Guess who's back again and very fast from the dead!

Ok, so I'm not officially back. This prologue was sitting in my Works for so long and just you know, giving me disgusted looks and mocking me and stuff. So, I decided to post it for you guys to just get the feel of it.

Hell, I did it for myself.

Anyways, I will be officially back when the first chapter is posted. Which might take a while because my Finals are still going on. LOL, I have an exam in a few hours actually.

There is so much to catch up to with you guys, I miss you all so much.

I still have this entire story to plot since there are so many loose ends to tie up. I'm looking forward to it! See you guys soon hopefully!

Never again, I thought furiously as I tried to haul my abused body through the dark hallways.

This was going to be my last stint. Nothing was worth always getting beat up at the hands of psychopaths of the highest order. Not even the love I had for a bunch of fictional but not so fictional characters…those days had to be put in my past.

Not for the first time, the thought that this might literally be my last stint ran through my head as I grimly pursed my lips.

No, I couldn't give up when I was this close, especially not when I had the life of another person in my hands.

The woman trudged after me at a slower pace, being older and more battered. I took care to stop to let her catch up to me, not wanting her to get lost but also to take in a deep breath.

Damn, I wished I had Stephen here, but that would risk his life too. Besides, he would get help…I had to hold on to the hope.

That was literally all I had to hold on to at that moment, unless you count the small nooks of wall lighting in my path.

"I…I can't…" I heard coming from behind me and turned to see her sitting down on the floor, shaking.

"No, hey, you can't give up now, please. My friends are going to help us."

"You mean the characters from Twilight…"

I froze, my eyes widening…

How did she know that? I had told her nothing. She didn't even know me from Eve.

"What…how do you…?"

"Because I told her,"

My body screamed at me in protest as I turned around again, bringing myself face to face with a gun.


Hate me yet?



You know I love your reviews! Send me some love folks!

Until Next time...