A week had passed since the time team had returned from 1941, and no one in the Silo had much reason to suspect that the dynamic had shifted between two of its members, or if they did, they kept their mouths shut. Long-paused tension came to a head for Lucy and Wyatt in Hollywood, and neither had any reservations about pursuing this blossoming relationship back in 2018. However there was some hesitation about announcing the change to the others because as Wyatt had learned over the past couple month, they really had no boundaries.

But there was something especially thrilling to Wyatt about the sneaking around. For the first time since they entered this Cold War era hell hole, he didn't dread waking up in the morning. He began every morning with a cup of coffee and a devious smile because while Rufus, Jiya, and Connor went to work on the Lifeboat, and Christopher dealt with keeping them supplied from the outside world, he would meet Lucy in the darkest corners they could find in the Silo and continue what they began over 75 years earlier. And for the first time in nearly a decade, he was happy, blissfully so.

Although as Monday morning came without Lucy in the meeting spot they had agreed to the night before, Wyatt couldn't help feeling like something was wrong.

"Morning, Wyatt," Jiya greeted as he passed by the Lifeboat.

"Hey, Jiya," Wyatt replied, his mind clearly elsewhere. "You seen Lucy this morning?"

"Yeah, she was in the kitchen, doing some more Rittenhouse research," the techie explained. "Although I'd be a little cautious. She kept tossing and turning last night and seemed a little off when she finally got up." Wyatt felt knots start to tie in his stomach. What was wrong? Did I say something last night? Was she starting to second guess all of this? Wyatt feared the worst. Without another word to Jiya, he took off in the direction of the kitchen.

"They hooked up in 1941, didn't they?" Jiya asked her boyfriend who was hard at work under the Lifeboat.

"Yep," Rufus called. "Thought they were so discreet about it, too."

"About damn time," Jiya chuckled.

Wyatt found Lucy just as Jiya had described her. Her brows were knit together, a frown was spread across her face, and the hand the wasn't gripping the Rittenhouse files was going nuts on the outside of the half-empty coffee mug. Although it wasn't coffee in the mug, he noticed. It was tea. Something he had learned about Lucy a long time ago was she only drank tea occasionally and when she needed to calm down. What had her so stressed?

"Luce?" He approached her gently. "You okay?" She just let out a pitiful grunt and continued scanning the page. "Lucy?"

"What, Wyatt?" she snapped, shocking the soldier just a bit. "I'm clearly busy." She gestured to the many papers and books scattered around the table.

"You're clearly something," he quipped trying to lighten the mood, sitting down beside her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She demanded, dropping the files, her eyes piercing though him. Yeah, something was definitely off.

"Okay, Lucy," Wyatt uttered. "Are you going to tell me where this shift of mood came from because I thought we had a pretty great time last night." He gave her his signature smirk and reached for her hand, relieved when she didn't pull away.

She looked down into her lap for a minute before meeting his eyes again with the most pitiful look he'd ever seen. "My insides are dying," she whimpered, dropping her forehead to the table.

"Lucy, are you sick? What does that-" Oh. That kind of dying. "Oh, sweetheart," he whispered, trying to hide the slight chuckle in his voice, scooting closer and running a soothing hand up and down her back. He was no stranger to dealing with a woman on her period, but already he could tell Period-Lucy was a completely different beast than what he had faced before. "What can I do?"

"Get me more tea, or fuck off," she growled, her face still hidden by the table and a curtain of her dark hair. He gave her hand a squeeze before picking up the mug, pouring its chilled contents in the sink, and starting another cup.

"Here you go, sweetheart," he smiled, placing the cup next to her hand. "Can I stay now?" She lifted her head and glanced toward the steaming mug.

"If you don't talk," she grumbled, getting back to her reading. Wyatt sat there for a couple minutes, admiring her beauty… especially now with a bare face and a look of death in her eyes.

"You know in all the time we've-"

"What did I just say?!" she barked, throwing her hand up.

"I've never seen… this," he gestured to her. "And it can't be because it's never happened when I'm around. So what's got you so riled up this time?"

"You wanna know what's got me riled up, Logan?" she began. "It's because in this hell hole there is no midol, no heating pads, and believe it or not my birth control was not my mother's top priority when kidnapping me, so I don't have that either! So excuse me if my grumpiness while my uterus is being ripped apart is an inconvenience for you!" She slammed down the papers and left the kitchen area, leaving a stunned Wyatt to run after her.

"Lucy, hang on!" he pleaded as he chased her down the hall. "I'm sorry, sweetheart," he apologized when he caught up to her about to enter her room. "I didn't mean to sound so insensitive. You know better than most that I'm not the best when it comes to words." He smiled when he got an agreement snort from her.

"Understatement," she mumbled. "But continue."

"I want to help," he explained, pulling her closer. "Please tell me what would make you feel better? I'll do whatever I need to because unlike the rest of y'all, I'm not much use outside of our time jumps, so I've got the whole day free for you."

"Can you just…" she began, but her voice faded.

"What?" he encouraged. "Name it."

"Ugh it's so stupid," she admitted. "But could we just… go lay in your bed? I don't want my nosey roommate walking in on us."

"Of course, sweetheart," he whispered, placing a gentle kiss on her warm forehead. "I don't think that's stupid at all." He grabbed her hand and led her towards his room where his tiny cot lay waiting for them. He pulled down the covers and laid down first and then allowed her to get into whatever position she needed before pulling the covers up around her shoulders. She snuggled her back up against his chest and tucked her knees in then grabbing his hand and guiding it to rest just over her abdomen.

"If you could maybe just… press down right there," she murmured, covering his hand with hers. "It'll help take some of the pressure off." He did exactly as she asked and her body relaxed almost instantly. "Thank you so much," she moaned.

"Yes, ma'am," he smirked, kissing her temple.

They lay there for a while curled together on his tiny cot. Everytime she started to squirm from a new round of pain, he would press his hand down a little harder, and it seemed to be quite effective. After an hour or so had passed, those cramps decreased their frequency before eventually stopping all together, and Lucy turned around to face him with a shy smile on her face.

"Better?" he inquired.

"Much," she grinned before looking away. "I'm sorry I turned into such a psycho. I just-"

"Shh," he whispered, placing another kiss on her forehead. "You have-" He kissed her nose. "Nothing to be sorry for." He placed a chaste kiss on her lips. "One day all this pain will pay off." It took her a moment to decipher what he was trying to say, but when she figured it out, a beaming smile spread across her face. It had only been a week since they had finally allowed the tension between them to transform into something bigger, but here he was implying of a future. Their future. A future beyond the confines of a missile bunker. She wrapped her arms around him and met his lips with hers. He responded eagerly and rolled them over so he was blanketing her body with his. His kiss blows away any residual pain she had been feeling, replacing it with a fluttering all through her stomach. It was a kiss so full of promises and hopes for the days when they finish all this time-traveling business. And they will finish it. Together.

A/N: I have wanted to write this one for a while, and I'm glad I did. Thank you for reading! Please review!


I wrote this knowing that things are supposed to go to hell for Lyatt after 1941, but I'm choosing to ignore that.