Okay... I only came up with this idea a little more than five days ago.

So, I was just lying in bed, my head busy, as usual, and then BAM! Suddenly, there was the idea, just waiting to be written! I could not stop thinking about it until I got to my computer and typed this down. I was just so excited!...so, anyways, I don't know exactly what you guys might think of this, but in my opinion, I think this is cool. And it fits with the episode entirely!

So, this might get a little weird and crazy, but it's packed with sibling fluff, and adorable-ness, so be prepared to find it...strangely cute.

I do not own TMNT at all. I only own OCs, which actually do not appear in this particular Fanfiction. So, basically, I own pretty much nothing in this fic except for the idea of this fic existing in all.

Well, that's pretty much it! I hope you like my first TMNT one-shot, Tested, and if you do, leave a review, favorite, follow, and as always…


If this didn't come to what it did, I would have never admitted to still having my fear.

After the whole incident, I hated to admit that, still, nothing had worked. I wasn't happy about it, but I had convinced myself it was hopeless. I was gonna be terrified of bugs for the rest of my life. Even what Master Splinter had told me was ineffective, though I didn't have the heart to admit it.

This is very hard for me. I don't want to be afraid, but sometimes it can't be helped. I'm lucky that Sensei understands. My brothers on the other hand...no, thank you. It's hard enough with them convinced that my problem makes me a wimp. It's awful. But if I try to talk to someone, they immediately think I'm doing it for attention. I don't want that. I just want to be understood.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. I growled. Can't they let me think in peace?! It was probably Mikey coming in to 'borrow' something, or something else like that. I definitely hope it wasn't Fearless, because I've had enough of him for one night. "Raph? Are you in here?" I blinked. I knew the voice of my brainy brother anywhere. "Yeah." I answered, unsure of where this was going. "Can I come in?" Donnie asked.

Reluctantly, I opened the door to reveal Donnie standing at the entrance, hands clasped together behind his shell, crimson eyes always wide and alert. And as usual, according to the look on his face, he meant business. "Come on, let's sit down." he said, and without waiting for a reply, he walked right in and sat down on the bed. I followed, making sure he saw the scowl. "Alright brainiac, what do you need from me?"

"Raph, I'm concerned." he said. I raised an non-existent eyebrow. "About what?" I asked, causing him to scoff in exasperation. "About you, meathead! You definitely made a spectacle of yourself earlier with...you know…" he then started making kissing noises with his lips. I groaned and hid my face in my hands. Earlier, I had been so scared that I started having hallucinations. And unfortunately for me, I also thought I had been kissing the girl I loved. Turns out, it was a giant ant mutant.

"That was the most disgusting thing I had ever seen, period. Not to mention...in front of Mikey!" Donnie said, earning another groan from me as I remembered that Donnie and Mikey witnessed the whole thing, with Donnie covering Mikey's eyes in horror. "I was hallucinating, okay?! Why are you even asking me about this?!" I shouted. I really didn't want to get angry again, but he was getting on my nerves, which I really didn't feel was the best choice he could be making at the moment. But that's Donnie for you. He's stubborn when he wants to be.

"Raph. I'm worried about you. This is getting out of hand, and I want to help." he said. "I guess you can call my your own personal psychologist." I did a facepalm. "Are you kidding me, Donnie?!" I asked. He shook his head. "You're welcome." he said. There was no backing out of this, and he knew it. He had me in a corner. My gosh, why does he have to do these kinds of things?!

"Listen, Raph. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." he said. "Everyone on the face of this planet has at least one fear. And I know your fear of bugs is one of the most dominant, besides seeing us hurt or in distress-the latter of which we all share to some extent. If we can get the the root of the bug problem, we can eliminate it." I sighed. Maybe this wasn't gonna be so bad. And I do agree that I need help.

"So...don't mind me asking...what happened to cause the fear?" he asked.

Oh crap. Did he have to bring this up now?! I could feel myself going pale. Why was this happening now?! Why was I panicking?!

I think Donnie realized he had accidentally crossed a line and backed off. "I-I'm sorry Raph." he said. "I probably shouldn't have said that straight out. You don't have to answer...but I would like to know at some po-OW!"

I jumped, startled by the sudden rise in the volume of Donnie's voice. I stared intently at my little brother, scanning for any damage. None from what I could see, but now it was Donnie's turn to go pale, his teeth were gritted together, and he was grabbing for his abdomen. Something wasn't right, but I couldn't figure it out. "Donnie, what's wrong?" I asked. "My stomach...throbbing…" was all he could get out, but I understood well enough.

"I'll go get Sensei!" I said, jumping up to sprint to the door. "NO!" he said, grabbing my hand. I looked back at him, and saw fear. He was afraid. "Please, don't leave me in here alone!" he said. I could feel my expression soften. I couldn't say no to him, not when he was in pain like this. "Okay, I won't leave." I said.


It was like one of our smoke-bombs went off. The next thing I knew, there was purple smoke everywhere. Donnie and I had both shrieked, startled, and I tripped over something, falling over. I spent the next few seconds coughing and trying to rub the stuff out of my eyes, which was weird, because smoke-bombs don't normally contain stuff to irritate the eyes. "Whoa!" I said. "Okay, that caught me off guard."


When Donnie spoke, that caught me off guard too. He sounded strange...quieter...and suddenly, while I began to collect myself, I realized that something must have happened while we were blinded. Something must have happened to him, because I've never heard him sound more spooked in my life. I mentally braced myself for whatever I was about to see, stood, and looked at the bed. Or rather, looked down at the bed.

What was sitting there, collapsed on the bed...was the most bizzare looking creature I've ever laid eyes on. It was small enough to perfectly fit into my palm, and jet black all over, with a few white stripes here and there. The entire lower body was round, and was very close to being bigger than a lot of the upper body, with three fine, pointy legs on each side. The upper body looked almost human in a way, besides the fact that the arms ended in points, with no visible fingers. And to top it all off, was a very confused head, looking back and forth, having no idea what just happened. The eyes were what really scared me. They weren't really eyes, just big, bulbous black orbs in the sockets. But the head shape...and the almost invisible gap tooth I could see in the tiny mouth...I knew exactly what this creature was, and who this creature was.

For a second, Donnie and I were both in shock, because neither of us really knew what exactly just happened, but I quickly shook off the initial surprise, for Donnie's sake. He definitely looked freaked out. And I knew I was definitely freaked out now, considering the fact that my brother had just...transformed. "D-d-donnie?" I asked calmly, so as not to alarm him. I don't know why I did it, but as carefully as I could, I scooped him up and lifted him up to eye level with me. "Are you okay?" I asked. This was nuts. How was this happening?!

It took a few seconds for Donnie to recover from shock as well, but eventually, he was able to speak again, still much quieter now thanks to his current size. "I...I think so." he said slowly. He then looked up at me with worry. "I feel funny." he said nervously. I couldn't help but snort. "You think?" I asked. I would have to admit though, it the same thing had happened to me, I probably wouldn't be feeling so great either.

"Here." I said, setting him down on the bed again. I had noticed he was trying in vain to see what he looked like, but was staring at his arms, and now fingerless hands, in what looked like horror. Instantly, I felt bad. This must have been pretty creepy for him. And I don't think he was gonna like what he was about to see. I had to stop myself from putting back the mirror so he didn't have to see. With that, I walked over and placed it in front of him. He stared back at his reflection mortified, brushing the tip of his arm over his cheek, blinking his eyes, shaking his head.

"Raph, I think I just turned into a spider!" he said, shakily.

No. Not a spider. Why a spider of all things?! Of everything it could have been?! Spiders were even worse than cockroaches… and now, my baby brother has just turned into one.

But I wasn't gonna be weak. Not when Donnie was caught up in this mess. I was gonna put on my brave face, and we were gonna get through this. "Okay. Donnie, I'm gonna take a leaf out of Leo's book and we're gonna handle this as calmly as possible."

Donnie's little mouth dropped open, which would have been comical on any other given day. "Okay, are my ears messed up now or something, or did I just hear you say that?" he asked. "You heard me right." I said. "Look, just stay in here, and I'll get Sensei. Maybe he'll know something about this that we can do." Donnie nodded weakly. "Okay. Be quick, alright?" Hearing how weak his voice sounded hurt me, a lot. I didn't like seeing him in this state at all. And I was not gonna let him stay that way for too long. "I'll be back soon, I promise." I said, casting one last glance at him before closing the door.

I'm fairly certain that it was well past ten. The lair was so silent, it felt as if it was past midnight. This was a little unnerving, especially considering the night Donnie and I have been having so far. Where on earth where the others? I looked everywhere for them, but no trace. Finally, I looked in the dojo.

There was Sensei, Leo, Mikey, and April, all meditating, deep in a trance. Darn it! They all choose now to be in a meditative trance?! Why now?! Why all of them?!

This wasn't good. Waking them up would mean disaster. That means we had no one to help Donnie. No way to help Donnie. If I called Casey, he wasn't gonna be much help at all, and I didn't trust Karai or Shinigami...wait...purple smoke...oh dear.

This was gonna make for an interesting conversation…

(About twenty minutes later...)
"Karai! Listen and listen very carefully! Tell Shinigami to turn him back right now!"

We had been going back and forth like this for around twenty minutes. I had grabbed my phone, dialed Karai's number (something I actually never pictured myself doing, considering how much I distrusted my older sister), pressed speaker, and the ranting began. Karai and Shini had both been behind this for some reason, and they refused to tell why. I was getting increasingly angry at them, which I didn't want to do, but this was a code red, full blown emergency.

Donnie sat on the bed, limbs out at weird angles, a worried expression written all over his face. As I mentioned before, in any other occasion, this would have looked hilarious. Now I was just anxious. There had to be a way for Shini to fix this, otherwise, we were in real trouble. Though if I thought about it, that included her getting in trouble too.

"Okay, so I admit, we just wanted to play a joke." said Karai. "No big deal." What?! No big deal?! I could feel myself getting red in the face. She was gonna regret saying that… and once again, I blew my top. "Oh yeah?!" I shouted. "You think this is some kind of JOKE?! You scared Donnie and I both out of our wits, and you think this is FUNNY?!" It took all my willpower not to throw down the phone in anger. "Shini, I know you're there, so I am speaking directly to you! Get your butt down to the lair right now and change him back, or I swear-"

"Okay! Okay! Shini and I are on our way!" shouted Karai, cutting me off. "We'll be there in fifteen minutes. Hang tight." The other end went dead. I sighed and turned back to Donnie. "Alright, D. Fifteen minutes, give or take a few. Everything'll be back to normal soon." I said, sitting back down. "You're gonna be okay." Donnie smiled weakly. "Thanks, Raph." he said.

For a minute, we sat in silence, patiently waiting for Karai and Shini to arrive and reverse this mess. "You realize they're gonna get Sensei and the others, right?" Donnie asked afterwards. I nodded. "I did realize that...and something tells me we're gonna have some explaining to do."

Donnie managed to shift himself to face me. "Well, the sooner we get this over with, the better." he said. "I'm more then ready to be back to normal." I couldn't help but grin at the sudden stern edge that had crept into his quieted voice. "Well, someone seems to be feeling like themself again, huh?" Donnie crossed his arms and glared. "Raph! That's not funny! You said so yourself not three minutes ago! Here you are laughing, while I can barely move in this shape!"

Oh gosh. I didn't even notice that. I barely even put any thought to why he wasn't standing. Now looking at how thin and flimsy his legs were at the moment, I quickly deduced that there was no way Donnie could support his own weight right now. The rest of his lower body had basically turned into a rounded sphere with six twig-like appendages that didn't have the proper balance to keep him upright, and especially weren't capable to serve as legs. Donnie wasn't used to this form. His body wasn't supposed to look like that, let alone move like that!

I felt guilty all of a sudden. Like, really guilty. Here he was, stuck in a completely unfamiliar body, with no ways to be restored for about twelve minutes, and he was still terrified. He didn't say it, but I could see it in his eyes, and the way he was still slightly trembling from the shock of it all. He needed me.

I lifted him up again, as gently as I could without inflicting any damage, and brought him up to eye level once again. "Listen. If you want, I'll tell you what bothers me about bugs so much." Donnie looked uncertain for a second, considering the fact that he came in here to talk with me about my fear of bugs, and ended up turning into a bug himself. Finally, I think his curiosity took over. "If you say so." he said. "But don't go ending up like me, too! We don't need both of us stuck this way." I chuckled. "I don't plan to, little bro."

I sat down, Donnie still in my hands. "Okay...I'm ready whenever you're ready." said Donnie. "This'll be a good way to pass the time anyways. Much better than having to explain this to Sensei and the others." I took a deep breath. I was gonna do this. I was really gonna tell, after so long of keeping everything bottled up.

"Cockroaches aren't actually my worst fear." I started out, forcing the words for my mouth fast. Donnie's jaw dropped. "Raph! Are you serious?!" he asked. I nodded. "I made believe it was cockroaches so you wouldn't have to know what it really was." I explained. "I think I did pretty good." Donnie's eyes stayed wide as he nodded. "Good? Raph, you were one heck of an astounding actor! I'm impressed! That must have been some phenomenal work, because you really had us all convinced!" I smiled. He looked and sounded pretty excited. Then he quieted down as he came to a sudden realization. His face fell as he figured it out, and he looked up at me.

"It's...it's spiders, isn't it?" he asked. "Your worst fear is spiders?" I looked down at my lap, avoiding Donnie's gaze. "Yes." I murmured. Then I quickly looked up. "Uh, I know you weren't in any control of that whole 'turning into a spider' thing, so I don't blame you." I said. Donnie was still a little skeptical, and that was confirmed a few seconds later when he asked a question that I will probably never forget him asking me.

"Raph, are you afraid of me right now?"

I went pale. This was the one thing I didn't want Donnie asking me. His own worst fear is tapping in; being rejected and/or hated in general. Being feared wasn't exactly new to him, but it fell nicely into that same category. It filled me with guilt to see him like that. Poor thing. I shook my head.

"No Donnie. I would never, ever, be afraid of you. Not even like this."

And that was the truth.

"The November of 2003, two months after we turned six, I was walking through the sewers with Master Splinter because I had lost one of my Sai in there during a training run earlier. Somehow, it got lodged in the ceiling, no matter how ridiculous that sounds. I think Leo or Mikey threw it up there after I beat one of them at sparring. Anyways, Sensei had just gotten in down, and it was dark, so we couldn't see the handle. While we were walking back, I felt something on the handle...it turned out to be a huge spider. I screamed, startling it, it ran up the handle, off the handle, onto my hand...and well, you can imagine how it escalated from there. It was dark, we couldn't see a thing, I was screaming and flailing around, and it took ages for Sensei to find and allow it to run off somewhere else." I explained, taking another breath after the long explanation.

"I had nightmares about spiders for weeks afterwards." I said. " I wouldn't leave Sensei's side, I wouldn't go into the sewers...I was messed up. That year for Christmas, Sensei got Spike...um, Slash actually, to get my mind off of everything. He did help though, and after a while, I finally calmed down and regained some of my bravery. But...something made that fear resurface actually. And it wasn't that long ago. It was actually seven or eight months ago, since it's the end of June right now."

Donnie caught on right away. "Spider Bytez." he said.

I nodded. "Not only was that guy a downright jerk, but...after he mutated...I was horrified. I mean, it was me having nightmares all over again. Not even Slash could help that time. It was awful. And when the whole Cockroach thing happened, I convinced you guys that I was afraid of them instead, so I didn't have to focus on the truth. I ran from the truth like a coward...and now you're stuck in this mess...I'm gonna try not to be afraid anymore, Donnie. For your sake. For you."

Donnie looked shocked. He blinked, wondering if he really heard all that right. Then, he smiled. "It's okay to be afraid of something, Raph. Like I said before, everyone on earth has a fear." he said. "At least you faced your own fear though. It'll probably never go away completely, but at least you can come to me." The smile then turned to an elfish grin. "Listen, I won't tell anyone. Partly because I know you'll smack the green off of me. Well, when I'm green again, that is. But...also, because I know that was personal. You're secret's safe with me. I promise." He wrapped his tiny arms around my thumb. It wasn't the best hug, I'll admit, but his options were limited. I appreciate his efforts.

"I won't tell either." We heard outside the door, making us both jump and yelp, startled. The door swung open to reveal Karai. "Nice job, Raphael. Shini and I knew you could do it. That's why we did this in the first place." The door opened even more, to reveal none other than Sensei, with a very impressed, yet stern expression as he looked the scene over.

"It seems as if you two boys have had a very eventful night, according to Miwa. I reckon you will come explain to us now?"

(Another twenty minutes later…)
"And you brought us in here, and here we are." I finished explaining as everyone listened.

"Hmm...interesting." said Splinter, stroking his beard and leaning in close to my cupped hands in order to inspect Donnie's current state. "And you two decided not to alert me of Donatello's transformation because…?" he trailed off, expecting one of us to finish. Donnie gulped, then cleared his throat for us all to hear. We were gathered in the dojo, all leaning over to see Donnie, because some of he others couldn't see him, due to the fact that he was so small.

"Well, Sensei, the truth is, Raph was gonna get you, but made a correct accusation that Shinigami was the culprit that caused the change, and called her down here to reverse the spell and get me back to my former state." Donnie explained, shouting a little to be heard. "And...with all due respect Sensei, we know from experience that it's never a good idea to wake you up from a trance when you're meditating!"

Sensei was quiet for a few seconds, but the he smiled. "Well, it seems as though you both proved to me tonight that you can handle situations like this on your own. And, it seems as if Raphael faced a personal demon. I am proud of you both for your bravery during all this." He then turned to his right and held out his hand. "On the other hand…"

It was the first time Donnie and I had laughed since this whole ordeal started. Leo and Mikey were still stuck in the same positions that they had been twenty minutes ago. Both were standing deathly still, eyes bugged, jaws dropped, pale in the face. They had taken one look at Donnie and totally flipped. Now this was what I call comical!

April had looked a little shocked at first, but quickly calmed down when we explained what had happened. Though I saw her glaring at Shini and grasping that crystal protectively in her hand as if it were about to fly away any second. Karai and Shini were both perfectly calm and silent during this, sending grins to each other. And the idiot who decided to call Casey down here at a time like this was gonna hear from me tomorrow, because low and behold, here he was, trying his best not to burst into hysterical laughing at the sight of his rival.

I decided to do something about that. Not seriously thought, but a good enough threat to keep him away from Donnie. "Alright. Giggle one more time at my baby brother, and you're gonna be missing more than three teeth by dawn." I said, while actually managing to keep a straight face. Casey backed off after that.

Donnie looked up at me with the biggest beam on his face, gap-tooth and all. "Raph, I own you a whole box of pizza gyoza for that little favor." he said. "How about tomorrow after this whole thing is cleared up?" I asked. "Deal. We can use a break from crazy every now and then." He agreed.

April walked over. "What were you guys saying to Casey?" she asked. I shook my head. "Eh, nothing. You know, guy stuff." April nodded. "Okay, guy stuff. I won't ask any further." She then looked down at Donnie. "They're getting ready to get you back to normal. You feeling okay?" she asked. Donnie nodded. "Yeah. I still feel a little strange after the whole 'transforming into a bug' thing, but other than that, I feel okay." Then he laughed. "As a matter in fact, I almost feel like myself again!" He looked up at me. "You were right, Raph!" April grinned. "Well that's great! I'm glad you're gonna be back to normal soon." A violet tinged blush crept over the inky black of Donnie's cheeks before vanishing when Master Splinter spoke up again.

"Shinigami, are you absolutely certain you can return Donatello to his original form?" asked Sensei. Shinigami nodded with enthusiasm. "You don't have to worry Mr. Hamato. I have had years of practice with this. Transformation is one of the easiest spells in the art of my magic." She turned to me and Donnie, whom I hadn't let go of for a long time. "It will only take a second or two, and he will be the way he was once more." Karai turned back to Sensei, smiling. "I should know, father." she said. "I've seen her perform this many times before. Donatello will be alright, we promise."

"I believe you, my daughter. And Shinigami, I trust you with Donatello's current state, and hope you are correct about restoring him." He then frowned. "However, I will ask you girls...why would you do something like this to Donatello. I do not recall him doing anything to either of you to prompt this...or anyone else, for that matter." Donnie looked up at our sister and her mischievous friend. "Yeah, Sensei has a point. I never did anything to either of you, so I can see you doing this to Raph, or maybe even Leo...but why me?"

Karai knelt down to eye level with Donnie. "Don't you remember? You were mentioning to me earlier that you were planning on talking to Raph tonight to help with his fear. When Shini got back, I told her about it, she got the idea, snuck down here, waited until the right time, and worked her magic, leaving just as quickly and silently as she went in. She only just got back to our lair when you two called." She looked up at us. "We only wanted to help, honestly. It may be a strange way to do so, but I think it worked, didn't it?"

"You know what, Donnie? It actually did work!" I said. "See? It need a little more understanding of the problem to overpower it." said Shinigami. "Therefore, turning Donatello into a spider helped greatly in this situation. Otherwise, you would have never dealt with your plight. But you handled it perfectly. We are also proud, of both of you. And if I'm not mistaken, I think it brought you two closer."

Donnie and I were both completely stunned to realize that she was correct at everything she said. I looked down at him, and the smile had never left his face. I couldn't help but smile too. We were proud too. Of each other.

"Are you ready my son?" asked Sensei. Donnie looked up at our father and nodded firmly. "Ready as I'll ever be." I did the same. "Me too."

I carefully set Donnie down on the ground, making sure he didn't end up getting injured. Shinigami got down on her knees, and placed her hands on the floor, yellow eyes closed tightly. We all stood back and watched as the same purple smoke from before begin to pool in her palms, then spill over the edges of her hands like mist. Donne started to get the same discomforted look on his face as he did before the first time he transformed. He began fidgeting slightly on the floor. Shini stood, fog like substance still drifting from her open hands. Her eyes snapped open...and that's when I knew to brace myself.


The same loud explosion sounded again, this time with everyone else jumping in surprise. I had covered my ears and squeezed my eyes shut just a split second before it happened. Everyone else was clearing the smoke with their arms and coughing. Well, everyone except for Shini and Karai, who stood perfectly still as if this was perfectly normal, and Sensei, who stood staring anxiously, waiting to see if Donnie had come out as his old self again.

And to everyone's relief, there was Donnie, sitting up and smiling. "DONNIE!" we all cried, rushing forwards and engulfing him in massive hugs. "Okay, okay, I'm alright guys, Go easy please, I'm still not feeling-you know what, nevermind, why bother?" Donnie said. "You doing okay?" I asked. "Yeah. Thought I have to admit, that was one weird experience." He said, turning to Shini and Karai, who had refrained from the hugs and stood watching the scene. "Okay, girls. The next time something like this happens, please don't pull a nutty stunt like this again?" They both nodded. "Agreed. But still, that doesn't mean I won't use my magic again. You had better watch out just in case...now farewell." said Shini, walking out of the dojo. "Karai, are you coming?" she asked. "In a moment." said Karai. She looked up at Sensei. "I'll come again soon, father. I promise. And, don't worry, I also promise that I won't try and turn my brothers into bugs again." Sensei smiled. "I know, my daughter." As she turned to leave, he called after her, "Stay safe, my daughter. Remember, I will always be with you, whatever path you choose."

"I already know father. And I will stay safe, I promise." she said. And with that, she and Shini were gone.

Casey was already asleep right on the dojo floor. Mikey was stretching and yawning, and April was rubbing her eyes. Even Donnie's eyes were droopy. "Hmm, looks like some of us are tired, huh?" asked Leo. In response, Mikey flopped onto the floor next to casey and they both began snoring in harmony. I noticed that Donnie was drifting off. Leo smiled at me. "April, you can go to the guest room for the night. I'll take Casey to the couch and Mikey to his room. Raph, you think you can handle Donnie?"

I nodded. "Of course, fearless." We bid a good night to each other and I helped Donnie to his room. "Alright, let's get you to bed. It's been a long night for all of us." I said, glancing at the clock to see that it was already well past eleven. I opened the door and we managed to stumble in. Donnie made no hesitations to flop forwards in a similar manner to Mikey (only much more dignified), and his eyes immediately closed. I only had the strength to throw a blanket over him before my own drowsiness overpowered my will to stay awake and I found myself collapsing into my own bed.

But what had put me to ease was knowing that my fear is under control, and Donnie was alright and well. I had done something great today, not only in the mission, but in the challenge afterwards.

We had been tested.

And Donnie and I had both passed the test with flying colors.


I'm having a little trouble comprehending what just came from my fingers and onto this document. By far, this has to be one of my favorite works.

So...what did you all think? Let me know. I'm glad Raph got a turn to share the spotlight this time, because I don't really excel in writing the other POVs besides Donnie's. In a way, I have been tested too. And I think I like the result.

Also, quick note, the Sai lodged in the ceiling was a tribute to the original 1990 TMNT movie, which is exactly one week away from turning twenty-eight!

So, that's just about it for this time! I hope you all enjoyed this, and once you're done, leave a review, favorite, follow, and as always…

Thank you! ;)