Chapter Four

Kagome watched as the scenery changed beneath her. She was now sitting on the broad back of the formerly dead Inu-Taisho, while she, Sango, Arashi, and Inu-Yasha struggled to keep Sesshomaru alive. They were now flying towards the Western Lands in the hopes that they could find a safe haven for the wounded young taiyoukai.

"How is he faring, Miko?" Inu-Taisho's voice asked, startling her out of her musings enough to look into his now ruby-hued eyes.

"We've managed to get the bleeding to stop, but he's having trouble breathing. How're you holding up?" Kagome responded.

"I am fine, but starting to tire. It is taking my powers some time to recover, as I thought it would." Inu-Taisho stated, actually panting a little bit to prove his point.

"Then don't push yourself. Land somewhere and catch your breath." Kagome said, noticing when something white moved quickly beneath them.

"I will, but the break must be brief. Sesshomaru's strength is waning, as well." Inu-Taisho stated, as he complied and descended into the cover of the forest. Once on the ground, the group carried Sesshomaru to the forest floor, and watched as Inu-Taisho tiredly assumed his false form and sat down.

"You all right?" Inu-Yasha asked, as he placed a hand on his father's shoulder and gave him a concerned look.

"Yes……Just a bit winded. And yet I am still trying to figure out how someone could have summoned my remains from the black pearl, my soul from the abyss, and then united them within flesh and blood again." Inu-Taisho murmured, his gaze troubled, as he looked his youngest son in the eye.

"I don't know how Naraku did it, either. You don't smell like bones and graveyard soil; your scent is as alive as anybody else's here." Inu-Yasha stated. This got a wan smile from Inu-Taisho as a response.

"Are you saying that I stink, son?" Inu-Taisho asked, with false anger in his voice and amusement in his eyes.

"No! I mean……You don't smell dead…..I mean…. Aw dammit!" Inu-Yasha stammered, only to get laughter from the former taiyoukai.

"Don't worry, I know what you mean." Inu-Taisho said, as he stood and tousled Inu-Yasha's hair, good-naturedly. Inu-Yasha was mystified; how could this youkai of immense strength, his father, have such a good sense of humor in the face of such odds?

"Seems I've got a lot to learn from him….Maybe now I'll get the chance to." Inu-Yasha mused, as he watched Inu-Taisho walk over to Sesshomaru's side.

"How is he faring?" Inu-Taisho asked, worriedly, as he gazed at the far-too-pale features of his eldest son.

"He's holding on, Father…..That is about all I can say." Arashi replied, looking down when Sesshomaru groaned softly and his eyelids fluttered.

"T-this scent……Father?" Sesshomaru whispered, as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Sesshomaru….." Inu-Taisho murmured, as he reached out and grasped his son's hand; knowing somehow that Sesshomaru was too weak to actually see him and believe that he was truly there.

"You're here……you're real……I thought you were merely a puppet…..A crude imitation…..created by Naraku……I'm glad I was wrong…." Sesshomaru said, surprising all those present when tears appeared in his eyes.

"Sesshomaru, I am here. I'm not going to let you die. Just hang on, son." Inu-Taisho urged, gently, as he brushed a hand against his son's fevered brow. With a weak nod, Sesshomaru again closed his eyes and slept; but not before inhaling as deeply as he could to take in Inu-Taisho's scent.

"This is the first time in two hundred years that I have seen tears in his eyes…..It is a relief to see that he even still knows how to cry." Arashi said, softly, as she smiled sadly at her elder brother, and then at her father.

"When was the last time, Arashi-san?" Kagome asked, after having held her silence for that touching moment.

"It was after Sesshomaru and I learned of Father's death." Arashi responded.

"Arashi, did he blame me for what happened?" Inu-Yasha asked, a searching look now taking up residence in his eyes. Arashi nodded.

"He blamed you and Izayoi-chan." Arashi replied, then added, "But I never did."

"Why is that?" Inu-Yasha again asked, confusedly. Arashi then smiled wholeheartedly.

"How could I hate someone Father had loved so deeply? Someone he'd given his life for? Besides, Sesshomaru-nii didn't hate you, per se…..In fact, after Izayoi-chan died, he and I took turns protecting you. In one way, we were the reason you survived that hellish experience you call your childhood." Arashi explained, knowing without even looking that Inu-Taisho was giving both her and Sesshomaru a proud look.

"You both…..protected me? Then why didn't I ever see you? I know I saw Sesshomaru from time to time, but never you, Arashi." Inu-Yasha said, voicing even more confusion over the matter.

"That can be explained perhaps at another time. For now, time is of the essence." Another voice said, from somewhere overhead.

"Who's there? Who are you?" Miroku shouted, as they all stood up and took up defensive positions around the wounded youkai.

"Allow me to introduce myself." The male voice said, yet again, as the owner appeared before the startled group. In a flash of white, a man leaped from the tree limbs high above them, and landed gracefully and soundlessly in front of Kagome, Inu-Yasha and Inu-Taisho. The man in question was tall, with long, unruly black hair that was tied securely on top of his head in a topknot. Intelligent, ebony eyes gazed calmly at the group and strong hands gripped a sheathed sword. Gold and silver armor peeked out from under the elegant white mantle he wore and the man himself seemed to glow with an aura of power.

"Wow….." Kagome thought, as she stared at the man.

"I am Hiko Seijuro, a Guardian of the Western Lands. I was on patrol when you all landed here." The man said, introducing himself and explaining his reason for being there in one felled swoop.

"I take it you are the Twelfth Hiko's successor?" Inu-Taisho asked, with a certain sadness in his voice. For a moment, Hiko gave him a stunned look, then regained his composure.

"Indeed, I am. Did you know my master?" Hiko asked, in turn.

"Yes. He was a good friend and sparring partner of mine. I seem to recall he gave my Tetsusaiga quite a hard time." Inu-Taisho said, surprising the group behind him even more.

"My master told me much about you, Inu-Taisho-sama, but how is it that you could be alive? I was told you had died in battle." Hiko said, admitting his confusion on the matter.

"I had. But I will explain in detail later. Does anyone within the Western Lands other than you know of my return?" Inu-Taisho questioned, his gaze turning serious. Hiko shook his head.

"Aside from myself and those with you, no one knows, sire. And even if you were observed entering these lands, they would probably think it was Sesshomaru-sama in true form, and not you." Hiko replied, confidently.

"Be that as it may, sir, we must get Sesshomaru-sama to a healer quickly. He was in a near-fatal battle recently and needs immediate help." Sango said, speaking up for the first time since they had left the village. Hiko nodded in agreement.

"True. And then there's the problem of the Jewel fragments…." Hiko murmured, as a troubled look crossed his features when he glanced in Kagome's direction.

"Jewel fragments……! You mean you can sense Jewel Shards!" Inu-Yasha asked, shocked when he got a grim nod from the swordsman in response.

"For some unknown reason, I can. A few small shards have been recovered in these Lands, all coming from the carcasses of youkai I can only guess have come from the Continent……" Hiko said, his voice finely edged with tension that was easily seen in his dark eyes. This got confused glances from the group, and between the group's members as well; what did this mean?

"In any event, we must hurry. My son's life is at stake." Inu-Taisho said, firmly. With a nod, Hiko turned away from them and called out to someone hidden from view.

"Kagemaru!" Hiko shouted, answered by a feline roar and the entrance of a dark-furred nekomatta onto the scene.

"Hey! That looks just like Kirara! Only he has darker fur and blue markings!" Shippou commented, his jaw dropping when the two nekomattas greeted one another with happy-sounding roars and cooing noises as they briefly rubbed up against one another, and as the dark nekomatta approached the one whom had called him.

"This is Kagemaru, my master's partner. He'll help lighten your burden, Inu-Taisho-sama, and make the going a bit easier." Hiko said, as he motioned for Arashi and Koryu (who had been holding his silence in Inu-Taisho's presence while riding with Sango and Miroku on Kirara's back) to get astride Kagemaru. Within moments, all were airborne again, with Hiko, Arashi, and Koryu on Kagemaru; Sango, Shippou and Miroku on Kirara, and Kagome, Inu-Yasha, and Sesshomaru on Inu-Taisho's strong back.

"Hang on, Sesshomaru! We're almost there!" Kagome thought, effectively echoing everyone else's thoughts on the matter as they followed the human guardian into the very heart of the Western Lands.


Gennmaru looked up when he heard plaintive cries in the distance, sensitive ears twitching as the sounds reached them.

"Gennmaru-sama! Over there!" Kira shouted, as he pointed out the direction the two imperiled owners of the voices were in.

"Jaken! And a human child!" Gennmaru thought, when he saw the pair even from that distance, and their attackers. A few lesser youkai now threatened the two, while a two-headed dragon tried to protect them.

"Sankon Tessou!" Gennmaru snarled, as he dashed to their defense; not even bothering with his sword, since he could handle vermin such as these with his claws.

"Inu-nii-sama?" the human child asked, confusedly, as she stared up at him. Gennmaru smiled calmly at the child.

"No, I am not Inu-Yasha, young one…..But I am related to him. How do you know of him?" Gennmaru asked, noticing that Jaken was also only just realizing who he was.

"Because Sesshomaru-sama and Inu-nii-sama are brothers. Who are you, sir?" the girl asked, wincing when Jaken hit on the head with his staff.

"Insolent child! Don't you realize? This is Sesshomaru-sama's cousin! The current regent of the Western Lands, Gennmaru!" Jaken said, in frustration. It was then that a look of wonder came across the girl's features, and she was quick to get up and dust herself off.

"It is good to meet you, Gennmaru-sama! My name is Rin!" the girl said, brightly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Rin. But I would be most grateful if you two could tell me where my cousin Sesshomaru has gotten to. Kou had told me before I left my holdings that he was in great danger." Gennmaru said, as troubled looks crossed both Rin's and Jaken's features.

"He left us here to take care of something in the lands near Inu-Yasha's Forest…..But there was something troubling my master….Something about a scent he'd picked up on before he went to locate its' source…..What it was, I don't know." Jaken informed.

"Hmm…..That certainly makes sense…..since he didn't want to involve you two, or allow undue harm to come to Inu-Yasha……He's as bullheaded as his father, make no mistake….." Gennmaru muttered, sighing in exasperation when he thought of the reason why the current Taiyoukai had not summoned aid when he'd apparently desperately needed it.

"Gennmaru-sama, will you help us find Sesshomaru-sama?" Rin asked, as she peered hopefully up at the tall Regent of the Western Lands. Gennmaru only smiled gently and nodded.

"I will do all in my power to find him, little one. You have my word." Gennmaru promised, looking to the side when Kira finally managed to catch up with him.

"You…..move so quickly….Gennmaru-sama….But it looks like they're all right." Kira panted, grinning when he saw that Rin and Jaken were safe and unharmed.

"Don't worry, Kira. You'll get faster, just give yourself some time." Gennmaru replied, encouraging his own charge, before turning to Ah-Un and ushering them all onto the dragon's back.

"Please, be alive Sesshomaru. Don't end up like your father." Gennmaru thought, as he mounted behind the two children and in front of his cousin's retainer. With a firm kick, he got the dragon into the air, and started flying towards the west; hoping against hope to find the Taiyoukai already in his home territory.


A unanimous sigh of relief was breathed when the group (consisting of Kagome, Inu-Yasha, Miroku, Sango, Shippou, Inu-Taisho, Arashi, Koryu, an unconscious Sesshomaru, Hiko, Kirara and Kagemaru) reached the outer wall of what could only be the citadel of the Western Lands.

"Who goes?" a youthful male voice shouted, from behind a stout-looking wood and stone gateway.

"Seijuro Hiko the Thirteenth, and visitors of the Western Lands desiring rest and refuge within the walls." Hiko replied, careful with how he phrased his reply, since he had been told sometime during the flight part of what had happened to Sesshomaru, and that there would be youkai here that would desire his death more than anything.

"Welcome back, Hiko-sama! We were worried about you!" the voice said, again, as its' owner peered over the top of the palisade and gave the mantled man a relieved look. Hiko in turn gave the youth a reassuring smile.

"I'm sure you were. Now, open the gate." Hiko commanded.

"Right away!" the youth replied, then shouted down at those below him, "Open the gate! The Guardian of the West has guests!" A few moments later, the huge gate swung open, and the group cautiously entered. Kagome could barely hold a gasp in when the sights within the citadel came to her eyes. As far as she could see, there were well-kept buildings and tracts of land. But what amazed her the most was the fact that there were youkai and humans co-existing here!

"I don't believe what I'm seeing……" Sango muttered, in disbelief, openly staring as youkai and humans walked along the paths together, not even giving one another second glances as they went about their daily routines.

"Welcome, taijiya, to the Western Lands." Inu-Taisho (who, before they had even come to the gate, had reverted to his false form) stated, calmly, as an official-looking youkai approached them; his eyes widening when he saw who stood there.

"I don't believe this…..Inu-Taisho-sama! Can it truly be you!" the youkai asked, his voice lowering to an excited whisper when he was ushered to do so. Inu-Taisho nodded.

"It is good to see you again, too, Keikoku. Is Meirou in? It is urgent that we get to her dwelling at once. Sesshomaru has been badly wounded." Inu-Taisho said, motioning to Inu-Yasha and Koryu who were carrying the injured Taiyoukai on a makeshift stretcher, while Arashi wiped his fevered brow with a damp cloth.

"Follow me." Keikoku said, knowing that time was not on their side and that Sesshomaru was in dire straits. Without another word, the group followed the other youkai through the bustling marketplace, down a few streets, through yet another gateway, and into a castle keep.

"Meirou! Meirou, where on earth are you? You're needed!" Keikoku shouted, urgently, as Hiko rushed up to one door and banged on it with his fist.

"All right, all right! Hold on!" a woman's voice said, from inside, as the owner of it came and opened the door; scowling at Hiko as she did so.

"What's all the commotion about out here? Natsu-san cannot be in labor this early!" Meirou said, snappishly. Hiko deadpanned.

"This isn't about Natsu, Meirou-san, but about the Lord of the Western Lands. He's in a bad way." Hiko replied, his irritation and embarrassment evident as he motioned for those carrying Sesshomaru to come forward.

"Kami-sama……what happened!" Meirou yelped, when the grisly sight of bloodstained bandages and the paleness of her newest patient came to her blue-green eyes.

"I did…..I was manipulated into attacking…..and almost killing… own son………Meirou, can you help him?" Inu-Taisho asked, as the healer's horror-filled gaze switched from Sesshomaru's injuries, to him, and back again.

"I-I'll see what I can do……But I don't know if even my skills will be enough…." Meirou trailed off, as self-doubt and fear warred for supremacy on her pretty features.

"Then do what you can." Inu-Taisho said, as the two hanyous carried Sesshomaru inside, gently lowered him to the floor, then reluctantly exited.

"I will…." Meirou replied, as she went back inside, and closed the door behind her. The waiting game had begun,……and it's players were none too keen on the idea.

Author's Note!

I am so sorry about the long wait between chapters, minna! Writer's block has been particularly cruel this year……I just hope that this chapter was worth the wait!
