At first I didn't like that sort of manga, but I was so bored I gave a try and I totally loved it !

English is not my birth language, it was hard to convey my thoughts. Please feel free to help me improve (any grammar freak here ? :))

She was called by the hospital when they didn't succeed in reaching their mother at work. It was a raining day, and she had several amount of cases to take care of. No time for any distraction. No right to even care. Really, it subsisted nothing like a bond between them, except the name.

But here she was. Cold, deep inside her skull. Drenched. In fact, she didn't have a second thought like wearing a coat when she hurried to this aseptic, impersonal white room. She wouldn't admit it, but she was dying to see her, and she was even more anxious to be seen by her.

Right now, she was looking through the chamber's window a sleeping beauty knocked out by painkillers. And she feels relieved as much as disappointed at the same time, dodging easily the showdown. The girl's blond hair were spreading around her head, like a stupid aureole when her face remained so pale. Afraid to even breath near her, Mei just managed to graze her fingers against the glass. She needed to be here as much as she wasn't self allowed to.

"What are you doing here ?"

The voice in her back made her jump as she was lost in thought, expressing what she was thinking herself. The ex president of the student council turned back to see the tall woman she haven't see since, well, ages ago.

"Taniguchi-san" she greeted with a nod, "the nurse called me as I am family, and as such I came to fulfill my duty since mother cannot. No less no more" stated Mei like she was enunciating a boring matter of facts. Her face remained clueless concerning her inner turmoil. "Apparently she just broke her arm, it's not a major injury so I will probably take my leave"

"Oh, she sure will be ashamed to still wasting your time being an obligation, prez. And whose fault do you think it is she's here ?" asked Harumi sarcastically to express her anger toward Mei's expressionless attitude.

"They did say to me that she fell because she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. That's just so like her I don't see why I need to be scolded" says Mei, doubtful.

"Yeah she certainly fell like an idiot, that's sooo like her right ? Indeed, she stumbled on that manhole 'cause all she does all day is study. And she was meticulously re reading a part of an advanced lesson, given that graduation day is coming."

Mei raised an eyebrow, this fact sure was entirely new and unfamiliar, like they didn't actually speak about the same person.

"You seem skeptical. She does all this for the sake of the Great Aihara legacy… You choose your family's reputation over her, and she knows that. Then now all she can do for you is not be a shame for miss Aihara" Harumi achieved her sentence in spelling the name like an insult, before continuing "and not be a hindrance for your fucking social escalator. In fact, you disgust me prez, and if Matsuri see you here she will be really, really mad… Please leave."

Her previously friendly nickname sounding now like an affront. But Mei didn't give it a damn as she was frozen, her brain was too overload. Not prepared for all these information and open reproaches. At this very moment, it looked like a truth she didn't want to hear. Thus, she accepted any blame to ease her guiltiness, even if she was not accountable to anyone.

"It seems fair you think that but..." began Mei before getting interrupted.

"Plus, she don't want you with her anymore you know" overkilled Harumi with assurance, a grin stretching her lips.

"You can't tell". It was barely an automatic murmur from Mei, but her opponent was surprised to obtain a vulnerable response from the stone-heart queen. In addition to that, she was certain her ancient president didn't ponder before responding.

"Yeah, but doesn't best friend fit for doing what the one can't do ? You're right she would never refuse you, then I do it for her. Get lost." Final blow.

Seeing Mei stuck in the ground, mute and indecisive, Harumi sighed. Maybe an error, maybe she will regret it later, but she decided to go easy on her, because all that matter was Yuzu's well-being. Then she gave Mei a chance. Better late than never.

"You're truly not a smartass when it comes to her… be in, I mean literally in the room with her. Or be out of her life like you intended to. You can't forever sit between two chairs you know" she hesitated before continuing "Actually, go over that damn door right now or I will be awfully mad"

Suddenly Mei was in, she didn't have choice, right ? Standing so close it was painful to not touch her. Lying in bed, less flashy than in her teen's memory, maybe because she wasn't wearing these huge earrings like she used to. Or maybe because she wasn't awake to give her the warmer smile she ever seen. But if Yuzu was awake, Mei was convinced she certainly wouldn't want to smile to her.

Then she stayed silent, looking to fully satisfy a growing hunger not having seen her since more than a year ago. When they first meet, she barely considered her new sister like someone. She was merely nothing. She wanted to make her as miserable as possible, just like her. She wanted to stay far away from her. She didn't understood why Yuzu was so involved with her, so bright and forgiving. Finally, it was normal to like standing near her. It was normal to like her.

Mei remembered how furious she was when her sister wasn't able to tell her how she was feeling, that whole time when she was so scared to know if Yuzu considered her like anybody, or worse, like a little sister such as Matsuri. Then she gave in, she accepted to go out with her, and everyday were entertaining as she learned to know her. It was awesome how Yuzu could get her off of her path. She was doing so many unusual things to please her. Her heart rumbling like crazy at every mark of affection.

To offend she was first, but to cherish she was still a kid. As long as love wasn't involved she was such a bitch, then it transformed her in a scaredy-cat. Afraid and lost, with feelings making her on edge as much as guilty to lie when she promised her to stay by her side forever. While knowing she was just an empty shell for the purpose of her family.

She was so attracted to her it almost hurt. Not really physically because she had no lust for anyone. She had no interest in anyone. She just wanted to touch only her.

Wanting, longing, fearing. A chill ran through her spine.

She was her everything. Mei truly, madly, loved her. Love her.

At this point she lost herself, shaking as she hid her face behind her hands.

She hardly regained composure just before a nurse walked in. "Aihara-san, can you come please ? We need you to fulfill some papers for your sister's discharge, she will probably wake up soon, and you two will be able to go home."

Mei agreed, papers were like her precious friends since they were apt to made her so tired everyday she was unable to think or depress. She signed some, then made her best contrite face to put on an act.

"I'm afraid I can't stay any longer, I have some appointment to attend. But I'm convinced her friend will be happy to take her home, safely" stating her obvious lie with a fake smile.

"Her friend ?" The nurse was puzzled. "But she left a moment ago, and you can't let her go home alone while she can have a concussion. Family is more important, isn't it ?"

Family. Yeah right. Damn Taniguchi. Sartre was right, Hell is other people.