I know this is not a story but I am working on one. I just read Redwall and thought about I am that is - matthias so I wanted to se if it wold work for Harry Potter. Do you have any idea how many words you can get from that! Let me show you and if I have missed any let me know and I will add them. 120 words and counting


1 Letter Words: a
2 Letter Words: to oh at he ha oy ah
ER re or

3 Letter Words: rot rap ray rat rye top the
toy thy tar pot pay pet pat
par Poe pro pry hay hot her
hap har hat hoe oar opt oat
are apt ate ape ray rah aye
err eat ear era ret rap yap
yet tot yep yea ore

4 Letter Words: rate rope roar rare rote rash tote
trap tore that part pore pert peat
path pare pray hart hope hero harp
hear heat heap oath arty pyre Herr
hare part port teat poet rape tarp
tare year yeah they

5 Letter Words: terry parry petty party potty Perth heart
otter ratty Porte earth error taper tarter

6 Letter Words: terror parrot poetry pretty porter hotter hatter

7 Letter Words: Pottery portray