Hi folks. I'm just skimming with this free time and might as well retouch some. Might tickle me to write again… no promises tho.

I hope everyone is coping with the pandemic and for the few I knew, I hope you are all okay.

May my babbling help some old pervs' boredom away :P and hello to thy new readers.



A beta is still welcome!

Chapter 1: Love is Timeless

(7/27/2020 Revised)

"Time flies…" It has been six years since she last set foot on this train and it was nostalgic how she could still remember the parting hugs from her mom and best friend Harumin even the sniffles Matsuri tried to hide when she gave her goodbye "and oh my god Nene…" A solemn moment gripped her before a relaxed smile followed.

"Enough Yuzu, that's on the past." Yuzu berated her thoughts with practiced ease. She's not the teenager blonde anymore. "I'm just looking forward to seeing their surprised faces when I showed up." A smile as Yuzuko Aihara played out the scenarios of her unannounced comeback.

Oh how much it will comeback to her also.

Six years ago…

before their high school graduation, the free-spirited Sara invited the young blonde for a little get together to celebrate their upcoming new 'fates'. It was easy enough that they decided to meet up in Kyoto at a famous restaurant featuring exquisite arts. Even though it was ways away for the Aihara girl, Yuzu compromised. It was a break that she needed after everything. So much for the hopeful break because as soon as they met up the first thing Sara asked was,

"Yuzu! How are you and Mei?"

Unknowingly shattering the last straw of the emotional Yuzu. The silent tears that followed almost had the Tachibana teen in panic and just pulled the shaking blonde in a hug. They didn't spoke of the topic after that much to Yuzu's sought escape. Painstaking at first but the friends found to enjoy their day then.

Six years ago…

the same day also when Yuzu found her real escape at that same train station.

Giving her friend a last wave as the train doors closed, the blonde teen dropped to a seat. Her energy dropped also and Yuzu almost whined when someone tapped her shoulder obviously wanting her attention even though her attention just wanted nothing but to be left alone. Emerald orbs went wide in fascination albeit her initial disinterest. Red flaming hair framing a delicate face. Such a nice shade of red that she wasn't able to stop herself from voicing her reaction.

"Oh my god! What brand of hair dye are you using?!"

Shock then a heartfelt laughter came from the inquisitor.

"Goodness! You beat me to it! I was going to ask the same thing!" the redhead spoke in amusement. The stranger breathed deeply to calm herself before continuing. "I saw you when you boarded the train and though I just saw your hair differently from the lightning outside but when you came in and I got a better look. I said to myself I need to ask her hair dye. That is an impressive shade by the way."

With her own incredulousness of the situation, the blonde unconsciously twirled her locks with her right hand and examined it as though it was the first time seeing it. Yuzu jumped back when the unknown girl's face hovered close. Too close that they were eye to eye.

"Damn girl. Nice eyes too." Patting the fidgeting female's shoulder, the red haired one chuckled. "Relax. I'm not hitting on you. I just wanted to see if you are wearing contacts."

"Can't you just ask?! Doing that to a stranger…" the blonde huffed and crossed her arms to show her irritation.

"Wowa down girl. I wasn't trying to take you away from your girlfriend—"

"Sara isn't my girlfriend—"

"So that shawty wasn't your girlfriend?"

"No. None of your business—"

"Why did you answer if it wasn't—"

"You asked! Dummy!"

"You don't answer for none of your business! Dumbass!"

And with that the two ended up sputtering incoherent tantrums at each other until they both busted out laughing.

"My name's Juliet Sears. Yours?"

"Yuzuko Aihara. But you can call me Yuzu."

"Well Yuzu are you going to tell me your secret to this hair now? After all, us with such unique beauties should stick together." And for the first time, Yuzu saw her reflecting shades of green eyes staring back at her. It was a lighter shade bordering between forest green to lime. That was six years ago.

Six years ago when Yuzu left Japan and went to America.

After exchanging phone numbers with Juliet, the two immediately started talking about fashion and Yuzu learned that the redhead was just visiting the country after graduating from her college in America. Juliet was born in Japan but at age 14 her mother remarried so they migrated to the United States. Something the blonde certainly related to. Moreover Yuzu was impressed with the girl's talent when the aforementioned sent her pictures of her clothing fashion portfolio. Apparently ms. Sears is going to be the assistant of the manager designer of Glamour magazine; one of the leading company in the international fashion industry. The blondie was so starstrucked that she blabbed about all sorts of her ideas on fashion so much that on their next meeting Juliet dropped her a bombshell that Yuzuko Aihara never dreamed of.

"This is a joke Juliet, right?!"

They were seated outside at a table of a crepe store or more precisely Yuzu was on her feet with both of her hands on the table in contrast to Juliet cross legged on her chair with her crepe looking like it was the most natural occurrence of her day.

"Geez. Do you not know how to read or you just always wear your heart on your sleeve? Sit down. People are staring." The nonchalant redhead pointed her spoon at the tipped chair of the other girl and their accumulated audience. In a flash the blonde fixed her seat and mumbled apologies before settling down. "Thank goodness. You do have manners. I though for a sec I should have gotten one for a mental institution instead of this one." Crepe spoon pointed to the papers on the table, the redhead flashed a sheepish grin.

"So ms. Aihara what do you say?"

Six years ago…

Yuzu didn't sleep that one particular night. The document Juliet gave her was an invitation for a vocational scholarship offered by Glamour magazine. Unbeknownst to the blonde when she started blabbing her mouth about her views in fashion and sent pictures of her mix-matched get-ups to the redhead in between their regular texts or chats that the latter compiled the ideas then actually made Yuzuko Aihara a portfolio gone as far as presented it to one of the attendees who handled the department for the approval of candidates for the scholarship.
Juliet's parting words of that day kept Yuzu irked. Maybe it was Sara's fate and fortune dialogue but the golden haired girl remembered the lines vividly. "Told you. Us unique beauties should stick together."

Just the next day then, Juliet sent her a text message that almost got the Aihara blonde delirius.

'Hey blondie, I'll push my flight for another two weeks so you can finish the paperwork then we'll go fly!'

And not to mention Yuzu was looking at a week before her high school graduation. The astonished girl didn't touch the application paper on her desk. It was so surreal and maybe she was just really losing it.

A week went by and graduation day came. Things were well with the ceremony even the gathering afterwards. The blonde was starting to enjoy herself and for a long while was able to stay in peace in the same room with her family and friends. Even Sho showed up just for that day to congratulate them then took off once again. The last thing he said was he'll be back soon as he nodded to his youngest. The older daughter thought it was just a growing gesture between the two.

If Yuzu only knew better back then that gestures like those meant more. It was the calm before the storm.

Six years ago…

Emerald orbs were staring through the kitchen window. It was barely noon and it seemed that the sun already retired for that day; dark clouds poured heavy rain. Relentless rain. Yuzu and Juliet were supposed to meet up and discuss the terms of the scholarship so the blonde can figure out her real plans then introduce the redhead to mommy Aihara.

"I guess the weather just gave us a break yesterday for the graduation."

The newly graduated girl didn't spoke to anyone about the offers Juliet laid out for her. Yuzu was considering a careful way to bring up the idea of her leaving the older female. Only dropped small conversations with her mother about meeting a new friend with very same hobbies. After all, her mother was still coping with the thought of not having the other daughter at the house anymore. They rarely talked about the change on the household arrangements but the blonde saw how much the other misses the usual third occupant of their home. This particular day wasn't an exception. With another dejected look outside, Yuzu switched her attention where her mother was. The older woman caught the younger's gaze before an apologetic smile. The latter knew all too well what was coming.

"Ah honey I'm sorry. It's just having Mei here yesterday had me caught up this morning."

Untouched set of plates were carefully picked up as the former sighed and went behind the kitchen counter to store the extra dishes. The third set of dishes.

"Don't worry mom. I got used to it after the third time you setup the table for three." She needed to be nonchalant or she won't be able to keep up her front.

"I do miss her. Do you not?" With her fork down, the younger passed it like a rehearsed reply. Eyes closed, Yuzu spoke the same words she responded to whom asked her the same question.

"It's her decision. All we can do is support her." A charade but it kept the blonde grounded. The mother neither spoke more beyond that point, just that sad smile but didn't dare to push the subject. And just like that they would resume with their regular routines of the day.

"Yuzu would you mind getting the mail? I think the mailman came early."

"This early? Is the storm really that bad?" Without even waiting for a reply, the younger of the household padded her way to their mailbox. Stack of mail on hand, Yuzu hurried back inside. It was freezing outside. She immediately dropped the pile atop the now cleaned dining table. Greens eyed the various envelops. "Mom the only thing for you is from the gas company, all of the others are addressed to me except this red elegant looking packet." As to emphasize her point, Yuzu waved the said item to her mother's direction. "There's no sender just our address and it says 'to the Aihara Residence'. Are you waiting for any mail?"

"No. I already got the post card from Sho this month so I don't know anything else. It might be for you as well. After all you just graduated."

"I guess…" Truth be told, most of the letters were for the blonde. Congratulation cards from her so called friends. She only paid attention to familiar names of Sara and Nina though. The only remaining unopened was the red elusive envelope.

"Why don't you open it? I'm almost done with the dishes."

"What if its rigged?" The two women shared a brief laugh. Yuzu already slid the paper cutter through the envelope before her mother could reply to her jitter.

"Well if it is don't give it to me!" When no response came, the older woman lifted her head and turned the faucet off. The parent stared worriedly at her daughter's rigid back. The latter looked to becoming a statue. "Yuzu—"

"Its for you also. I'll leave it here with the gas mail. I'll be in my room replying to my mails." It was such a hushed answer that Yuzu didn't think her mother understood what she said. Anyhow she didn't bother. She needed to get out of there before… with her mail on hand, the teen almost ran to her room. When the bedroom door closed behind her, the blonde let go of the papers on her tight grasp. The crumpled pieces dropped to the floor. The dark room was the only witness to her tears and sobs then.

Back in the kitchen, the older female watched the younger girl flew to her room. It wasn't the first time her daughter acted like this. Actually it became a normal occurrence. With the hand towel to dry her hands, Ume rounded the counter and peeked at the object that had her child fleeing like she was being burned. She fairly had an idea why or who can cause such reaction. Her little girl was never good at lying anyway. Now seated on one of the dining chairs, only her whispered words were heard.

"…requesting your honour of presence…" the tears poured down the mother's face. When Mei told her about the marriage the parent was in disbelief. Mixed feelings. Even though the dark haired girl wasn't her biological daughter the effect was astounding. A finger traced the image of her youngest daughter beside a distinguish looking gentleman, Suzume Aihara felt the sadness and loss.

"Oh Mei…"

Although only one of her daughters stepped out of the nest, it dawned on the mother how it felt as though both of her children left. And how she broke down when those feelings became tangible.

That evening, Yuzu stepped out from her confinement. Suzume was very certain that afternoon she'll be eating dinner alone but was glad the other apartment dormant came to join her. With the earlier 'scenario' the older woman was way beyond sure that the blonde female will lock herself in her room like every time it came to a certain brunette. A pinch on her own nose, the mom berated herself for she shouldn't be dwelling on things. She was the mother and right now her daughter needed one.

"I made soup also. It's a new recipe I came up with." A topic she knew her little girl would enjoy was the older's cheerful greeting. She waited for the usual curious inquiry but it never came. Instead, Yuzu politely thanked her for cooking and asked if they can talk after eating. "Of course dear. You know you can always talk to me." An hour later, Suzume wished she could take those words back. No, scratch that. How she wished Yuzu just stayed locked in her room. It was a bad idea for her to think but better than what was going on right then.

"Mom. I'm sorry but I already made my decision."

"Yuzuko…" the aforementioned flinched. Hearing her mother say her name like that, it broke the blonde's heart. She cannot bare to look her mom in the eye. Not then. "Thank you for cooking. I'm going to bed now. Good night mom."


Halted just by the corridor, the younger girl dared a glimpse at the dining table. The older female was not even looking at her direction. Suzume was staring down at the item on her hand. Yuzu gritted her teeth at the flash of red.


"Please let ms. Sears know I would like to have a meeting with her as soon as possible." The invitation tucked away from her daughter's view, the senior Aihara did got her baby girl's attention away from the blonde's glaring opponent. Her baby girl. "I cannot tell you what to do anymore. I love you and you will always have my support."

Maybe it was those words from her mother that helped Yuzu to move forward. Six years ago.

Multiple dinners between the two Aihara women and Juliet later, albeit the redhead vowed it was more like interrogation sessions topped with long hours of sorting documents. Few impulsive shopping trips then a video conference interview from Glamour, the fashion duo managed to salvage/accomplish the golden haired teen's application process in a span of one week.

Yuzu was one hundred one percent convinced that she made a clown out of herself on the online interview that when the email containing the result of the application came, she was so scared and didn't opened it. If it wasn't for Juliet barging in the Aihara apartment with bloody hell of threats to shave the blonde's head for not replying to the email, Yuzuko Aihara probably would have not opened the electronic letter.

"Yuzuko Aihara I swear to all the saints of wigs and extensions I will and I sure will shave your blondielocks dumbass head! I'll include your eyebrows and I swear I will add that pussy of yours if you don't stop acting like a pussy! God damn read the email! It was sent two days ago! And yes idiot they called me when they didn't get a response from your stupid ass!"

Least say Yuzu received her official welcome letter from Glamour then.

"Jesus Christ! What in god's name were you thinking?! Oh lord! Yuzuko!"

"Alright alright! Stop the divinity sister Juliet!*

"Excuse me miss, if it wasn't for divine intervention I would have murdered your flashy blonde bundle by now. Seriously? What in the world were you thinking?" When no reply came, the redhead eyed the now mute girl. The said blonde was seated in the middle of her bed with her arms hugging a bear which Juliet thought to be cute but at the same tine ridiculous. Anyway, she preferred a bubbly annoying Yuzu than this. With a sigh, the experienced fashion diva sat down on the edge of the bed then tipped the head of the stuffed animal so she can look at the face of her friend. Juliet wasn't surprised to be met with teary greens. A delicate hand reached out and playfully wiped the blonde's tears away. "Whatever it is… it. Will. Be…." The hand slid to the side. "Fine!" A cheek was pinched hard.

"Owowow! Ouch!" The somber blondie rubbed the left side of her face while glaring daggers at the cackling cheek-pincher. "That was mean!"

"You should have seen your face. It was priceless!" Successfully caught the attention of the other girl, the red haired female picked up the dropped stuffed buddy. The bear was placed in front of the previous hugger as an imitation of bear talk followed.

"Congratulations Yu-zu-ko. Come on and smile now because you'll need to take a picture for your passport visa soon!" For a moment there was silence which prompted the puppet master peer over her mascot. Juliet wiggled the paws for added animation before she finally heard a reply.

"Thank you Kumagoro."

"You mean thank you Juliet?" 'Kumagoro' back to its previous captor, the puppeteer stood up. With things eased it was time to get down to business. Bright lime orbs swept the desk table where piles of papers scattered. "While its nice to meet your Kumagoro—"

"He isn't mine."

"—nice to meet not-yours Kumagoro." An eye roll at the blonde girl who certainly 'not' had her arms all around the 'not hers' Kumagoro, the older fashionista picked up a folder from the stack atop the clattered desk. One folder flipped open, Juliet skimmed over the contents with approval. "Though you plunked at your earlier year, you did well afterwards. At least we can be proud with your transcript huh Yu?"

"Juliet bully."

More pages scanned, the inspector red reread a particular section before voicing her inquiry.

"Say Yuzu, the seal here on your transcript and diploma are signed by Aihara. Are you any by chance related? Just wondering. Probably just the same last name or whatever." It was brushed off as mere ridiculous coincidence on her perspective as Juliet continued. "Let see, here it is. Mei Aihara is the name." And with that, all of the redhead's efforts to have a decent conversation with the blonde went out the window as the latter started with open bawls to the Sears girl's bewilderment. If they only knew then, six years ago and now…

Six years later, the blonde chuckled to herself as she held her said passport on hand. The memory of that day still as fresh on her mind. Yuzu remembered how freaked out the redhead and blew her composure all over. She could still vividly see Juliet cursing the ABC of the profanity dictionary when the blonde didn't cared and wouldn't stop weeping until the distraught older girl started dialing the mother of the house that Yuzu settled enough to protest to the idea.

"Oh you better not call my mom!"

"Oh you better speak up blondie! What the fuck is the goddamn drama queen session?! Spill!"

With a leverage over her, the younger girl didn't had a choice but to explain everything to ms. Juliet Sears then. Six years ago.

"Speaking of the devil…" Back at present, Yuzu pulled out the ringing phone from her other pocket. She didn't need to look at the caller id as the caller insisted to have her own distinctive ringtone proclaiming that people can't miss her calls. It was funny at first but the blonde agreed onwards as it turned out to be useful after their lives started hectic schedules.

"Now you are not stalking me are you?" There was a chuckle at the line before a voice came through.

"Am I that obvious? Sorry I'll make it less obvious next time, honey." Snorting at the comment, Yuzu glanced at her watch noting the current time.

"Are you still at work?"

"Now now darling I told you stop stalking me already." An eyeroll from emerald orbs before a slight pause as a beeping sound came through the line followed by a car door closing. "Yeah, just got in my car after those bloody meetings, hurry up I need your ass back here. Anyways, where are you now?"

Shuffling a bit with her suitcase as the train let on more people, Yuzu readjusted her carrying bag before replying to the phone call. "Good, now I know you did not bugged my phone if you are asking. On the train now just left Kyoto, the flights were rescheduled. They actually moved me to first class! and you'll survive the meetings if you stop being annoyed."

"I'm not the one you should be worrying about blondie. You didn't happen to drop your name when you got to the airline gates did you? And its not my fault they're annoying."

Recalling her trip earlier, the blonde did got some attention at the airport stop over after showing her ID to the ticket attendant. "Well… yeah you did remind me about that. I had no choice! They asked for my identification. Anyway I'll be popping for brunch at my mom's."

"Good to hear you enjoyed the flight then. Just checking so we won't be surprised if we get a phone call here asking for your ransom. I won't hold you long. Still need to drive home. Don't forget my gift to Ume." Saying their goodbyes, Yuzu smiled at the older girl's antics. Switching her screen to messages, she composed a quick text to her mother.

'Happy golden year to my awesome mom! So what's the celebration plan? ;)'

Noting which station she's at, the blonde accessed her estimated travel time to reach her old home. Her mother kept the apartment declining her daughter's offer of buying her a house on one of her birthdays, instead Suzume just opted for a simple SUV for her personal traveling purposes. It didn't stop the compulsive daughter from purchasing the most expensive SUV out that time though. "Well, she didn't say what kind." Yuzu commented to Juliet back then when the older Aihara burst out in a video call about a car delivered within 24 hours after speaking with her daughter about getting her a 'decent' one.

After completing the her apprenticeship, Yuzu got a great career path and her income rate was well generous to support any lifestyle she wanted. Her work kept her time fully occupied and it was a reasonable excuse to her mom whenever the woman asked when she'll go home. So the younger Aihara decided to give her mother a personal appearance for her 50th. Besides Yuzu wanted to congratulate personally as well the pink-haired girl on her accomplishment. Matsuri was graduating from college in a few days plus she needed to see Harumin's upcoming venue. Eventually her long time best friend chose to become an executive event planner. After switching between different jobs, the bubbly girl ended her job hunting and opened up her own company. The Taniguchi Services and the slogan of "With Taniguchi Services we'll keep any occasion upbeat. We'll help you plan your dreams!" The grand opening will be in two weeks. The blonde's reverie halted when the device on her hand vibrated. A reply from her mother came.

'Thank you very much my equally awesome daughter! How was work? Are you home now? We're just actually staying home and will order some food. Sho is coming home by the way.'

"It sounds like the whole family will be home…" Family, Yuzu mused. It means that she will be there also. Breathing deeply, the blonde female cleared her thoughts. Its not the time for her to dwell on the past. Standing up, she exited the train.

A cab ride and one autograph later, Yuzuko Aihara stood outside her former residence. The ride from the train station was a little comical for the bundle of nerves girl's view point. Five minutes on her ride, she couldn't take it anymore as the driver kept glancing at her through the rear view mirror. Annoyed by the unwanted attention and all leachy ideas the peeping tom might be having the green eyed passenger was about to give the dirty old man a piece of her blondie mind when the driver suddenly hit the breaks then turned in awe to the passenger.

"You're the girl from Glamour!"

Let's just say the bewildered female almost choked on her supposedly speech. She just managed a nod before the driver shifted the gears while ranting his fanboy mode to his idol.

"I did not want to be rude and all ma'am but your advice about hair color was life saving! My wife loves my hair! She reads your daily issue. I can't believe you're my passenger! I can't wait to tell my wife!"

Thanking the heavens that her destination was only ten minutes away from the train station, the celebrity icon hurriedly pulled out her credit card to pay the cab fare but the driver waved her off.

"I am happy to drive you ma'am."

Yuzu protested but the man had other plans. Mr. fanboy pulled a magazine from his glove compartment and handed it to the other. It was the Glamour's latest edition of the Fashion and Health. It was turned to the last page where it lists the editors and staff of the volume. The man pointed to the blonde's picture.

"Would you mind if I ask for your autograph? My wife will be thrilled to have it." With practiced penmanship, the magazine was handed back to the giddy man and the cab ride was fulfilled.

"Well that was something." Yuzu shook her head replaying the recent comedy. Pressing the up button of the elevator, she anxiously toyed with the old card key on her grasp. A ding signaled her floor and the blonde gingerly pulled her suitcase down the hallway till the door with a sign that reads Aihara Residence.

"Sweet!" A relieved sigh escaped the Aihara female when the locks turned. She chanced that her mother hasn't change the locks and busting her surprise because she was locked outside. Closing the front door as quiet as possible, Yuzu sneaked in. Deciding to just leave her bag and suitcase by the entrance so to not make noises, the incognito Yuzu tipped-toed as emerald orbs surveyed each room. No sight of her victim though.

"She did say they're getting food." Grabbing her belongings, a sense of nostalgia enveloped the golden haired girl. Her mother kept the apartment just as the way it was when Yuzu left. There were minimal details changed but everything else was the same. "Except…" her feet on autopilot as greens opened the door to her old room. Few steps forward and there she found it.

"There you are Kumagoro." The brown bear was on her bed.


Six years had passed but it did not changed the effect of that voice. Whenever it mentioned her name. The way it made her feel the first time it was uttered by those lips.

Six years later Yuzuko Aihara stood like a shy teenager and tongue tied as she stared at the woman standing by the doorway. Her flowing dark hair longer and framing her mature yet delicate face. Her statue taller but with defined curves. The blonde thought the time stopped as she gazed on those cerulean eyes that haunted her dreams. The clock seemed to move again when a rustling sound came from the bed and those eyes broke contact with emeralds. Those blue orbs directed its attention away.


The blonde bit her tongue to form a reply when another voice beat her to it.


Apparently she isn't the only 'Yuzu' in the room. With eyes like saucers, the blonde turned her head almost giving herself a whiplash towards the new voice. Greens was met with the child image of Mei Aihara. The little girl had her tiny arms around Kumagoro and peeking curiosity at the unfamiliar person.

"Oh my god! Yuzuko my daughter is that you?!" From the hallway, Suzume rushed to the scene and hugged the speechless blonde. "What a surprise!"

What a surprise indeed.



To be continued.

Phew. Darn I was cringing reading that old chapter I wrote lol.
Let me know how this one sounds. Appreciate the reviews.