Before they could even ring the doorbell, Fitz's mom had opened it for them. She had such a wonderful sparkle in her eyes for her son and her grandson. She launched herself into her oldest's son's arm and was careful not to jostle Gabe in his arms. She leaned back to look at her newest grandbaby. Fitz turned Gabe to see his mother fully.

"Gabe this is your grandma, Tate. Can you say hi?"

Gabe smiled at her and said hi. Tate kissed both his cheeks.

"Is this how we do it in France Gabe?" She asked.

Gabe laughed and shook his head yes.

Tate Morgan Grant looked at the mother of his beautiful grandson. "Olivia, it's great to finally meet you." She gave her a warm hug.

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Grant."

"No honey, it's just plain old Tate."

Olivia warmed inside to how Tate was welcoming her into her home for the first time. She was not sure of the reception she was going to get, but she was a little taken aback by how warm she was. She also noticed how much Fitz and Teddy looked like their mother. When she saw his father standing in the background she knew where they got their height. He came forward to get in on all the excitement.

"Well hello everyone!"

Jerry plucked Gabe out of his son's arms and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and then tickled him a little. Gabe squirmed and laughed at his Grandpa. Jerry hugged Fitz with his free arm and bent down to give Olivia a kiss on the cheek. Before she could greet him.

"Olivia, call me Jerry. It is so nice to finally meet the woman that has captured my son's heart. Come on in guys, take off your coats and follow me."

That's where they found Teddy's wife Elaine with her three children. Elaine although French still felt a little awkward around Fitz now. She still spoke to Mellie, but they were not best friends, but she still cared about what happened to her. So meeting Olivia and Gabe was a little weird. She still managed to get up and greet Olivia with the usual two cheek kiss and greet them both in French.

"Gabe, let me introduce you to your cousins."

The great room was covered in toys and kids.

She introduces him to his ten-year-old twin cousins Sawyer and Finn, and her daughter Genevive who was four. Before Gabe could memorize everyone's name the boys had pulled him over to the tv to play video games.

Fitz smiled and squeezed Olivia's hand he had been holding. "Well, Gabe's sorted," Jerry said.

"Olivia, I know you and Fitz must be exhausted traveling with a three-year-old."

"Actually, Gabe and I got a good nap on the plane thanks to your son's pre-planning. You would never know that was Gabe's first flight. Now, not sure about your son getting any sleep."

"Don't worry about me Mama, I got a cat nap as well. The flight was really good."

"Ok, then. Jerry can you pour us a glass of the red wine that I opened earlier to breathe."

"Will do Tat."

"Tat?" Olivia leaned over to whisper to Fitz.

"Yeah, that's the nickname my Dad has for my Mom."

Olivia could feel the tension between her and Elaine and she needed to nip it in the bud because they were there for at least two weeks and by the looks of Gabe and his cousins, they were having a great time.

"Hey Elaine, I do want to get a bit of fresh air, would you join me on the veranda outside?"

Elaine was a little taken aback by the request, but she politely nodded and slipped on a sweater as well as Olivia slipping on her coat again.

They walked and look out over the expansive back yard. It took a moment or two before Olivia spoke.

"Elaine, I know this is an awkward situation for you and I get it, but I would love to clear the air with you and hopefully get to know you better since you are from France and you do come often."

Elaine turned to Olivia, she was glad that she was taking the lead on this because she was not sure how she felt about everything that happened.

"Thank you, Olivia, for taking this head-on, but my uneasiness is not with you, but Fitz. I by no means am best buddies with Mellie, she can be her own kind of a pain in the ass, but I just didn't like the way Fitz handled everything including the way he hurt you as well. Teddy and I have no secrets and he told me everything as it happened. I'm just happy that you and Gabe have him in your lives. Fitz is a good man, but like Teddy will tell you. He doesn't always do what's best for just him."

Olivia was glad they talked and knew that Elaine had nothing against her.

"Thanks for being so frank with me about all this. So, when are you coming to Paris to shop with me?"

They both started to laugh. Fitz looked outside seeing both ladies sharing a laugh. He was glad that they were getting along and equally glad that his son was fitting right in with his cousins. Fitz got pulled into the kitchen with his mother. His father was trying to learn how to play video games with his grandchildren. He was in heaven even though he didn't have a clue what he was doing.

Tate was in the kitchen supervising staff on their dinner.

"So, when are you going to ask her to be your wife?"

Fitz nearly shot wine through his nose.

"Mama! Ease me into these conversations."

Tate laughed at her son.

"So how is it being a house husband of sorts?"

Fitz laughed at his mother being cute.

"Actually great! That kid can talk a mile a minute. He says some of the funniest things and God I love him to death. I love any time I get to have with him."

"Welcome to parenthood. Now imagine the talking a mile a minute in stereo with you and Teddy."

Fitz chuckled.

"So, when are you going to ask Olivia to marry you?"

"Always to the point huh, Mama."

"Would you have it any other way?"

"Not for a second."

"I plan on doing it this New Years' Eve. I've invited her friends from Atlanta and her surrogate father up for our annual party."

"Good, cause I'm due more grandchildren as cute as my little Gabbie."

"I knew you would give him a nickname."

Tate smiled at her son.

"On another note, you should know that your father invited Mellie and her family to the event. Like your father says, business is business. If I'd known you were coming home sooner, I would have headed him off at the pass with sending out the invite. They already RSVP'd."

"Well, I knew my luck could never hold out for long. So, I think I'll ask her privately then, but I know she will love seeing all her old friends at the party."

Before Tate could respond, Teddy came in and slapped his brother on the back.

"Good to have you home big brother." Fitz chuckled.

"It's good to be home little brother."

Tate couldn't resist after hearing that and just carest both their faces. She could almost see the babies she used to sit at the island in their high chairs just babbling away.

Both boys smiled at their mother.

Later that evening after they had gone down to the cottage. Fitz gave Gabe a bath and started a fire as the little family sat and listened to Fitz read Twas the night before Christmas. Before he could get deep into the book, Gabe was out for the count. Since they only had two bedrooms in the cottage Fitz just assumed he would sleep on the pull-out couch, but Olivia was having all kinds of feels from being around a family. Especially her little family and she finally realized that she was ready to be all the way where it counted. After Fitz came back from Gabe's room both of them settled on the couch and had another glass of wine.

"He was as limp as Gumby when I put him in the bed."

Olivia giggled.

"Speaking of sleeping arrangements. I want us to share the bed tonight. I'm not saying we have to do anything, but I want to be closer to you Fitz."

Fitz smiled and took her hand.

"I want that too. Being home and around my family has really made me see that we need to take the next step in our relationship. For all intense purposes, we are a family who just doesn't sleep in the same house. I want to wake up to you for the rest of my life Olivia and I want it to start tonight."

"Great, cause I'm sleepy and a little cold and you my love are like a little stovepipe in the bed."

Fitz laughed.

"Let's get you to bed woman."

Both were sleeping before they hit the pillow. Early morning Olivia tried to roll over and put her head on Fitz's chest, but she felt a small foot in her back. She rolled over to see Gabe curled up against his father asleep and Fitz staring at her with the biggest grin on his face.

Olivia whispered.

"When did he get in our bed? He hasn't slept with me in a while."

"I guess he knew he was somewhere new. He came in the middle of the night as said he was scared. So I picked him up and put him in between us. You better be glad you just got a foot in the back, I got a hand to the nose. That's why I'm up."

Olivia giggle. They both watched Gabe snuggle further into his father's side. Both smiled at their baby boy.