honor code, you love cats, you see ghosts and you have terrible taste in music."

"Hey!" Kuwabara retorted.

"But the Kuwabara I know… well… He…" Yusuke shifted unsure of how to say it.

"He was straight…" The larger man gave him a knowing look. Once more he nodded. "Is it weird?" He asked cautiously.

"Not really.. Not as weird as I thought it would be." Yusuke shrugged. "You're still an idiot." Kuwabara stared flatly at him.

"Well I do love cats… I even have one-"

"Let me guess, her name is Eikichi?" He pointed a French fry at the other man who froze.

"Wow that is kinda freaky." He laughed. "But I guess I did tell you about her." He rubbed the back of his head.

"So your boyfriend…" Yusuke changed the subject making Kuwabara blush at both the subject and sudden change. "Is he stronger or weaker than you?"

"Wh-what kind of question is that?" He gave a nervous chuckle that seemed to irk the wanna-be detective.

"I'm trying to figure out which one of you would be bottom." He shrugged and took another bite of his burger.

"Wh—that's a preference! It has nothing to do with strength!" The red head shouted, blushing furiously. "And it's none of your business anyway!" Yusuke sniggered.

"Well I guess I got my answer." He laughed as his friend's face turned completely red.

"Damn it Urameshi!" He quickly stood and put Yusuke in a headlock, twisting his knuckle into his head.


"You remember how to get home right?" Kuwabara double checked.

"Yeah, yeah…" Yusuke waved him off as he turned around.

"Go straight home! Don't worry your mom anymore!" The taller man called out to him.

"Okay dad…" The shorter human rolled his eyes and shook his head but turned back toward him, walking backwards to keep on his path. "Hey." He got his attention. "Thanks." He gave him a thumbs up with a grin. Kuwabara reciprocated.

"Cheating on me isn't a good idea…" A shiver flew down the red head's spine. He turned to see a man with dark eyes and medium length dark brown hair step towards him. There were bags under his blood shot eyes.

"J-Jino… I wasn't!" He stammered. "That's Urameshi, the friend I told you about. He just got out of the hospital today—"

"Urameshi… the guy you said you had a crush on…" Kuwabara flinched and took a step back, instantly realizing he had made a mistake, he lowered his head.

"It's not like that." He stood as still he could as the other man's hand slammed into the back of his neck and gripped it firmly. He could feel his nails dig into his skin as the man pushed and pulled, making him sway to and fro.

"We'll see about that won't we…" He whispered in his ear and licked the lobe. Kuwabara winced and cursed mentally, eyeing the bottle in his free hand. Was this really just alcohol? No.. No, Kuwabara knew better…


"I'm home!" Yusuke announced, taking off his jacket.

"My boy!" Atsuko flung herself on him, making him topple and hit the floor.

"Jeez ma, you trying to send me back to the hospital?" He sat up rubbing his head.

"Sorry, I'm so happy you're finally home!" She sobbed into his shirt. Yusuke sighed and decided to sit for a while longer.

Maybe this won't be such a bad deal after all…



Chapter one complete.

Thanks for reading! Please review and let me know what you think!