Wake up. Get Ready. Eat Breakfast. Say goodbye to mom . Go to school. Interact with friends and teachers . Go home. Repeat.

By now, Izuku had grown used to such a schedule as his eyes stared tiredly into his reflection. His hair, wild and untamable as ever, had grown longer in the neglect his mother had shown him. It was understandable, Izuku thought, she was busy working two full-time jobs to support them after all. She didn't have time to cut his hair or spend money to get him a haircut.

Izuku didn't blame her, nor did he blame her when she came home late and passed out in her room from exhaustion, his stomach growling. Or how she would be unable to take care of him when he was sick because she had to go work. No, he supposed if there was anyone to blame, it would have been his father.

The kids at school were merciless with their bullying as they reminded him every day that his father didn't love his mother and him, which is why he left. They also said his mother would soon leave him too because he was so gloomy and wasn't fun at all. Izuku couldn't help it if he was like that.

She didn't have the money to buy Izuku many games or take him out places for fun. He already owned his computer which was more than Izuku could ever think of asking his mother for. He had to focus on doing well in school so that he could be a great hero that could save people, but more importantly, make money to help his mother.

So if he couldn't go out with the other kids to play or buy snacks to share with them, it wasn't his fault. And yet, they saw fit to outcast him for such a reason. Well, most of them at least. Bakugo Katsuki. He was one of the rare classmates that didn't care if Izuku was poor or quiet. If anything the boy was more interested in how Izuku shared a love of heroes with him.

On days where his mother would come home late, Katsuki would invite him over to his house to eat dinner. Izuku grew to love the warmth and liveliness in the Bakugo household as Katsuki's mom made sure to welcome him and his father was patient and gentle. Katsuki had realized after playing with Izuku, that the green haired boy wasn't just smart, he was smart .

His unbelievably green eyes were always watching, observing in a manner that Katsuki couldn't understand. Outside of school work, Izuku's ability to analyze and dissect heroes and villains' quirks and behaviors alike sometimes even scared the blond. One time, some kids from another class had said something offensive to Katsuki and before the blond could retort, he noticed Izuku sending them the most vicious looking glare a kid could send.

The freckled-boy never did anything dangerous though, so Katsuki kept the thought at the back of his mind. When Katsuki finally grew into his quirk Izuku congratulated him, "It's such an amazing quirk Kacchan! It fits you so well, I know you'll be a great hero with it!" "What about you Izuku? Have you gotten your quirk yet?" The blond asked as Izuku nodded. "I was born with it."

Katsuki stumbled as he stopped in his tracks and turned around with wide eyes. "What?! Seriously? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as Izuku shook his head. "Not even my mama knows Kacchan, it's supposed to be a secret ." Katsuki tilted his head in confusion. "Why would you want to hide that you have a quirk?"

Izuku looked around before pulling him towards the boys' bathroom and checking again if there was anyone. "Watch Kacchan." He said before touching the mirror, Katsuki silently waiting for what would happen next. The surface rippled where Izuku's hand touched before the boy sunk into the mirror, Katsuki speechless as he was left staring at Izuku's reflection without the physical body being present.

"This is so weird…" Katsuki whispered as he moved up to touch the mirror where Izuku sunk into, the green haired boy smiled at him before touching where Katsuki's hand was touching and the blond jumped back when he felt the warmth from the touch. Izuku giggled silently in the mirror before moving away and touching Katsuki's reflections hair.

Strange enough, the blond could feel it affect his physical body as the feeling of fingers ghosted over his hair and sent unease shivers down his spine. Izuku leaned over to whisper in his reflection's ear as the voice sounded right next to his ear. "Because people would be afraid if they knew I could do this Kacchan. I'm always, always watching and listening ."

And with that, Izuku crawled back out of the mirror before anyone else could walk into the bathroom. Katsuki thought the quirk was cool, if a bit intimidating. "Can you bring people into the mirror with you Izuku? What else can you do?" He asked a bit excitedly as Izuku giggled. "I don't know yet Kacchan, I've only ever gone in myself. You're the first to know."

Katsuki and Izuku had to go back to class after that, but a few days later Izuku found himself talking to Katsuki again about his quirk. "Did you know? Reflections are very honest. They don't hide what people normally lie about." Katsuki leaned his head back on Izuku's shoulder as he looked at the half-lidded eyes that stared at him fondly.

"What does my reflection say?" He asked as Izuku gave him a closed eye smile and replied, "That you're a big softie under your bad boy image Kacchan!" The blond sputtered in embarrassment as he chased Izuku who ran away laughing at the explosive blond.

Izuku had first stumbled upon this particular ability after he was old enough to understand complete sentences. Inko's reflection had deviously beckoned him closer as his mother sat at the table, groaning as she filed taxes. Izuku, not really understanding what was happening, but trusting it because it was in the image of his mother had reluctantly moved over to hear what the image had to say.

It had Inko's face and her kind, but tired smile, and as it squatted down to whisper to Izuku, the boy had never thought people could hide such dark sides to themselves. ' Oh...I love Izuku, but I miss the old days when Hisashi was still here and Izuku wasn't born. Being a mother has done nothing but make me tired...sometimes I just want a break from having to take care of him .' Inko didn't know why Izuku had burst out sobbing that day, nor would she ever as the green haired boy kept the interaction to himself.

This was the same with most other people's reflections that whispered the truth about their secrets and thoughts. People were ugly inside, so very ugly. But not Katsuki, not his kacchan . Not his family either. The Bakugos were wonderful people and their reflections were true to their real selves. Although, it was strange that Izuku's own reflection never talked to him and he wondered if it was because he was the one who held the power of the quirk which made him exempt.

Izuku and Katsuki's relationship remained as strong as ever as Izuku continued to develop his skills and the other boy with his own quirk. While Izuku didn't like sharing his friend with other people, Izuku didn't want to monopolize him and hold him back. Katsuki was meant to be loved. He was wonderful and when he spoke people listened. He wasn't anything like Izuku at all. Izuku did however, judge who could be his friends as he was very picky with who could interact with his friend. Because Katsuki was the best, that meant he deserved only the best.

Inko had gotten worse the older Izuku got, however, as expenses started to grow but her pay remained the same. She would yell at him more and tell him to leave her alone and go do whatever. Her reflection always whispering poisonous words into his mind, but Izuku would love her. He would always love her, because she was his mother and it wasn't her fault he caused her grief.

It also gave him an excuse to hang over at the Bakugo household more often, even if Auntie Mitsuki wanted to go over and give his mother a lecture on how to treat her son better. Izuku had always diffused her anger and told her everything was alright.

But things weren't, they never were. But Izuku was willing to overlook that because he didn't want to be alone. If his mother left him too...he would have no one. Even though the Bakugos had offered and asked him to let them take legal custody of him more than once, Izuku always refused. His existence could not sully them and take advantage of their hospitality more than he already has.

Today was his 11th birthday and Izuku was at home by himself. School was out for summer vacation and the Bakugos were off on vacation, they did offer to bring him along, but Izuku refused quietly. "I don't want to leave my mother alone. But have fun Auntie Mitsuki, Uncle Masaru. Kacchan. Bring me back a souvenir?" He said as they gave him a tight hug and departing to go catch their flight.

'I wonder...if mom remembered that today is my birthday? Sometimes it's a hit or miss…' Izuku thought as he looked at the cake he had bought with some of the birthday money the Bakugos had given him in advance. The sound of keys jingling at the door alerted him that his mother was finally home as he stood up to welcome her.

She tiredly kicked her shoes off before looking up and noticing Izuku smile at her. "Hello Mom, how was work?" Inko sighed, "I had several annoying customers today and nearly got fired for something that wasn't even my fault!" She had an aggravated expression cross her face before she shook her head, turning to the table she frowned as she saw the modest cake.

"What's the event today that you bought a cake?" She asked as Izuku winced, feeling his chest tighten in a way that felt like someone was gripping his heart and pressing down against his lungs. "I-I just wanted to buy a cake so we could share it together mom, you've been working so hard-" "Oh Izuku, you dumb boy. Why waste money on a cake then? If you wanted to be thoughtful, you should've saved the money to put towards your education." She cut him off with an exasperated sigh.

Izuku wasn't going to cry, he hasn't in a while. But his eyes were prickling with unshed tears as he tried to will them not to form. "S-Sorry." He apologized as Inko shook her head. "It's too late to change anything now, let's just eat the cake since you already bought it." Izuku perked up at a bit at getting the chance to sit down and eat with his mother as he nodded and got out the plates and forks.

Inko at least, seemed to enjoy the cake he chose as Izuku smiled slightly at being able to make her somewhat happy. He was silent for a moment before daring to ask her, "He-hey Mom? Do you...do you know what today is?" Inko looked confused for a moment before trying to recall what he was talking about. "What is it Izuku? You know I don't have time for mind games."

Izuku felt like rocks were lodged in his throat as he choked out, "It's- it's my birthday today M-Mom…" The loud clattering of the fork against the plate made Izuku close his eyes reflexively as he heard Inko scoff. "So this is what this is all about. You just wanted to butter me up so I could buy you something for your birthday right? Because I don't already work hard to give you everything you could need!" Her voice raised up higher as Izuku widened his eyes.

"N-No! That isn't it at all-" "You just can't be happy until you take more and more from me! Can you?!" Inko yelled as Izuku felt the unresolved tears from earlier rise up and overflow onto his hot cheeks. "Mom-please!" "First you drive Hisashi away from me! Then you make my life miserable for the next eleven years! And now you're not even satisfied with that?!" Izuku bent in on himself as he tried to cover his ears, the words cutting through him like hot knives.

"I'm sorry-I'm sorry!" He mumbled as Inko belted out the last of her built up frustration. "Sometimes-Sometimes I wish you would just go away and things were what they used to be before you were born!" The house was silent in the wake of the declaration as Inko breathed heavily before realizing the cruelness of her words.

Eyes wide, she looked down at Izuku who stared back up at her with an expression that made her heart squeeze from guilt. "I-Izuku I didn't-mama didn't mean to-" But her words were lost on him as Izuku clumsily got up to his feet and ran to his room, closing the door and locking it before Inko could react.

Izuku sobbed as he reached out and activated his quirk, diving into the mirror that stood tall in his room. He needed to be alone for a while, just enough to collect himself and his emotions. It didn't matter where the mirror would connect to and lead him. Izuku just ran because he always knew how to get home anyways.

Izuku thought he could try staying in his room to avoid confronting his mom, but realistically he knew he couldn't. 'Please don't let her be in the kitchen, please don't let her be in the-' Inko was waiting patiently in the kitchen as Izuku paused, wanting to turn around. The words from last night left wounds that were still bleeding and stinging as Izuku was willing to ignore his stomach's grumbling to go back to his room.

Unfortunately, Inko had already heard him as she turned around with a regretful look on her face. "Izuku! Don't leave...please...I'm-I'm sorry for what I said last night, you know I don't really mean it right?" She asked as Izuku hesitated, before nodding after a tense moment, even if he could see Inko's reflection look at him knowingly in the reflection of the living room mirror.

She sighed in relief before moving over to hug him, not noticing the way Izuku flinched back from the rare and sudden show of affection. "I'm so grateful you don't hate Mama, I took off today just to make up for yesterday! Aren't you happy Izuku?" She asked a bit desperately as Izuku nodded again before giving her an empty smile.

"Ye-Yes, thank you M-Mom!" He said as she beamed happily at him. 'See?' Izuku reasoned with himself, 'She still loves us. She didn't mean what she said.' Inko got his attention again when she said they would be going out today, 'shopping', Izuku surmised it was for a small present as he nodded with the empty smile still sitting on his face.

Yes, everything was fine.

The fracture in the mirror grew longer. Its spindly fingers spreading across the surface.

The seed had been planted a while ago and the embryo formed.

Everything felt surreal as Izuku walked around with his mother, admiring all the latest trends in fashion and all the new technology that had been developed within the past few months. Every window and reflective surface he saw himself and his mother in all leered back at him as if they were chanting 'Fake' 'Liar' 'Coward'. At this point, Izuku had tuned it out numbly, not sure if they were referring to his mother or to himself. Izuku could definitely see it being directed toward himself, he was a miserable creature after all. He was weak, forgettable, and most importantly a leech to others.

He only knew how to live at the expense of others. First, it was his mother and then Katsuki and his family. Izuku wondered who would be next to fall under his curse as the sun began to set. 'At least...At least mom seems to be having fun walking around and looking at all the things she likes.' He thought as Inko waved him over to look at hero merchandise. "Look Izuku! Don't you love All Might?" She asked excitedly as she pointed to an action figure that had Izuku smiling.

He did love the Pro-Hero, the symbol of peace was everything Izuku could never hope to reach after all. The man was nearly perfect in Izuku's eyes as Izuku nodded to Inko. "Do you want it? I'll buy it for you Izuku." She asked as Izuku took a moment to look at the figurine again before noticing his reflection in the mirror and grimacing.

"No it's ok Mom, you don't have to buy it for me...just hanging out with you today was more than I could ever ask for. I don't deserve to touch something that represents someone so good, so pure. Not dirty like me . It was then that Izuku noticed a figurine hidden in the back of all the popular figures and asked his mother if they could go in so that he could see. She smiled before nodding, wanting to continue the facade to make up for yesterday.

Izuku picked the figurine up after receiving permission from the friendly shop owner and observed the hero described. The man looked tired, just as much as Izuku if not more so, with unkempt black hair and facial hair. He wore all black and had a rather simple and forgettable hero outfit as the only pop of color were the yellow goggles around his neck.

On the other side, where his quirk was activated and he was in a more dynamic stance, his hair stood up as his eyes were red and the scarf around his neck circled around him in a threatening manner. "Like that one do ya kiddo? It's pretty rare since Eraserhead doesn't really promote any merchandise of himself."

Izuku looked up at the shop owner who grinned at him. "Eraserhead?" The man nodded, "That's his Pro-hero name! He's more of an underground hero, but don't underestimate him! The man has a great track record of capturing heroes and stopping crime. He prefers staying out of the spotlight for that very reason." Izuku's eyes widened at the knowledge as he grew an admiration for the grungy looking hero.

This was a pro-hero unlike All Might, Izuku wouldn't be scared of sullying him as he looked to his mother and asked. "Could-Could I have this figurine instead M-Mom?" Inko blinked as her eyebrows furrowed. "Are you sure you want such a plain looking hero Izuku? I could always buy you the All Might one instead." Izuku shook his head, eyes falling back on Eraserhead's miniature form again.

"No, this is the one I would like." Inko sighed before relenting and asking the man, "How much is it? I would like to buy it as a birthday present for my son." The shop owner looked in slight surprise, "Oh a birthday gift, is it? Normally it would be $70 since Eraserhead merchandise is not easy to come by, but since its for the kid's birthday how about I give it to you for a flat $50?" Inko frowned at the still high price but sighed and handed over the money as the shop owner thanked her and wrapped the figurine carefully, and waved them goodbye.

"Thank you Mom...this means a lot to me." Izuku said tentatively as Inko smiled regretfully, "It's no problem Izuku, I'm sorry for forgetting your birthday and saying all those mean words yesterday. You know mama loves you right? I was just tired yesterday." She asked as Izuku tightened his grip on his bag before smiling and nodding.

"Of course mom, I know you still love me. Just like I love you." He said as she smiled.

Rough hands pulled them into the alleyway as Inko's screams were muted by a hand covering her mouth as Izuku's eyes widened before his gaze met that of the thugs that were smirking evilly at them.

"Lookie here boys! A mother-son duo! How sweet." The one Izuku guessed was the leader laughed as Inko continued struggling and looking on fearfully. "Give us your wallets and phones and maybe we won't kill you." The man lost his smirk as he activated his quirk which morphed his arm into a blade of sorts. The other members simply aimed their guns at Izuku and Inko's heads as the two shook.

Inko looked down to her purse before throwing it at them and squeezing her eyes shut in hopes that they would hold true to their promise and be more interested in her wallet than hurting her. Izuku however, didn't react as he froze in fear. The man turned his eyes on him as he smirked, "What do you have in your hands there boy?" Izuku trembled as the man snatched the bag and peered at the figurine wrapped up inside.

His face scrunched up before he chuckled, "You like heroes do you? Good ol' Eraserhead to be more exact! Did you know that man is the reason we hate heroes?" The man asked viciously as he stabbed his arm into the brick wall behind Izuku's head taking pleasure in seeing Izuku's fearful expression.

"It's true! Eraserhead caught us and put us in jail for a while, even though we're just some honest thugs who just need money because no one would give us the chance!" The man mocked as Izuku trembled quietly, tears building up in his eyes. "Ah ah, don't cry baby boy, you're turning me on." He said as his lackeys groaned. "Boss, you have a disgusting preference." One of them said as the man growled and sliced at him, catching the man off guard as he yelped in pain and jumped back.

"Don-Don't touch my son! You sick bastard!" Inko yelled weakly from where she was still being held captive. Even if she was a bad mother, she wouldn't let them hurt her son. If there was ever a time for her to wake up and do her part to protect him, it was now. The man grinned before smacking her in the face, stunning both Izuku and Inko.

Inko held back a sob at the stinging pain as the man had hit her hard enough to bust her lip. "N-No! Don't hurt her please! She gave you the money so-so please le-let us go!" Izuku finally choked out as his small arms tried to pry off the arm of the man holding him. "You really underestimate how villains work baby boy. We don't uphold any promises!" The man laughed before ordering his lackeys to search through Inko's bag before taking out her wallet, phone and whatever else they wanted.

He gave Inko one more hit, sending the woman flying down to the ground before kicking her, Izuku yelling for him to stop, only to be muffled by the hand covering his mouth. 'No! Not Mom! Not this way! She didn't do anything wrong so why? Why is this happening?!' He cried as Inko coughed up blood, the leader noticing as he took Izuku from his lackey's hold and forcing him to watch the others continue beating up his mother.

"Ah, nothing turns me on more than the look of sheer despair and hopelessness in innocent eyes!" He crooned as Izuku felt his breath hitch as he felt the man run his hand up and down his back before moving to caress the area near his thighs. Izuku was shaking in fear, he wasn't stupid. He knew what the man wanted and what would happen to him.

"H-He-lp!" He whispered as the man behind him paused before laughing, "Help? Who's going to help you baby boy? Surely not Eraserhead or any of the other pro heroes, no they have bigger crimes to stop and villains to catch. But don't worry, I'll make sure to display your bodies somewhere they can find you later."

Izuku couldn't hear anything over the static that built up in his head as he watched Inko still, no longer reacting to the blows against her person as the blood that trickled from her mouth flowed, reaching his feet as he felt sick. The man's hands were back on him as Izuku felt dirty .

No one was coming. No one knew this was even happening. They would die and no one would know or care. Would Kacchan care if he were gone? Izuku thinks he would cry. Auntie Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru would too. He didn't want to die. Why did this have to happen to them of all people?

'If only I were stronger like Kacchan, or All Might or even Eraserhead! I'm just weak... weak, cowardly .' The blood had finally pooled enough at his feet to reflect his full face as he felt hands invade his shirt and touch his skin. Izuku stared numbly at the reflection of himself in the blood as he thought, 'If I was strong, confident, faster... Would I have been able to save mom from suffering because of me? Would I have been loved?"

Izuku closed his eyes accepting his fate before the sound of shouting invaded his ears and the hands that were roaming his body stilled, a warm thick liquid trickling down his hair and onto his face and neck as Izuku dared to open his eyes again and look up. His eyes widened in horror at the sight of the villain's body, now headless.

The sound of something thudding alerted him of where the head had landed as he looked fearfully in front of him. A familiar face stared back as Izuku felt all the air leave his lungs as he was covered in more blood . The thugs had no chance as the figure took them by surprise, his strength tearing them apart, limb from limb and soon enough the alleyway was filled with silence.

Izuku trembled as they turned back around to smile at him, with no malicious intent. Light footsteps told him they were walking his way as Izuku could only stare, shell-shocked. Small, awkward hands lifted up to hold his head gently as the figure touched itself forehead against his own. Bright green eyes sparkled as a foreign grin showed on his face, moving the freckles Izuku had grown to identify as one of his more recognizable features.

Izuku fell to his knees as the figure kissed his forehead gently, before hugging him with warm, sticky arms.

"Don't worry, you're not alone anymore. I am here for you, Izuku ." He said softly as Izuku could only feel the world spin around him as he stared back at himself. His reflection .

The mirror shatters, its pieces falling. In the sunlight it is beautiful as the shards glitter, reflecting the light.

The embryo pulsates where it has formed. Soon, it thinks. Soon it will become something more.

This is definitely my darkest fic I have planned and while its a villain au, feel free to leave comments on how you think I might develop Izuku into a villain, what kind of villain he might be, what his quirk is and can do, and any other ideas you think my story might include!

Thanks for reading!