HELLO EVERYONE! Your friendly jester Nick Foolery here, bringing you the 16th chapter of My Hero vs the Forces of Evil! Wooo yeah, been a minute, but you all know that I'm always late with this kind of stuff! Heyo, anyway, it is currently 5:04 on July 31st, 2020, so let's see how long it takes me to finish this puppy off! I'm hoping less than a couple days! So, without further ado, READ ON!

Izuku, Nana, and Star all stared at the dumbfounded tiny form of one Toshinori Yagi.


The black haired force ghost nodded her head. "Yes Toshi, Nana." It was the fourth time that All Might had asked that.

He was quiet for a second, before opening his mouth again. "Na-"

"All Might."

Izuku cut the man off before they were stuck in his office for the next 30 minutes, while he cycled through asking Nana if it was really her over and over. The man immediately shook out of his daze, and his eyes glistened.

"Oh goodness, Nana it's you!"

He went to give her a hug, but he went right through her. She 'pat' his back, and smiled. "Yeah kid, its me."

He smiled. "You look just like you did back then! You've not aged a day!"

She chuckled. "Well, I'm dead so..." She was quiet a moment before spreading her arms. "Look at you though! You're even older than I was, that's crazy."

He chuckled. "Well yes I suppose you're correct." He then turned to Izuku.

"Young Midoriya, how long has my mentor been appearing to you."

He scratched his neck. "Ah, since last night. She just kinda showed up."

The black haired hero. "Yeah we're all really confused here. But ah, that's not all."

All Might rose his brow. "Oh, what else then?"

Star raised her hand. "I can see her, and I'm not supposed to be able too?"

The blonde haired man looked at the interdimensional princess.

"Yes, that does seem to be a predicament."

They were quiet for a second, before Izuku spoke up.

"We were wondering if you might have any idea on the cause?"

All Might tapped his chin, before snapping. "Maybe it's because you're really good friends?"

The three looked at him.

He held his hands up. "It was a joke!" He then turned to his green haired protege.

"I'm very sorry Young Midoriya, but I don't know anything more than you three. One for All is very mysterious in its ways. In fact, I'm sure that Nana has explained how they could only appear to me in dreams."

Izuku nodded. "Yeah, she mentioned it. That One for All is different for me, and I get like Force Ghosts or something."

The dead pro-heroine stared at him. "Kid, Star Wars was dated when I was a kid."

The green haired teen just blushed. "Ah, yeah."

All Might looked to Izuku. "I suppose that this is something you'll have to get used to, Young Midoriya. Ah, try not to be too talkative in public, people may think you're crazy."

Nana let out a sharp laugh. "Oh I'm definitely going to be messing with you in public now."

Izuku groaned. He already got enough teasing from Star. Who was also laughing alongside Nana. He shot All Might a look, who simply responded with his own apologetic look. Izuku sighed.

"Well, this can be good though. Having two previous weilders of One for All as my mentors could be super helpful with my progression of the quirk."

All Might clapped. "Yes, that's a good way to look at it Young Midoriya! Now, if you'll all excuse me, I've got a ridiculous amount of paperwork to do, for very little pay!"

The three were silent.

All Might clapped again. "Get out."

The three stood up, and left, bidding the Number 1 Hero a polite goodbye, and exiting the room. They walked down the hall, Nana with her arms behind her head.

"You know, I've never just hung out with High School kids before."

Izuku looked at her. "Are you like stuck with me like this? Can you not go back into the mindscape?"

The heroine shrugged. "Why bother, I'd rather just stay on this plane of existance, there's way more stuff to do, rather than just hang out with those stuffy guys in the mindscape."

Izuku shrugged. "Well, I guess that's fair."

There was a brief moment of silence, before Star and Izuku's phones went off simultaniously. Star looked at hers.

"It's my mom. Says she needs to call me?"

Izuku stared down at the number that he knew to belong to Toffee.

'We need to talk, kid.'

He gulped and looked up nervously. "Ah, I guess mine was just a wrong number."

Star stared at him, and saw that he was kind of nervous. She shrugged. "Well, I'm gonna step outside for a minute, and talk to mom then."

She stepped out the door leading outside, and immediately dialed her mother. As soon as she was on the phone, Izuku shakily dialed Toffee.

The phone rang for a moment, before the septarian picked up on the other end.

"Ah, Izuku. You responded quickly, good."

The boy looked around nervously. "Ah yes. What is it?"

Toffee spoke. "No doubt that soon Star will be alerted to my presence on Mewni by her mother. I've been making sure I'm spotted in very specific locations. I know Moon will understand what I'm doing, or at least what I'm trying to make her think I'm doing. Now is the time to be putting those ideas into Star's head. I'm counting on your help, Izuku Midoriya."

The teen gulped. "A-ah, yes, of course."

He continued. "And Izuku, do keep this a secret. It's imperative that no one knows we're connected. That would put not only me in jeaopardy, but you as well. I am technically a criminal as far as Mewni is concerned."

Izuku nodded. "I won't. And I'll do everything I can with Star. I think if she knows the truth, she'll be more recieving of the idea."

The lizard man grinned from the other side of the phone. "Very good, I trust you will do great things for many people, Izuku Midoriya."

The phone clicked off, and Izuku sighed, before steeling himself.

"He's a real shady character kid."

Izuku jumped, before remembering that Nana was standing right there.

"He needs my help, and I can't just stand by and not help someone."

She rose an eyebrow. "If you say so kid. Be careful though. The crafty types are always the most dangerous. It's like All for One."

Izuku gave her a strange look. "Who?"

She stared at him like he was stupid, before pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Seriously Toshi? You haven't told the kid about the big bad?"

Izuku was confused, but before Nana could explain, Star bust through the door.

"Toffee's back."

The green haired teen's heart nearly stopped. So Toffee was right, Queen Moon was onto him.

"My mom told me there's been some sightings of him in some key locations, and that he has something planned, so she's going to hunt him down. She was calling me to tell me, and also to tell me that my weekly reports would be on hold for a little while. Why are you sweating?"

Her tangent was cut off by the sudden question, and Izuku waved his hands dismissively.

"Ah, no reason at all! Just, getting kind of hot in here!"

Star got really close, looking him directly in the eye, before pulling away and grinning.

"Well it's pretty nice outside, so let's get you some fresh air!"

She hoisted the boy over her shoulder, and he let out a yelp, before kicking the door down and venturing outside. Nana stared at the broken door.

"I wonder if Izuku will have to pay for that."

Star grinned as she carried Izuku. She didn't know what had him so nervous, maybe the return of Toffee. She still didn't know exactly what he wanted with her best friend. She did know, however, that she wouldn't let him put his slimy claws on him. She paused.

"Izuku were Toffee's claws slimy?"

The boy froze up, and gave her an incredulous look. "I-bu-wh-no?"

She nodded. She wouldn't let his dry to moderately sweaty claws on her best friend.

Izuku stared at the blonde dumbfounded. Then, he had an idea.

"Ah, Star, you know a thought just randomly crossed my mind."

She looked up to him, still carrying him. "Hmm?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I was thinking about Mewnipendence day, and how it was kinda...unfair for the monsters?"

He tried to word it delicately, but Star gave him a strange look.

"They're savage beasts that wanted to eat our children. We fought them off with everything we had because we couldn't have them doing that."

He internally winced. "Yeah but, it seemed more to me like they were minding their own business, and that you're ancestors kinda just came in and...started mass genocide?"

He cursed himself. Way to go putting it delicately.

Star set him down, and gave him a confused look.

"Izuku, what's bringing this on?"

He almost blanched. She almost never called him by his first name like that, unless she was worried.

He shuffled nervously, before gaining a determined look.

"I dunno Star, I guess I wanna be everyone's hero. I don't think all monsters are bad like that at all. Have you ever actually talked to a monster?"

She frowned. "Well, not really, but-"

He cut her off, and immediately felt bad, but continued. "What about Tom? Isn't he like a literal demon?"

She frowned. Tom may have had issues, but he was pretty harmless otherwise.

"I dunno Izuku."

The green haired teen shrugged. "It was just a thought."

He hated lying to his friend, but he believed in Toffee, and he may be wrong for it, but he trusts him too. If this was for the greater good, then he'd do it. He may confess later, but right now, he needed to try to at least plant the seed into Star's mind.

She frowned, and the two walked home in silence. Once they reached their home, Star went up to her room to get a shower. Izuku sighed, and Nana spoke from behind him.

"Kid, I sure do hope you know what you're doing."

He looked to the heroine. "I have this feeling. Like I know he's telling the truth. I can't let someone be targeted for being weak, and for nothing else."

The woman's face softend, knowing he had a soft spot for people that fell victim to that, having been one himself. She sighed.

"Sit down kid, and let me tell you the story of One for All."

"So," Izuku started. "That is who killed you then. All for One?"

She nodded. "Yes, and he's the reason we have One for All. It is specifically dedicated to the defeating of All for One. Like two sides of the same coin."

The green haired teen leaned back on the couch. "This gives even more pressure than I already had."

Nana frowned. "Yeah, I gue-"

Izuku cut her off by hopping to his feet, and clenching his fist.

"Only more reason to get a good grasp on my quirk! I have to be able to save everyone that I possibly can! I can't be a good successor without it!"

Nana was seemingly caught aback at first, but quickly smiled. Of course the kid would take it as something pushing to his goal, she had spent the last few weeks inside his head.

"I tell you that, to tell you this, kid. Be careful. Don't let yourself be fooled. For not only your sake, but the worlds'. One for All is incredibly powerful, and incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands."

Izuku nodded. "I understand."

The seventh user put her hand on his shoulder. "You got a good head on your shoulders kid. And a great big heart to boot. I know that you'll do great one day."

The green haired inheritor grinned. "Well, I'm glad you think so."

The former pro-heroine smiled. "Kid, I know so."

Star entered her room, and immediately sighed. What Izuku had said still weighed on her mind, but she wasn't sure why.

"Monsters are bad...right?"

It's all she knew, and how she was raised. She looked back, and thought of all the monster attacks and monsters she herself had fought. However, something was different.

For some reason, she couldn't recall a single time a monster had attacked her first. Or for that matter, any time monsters in general attacked first.

She walked to the bathroom that was a part of her room, and began preparing her shower, thinking that may get her mind off of it.

About halfway through her shower, she realized it didn't help at all.

"What was I thinking?" She mumbled to herself. "The deepest of questions and thoughts always come in the shower!"

She finished up quickly, and laid down on her bed, staring up at the top of her bed canopy, blowing some wet hair out of her face.

"Man, Deku having to go and hit me with those kinds of questions."

She was quiet for a minute, before sitting up.

"Maybe he does have a point though..."

Before she could ponder the thought further, her mirror began ringing. Hopping off her bed, and pulling back the curtains, the mirror showed that her mother was calling. Confused, as she said that she wouldn't be availiable for the next week or two, she answered.


Izuku yawned, and stretched, before freezing.

It was a school day.

His alarm hadn't gone off.

In a panic, he reached over to his phone, and saw that it was two minutes before his alarm was set. Immediately relaxing, he arose, and began to get ready for school, turning his alarm off when it did finally go off. He grabbed his things, and headed to the kitchen seeing Star sitting at the table with a cup of coffee, strangely silent. When she looked up, she grinned.

"Oh, morning Deku!"

He smiled at her. "You're up kind of early. What's the occasion?"

She smiled. "Oh nothing, I just woke up earlier today than normal." She didn't tell him that she had trouble sleeping the night before, both because of his question, and because of her mother calling. He shrugged, and grabbed a peice of toast that was sitting on a plate on the counter, and began to munch on it.

"So," he began, "you ready for school?"

Star chuckled into her coffee. "Well, no."

She stood up, and finished the cup off, grinning at her friend. "But I guess I don't have a choice in the matter."

Izuku smiled. "That's the spirit, let's go."

The walk to UA was largely uneventful, just some small talk between the two friends, which continued when they met up with Iida, Mina, and Ochaco at the train station near UA's campus.

Once in their homeroom, Aizawa rose to life from the floor near his desk

"So, as you all may or may not know, we just had the Sports Festival."

He clicked a button on the remote he held in his hand, and a screen fell down at the front of the class, showing each student, and a number beside them.

"However, as you all may or may not know also, is that Pro-Heroes were in attendance, and were watching you, each one putting in applications to have you intern under them, for our next big program. Our internship program. Each of you will be doing some research, and chosing a hero to intern under, for the next week or so. So, get to it."

He then immediately went back down, and the students began intermingling amongst themselves.

Izuku turned to Star. "Star, look, you got some people that want you to intern with them!"

She smiled. "Yeah, well, so do you! Besides, I can't actually participate in this activity."

Izuku rose his brow. "Why not?"

She tapped her desk. "Ah, my mom called last night. I've got to go to Mewni for the next week. Something to do with my training and stuff. I guess she talked to someone here, and cleared it. Perfect timing, with this going on."

The green haired teen was a little disappointed, but nodded. "Well, I guess that's basically like an internship, so you'll get something anyway."

The interdimensional princess grinned, and nodded. "Totally! By the way, who do you plan on interning with?"

She had a pretty good knowledge of pro-heroes, thanks to living with Izuku for the past almost year, so she really was curious. The green haired teen tapped his chin.

"Ah, I'm not sure yet? There's a few places that would be really cool to intern at, but first, I think I'm gonna talk to All Might about it."

She nodded. "Yeah, I figured he might. Who knows, he may have something planned for you to do instead."

Izuku grinned. "He may!"

"What do you mean you're busy?"

Gran Torino sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I said, I've got plans. Besides, Toshinori, I'm a retired hero, I don't even work for an agency anymore. Why don't you talk to Mirai?"

All Might visibly paled. "M-mirai? W-well..."

The older man on the other end of the phone groaned. "Don't tell me you're still not talking to him. Kid, you're literally the number 1 hero. Call him, see if he'll take your problem child as an intern. I can't."

The phone clicked off, and the blonde man visibly sunk into his chair.

"I haven't talked to Mirai in a few years...who knows what he'll have to say?"

He looked at the phone that was sitting on his desk.

"You're literally the number 1 hero."

All Might sighed, and picked up the phone.

AAAAAAND THAT'S A WRAP! It is currently 10:41 PM, August 2, 2020. So hey! It didn't take me too long at all! Pat on the back for me! So, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Oh, by the way, I posted a prequel story for a character that I submitted to an SYOC, that has a super dedicated fan community. It's pretty nifty, and the story is fun, so if any of you wanna check it out, my prequel is on my profile, and the syoc is called Your Hero Academia: An American Life by Christoph Andretti! If you have anything to say about the chapter, feel free to leave a review, and drop a follow if you wanna see what happens next! See you all next chapter, and stay frosty my friends! As always...

See You On The Flip-Side~Nick Foolery