Shattered dreams- Relationships are like the wind, sometimes they powerful and strong, bringing with them changes in the things around them. Then of course, there is a storm, a dangerous thing ,that can change your life forever. Their storm clouds are gathering and when it hits, everyone will be affected.

John Robinson padded out of his bedroom barefoot. He carefully opened the door to Judy and Penny's room and looked inside. Although he could clearly see the heads of both girls, he crept inside the room to check on them . They were both asleep. He had been worried that Judy had been visiting the room farther down the corridor. He went to that room now, it was clearly set up for the pilot of the Jupiter 2. He stood a few minutes silently glaring at the man inside, "you have changed everything , now it has all gone wrong",he growled. He was not speaking to Don.

This man was their latest crew member and Judy's new love interest, Zor Mortimer. Judy had met Zor on the last planet they had visited. It had been a large gas world, where they had to spend their time encased in suits. The types of rock on that planet had provided some valuable fuel sources. They were not alone for long as a large cruiser had to make an emergency fuel stop upon that world .When the captain of that ship had invited them to dine, they had met his son Zor. Maureen, had told John that she could see why their daughter was attracted, Zor was over 6 foot tall, with a bronzed muscled body that made him look like he had stepped off one of those body building catalogues. He had wanted to take Judy with him and fly off back to his home world of Morg. It would have been a long journey of around one year, with the couple living and working on the cruiser during that time. The cruiser was cramped and some of the passengers and crew seemed a little rough to John. He was also reluctant to let his daughter go with a man she had only just met. So Zor had invited himself along with them. John had just about choked when Zor had boldly suggested he share a room with Judy. Don had offered the alternative ,giving up his own room.

Now their pilot was sleeping up on the flight deck. It was not the most comfortable of spaces and was definitely not suited for long term occupation. John worried what the solution to that issue was going to be. Don and Judy had never shared a room despite knowing each other for 18 months .

Moving out of the sleeping area John went up to see their pilot. The mattress Don slept upon was not on the floor. Don was sitting in his seat just gazing out upon the stars. John sat in the seat next to him. "How are things going with the ship",John asked. "The speed has reduced again John, it is just part of the ultimate failure of that system. We do not have to concern ourselves as we should be at our destination within the next couple of hours. Don nodded toward the ugly looking planet that was coming closer. "I hope we can trust that this planet does have the parts we need", Don stated.

The coordinates had been supplied by Zor, who had visited the space port on the planet Tytus before.

John reflected that that statement was as close as Don ever went toward calling Zor a liar. It was evident that Don did not like Zor, but he had not caused any trouble.

Part of John wished he would, because he was sure that Judy's interest in Zor was merely an infatuation that would pass. She had been complaining to her mother that Don was no longer being attentive toward her. John had noticed the change several months ago and drawn Don aside to have a talk. "Do you still love Judy", he had asked bluntly. All was silent for a long while. It was evident that Don was struggling with how he felt. John could understand Judy's frustration, getting any thing out of Don was like pulling teeth, it took time, skill and a lot of prodding. Zor was different in that, he was always by Judy's side, complimenting her and spending time to talk about how she felt.

Finally after the silence had gone on too long, John told their pilot, "it is alright if your feelings have changed Don". He then went to walk away. He was almost out of ear shot when Don had said, "I just don't know anymore John". All I can say is that I feel differently toward her, but I don't know why. It just happened. I want to get back the feelings I had when I saw her for the first time. Yet no matter how I try, those feelings will not return. She deserves better".

He had said nothing else. John did note that in all that he had said, Don had not actually answered his initial question. Now he had lost Judy because of that fact.

Things were bound to get awkward for Don when Zor and Judy stepped up their relationship. It would be hard to avoid seeing them together ,as the Jupiter 2 was not a large ship.

He tentatively tried another question, "tell me how you are feeling Don". Maureen had suggested changing the way he asked personal questions , so that he could get more than a yes or no answer. The trouble was that often, he would get no answer at all and end up walking away. This seemed to be one of those times as all he could hear was a slight ticking sound made by one of the consoles. Stretching upward, John got out of the chair. "If you could answer that question honestly , then perhaps you would not be in this position with Judy,"John stated. Don glanced over at him , he looked a little sad, "I am sorry I can't say what you obviously want to hear John", he replied. "It's like that with Judy as well. "John looked over at Don's hand and noticed it was shaking, the pilot quickly balled it into a fist.

John realised he was upset, yet trying hard to conceal that fact. He returned Don's side and reached out to squeeze his shoulder. Underneath his hand Don's muscles were tense. The pilots eyes were averted now. "Its alright Don. John assured him. "Maureen and I did expect things to go down a different path. But if your feelings have changed then, It is better that you acknowledge that now ". Don gave him a rather stiff nod, but did not say anything further.

Moving away, John went off to get some breakfast. He sat at the table, enjoying a moment of quiet. A high pitched giggle snapped him out of that lovely moment . He watched as Judy and Zor came hand in hand over to join him. John reflected that Judy lost all maturity and sense around Zor. All she could do at times was make that laugh. She had never been like that with Don. He pushed away the comparison, it would do him no good to dwell on the differences. "Good morning", he said instead.

"Good morning Professor Robinson", Zor politely replied. That was all the conversation, he got. The couple sat close together whispering to each other ,with Judy dissolving into giggles every couple of minutes.

When Maureen, Penny ,Will and Doctor Smith all joined him, his peace was well and truly over. "Ah young love", Smith smiled at Zor and Judy.

John said nothing. Their breakfast got underway and thankfully nobody commented upon the fact Don was absent.

As soon as he had finished eating Zor got up and took Judy's hand, he went to pull her away from the dining area. "Judy it is your turn to clean up", Penny reminded her sister. An overly dramatic sigh was her response. "Couldn't you do it Pen, just this once", her sister replied as she dreamily stared into Zor's eyes. "I did do the cleaning up last time Judy and the time before that. Now I have other things to do. So it's your turn", Penny said firmly.

"I am sure Zor would help you dear", Maureen added. Zor gave her a smile. "Of course lovely lady", he said to Maureen. "Let us help out your parents my love". Judy smiled at him, "oh Zor you are so generous", she gushed. Maureen almost rolled her eyes, Zor was usually not keen to help out at all. In some ways he reminded Maureen of a younger Doctor Smith. "I will leave you both to get busy then", Maureen stated.

She moved away. Judy started by clearing off the table. Zor did not rush to help just lounging back against the wall and watching Judy work. "I love the way you glide across the room my love. You are not meant for a life like this. When we land, I am going to talk to a few ship captains and find us passage to a planet that is more suited for exploring our relationship", he told Judy.

Judy felt warmth rush to her face and hurriedly wiped the table. Zor was very romantic and she sensed her wanted to step up their relationship rapidly. That would not happen while they were on the Jupiter. While she was deeply attracted to him, part of her felt nervous about the fast pace of their relationship. "Perhaps we can stay on board a little longer ", she suggested carefully.

Now it was Zor who let out a heavy sigh, "Judy that is the voice of your parents", he stated. "They have already killed your chances with the pilot. Now they want to do the same to us. Don't let it happen my love. Embrace romance and give yourself a chance at a new life, with someone who loves you. "

Judy let the washing cloth drop to the ground. "They have killed your chances with the pilot", those words had stung deeply. She had to admit they were true. Her parents had advised her to be cautious in her relationship with Don. Perhaps she had been too cautious and he had decided that he did not want to pursue a relationship because of that fact.

She had thought she would not get a second chance at love. Now it was before her, in the shape of this desirable man. If she turned away now, she may find herself alone for a very long time. "I will run away with you Zor", she found herself saying.

Zor responded by moving forward to embrace her. He pushed her down onto the empty table and lowered himself on top of her. He found it frustrating that the uniform she was wearing restricted any access to her skin. Moving his hand upward on her thigh he found her hand on top of his stopping him, before he could move higher. 'Zor, no", Judy said softly.

"Fine",Zor let the words out in a snap. 'You have just said you were going to run away with me Judy", he said. "What do you think we will be doing on that journey". Judy felt the blood rush into her face and knew she was blushing. "I just need time to get to know you better Zor. We don't need to rush", she stammered.

Zor helped her sit upright. "Maybe you need to rethink your promise Judy. You are not ready to move forward to the more passionate parts of our relationship". He stroked her face for a second then walked out of the dining area.

Judy found tears falling. She felt a deep attraction to Zor. Yet she felt awkward and unsure whenever he tried to move things into a more physically romantic direction. If she wanted to be with him, it was clear what she was going to have to do. Brushing the tears from her face Judy set about finishing clearing the dining area. While she worked she thought about her plans for the future.

Zor had a smile upon his face as he moved back toward his cabin. The tactic he had used on Judy usually bore him some good results. He could tell Judy was somewhat sheltered ,with her parents overseeing all parts of her previous relationship with Donald West.

He was watching the pilot now making the final adjustments to their flight. Donald West knew he was standing behind him, as his reflection showed in the viewscreen . Yet the pilot did not turn and greet him. Zor smiled wider. Come on West, lets see what you are going to do, he told himself. Doctor Smith said the pilot had a temper. But so far he had not shown him any type of aggression.

"You should have worked on her kissing skills, Major, she's not that good. I am making sure she practices of course, so she can be better.", Zor could not help saying those words. He wanted the pilot to react. Beating up West would be satisfying and prove his ultimate superiority in all matters.

Donald West said nothing, just concentrating on his precious machines. "Did you hear me West", Zor growled. "I am also going to bed her, you know, soon." I am guessing I will be her first. That is your fault". He smiled wider, surely now he was going to get a reaction.

Still nothing. Koren could feel his own anger rising. 'I guess you never cared for her then", he stated. Then he stomped off.

Don sagged in his seat. He really had wanted to put his fist in Koren's face, but he knew the man was deliberately baiting him. Once he crossed the line and started to hit the man, there would be no going back. Having a brawl happen in the Jupiter would cause distress and he was sure that he would get the blame. So he did not act.

"I really admire your self restraint Major", came a familiar voice. Looking into the console, Don could see another unwelcome visitor. He mentally and physically braced himself again.

Doctor Smith sat down in the copilots chair. He was eating something that made Don's mouth water. "Don't bring food up here Smith", he berated. Smith just shrugged at that. "I overheard all of your conversation with Zor", he admitted boldly. "That fact you were so mild surprised me. You are always verbally and physically abusive to me, why not him", Smith noted.

Don turned to look Smith in the eye, "I am just playing a game with you Smith." Zor is different", he replied

Doctor Smith thought about that. "Different, hmm, It seems like an excuse to me Major. He's going to get your girl, aren't you going to stop him". There was a challenge in those words.

"She's not my girl anymore Smith", Don said softly. He recognised his voice was even and clear with no trace of an emotion. It was all held in, behind a wall and just like a dam, it could break out at any moment,"It's her choice", he told Smith bluntly. There was a trace of frustration there. Smith munched on his food and tapped his fingers upon the seat , he had picked up on the fact the Major was a simmering volcano. "'Take that stance Major, but I am guessing your temper is not going to be held in check for long", he observed.

He got up and walked away. Don watched him go for a second then turned back to his instruments.

"Whats wrong", the small voice behind him actually made him jump. Penny moved forward to sit in the seat Smith had just vacated. "I know something must be wrong Don. You still love Judy", Penny stated.

Don stared at her. "I know its true Don", Penny insisted. "Do something or you will lose her, forever". She said nothing else, just reaching over to squeeze his hand . Then she was gone. "Dammit", Don swore.

He really wanted to throw something. But once again he pushed the thought away. Instead he started the landing procedures.


John Robinson looked down upon the space port as the Jupiter made its descent. He could tell what type of place this was, just by looking. It was not unlike Las Vegas on Earth, with many places obviously dedicated to gambling. Since they were advertised clearly, then that particular activity was legal on this world. There of course would be other activities that were not, but they'd still be available to someone who had the money or influence.

Maureen, came over to join him and cast a disapproving gaze on the ugly space port, "I am not sure we should let the children anywhere near that place John. There are a lot of things, that they should not see, and definitely areas they must not not go." While he agreed with the second part of that, he was also worried about leaving the children in the ship. "Even if we leave the robot in here to guard them, there are no guarantees they would be safe Maureen. I would rather have them where I can see them",he told his wife gravely.

Maureen, nodded slowly, he could be right. Penny and Will would be under her constant gaze all the time. That did leave out one of her children. What about Judy", she asked worriedly. "Zor is going to want to take her out and visit some of those places. That might even be the reason he brought us here".

John clasped his wife's hand , he understood her concerns, "Judy is an adult and has to make her own decisions, and mistakes", he said sadly. "As much as I don't like that fact, I think we don't give her the opportunity to make her own choices, she is going to rebel on us and make some unwise moves. Her rapid relationship with Zor shows elements of that."

Maureen could feel a tear forming. "I am not sure she can even think clearly John", she observed. He is an exceptionally attractive man". "Zor could definitely take advantage of her lack of clarity".

"I will have a talk with him Maureen", John assured his wife. He went off to find Zor, leaving Maureen to get together some supplies for their journey into the space port. She was not alone for long.

"My thats one ugly rock", Doctor Smith observed as he came over to join her. He already had a bag packed. Maureen wondered what was inside. "It is not an attractive planet", she acknowledged. "I would say the space port has given the planet the only means of having any visitors. There is hardly any greenery down there at all, in fact most of the ground seems to be mud".

The port had built over that ground, using what looked like concrete as a surface. So it was hardly an attractive place either. In fact it reminded Maureen of a large parking garage. The only colourful portions were the materials the individual businesses had used to identify their spots.

"We do not plan a long visit Doctor Smith, all we need are the spare parts, then we will be on our way. So if you are going to get involved in something make it brief", Maureen advised. Smith nodded, "of course dear lady'. He only had one plan while they were here and he was hoping it would not take long.

"Lets strap in for landing", Maureen advised. Smith heeded her words, lowering himself into a nearby chair .

The descent was a smooth one though and they touched down upon a small landing pad, just on the outskirts of the main town.

John was reflecting upon his conversation with Zor as he got ready to exit the ship. The man was very pleasant , not mocking his concern, yet he also reminded him that Judy was old enough to make her own decisions and choices. Yes, he did intend to show her some of the attractions of the space port . But he did assure John that he would keep her by his side and ensure she was safe and he had to be content with that. If Zor did not keep his promise, he was going to let him know his disapproval vocally and physically.

Ahead of him Zor and Judy were hand in hand. Judy had firmly made up her mind to commit one hundred percent to Zor. Letting him show her the sights of the space port would be part of that plan. They were the first ones down the ramp , 'we will keep in contact and meet you later", Zor stated to John as he practically pulled Judy after him.

John watched him go with a look of clear disapproval then turned to Don who was still seated , "come on ", he requested. "Actually John, can I meet you later. I have a few things I would like to do here", Don replied. John was surprised and disappointed by that response. He had thought that Don might follow Judy and Zor. "I would rather we stayed together", he responded grumpily.

"Take the robot if you are worried about your physical safety", Don told him. His voice was borderline surly and John felt a moments anger."Get out of that seat now Mister ", he found himself growling."At least have the decency to follow Zor and Judy and make sure Judy is safe."

He expected Don to get up. But he did not, instead he turned away and John saw his shoulders heaving. When Don spoke again his voice edged on upset."Now you are expecting me to do something I cannot. She has made her choice John, we both have to live with that fact. " Can I please just have some time on my own", he pleaded.

John pushed his attitude away and studied Don closely. He had overlooked the signs of physical and emotional stress, he realised. Now found himself not wanting to leave the ship. It was evident that behind Don's staunch military attitude powerful emotions were swirling .He should stay and get Don to open up and talk to him. "Don I could send the others ahead and you and I will have a chat". Don was still facing away as he said, "no, John, I don't want to talk. I just want to be alone. Just leave."

Maureen heard that last piece and put her hand in John's and gently pulled him toward the ramp. "We will give you a bit of space Don, contact us when you are ready", she responded softly.

With Penny and Will on her other side she and John exited the ship. "He just has a broken heart John, Maureen whispered softly to her husband. "That is something we cannot fix for him". Just give him a bit of space to mourn in his own way". John squeezed her hand in response.

Doctor Smith stayed on the flight deck a moment longer, staring at Donald West's back. He did not say anything. Then he left ,whistling as he walked away.

"Thank goodness", Don proclaimed loudly as soon as Smith had left his sight. He closed his eyes and sat back to enjoy the quiet. After about 20 minutes he activated the scanner in front of him. Smiling widely at what it revealed he catapulted himself out of the chair and went over to one of the utility cupboards. Selecting a bucket and spade, Don went down the ramp. In front of him, he could clearly see a sign, stating the direction of various different activities and businesses. He ignored that sign, moving back past the Jupiter . Now in front of him was another sign, "caution, you are leaving the space port, unstable ground ahead."This was a sign he should not ignore, but he did. Don stepped off the path and onto the dirt. It crunched underfoot as he walked.

Don kept his eyes on the ground and tested it with the tips of his toes before he ventured further. He was getting closer to his destination. When his foot, sunk in inch Don smiled again. Crouching down he dug his spade into the ground. It went down with a slugging sound, into a thick black mass. Using all his strength Don pulled it back up again. He sneezed as his nose was assaulted by the rank rotten egg smell, perfect he thought. Slopping some of the mes, into the bucket was difficult ,as it was sticky ,clinging to the spade. He had to use a stick to force the mass into the bucket. Some of it flew upward ,onto him. Now he smelt a little like the mess. Oh well, he could change before going into the port.

With his bucket now full Don followed his foot prints back to the ship. He moved down to the area of the living quarters and opened the door to his former room. Zor had left his clothes strewn across the floor. The bed was also in a mess, with its blankets twisted. Don carefully straightened the bottom sheet, then he tipped the bucket of stinky black mess all over that sheet. Carefully placing the planets over the top, Don tried to make the bed look fresh and inviting. He was sure that Zor would be so tired that he would not bother to look closely before sliding himself under the sheets.

Switching the air recycler to full would ensure there was no odours in the air, that would alert Zor. Don smiled at his handiwork. He could make sure the blame was shifted by paying some people to hang around the Jupiter. But no, he decided, he wanted Zor to know who was responsible. So he finished up by writing the word, 'bastard' across the mirror in the room. He used the liquid that would only show up in the dark, then Zor would not suspect anything until he was already in the bed.

Don quickly made for the bathroom area, showering and changing his clothes. He threw his dirty ones into the disintegrator, he really did not want to wear them again.

Within minutes he had left the ship and was moving toward the Administration buildings located right in the central business area of the space port. This was the place, he knew he would find John, who would be asking about the parts needed to repair the Jupiter.

He had other business here. Quickly checking the faces of beings nearby, Don saw no sign of John. That was fine. He hurried toward a specific portion of administration

Here there were a lot of little booths, each with one person manning them. Most of the booths had lines of beings waiting to be seen. In one particular line, he counted 150 people. He swallowed , his goal might be a little more difficult than he had thought.

At the top of each booth scrolled a readout, proclaiming the purpose of that booth. He breathed out a sigh of relief, when he could dismiss the one with the largest line.

When he located the booth he wanted, he was surprised, nobody was waiting there. The being behind the booth looked bored. When he walked over and sat down, it looked at him in surprise.

Don began to talk to the being behind the booth. he noticed that the creatures expression changed from sceptical to pleased. "Thank goodness you came along", the creature announced. "This is one area of business that is not going well".

Don was so focused upon the man's words that he did not see John searching the room. John had waited patiently outside the main administration building for Don to appear. When he had not ,he had begun to search. He looked specifically for the colours of the uniform Don wore ,amongst the various visitors to the port. Finally he had seen a flash of the colour, but surely Don would not be in this section. What business did he have there.

He heard the alien selectors lament. The man was directly in front of the sign that proclaimed the purpose of this booth, so John was at first clueless to Don's purpose. Then the alien man told him, "experienced pilots are hard to find Major. We will be able to find you a position quickly".

"What",John let out an audible gasp.

Don suddenly went pale when he heard the expression sound from behind him. He knew who was standing there. 'You are leaving us Don", a shocked John Robinson exclaimed . Don did not turn to look at him. He knew if he did ,his resolve would fail. Instead he kept his eyes forward and said, "Yes, I cannot stay on the Jupiter any longer".